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Latest revision as of 16:55, 26 December 2023

Date of Scene: 22 December 2023
Location: The Moon
Synopsis: Nico finds herself on the moon and Kyle helps her.
Cast of Characters: Nico Minoru, Kyle Rayner

Nico Minoru has posed:
It was one of those Mondays. Everything should have gone well, but after a relatively successful job interview at a local coffee shop, a certain Miss Nico Minoru just had to end up in a bit of a scuffle.

Naturally, Arcade would want to get revenge for her escaping his Murderworld shenanigans with a bunch of late teens. So that meant he eventually sent someone to go after her.

Robots. Lots of robots. A swarm of robots even.

Chasing after her through the grassy knoll of Central Park meant that she had to do something to defend herself. With aquick transformation as she cut herself to unleash both her Witch Arm and the witchbreaker form of the Staff of One, she turned around and yelled, "STAR WARS!" under her breath.

Her intent was to have a bunch of lasers, or a really big laser wipe out the robots; like an EMP blast. However, she used that spell in the past, which meant that potentially hilarious (and disastrous) consequences would take place.

Suddenly, she's launched upwards, her thick doc martens serving as rockets. For the first time ever, the Lolita-Goth Mission by NASA succeeded, as she, in her dainty Victorian red velvet dress was launched into space, breaking terminal velocity and the sound barrier as she made her way to the Moon.

And that's when it happens. A white hot meteor in a red velvet dress streaked through the cold darkness of space towards the Moon, probably somewhere near the Montes Agricula mountain range. Wooosh!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
A green aura surrounds Kyle Rayner. This makes it so he can breathe and so the earbuds in his ear can play music. Sometimes he finds the oddest place to go with some good music. Eventually an idea speaks to him, or smacks him in the face. That's why he's on the moon.

Being so close to home yet so extremely far. Seeing Earth's splendor while lost in the sea of stars.

Right now a cover of "Here Comes the Sun" by Ghost plays over the earbuds. By the time he mouths the chorus for the first time he sees it. A bright color getting closer and closer. Thankfully it's not the Sun, but this could be bad in a lot of ways. That's when he starts to fly to intercept the thing. Whatever it is, this object is coming in fast. He pushes himself forward trying to extend the construct.

Space muffles the loud "BOOM!" as it collides into the surface, but seconds later a dome construct is around the thing. Kyle means to contain the cause. What he didn't know is that the cause might have ben saved thanks to this construct. This particular cause now has access to air.

So, Kyle waits for the actual, and metaphorical, dust to settle. He waits on baited breath. By this time "Hotel California" by the Eagles starts to kick in. A strange introduction to a strange situation.

Nico Minoru has posed:

That would be Nico's internal monologue in those several long minutes that she zipzooms at supersonic speeds from Earth to the Moon itself. And then comes the WOOSH! and the BOOM!

The dust settles and the construct forms around her, making sure that she doesn't die almost instantaneously from the vacuum of space. But she had a backup plan, or at least, she was formulating a backup plan.

So the instant she lands, mostly just bruised, and perhaps a bit battered with broken ribs, but nothing that would turn her into a paraplegic, she grasps onto the Staff of One and yells, "SURVIVE LIKE MATT DAMON IN THE MARTIAN!"

THe fact that the sound of her spellwork actually reached her ears doesn't exactly make her put two and two together that she's already safe by the green bubbly construct around her. Instead, much like from the movie, the Martian, a setup of potato plants, labs, beds, and other things that would support life on a desolate planet suddenly appears.

Where did Nico go? Presumbly, she's somewhere inside.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle's waiting for everything to settle when he hears, "SUVIVE LKE MATT DAMON IN THE MARTIAN!" Huh?! He's dumbfounded by these words. And then "POOF" the source is gone, not that he sees it anyway. Now, there are places much like The Martian. "Weird. Cool, but weird," he says and floats to one of the doors. Green energy goes around him and the doorway. It seals.

"Knock. Knock." He'll knock at each building until the door answers. Yes, the witch is somehow getting a house guest...ON THE MOON!

Nico Minoru has posed:
Where would the Nico be? The most logical place is the building where the beds are, along with a few labs.

