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A Surprise Encounter at the Christmas Tree
Date of Scene: 18 December 2023
Location: City Center - Metropolis
Synopsis: Jon and Megan meet, finding friendship with each other, and enjoying a bit of Christmas fun!
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Jon Kent

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann loves Christmas. No, really. M'gann LOVES Christmas.

Not just because the trees and lights and presents. But because the people tend to be nicer, and the emotional resonance she picks up tends to be more of good cheer and well wishes, warm feelings of family and seasonal enjoyment. It's so much easier to be out in public during Christmas. Especially in Metropolis. It's clean. It's nice. And the people tend to be happier.

Wearing her Megan Morse face, she's a young woman with shoulder-length auburn hair, warm brown eyes, a smattering of freckles across her nose. She has a decently athletic build currently covered by blue winter coat over a white long-sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans, with some nice winter boots. There's a knit cap complete with pompom on her head, a matching scarf around her throat, and her hands are bare when not tucked into her coat pockets.

She's gone to the center of Metropolis to enjoy the festivities around the giant lit-up Christmas tree, partake in the seasonal treats from the vendors, perhaps even try her hand at ice skating! For the moment, however, she's in line to get a cup of hot cocoa complete with those little marshmallows.

Jon Kent has posed:
"Excuse me, did you drop this?" Jon asks after bending down to collect a folded bill from the ground. The snow has been removed of course, but that doesn't mean that the ground isn't still damp. As a result the folded bill is a little soggy, which Jon acknowledges with a crinkle to his nose accompanied by an apologetic smile to the woman in the blue winter coat and auburn hair. He holds it out, waiting to see if she'll claim or decline it.

The young Kent is dressed in the jeans and a heavy dark grey winter coat. The bill rests within the pinched fingers of black woolen gloves and the beanie that he wears barely contains the majority of his hair, with a few curly black locks slipping from beneath and laying across his forehead. The glasses that he wears possess thick, durable frames - the sort often associated with the clumsy, who may frequently drop or even break their frames.

He offers a polite, yet subtling calming smile as he holds that folded five dollar bill out to Megan Morse before he offers as explanation, "I think you may have dropped it," from his place in line behind her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Turning, M'gann blinks at the bill and recounts the ones in her hand, "Oh! I think so.. thank you. I didn't realize..." Reaching out, she takes the soggy bill with a smile, apparently unconcerned with it's damp condition. It must have fallen while she was watching the people ice skating around as the line shuffled forward. She can sometimes get a bit.. overwhelmed.. by a lot of emotional output. Even the good kind!

She looks him over, tempted to do a telepathic scan on him just to be sure he isn't an enemy in disguise... but then rejects the notion. It's against the rules. She won't arbitrarily break those rules. M'gann offers a smile towards him and tips her head towards the vendor, "Can I repay your kindness by paying for your cocoa?"

She's still picking up on social cues, but that is one that she learned early. Repay kindness with kindness. M'gann sidles forward another step, only two more people ahead of her in the line.

Jon Kent has posed:
"You're welcome, of course," Jon answers the thanks with a cheerful smile and his blue eyes seem to alight as he adds, "Merry Christmas, too!" The acceptance of the bill results in his gloved hand moving back to his own pocket and soon burying itself there. He doesn't seem too cold, but he does give a little tremble of his shoulders as he exhales a steamy breath. Yet his smile still persists and that's probably because soon he glances off toward the large Christmas tree, the ice skaters, the twinkling lights, and all of the color that abounds. He takes it all in with a deep breath through his nose and then releases it from his mouth as a satisfied, contented sigh.

The question of repaying his kindness seems Jon momentarily wary. Judging by the slight frown that wrinkles his brow, the way that he ever so slightly leans backward, and his mouth opens with words that never present themselves; he's likely looking to decline the offer.

Another glance is cast toward the brightly lit Christmas tree, the smiles among the crowd, and all of the festive cheer as far as the - normal - eye can see. Finally he looks back to Megan and his prepared expression of polite refusal shifts. The smile returns and his blue eyes seem to alight with mirth before he offers a little nod, "Know what? Sure, I'd love that, please and thank you. The name's Jonathan," he begins as he extends a hand from his pocket toward Megan, "but I go by Jon usually."

The hand remains offered, even as he starts to shuffle forward. More to create space for others, but also to join with his newfound cocoa supplier as a companion in the line, rather than a fellow line participant. He's moving ahead in the world. Or at least in that line, two people away from a nice hot drink.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan watches him with that polite yet friendly expression, a smile on her lips. Even as she tries to dissect the shifts in Jon's own expressions, sensing the emotional shifts in him as she waits patiently for his response. Her eyes follow his to the tree, the lights, the people, the general air of good cheer. Then back again to meet his gaze as it clears and she feels that sense of suspicion allaying. Reaching out her one hand, she clasps his to give a shake, "Megan. I... don't have a nickname. So just.. Megan."

Releasing his hand, she smiles once more as he steps up beside her, her eyes turning once more to the festivities as she breathes out, "I love Christmas time. Don't you? Everything seems so much... brighter... better. More hopeful. People are nicer, and the foods are wonderful." M'gann looks to him with a smile, then back towards the Christmas tree as they shuffle ahead another few steps. One more person ahead of them until hot cocoa! "I love the Christmas trees too. No two are the same, everyone decorates them differently. People have preferences, even, for the types of tree they prefer. Some refuse to buy artificial, some even insist on particular species of pine or fir."

She lets out a happy little sigh and nods, "Definitely, it is my favorite time of the year." Looking back to Jon, M'gann flushes, "Ah, sorry. I sometimes... overshare. I can become... chatty. Overwhelmed by a... and I am still doing it." Clearing her throat, she reaches up to tuck a lock of ahri behind one ear.

Then its their turn! Stepping up, M'gann holds out the bills and smiles at the vendor, "Two please. With marshmallows."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Not even Meg?" Jon's question is asked innocently enough and it is, in fact, innocent. He gives a little shrug at himself, more than Megan, and carries on with a smile, "Megan it is then". The smile persists for a moment. Even when Megan begins to expand upon the many virtues of the Christmas season and the varied reasons that she considers it among her favorite holidays. He shuffles forward alongside his cocoa friend and his smile persists. It's small and stoic, but that content little smile seems to carry with it a far greater seed of sincerity. It isn't some big, stupid grin. It's a small smile, happiness at seeing someone who enjoys something so much and having an opportunity to speak on it.

When she begins to chastize herself for oversharing, Jon's quick to answer it with his small smile suddenly blossoming into a greater form; like a butterfly slipping from within its cocoon and now far more vibrant, "Share all you'd like, Megan. I think it's great". He pauses a moment, pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose with the tip of a gloved finger before he explains himself.

"I love Christmas too. As a kid, it was the gifts and everything. As I've gotten older," says the kid that looks no more than a year or two older than eighteen, "I've learned that it's about the cheer and camaraderie that I like it. Yeah, you'll get your Scrooge here and there, but most people are just happier. Plus all of the decorations?" He lets out another content sigh. Which peculiarly enough he covers with a hand. Maybe he's afraid that he needs a mint.

When his hand drops away again he adds, "I also always find the white lights versus colored lights debate so amusing. I personally fall on the side of colorful lights. White lights might be classy, but they're so *boring*"!

Then it's their turn to step forward and Jon does so, still a step and a half to the side of Megan. Close enough that it's clear they're together, but not so close that recently acquainted strangers might feel uncomfortable. He stands there in silence with his blue eyes traveling, moving from Megan and around to the downtown plaza while he awaits the completion of their order and the resumption of their conversation.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Shaking her head, Megan chuckles, "Nicknames aren't very common in my family, I'm afraid." Giving a nod, she smiles at him when he uses her full name, "Thank you. Meg sounds somehow.. like it belongs to someone else." Her own smile is a persistent thing, friendly, polite, not overly large, but clearly visible. She knows that smiling too big will unnerve people, a hard learned lesson. So she experimented again and again until settling on the one currently worn.

When his grows, however, her eyes widen as she watches how it transforms his face, opening up his features and adding more warmth, more reassurance. Her own fight eases up a bit more, widening to shoe a neat row of pearly white teeth, "Thank you. I can sometimes say too much and I find that when I do, people tend to think me... odd." Clearly, this is a girl that wears her heart on her sleeve for all to see.

Laughing lightly as he relates that childhood Jon delighted in the presents, giving a nod, even though she herself never experienced Christmas as s child. Still, he tells the story well and she enjoys listening to the cadence of his voice. It's soothing and endearing. Glancing towards the tree once more, she grins briefly, "I agree with you wholeheartedly, especially about the decorations." Her room at the Roost is a Christmasy explosion.

Lifting both brows, she chuckles then shakes her head, "Colored lights, always. Though occasionally I do see those blue and white ones? They always look pretty."

Once they've collected their cups of hot chocolatey goodness with tiny marshmallows bobbing merrily on top, M'gann steps aside so others can get their own Christmas Cheer Cocoa, moving towards a less crowded area where she can still watch the festivities. "I was considering trying my hand at ice skating. I've never been in a position to try it before. Is it terribly hard, do you think?" She blows away the steam on her cocoa and takes a sip, glancing up at Jon.

Jon Kent has posed:
After retrieving his cocoa and shuffling away to continue the discussion with Megan, Jon takes a sip from his own cup. The steam that wafts up from it causes his glasses to steam up and he gives a sudden, yet quite brief, little grin. He takes his sip and lowers his cup so that the ambient temperature of his lenses may stabilize again, permitting the fogginess to dissipate. Despite it all, Jon carries on with their conversation, "The blue and white ones? Oh yeah, those are great too. There's still color to them though, so that still counts in the colored lights column, right?"

Jon dips his chin, maintaining the illusion of being blinded by foggy lenses. That way he can look at Megan still, yet likely made all the more blurry by the fact that he couldn't look through the lenses of his glasses. He doesn't seem too bothered by it.