When Kyle eventually makes it to that building, she's mostly unaware of the knocking. Sound doesn't really travel in space, but on the monitors keeping track of what's outside, she does see what would be a recognizable figure, even in the relative darkness of space. The green light constructs are a dead giveaway.

Nico squints as she lets out a soft sigh under her breath, one of relief, and she hobbles on over towards the window, using the Staff of One for support. Her metallic right arm glows purple, and a sheet of paper appears, which she presses onto one of the windows so he can see it.


Kyle Rayner has posed:
Seeing the paper, Kyle nods. He starts to put in the code. When everything begins, the Lantern waits. He'll go through all the protocols before slipping inside. Once there he'll begin, "Got a cup of sugar to spare, neighbor? Forgive the lack of house warming gift, but I need to ask something. How the -hell- did you wind up in the moon?" Kyle asks.

There's a pause as gears turn, "Are you a Star? I saw this movie once where a star fell onto the planet and was a person. There was an adventure, jealous ghosts, and mean blonde witch," he gives a rough, odd, breakdown of the movie Stardust.

Kyle just waits for the story to begin. "For the record, wrong planet if you were going for hardcore The Martian LARPing. The planet you want is," and he'll actually point in Mars's direction. "That way. A long while away, but it's that way."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Alas, Michelle Pfeiffer isn't after me. I think that would have been easier to deal with." she admits ruefully, as she continues to lean on the Staff of One, before a sly grin curls onto her lips at the mention of sugar.

Putting up a finger, she looks around and finds the coffee maker in the kitchen area. There's cream /and/ sugar!

"Sooooo, we actually have sugar and coffee even." she says, sounding quite excited by that fact as she trods on over in that direction. "You want a cup?" she asks, as it seems like much how his powers are only limited by his imagination, her spellwork is similar.

Then it's time to answer his question. "I'm a witch, not a star. And how I got here..." That's when her cheeks flush a bright tinge of red. "I kind of borked a spell. Really bad."

Note to future self: Star Wars is NOT to ever be said around the staff.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"If we all could be so lucky," Kyle says about Pfeiffer. "So, what was chasing you?" He'll ask then the talk of coffee, cream and sugar comes about. He's a little impressed, but will touch a few items. "I feel like this will all go 'poof' somehow. I saw you create this place. What undoes it?" Kyle's thinking of his ring. Their charge only lasts so long.

"Naw. I'm good. Thank you for the hospitality."

"Does this make you -the- Pfeiffer," he takes a step back. "I haven't seen any star for the record." He's just dong this because it's obvious the spell went sideways.

"How bad did you bork it? Did you want red slippers to take you home because Kansas is that way," and he'll point in Earth's general direction, but he's actually pointing at the Island of Samoa and not Kansas. "Happens to everyone with powers. We mess up or embarrass ourselves."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Have you ever heard of a psychopath called Arcade?" Nico asks curiously as she begins making the coffee. It's only drip though.

"He did this whole Hunger Games knock off for me and a bunch of young heroes in training. Most of escaped, some of us..." and she goes quiet, just focusing on preparing the drip.

"Either way, he's annoyed and sent his murderbots after me. I wanted to blow them up, and instead I ended up here on the moon."

It's another Monday. No big deal, right?

"But as for this place? I mean, I should probably clean up when I figure out what spell will get me home..." and she looks towards him, giving him an appraising glance. "Unless you're going to be my knight in green armor and help me get back to Manhattan? Then I'll have to probably come up with a spell to get rid of this place."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I've 'heard of,' but not really met the guy." Then he hears about everything. Those hunger game knockoffs, how some people presumably died. Kyle listens more as the murderbots come about. "So, you did a spell and it went sideways. Wound up on the Moon, Terran Population: One. Well, two," then she talks about going home. "I was going to offer because your last travel spell didn't work out so well. I'll sleep better knowing you're alive, Martian Lady," he says leaning into the circumstances.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"You'll be able to do something so we can breathe in space?" she asks, knowing he was able to survive in the vacuum of space, but she doesn't know exactly how lantern powers work. "Or do I need to come up with a spell to make a portable life support system?" Nico wonders, hrmming as she already is trying to find the right verbiage for it.