The talk of ice skating earns a little nod of his head, a smile again tugging at his lips before he answers, "Way I've always heard it? People who are experienced and know how will say it's really easy. Those who are trying it for the first time? The ice tells them otherwise". He begins to laugh at this. Nothing too boisterous or obnoxious. Just light, wholesome laughter to add to the other sounds of cheer and happiness that seems to float throughout the City Center of Metropolis.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Well, yes, they still count under the colored column, since they have color. But they are also very close to the white ones, since they only have two colors. So not *as* pretty as the fully colored lights, but still prettier than the plain white lights." M'gann offers her opinion with a smile, lifting her cup for another sip of the chocolate goodness. She doesn't have glasses in this face, though she now wonders if perhaps she should. If it would help to further lend credence to her 'normalcy'.

"Do you prefer the tinsel garlands or the tinsel strands? I find myself torn. The garlands are very nice, but the strands allow for more freedom with the decoration." She seems genuinely torn by the options for tinsel on a tree, a small furrow appearing between her brows as she considers both sides of it. Looking back to him for his opinion on the obviously quite serious matter.

Nodding to the information he gives her on ice skating, M'gann looks out to the skaters and smiles, "They seem to be having so much fun, even the ones that fall, or move slowly.. though it seems to be more of a couple, or group, activity." Pausing again, she mulls this over, then looks to him with a smile, "Would you care to try with me? Perhaps together it would be more fun." The question is posed innocently enough, with that friendly smile having lost some of it's distant politeness and gained some bit of warmth.

Jon Kent has posed:
Another nod of agreement is offered from Jon on the subject of lights. He seems to agree on the matter of their being dangerously close to being classified as white lights, "That's true. I think it's safe to say that all of the lights, no matter their color, have their place". He takes another sip of his cocoa and again subjects himself to the steaming up his glasses, but he doesn't seem to try to work around them. Jon just accepts the inconvenience. It is the price to pay for good hot cocoa in the winter.

The question of garlands or strands for tinsel earns a thoughtful look from Jon. He turns his attention away from Megan while he considers her question. Instead he watches the great tree itself and his fingers lightly drum against the cup that he holds, although the sound is muted beyond his touch being light; the wool gloves that he wears serves to better muffle the sound. He does eventually turn his attention back to Megan, "I think the garlands. I've seen some with the strands before and really, that cleanup has to be exhausting, right?"

He looks out over the skating rink and then back to Megan. He nods along with her observations. Though the question that follows is met by a moment of consideration. It isn't so much a hesitation as it is a brief span of thought. Jon's blue eyes wander back to Megan though and he offers her a smile in return to the one that she presents, growing with increasing warmth, "Life's too short not to try new things, right? I'm willing to give it a try". He doesn't leap to the opportunity though. Not yet. He still has a cup of hot cocoa in hand and the conversation has plenty of life that it can still live, "You know another activity I really enjoyed as a kid, when I was able to get somewhere to do it?" He pauses for a moment to allow his words to hang in the air for a split second, creating an artificial pause in his words before he concludes, "Sledding. That was sooo much fun!" His happiness and excitement at not only the prospect, but more likely the memory of the activity, is almost infectious.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Agreed, a place for all lights, even the white ones. It must be a relief for the colorblind, after all, to not have to guess which lights are which." M'gann is quick to agree with his overall assessment, lifting her own cup for another sip. Still pondering the merit of adding glasses to her 'disguise'. In the end, she decides against it. The addition might help further distance her 'public' persona from her secret one, but it would be difficult to maintain the need to have them 'fog over' in appropriate situations, or having to deal with rain, or anything number of things.

His opinion on the garlands versus strands has her nodding slowly, "I suppose so, though I believe that is why there are so many of those festive 'tree bags' being offered now. You set it up beneath the tree skirt when you set the tree in the holder, then when you take down the tree, you simply unfurl the bag and let all the excess fall right into the bag. Once the decorations are away, you simply pull the bag up over the tree and tie it off, carry the tree to the curb. Much less mess to deal with." Pausing, she adds, "However, that means the strands must be bought each year, whereas the garland could potentially last for years before needing to be replaced."

Turning her eyes and attention back towards Jon as he contemplates her offer. His acceptance draws her smile wider and she gives a nod, "Yes, and thank you. It is not always easy to find someone to share in activities with." Though, much like Jon, M'gann seems to show no true urgency to get to the skating once it's decided. They have cocoa, and the conversation is still lively and interesting! Sipping once more from her cup, she smiles at him, "I've never been sledding either. I'm afriad there was no snow where I grew up."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Tree bags," Jon echoes with a little chuckle, "they'll think of anything to make a buck, huh?" He seems to consider the prospect before finally he offers a little shrug, "I think I'd still go for the garland wreathe. The strands are just a little too much chaos for me, you know?" He laughs softly. It's a genuinely happy sound. The sound of youth simply enjoy life, its surroundings, its company, and all that accompanies it. The laughter slips away and Jon turns toward the tree, putting Megan to the side of himself. A nice, companionable position. Not too close, not too far. Perfect for someone you've only just met. "A tree that size though, I bet it'd look magical on there. All those lights, the ambient light of the city. It would really shimmer."

He steals another sip from his cup of cocoa and this time he's wise to tilt his chin up a little, preventing the vapors of steam from impacting with his glasses directly. This, at least, prevents his glasses from fogging over too much. On the subject of ice skating he offers a little nod, while his free hand rises up to pull his beanie down a touch to better cover his head; which in turn conceals yet more of the curly locks that sprout from beneath his headwear, "Then hey, we can experience it together. That's got to count for something. If I mess it up then at least I'm probably taking you down with me," he says with good cheer.

The talk of not much snow results in a little smile from the young Kent before he remarks, commisserating, "I get that, definitely. I grew up somewhere really flat, which doesn't make for the best sledding, you know? Except on some winter vacations, when we'd go somewhere else."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I imagine it is much like so many othe products these days..." M'gann glances up at him with a faint smile, "You pay for convenience. Bags for the trees to make disposal easier. Ornaments made of plastic so they don't break as easily." SHe lifts a shrug and smiles, "I still like to find the glass ornaments. The handmade ones. They seem so much.. prettier." She smiles up at him and nods, "But I agree that the garlands are more.. orderly." Looking back towards the tree herself, M'gann gives a nod as she sips from her cocoa, "All the strands shining and twinkling in the light.. picking up the lights and reflecting them back out.. like it generates its own positive energy and sends it out into the world."

Looking back to Jon, M'gann laughs lightly, "Or perhaps I'll be the one to catch you if you fall. I'm stronger than I seem. Lots of climbing, running, pilates." She lifts one arm and flexes it... completely hidden by her coat. "But I will gladly expeirence ice skating with you. Even if we both fall. It will be fun!" Her smile is bright and cheery, a young woman enjoying an impromptu outing with a nice young man.

M'gann nods and offers, "We had height, but it was also not for sledding. Mesas. Canyons. I suppose we can have slid around in the sand, but that would have required a lot of work." She pauses, then looks to him, "May I ask, where would you go on vacation?"

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon nods along with M'gann's observations regarding commerce and convenience. He smiles while she speaks of the twinkling lights and the positive energy that the season and all that comes with it, may create. He does add with a little smile, thinking fondly back upon a memory, "My mom had those old, old tree lights. Real vintage ones. She had them for a few years, but eventually modern sensibilities gave way. I miss those lights, they just hit a little different". The smile remains though, despite that fleeting sense of loss. It's a happy memory regardless.

When Megan looks back to him, Jon's attention turns from the large Christmas tree dominating the City Center so that he can look back to her. He smiles a touch when his eyes land on her and her light laugh, followed by her insistence that she may just catch him earns a shy chuckle out of the Kent, "If you think you can catch me, then I'm all for it".

While M'gann speaks of her home, Jon listens intently. He nods a time or two before he asks with a tilt of his head, "Mesas, canyons, sand. Arizona, Nevada? Utah?" He doesn't ask if she's Mormon.

After a time Jon does finally finish his cocoa, a little smile ghosting across his face. He's quite satisfied, happy, and content. Another look to the tree only seems to broaden his smile before his attention turns back to Megan with an expectant raise of his brows. As though to ask her if she's ready to experiment with their next challenge: ice skating.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"They sound amazing.. I wonder if I could find some. An antique store perhaps, or one of those Christmas Villages, where people still make things the old ways," M'gann smiles briefly at the thought, then looks to Jon. "If I find them, would you like me to tell you about it? And you can get a set for yourself?" She pauses, then adds, "Unless I am overstepping." Her gaze turns back to the tree and a small breath is exhaled, peaceful, "There is something about all of this that makes me.. want to do more. Give more." Blinking, M'gann clears her throat and offers a sheepish smile, "Sorry. I'm oversharing again."

Finishing her own cocoa, she looks back to Jon and flickers a smile, "If I cannot, then we fall together. And then we will pick each other up again." Because that is how people help one another!

"Arizona. And no, I am not a Mormon." M'gann looks at him with a smile, "I do believe in aliens, however. Though I guess that's no surprise to anyone anymore. But I have always believed, even before it was 'known'." She grins briefly, "I suppose that makes me a little strange."

M'gann is.. strangely content. This is going much better than most of her interactions, and she has made connections that she was not expecting. They like similar things. Like Christmas. And older tree lights and ornaments. Perhaps more! The temptation to scan his mind is so tempting, but she resists. Instead, she turns back to him and smiles, giving a small nod. Ice skating. She moves with him towards the entrance to the rink, where the skates are being rented, droping her cup into a trash bin along the way.

Jon Kent has posed:
"Tell me about them? Of course!" Jon answers with a smidge of excitement tinging his joy at the idea, "I'll get you my number in case you do. Or, you know, if you just want to hang out again. If that would be something you're interested in". Toward the end of his statement, Jon begins to stumble his way awkwardly through his words. He does smile by the end though. He knows that the bumbling shyness sounds a little ridiculous and embarrasing. At least he's self aware.