"But I wouldn't mind a ride." THen she offers cheekily, "Will you do a princess carry? Or should I go piggy back?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
He smirks looking at Nico, "All that Pfeiffer talk got to you, didn't it?" Kyle teases a littl bit.

"Yes. I was going to make something so you can survive. I was going to make something nice and comfortable." He chuckles, "I bet you say that to all the Martian tourists," he looks at Nico. "Nice arm by the way." He'll nod to the non-human on. It's an honest compliment.

Nico Minoru has posed:
The metallic witch arm glows with a sheen of purple magical energies. "You know that Hunger Games rip off? Well, I got my arm ripped off then. Hurt like a bitch." she explains the origin of the arm in some manner.

"But I'm a fan of it. You wanna feel it flex?" Nico asks, snickering softly, as it's purely magical metal, so it doesn't really flex in the traditional sense.

"But yeah, it did. All of us girls want to be treated like a princess, especially if there's a cute guy around."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle's eyes widen how the metal moves and flexes. "Neat," he says and then looks at the arm. "Can you magic the arm back?" Kyle will ask and h nods.

"Cute guy? Where?" Kyle looks around obviously not thinking himslf as cute. "I'm sorry about everything, Princess." He's sympathetic to everything that happened.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I haven't really tried." she admits ruefully.

Of course, it's her sort of penance for participating in the murders of some of her competitors. It was totally self defense though, but the guilt is still there.

Nico snickers as he plays innocent and she steps forward to poke him in the chest. "Right here." she says with a grin. "And if I"m a princess, then are a knight?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"You could try," he offers if she wants to take plunge.

Then she's poking him in the chest. A blush runs through his face, "I'm more of a mage or bard," he says and causes a bubble to surrounds her. They're boht in it. Honestly, the construct is more of a pill. "See?" he offers her to se the construct arund them.

Nico Minoru has posed:
With the staff in hand as she remains in the lifesupport bubble, she looks around, "You didn't even get your coffee yet. You want me to get rid of all this?" Nico wonders.

"And no, I think it'll be my penance for a while. Maybe when I'm over everything that happened in Murderworld."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"You can't let your guilt, or those feelings of worthlessness cloud your mind. You're worthy of good things," Kyle says softly, his voice sympathetic understanding the weight. It's just strange to be on the -other- side of this conversation. Typically he shares Nico's view, at least when it comes to himself.

A hand goes to the purple arm. "Learn to forgive yourself." Oh, it's so much easier to say that than follow. He won't say that, but irony is not lost on Kyle.

"Grab the coffee and anything else. Air Lantern will be taking off soon. It'll be a long ride. Well, not too bad, but still," he says just letting Nico make the last few decisions.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Most certainly, the minor magics of her Witcharm can make a cup of coffee without needing to resort to the full Staff, right?

The purple energies glow around her arm once more, and it isn't long before a reusable Starbucks tumblr appears, already full with an iced latte. And then there's another one with a not-iced latte.

"Pick your poison." she says, offering him a drink.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle takes the iced latte and takes a sip. The eyes close as he tries to savor it. Once the tastes hits his tongue, both eyes shoot open. "This is an actual iced latte," Kyle exclaims as he's honestly taken back by this.

"You're a food replicator like in the Jetsons, Star Trek and all of the other sci-fi shows!?! That's amazing! Does this have calories? Do you make this out of energy? Does my body process this like the real thing?" the questions come out rapid fire style. To him, this is a lantern ring on steroids. The ring can make thngs, but they're hard light constructs. Even the food items have no flavor nor really have any tactile texture. This drink? The real thng!

The bubble encloses around them. "Do you have everything?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
"..." With a quirked brow, she peers curiously at Kyle, "Why wouldn't it be an iced latte?"

There's a laugh at his enthusiasm as she shakes her head. "I honestly don't know the answer to those questions, but all I can is..." and with the shrug of her shoulders, she continues, "It's magic. So it's the real thing as far as I'm concerned, but I don't know the minutiae of how it's done."