He flashes a smile back at the assurance that they'll fall together if she can't catch him. He nods with her words and then again at the mention of Arizona and not being a Mormon. That admission only serves to bring a broader smile to his face, his blue eyes considering Megan for a long moment. "It's a little strange, but we're all a little strange I suppose. Everyone's got their little things they tuck away, afraid to show others because it makes them vulnerable, right? People hide their interests that may be nerdy or whatever, because they're afraid of being teased about them". There's a long pause before Jon shrugs once and shifts his empty cocoa cup into his other hand, "I guess you should just wear them on your sleeve. Not everyone is going to like you and some are going to think your interests are mid, at best. May as well like what you like and just be happy with yourself, you know?"

He shrugs it all off as he gestures with a nod toward the ice rink some distance away, commenting as he does so, "Want to head over?" He does hold out a hand, offering to take M'gann's empty container to dispose of it on her behalf.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Yes!" M'gann gives a nod and grins at him, glad that he gets it. That he understands. She blinks when he mentions hanging out again. Her head cants to one side as she processes it. Then blinks again when it registers. "*Oh*! Yes! Yes, I would very much like that, too." Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out her phone, unlocking it and jumping to her contacts. Pulling up the new contact, she offers the phone out to him and smiles, "Put in your number? I'll text you, so you know it's me."

She returns his look, that smile widening as he accepts her strangeness and even expands on it. Nodding her agreement, M'gann offers a wide smile towards him, "I like that. And.. it sounds right. Sounds *true*. Feels true." She doesn't ask about his strangeness, he'll tell when he's ready. But his next comment has her laughing, "I have been accused of that more than once. Wearing my heart on my sleeve? Being.. too open." M'gann doesn't seem to be inclined to change, however.

Nodding, she smiles at him, "I am." His offered hand has her pausing, looking, then looking up at him, taking his hand in hers. Misunderstanding what he was offering. "This is exciting."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Definitely," Jon answers back with a smile as he accepts the phone. He doesn't meander about or take his time. He's quick in tapping his number into the field and then holding the phone back out to Megan so that she may retrieve it in timely fashion. He offers her a smile as he does so, bobbing his head with a nod as he comments, "Then if you find those lights somewhere or want to hang out sometime, maybe get a bite to eat or something? I'd like that," he says with a small smile that persists.

"I think it sounds true, too. You have to be true to yourself, before you can be true to anyone else, right?" He smiles again, this time with a little more confidence and no less cheer.

Though when he holds his hand out for the hot cocoa container, now emptied, and M'gann seems to take that as the signal to hold his hand; Jon smiles a little more, though a touch bashfully at that. He clears his throat, coughing lightly along with it before he offers with a gentle, reassuring tone, "Your cup," he begins with a soft smile that is doesn't bear the hallmarks of teasing but a simple misunderstanding that carries some harmless amusement, "I was going to throw it away for you. I mean, if you want to hold hands or something, as friends? That's okay!" He says with a just a little more enthusiasm than he intended. "Whatever you're comfortable with, I guess, I'm," he pauses, collects himself with a little breath that he releases slowly and soothingly, "I'm not trying to make you feel awkward or anything is all."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann takes the phone back with a smile, sending out a text immediately to his number. 'This is Megan. We should hang out again soon.' Then tucks her phone away once more and looks back to Jon with a nod, "I would very much like that. Perhaps this weekend? We could visit the aquarium, get food, perhaps have coffee after? If you drink coffee, that is." She may or may not have previously looked up what people do to 'hang out'. Since she's not sure of the Metropolis music scene, or his preferences, this seems a safe alternative.

She looks from their joined hand, then back to him, blushing again at her misunderstanding. Then he's explaining further and offering to continue holding hands, her smile returns. M'gann holds out the cup to him, slowly withdrawing her hand and asking, "Perhaps once we are on the ice? Holding hands may help increase our collective balance."

Once the cups are disposed of, she'll clasp her hands in front of her and walk alongside him with a murmured, "I am sorry if I embarrassed you.." Darting a glance up to Jon, M'gann offers a small smile, "But I would not mind holding hands again, sometime. Yours are warm, and you have a firm grip. It was nice." This totally isn't awkward at all, with M'gann clearly trying to cover up for her misunderstanding, but perhaps making it even more apparent with her attempt.

Jon Kent has posed:
"Th--" Jon starts to speak. Yet when the text is received and his alert notifies him, it's with a sudden burst of sound. YYYYYEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH. That sudden eruption of sound bursting from Jon's own pocket has left him frozen. Wide eyed, lips parted, his tongue pinched between his teeth where he had only just began to speak. He releases his tongue and begins to chuckle, all the while his hand shoots into his pocket and he begins to feverishly try to turn off the sound of his phone. The sound itself does not persist beyond that one simple shout, but Jon doesn't seem eager to have it repeat itself. Ever. Ever again. He begins to chuckle again as his hand is removed from his pocket. "I, uhm, sorry about that," he says while he smiles again. Now he possesses a grin. An uncomfortable 'oh God, what have I done?' grin. He pinches his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment. Nervousness. When he does finally release it, he swallows around the thick lump that has formed in his throat.

He doesn't delay now. He promptly turns and begins to move, even as all eyes seem to have turned from all of the holiday cheer, now toward Jon and M'gann. He dips his head, lowers his eyes, and even works to pull his beanie down a touch to further cover his hair and forehead. He comments back to M'gann, as though trying to absolutely forget that happened, forever, and ever, as he goes, "You didn't embarrasse me at all, I promise you that. Clearly I can do it *just fine* on my own," he says this with an unabashed smile. He continues to walk toward the rink with his head down, but doesn't miss a beat in continuing his conversation with his new friend, "We can hold hands again, sure, I'm okay with that". Whether that's to distract her from his own blunder or not, who's to know.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann, for her part, doesn't seem to understand why or how he was embarrassed. The sound from his phone drew her eyes, of course it did. It was quite loud. But she's heard many more obnoxious or annoying ringtones and alerts. So she simply smiles at him and doesn't mention it, shaking her head, "Nothing to be sorry for, Jon." She'll even give him a small nudge with her arm as they turn to head off.

When he starts moving faster, though, her brows furrow a tiny bit as she tries to determine if she's done something wrong, or perhaps reacted incorrectly. His comment allays that fear and leaves her with a smile once more. And at the last statement, she reaches out and takes his hand again.

"If I should not be embarrassed for my slip, then neither should you," she smiles up at him, her expression still open and friendly and with that touch of warmth. Perhaps appreciative that he is as 'human' as she, capable of making mistakes or embarrassing himself.

When they do reach the rink, M'gann will rent a pair of skates that seem the appropriate size, waiting for Jon to get his, then moving to an area where they can put their things into a locker while getting into their skates. And this is where M'gann has a moment of panic. She's not actually wearing boots, the outfit is just part of her bio-clothing, shifting into whatever form she needs. Thinking quickly, she casts a small illusion. The 'boots' are removed and set aside while she laces into the skates, then tucked into the locker. "Okay! I believe I am ready."

Jon Kent has posed:
While his hand is taken again and Jon's led off toward the rink, he laughs a touch. He nods along with Megan's sentiment regarding their slips and that neither should be ashamed of them. He nods along, all the happier for her own words of encouragement and reassurance.

When they do reach the rink, rent their skates, and start to work at changing; Jon is far too busy minding his own business to notice anything out of the ordinary. Not that there was anything out of the ordinary. He works to get his ice skates on stowing his own belongings that he needn't keep on his person. As he pulls the second on and gets it laced up tightly about his foot. When he stands he sends his blue eyed gaze back toward M'gann and his smile only serves to return swiftly upon finding her and her enthusiasm awaiting.

He begins to move and the first step or two is taken with surprising grace. There's only a moment of hesitation. He swallows thickly, realizing that he must look a little less confident. That's when Jon's right ankle threatens to buckle and he steadies himself with a hand against a nearby bench, preventing him from falling entirely. He looks up with another little bubble of laughter, at himself, before he offers a nod and pushes himself up to standing once again. He takes his next few steps like a small woodland animal taking its first steps in a bright, new world. As he draws nearer to Megan he reaches out toward her with a hand, laughing giddily as he practically stumbles his way toward his soon-to-be skating partner.

When he does finally reach Megan, he corrects his posture and offers out his hand toward her, practically bowing his head as he theatrically asks with faux charm, "Will you join me in making a fool of ourselves, Miss?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Standing on her skates, M'gann has to resist the urge to lower her density to make the balancing easier, instead wobbling a little as Jon approaches. When he reaches a hand out, she laughs and takes a few duck-walking style steps forward to reach back out towards him. As if the mere act of reaching will aid them in balancing. There's something that's just enchanting and silly about the pair of them trying to maneuver in their skates that makes her smile and laugh more.

Her eyes widen when he turns courtly, laughing once more and giving a nod, "I would be delighted, Sir." M'gann takes his offered hand and grins at him briefly, then carefully turns to start them towards the ice. Thankfully, they aren't too far from the rink, and there are benches and tables to help them stay upright until they reach it! Once at the entry point, however, she looks up at him. "Perhaps we should enter separately, to ensure we each have our balance before attempting to move across the ice together?"

M'gann glances to the other people also lacing into skates and then back to Jon with a smile, "It would be very rude of us to take up the entrypoint if we both fall together." She motions to the entry, "Please, you first. I will follow."

Jon Kent has posed:
The invitation is accepted and Jon's grin blossoms into full bloom as he offers a thankful nod in answer. Though as they approach the entrance to the rink and Megan offers her insights, Jon's quick accept them with a nod and another easy smile, "Yeah, that's a good idea, Megan. I'd hate to inconvenience others because of our clumsiness". He treats it like a playful thing to banter over, but of course it's true. At least he may have to make it true. The invitation for his to go first results in Jon stepping forward and onto the ice, using the wall and rail to act as a stabilizing force for him on the slick surface. He tries to keep his back straight and not lean too much one way or another.

For the moment he maintains his balance and glides forward with only the whisper of his blades carrying him a few feet forward. Sure, he has to remain absolutely still and his arms are kept at his side much akin to a penguin and its flippers; but he stays upright! He takes care in turning himself, his skates thunking against the ice as he moves himself about so that he may face Megan and her own effort to move out onto the ice.