Magic is mysterious anyway, especially in the comicverses.

As the bubble encloses around them, she nods, "Yep! I'm ready to go."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Because Lantern Rings can't make things that are one-hundred percent the real deal. People debate if these are products of science, magic or both," he says honestly. The pair start to float away headng upward. The bubble containing Nico doesn't change. However, a trendril practically grows out of the orb and heads toward the building. Before long a green dome surrounds the structure and starts to carry it with them. "What's the strangest thing you've ever created?" he asks with a curious tone. "And why did you make it?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
What would be the strangest thing she created. That would be easy.

She points to the purple glowing energies of the Witcharm. "This... is relatively recent." Maybe a year or two at most since the events of Murderworld.

"I made it because my arm was ripped off, and I thought I would die." Nico says softly, trying to not really relive that day. "So my last spell was HELP." before I passed out and found myself being magical Rambo.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Magical rambo? That's a story with that one," Kyle says as they're getting higher. "And I meant besides the arm," he didn't mean to poke at that metaphorcal, and literal, wound. He looks back toward Nico. A simple lounging couch forms. Just something she could lay down.

He looks back toward the stars, "Ever picture yourself in space?" Kyle asks as he's genuinely curious. Honestly, he's not sure how someone from the magical side to the world saw their life's trajectory.

Nico Minoru has posed:
She's the daughter of supervillains who tried to end the world so she could live in a much better one. Nico didn't really see much of herself as anything prior to all that. Teen angst and all that.

"Not really. I mean, I liked watching Nova on PBS when I was little, but never thought I'd actually be out here." she says with a soft chuckle.

"And it's no big deal, so something /not/ the arm..." and she hrmms, "Does resurrecting your ex or bringing back a friend from another time just before she's about to get killed count?" Cause Alex and Gert are still out there.

Just how powerful is this girl?

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Does space live up to what you pictured?" Kyle asks cuiously. To him, it's neat to see the trajectory. What people expect versus the actuality.

The constructs stay up, but the motions stop for a moment. "You what?!" The question is for both, technically. They're both acts that defy the general laws of life, death, time and space. They're equally amazing to Kyle, n their own ways.

"How powerful are you?" he asks looking at Nico like she could be more powerful than Superman.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico is pure raw potential. The lineage. The powerful artifacts. Its like she's a Japanese chibi Doctor Strange.

As the question of just how powerful she is, there's a nonchalant shrug, "I don't know. I've never properly tested an upper limit. I 'inherited' the staff from my mother, I was what, sixteen? We lost a friend during that whole 'stopping the end of the world thing' and the first thought I had was wanting to see him again. The staff responded and there he was."

Then she takes a deep breath. "As for Gert, well, that was more intentional." Cause who doesn't want the master of their pet velociraptor around again?

"That was about a few years ago. Lost track of them since then." she explains.

"I don't think I can do those things again though." Unless she can figure out all the ways to say RESURRECT or TIMESWAP.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Is there a way you can test it?" Kyle asks unsurer how magic works. His gaze slps back toward Nico. They begin to float again. "I know with this it's hard to 'test' myself, but I can. I figued magic would be like that. Maybe a little harder," Kyle says wanting to learn whatever he could about magic.

"What are you doing now that your friends are gone for a moment?" he's not trying to pick at wounds. Nico just sounded alone, or alone-ish, at the moment. When Kyle felt that way, he stuck to the Titans. It's helped. Granted, there's still some hiccups. Nothing is ever perfect, is it?

Nico Minoru has posed:
There's a shake of her head. "Magic is pretty hard to quantify." At least, the Staff of One is hard to quantify. Nico without the staff (and witcharm) is still basically an apprentice.

"And what am I doing? Just sort of odd jobs here and there. Right now, I'm a barista at a Starbucks."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Are all your drinks usng the materials or magic?" Kyle smirks as he is still impressed about that trick He would be abusing that trick. A LOT.