He offers her some words of encouragement, a smile dazzling his face and his eyes alight with hope and enthusiasm, "You can do this, Megan! I know you can," he offers with cheer in the shadow of the tree looming over the plaza. He holds a hand out for her, beckoning her onto the ice and toward him. He stands ready to prevent her fall or at least soften it if it's within his power. Also to pull her away from the passage onto the ice in the event she does begin to fall, hopefully to prevent exactly her worry of blocking the path for others.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann watches his progress curiously, but also with encouragement, both in words and smiles. When he makes it out onto the ice and manages to turn himself without falling, she gives a small cheer and claps for him. Clearly pleased with how he's managed himself, it's not her turn to make her entrance onto the ice. She bites down on her bottom lip briefly, apparently trying to gather up her courage, though in fact try to make sure she doesn't move TOO quickly or smoothly.

Nodding to herself to show her readiness, she duckwalks her way to the very edge, holding onto the low wall as she steps gingerly onto the ice. She's a little wobbly, but her smaller frame and lower center of balance helps her to maintain a bit more upright of a stance. She takes a moment to glance around, making she she won't be skating into anyone, then re-sets her feet and pushes off to glide over towards Jon. The movement is slightly awkward, but also shows an innate athleticism, enough to suggest that she likely does some form of athletic training that helps with balance. But then, what young woman these days *doesn't* do yoga or spin classes or something similar?

When she gets nearer to him, she'll turn her right foot to be perpendicular to the left, letting it scrape braodside behind her so she can slow and come to a stop that includes a bit of a wobble and sway. Laughing in delight, she reaches for his hand with both of hers, then smiles up at him, "Oh, this is more exciting than I anticipated!" M'gann looks up into that boyishly charming face and smiles, "Shall we?"

Jon Kent has posed:
M'gann steps awkwardly onto the ice, only to gradually transition into a relatively smooth glide in his direction. All the while Jon wears a shameless grin upon her youthful features. It is a grin of happiness and pride. It's a grin at seeing someone else accomplish a goal and the happiness that he feels for them. When she draws ever closer to the point that Jon may extend a hand for her taking and speaks of the excitement of it all, Jon answers her words with a bit of gentle laughter, "It really is, isn't it?"

When Jon extends his hand toward Megan when she asks her question of their next steps, Jon seeks to claim hers and offers her a confident nod in return, "Let's do it". He turns himself with a few nimble, yet still awkward, steps. Once he has Megan's hand in his own, he begins to slide himself forward. One foot after the other, he takes easy strides. There's some wobbling to his posture, but overall he seems to maintain himself well enough as he and M'gann skate with their hands connecting them to one another.

Wisely, Jon doesn't pull his attention away from their path ahead and the people within it. Deep down he recognizes the important of his not running into others or, hopefully, avoiding their running into him. While he may not spend much time looking aside toward Megan, Jon does at least keep up their conversation. Though now it evolves since they've no longer Christmas trees or other decorations to talk over, "You're doing really well, Megan, you're a natural!" He offers this compliment with a bright smile that reaches up to alight his blue eyes. He does spare a moment to push his glasses up higher with his free hand, which results in a minor wobble, but he maintains his position as he glides along with the scrape of ice heralding his passage. "You play any sports or anything? Or are you into other things?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Matching his grin with one of her own, M'gann reaches out to take the hand he's extended, both of hers closing around it as she draws in closer to him, the vapor of her breath puffing up between them. "It really is." Setting her skates so they're both faced towards the rest of the skating crowd, keeping one hand curled around his and looking up at him with a bright smile, "Together?" As soon as she has his agreement, she'll start off, slowly. Trying to match her strides to his so they can keep pace with one another.

Gliding forward, her strides are smooth, if her balance is a bit wobbly. Trying not to move too fast or too slow, wanting to keep pace with him. They aren't professionals by any means, but they manage to move together without dragging each other down!

Keeping her eyes on the ice ahead of them, M'gann still keeps up the conversation, laughing softly. "Thank you! I've never done anything quite like this.. it is difficult but very... invigorating! Rewarding. And... better for having someone to share it with. So thank you, Jon. For indulgung a strange girl's urges." M'gann glances up at him with a quick smile. Then looking forward again, she gives a small shake of her head, "No sports. I do yoga.. pilates.. rock climbing. Lots of rock climbing in Arizona. A little horseback riding." Another brief glance, "What about you?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Together," Jon intones back at Megan and the question she asks. They glide together, they stay upright together. Ice Skaters 4 Lyfe. Their hands bind them to one another only so long as the other permits it and as the sound of their skates scraping across the ice punctuates their conversations, Jon glances aside to regard M'gann and her answer. He smiles a touch, nodding with a mixture of interest and acknowledgment, "I wouldn't mind rock climbing. Only place around here are the indoor courses though".

The question of his own physical acumen results in a mild shrug and a slight tilt of his head, shyly admitting, "A little baseball when I was younger. Some skateboarding here and there. I never really got into sports," he admits honestly. For good reason, he doesn't admit so openly. "I like to run a bit though. Recreationally, not for my life or anything," he jokes with a playful wink aside to Megan.