"And tell me more things about yourself. The non-magical, non-caffeinated stuff," he says and they can see the planet growing in size. Just a sign that the pair are getting closer.
"I'm sorry Air Lantern doesn't have snacks on this flight," it does make him feel bad a little. Kind of like an uber driver that forgets to pack mini-waters or something.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I don't use magic at the Starbucks!" Nico is laying low considering the New Pride is out there with a seemingly alternate universe form of her ex. Lame, right? "I do make a mean shaken espresso." She even shakes it herself!

"Well, what do you want to know? Born and raised in LA. Only child. My parents were supervillains." Waittaminute, what?

The mention of a lack of snack just causes her to grin. "It's okay, I packed my own." So to speak. "You want anything?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Prove it, finger-wiggler," Kyle snickers as he gives a friendly taunt to Nico. "Old character Dwarven character used to call all magic users 'finger-wigglers.' No insult meant," Kyle clarifies knwing they may hit atmo son.

"Another L.A. brat? Nice! Let me know if you want a ride back h-," and that's when his brain catches up to the rest of her words, "WHAT?!" his head whips his head back toward her.

"Supervillains?!" he's making sure that his ears heard that one right.

"What do you got? Go back to the parent talk," he says knowing this is a talk.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nosescrunching at the mention of finger-wriggler, she pffts and tilts her head to the side as she peers at him. "I could turn you into a pig, if you'd like." She hears it's a thing happening to heroes at the moment.

Then, Nico shakes her head at the mention of LA. "I'm in Manhattan now. I think the Starbucks would worry if I was suddenly on the other coast."

At the mention of her parents, she sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. "My parents and our family friends were supervillains. The Pride, them called themselves. My mom beatup an Avenger once?"

It's then that she nosewrinkles. "My friends growing up? Yeah, we're all kids of the Pride."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I like to eat bacon not -be- bacon," Kyle says and he chuckles. "No dwarven terms for magic wielders," he will corect himself.

"I transplanted, too. Doesn't mean I can't take you back to meet friend? Y'know, one of the non-villainy ones?"

"Was it a cool Avenger like Iron Man or Cap? Or was it b-tier like Ant-Man?" it's an honest queston. "The pride? What were they like?"

"Ooooh. Well, do you all want to follow in their footsteps or no?" he's curius on that one. Especally since one has the power to bring people back from the dead and is in close proximity to him.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I think she toussled with Scarlet Witch." Before said witch turned insane and mastered her reality warping abilities.

The question causes her to snerk a little. "If I wanted to follow in my mother's footsteps, you'd be a pig already. I wouldn't even ask." Nico tells him and then winks afterwards.

"The Avengers chased us for a while after they saw the ruins our parents left behind. They wanted to take the youngest and put her in foster care. We kind of rebelled against that idea, so instead, we got sent to train with our powers, taught by... B-tier? C-tier Avengers."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Remind me to stay on your good side," Kyle says honestly about her not being a villain. "Thank you for asking that by the by," he eases up a little bit.

"Which Avengers trained you?" and as they get closer to the planet. "It's going to get bumpy when we hit atmo," Kyle warns.

"What do you hope your legacy to be?" he knows that's heavy question. His uniform carries a similar weight.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Some guy named Justice and a few others. There were a bunch of other kids that were getting trained, and so I think the intention was us becoming junior Avengers or something like that." Not to be confused with the Young Avengers. She was part of the Avengers Academy briefly.

"But that's why we were kidnapped and forced to go through a Hunger Games style thing." Cause villains have a grudge.

Pursing her lips at the mention of a legacy, Nico shrugs her shoulders. "I just don't want to be known as a supervillain. Maybe Sorceress Supreme would be nice."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Why don't you -join- the Young Avengers then? You want to be the next magic user like that. Not -just- the next Doctor Strange, but someone that surpasses? It could be a fast track to your goal?" Kyle thinks that could be a way for Nico to get that goal. A means to get resources.

"It's going to get bumpy, magic princess," and he focuses knowing when black turns to blu it gets all sorts of shaky. It's rougher in an orb. Not quite like being an ice cube in a drink mixer, but getting jostled on a washing machine that's on its last leg. The ones that often "WANDER" and "POUND" on the floor.