When he looks ahead again the shrug renews itself, rising and falling mildly again before he concludes, "That about sums it up. I don't sloth around, but I don't mind a good book or just hanging out with some music sometimes."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"It's very fun. It requires so much concentration, you have to focus... on your breathing, on your center of balance, on your footing and handholds. It's like..." she pauses then, flushing once more, "I'm sorry.. I'm rambling again... if you get the chance... you should go. There's something bery primal and alive about it." M'gann glances up at him and smiles briefly, "If we're ever both in Arizona... I'll show you."

She glances across at him, surprise etched on her face briefly, "Truly? You are.. in excellent shape. I would have suspected at least batting cages.." Pausing, there's a brief grin and she offers, "I suppose you simply wont that 'genetic lottery' I keep hearing about." Teasing him lightly.

"I also enjoy a good book. And music. Though, I am unsure if my taste in music is.. I like classical. And pop music." The last offered with a bit of a sheepish smile. "I like.. happy music."

Jon Kent has posed:
"I don't mind if you ramble," Jon answers with a sudden, prominent smile. He glances around their place upon the ice. To those skating around them, both figuratively and literally, as the two novices shuffle their way slowly along. He chuckles quiet as a small child easily glides by both Megan and himself. "See? We have plenty of time to ramble all we'd like. We're barely going anywhere". He begins to laugh. It's not boorish or boisterous. It's light and airy and happy. He offers the hand that holds his own a little squeeze before he answers the next question with a shy chuckle, "I mean I don't play any sports as a dedicated hobby. Of course I work out and stuff," he defends lightly.

A little shrug is given before he offers a little smile aside to his new friend-turned-skate-partner, "Genetic lottery, yeah. Nothing that fortunate, I think. Just healthy lifestyle and some exercise from time to time. I wouldn't mind trying some rock climbing out in actual nature though". Upon saying this his free hand rises up to carefully push his glasses up from where they've fallen from their perch. Perhaps just to further illustrate just how fortunate his genetic lottery has been. Poor eyesight! It sucks!

The talk of music earns a nod and while still tethered by Megan's hand, Jon answers while watching the skaters around them. He does, inevitably, spare a glance back toward Megan though, "As empty as it sounds? I really do like all sorts of music. I like painting sometimes. Drawing, too. When I was younger I enjoyed assembly model cars and planes and stuff."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
A warm, grateful smile blooms across her lips at his words. It's rare to find someone that doesn't at some point get frustrated or annoyed with her tendency to ramble, and she appreciates that he doesn't. M'gann returns the squeeze to his hand and smiles up at him, "Thanks. I mean it." Laughing softly as he explains further, she gives a nod, "Ah, see, that makes far more sense. A good workout regimen is almost necessary these days.."

"Well.. if you want to, there are some outdoor climbing places in New York. Not that we should right now, obviously, but.. the Hyperloop makes it much easier to reach New York. We could set something up, when the weather gets warmer. Rock climbing can be very fun." M'gann notes the motion of pushing his glasses up his nose again, smiling, finding it.. cute.

Her fingers curl a little more around his as she nods to him with a smile, "I appreciate all kinds of music. I just.. really like classical and pop." M'gann pauses briefly, glancing towards him and smiling, "I have little artistic skill, I am.. technically apt, but I find I lack that creative flair that makes art so.. arty."

Jon Kent has posed:
"You're welcome," Jon answers back with a little chuckle. He doesn't disregard the thanks, he accepts it, and answers it. He does follow his answer up though, "I'm sure eventually we'll find something that's really weird about me, that I don't think is that weird. Then you'll accept it about me. Then we'll be Even Stevens". He grins a little, but it's tempered by the way that his teeth clutch at his bottom lip while he looks ahead. Likely attempting to prevent that same grin from being too large.

The talk of rock climbing does earn a nod, along with the idea of a trip to New York, "Sure, that sounds like a good time to me. We can hang out a few times more and then maybe plan something like that? I wouldn't want, you know, put you in an uncomfortable spot or anything".

The comment is delivered gently, softly. He knows how the world can be. He doesn't like it. He tries to approach it gently.

While the pair continue their slow and steady skate around the rink, Jon's quick to slip back into more comfortable tops. Art and music. "Classical, some pop, even some country really. Nothing too crazy, but just, you know, when musicians were musicians and actually played instruments? Not everything was generated from a computer or something?" He shrugs once again, though he's careful not to disrupt the posture or bearing of both himself and Megan. He's not trying to send them scattering to the ice.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
As they continue around and around the ice, the afternoon progresses with more talk of likes and dislikes, school, food, hobbies. Enjoying the companionship that grows even as they gain a better balance on the ice and confidence in their skating skills. The afternoon passes, and as it turns towards evening, the pair turn in their skates and gather their things. A vendor selling roasted chestnuts and gingerbread cookies tempts them to linger just a little longer, with another sells spiced apple cider.

But eventually all things, even the goods one, must end. When they part ways, its with smiles and agreements to talk soon, to set up another hangout. And they each depart back to their regularly scheduled activities with smiles a little wider, and thinking of a new friend.