"Hang on!" he grits.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Because of the wonderfulness of power creep in the comics, Nico is technically already more powerful than Stephen Strange, assuming she gets ALL of her family's magical artifacts.

But because she isn't, she grins. "I don't know if they'd take the daughter of a supervillain. Aren't they all next gen legacy heroes?" Her parents probably fought their original counterparts.

When they start descending, she most certainly hangs on, wrapping her arms around his chest as she lets out a little yelp.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"You won't know unless you try," Kyle poses as he is not sure if nico has. it follows the simple logic: Worse someone can do is say "No."

The arms wrap around him. And he just focuses. The orb jostles and if she looks behind the tent sways a little bit. The focus is thre.

Kyle lets out some loud grounds because it's one thing to take an orb through atmo. That's one object. This is two. Like an oddly shaped barbell that's a little mor pliable. So, he's keeping an odd construct up while science pushes against his creations with fireceness.

The pair contine to shake. Flame licks against the construct. Nico can see the red, yellows and oranges as fire washes over theeir orb like water.

Before long they're in blue skies and all the sahking suddenly stops!

Kyle breathes hard when it stops. His boddy slumps a little bit. "Well, I did bring up testing us."

Nico Minoru has posed:
What's making the orbs difficult to handle? Friction from atmosphere.Even she realizes this, and as he regains control and the turbulence stops.

"I was going to make the orbs frictionless if you had a problem. I even came up with a proper spell for it." Nico says, grinning toothily in his direction.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"What was the name of it?" Kyle asks curiously. A smirk goes t hs lips as he straightens himself. "Where do you want this orb to stop?" he asks since there's a need for directin now. Before they could go into something generalized.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Just around Manhattan. I have to meet with some people tomorrow anyway." Nico offers, suddenly realizing she has her arms tightly wrapped around Kyle, and so she ahems and unwraps herself from him, now that there's no turbulence and all. The question raises a brow and she pffts, "That would be cheating. If I ever need to use it, you'll hear it."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
A nod comes from Kyle as he knows how t get there. When they both realize Nico is that close, he doesn't mindd. A soft smile on his face. A blush comes to his face. "I just asked for the words. CAll me curious," he chuckles at the "pffft!"

By now, Nico will see where they'e at. The cntinents up high. They're actually somewhere near Hawaii. So, islands will peak out between vast oceans. Greens and browns aganst those deep blues.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Fine, the name of the spell is the same as a musical with John Travolta as a high schooler." Of course, that would be GREASE.

A sly grin forms on her features, and she looks down, gasping at the sight of the islands from up above. "Wow..." Nico says, almost dreamily.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Not 'Grease Lightning?'" Kyle asks as he grins at her. "Yeah. Earth is equally beautiful frm a distance like this," and he may slow down the ride a little so Nico can get a good long look. Eyes flick forward as he focuses on the trip.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I think that could probably work too." Her magic is relatively straight forward. Words + intention. Not unlike Zatana but she doesn't have to say things backwards.

"So... you showing off your powers now? Think it'll get me to fall for the famous superhero that came to my rescue?" she asks teasingly.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle chuckles. "Showing off would be recreate the Mech I created over Kryptonian atmopshere. That's a flex," Kyle admits as the orb has slowed.

"A beautiful princess enjoys the scenic route and to many people that fly forget how beautiful this can be. So, I will slow down if I think someone is enjoying. You're the first," he admits knowing that not too many people travel with hm. it's typically battles if/when they do that.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Placing a hand over her heart, she bows her head. "I am honored." Nico says, smiling brightly in his direction. "So if I'm princess does that mean you're Luigi?" Because of the green.

"And I love the view. It is absolutely breathtaking."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Well, I can make the Kart and give the mean mug," Kyle grins and he sees th bright smile. "And what Princess? There's three. Five if you include Bowsette and WaPeach," he watches her for a moment. "It is breathe taking. I think a lot of heroes forget what we fight for. I'll take slow flights like this to rmind myself, princess," he grins looking down at her.

Nico Minoru has posed:
The Mariouniverse seems to have expanded a lot. "I only knew up to Princess Daisy." Cause of Super Smash Brothers.

"I like that philosophy." Nico offers in reply, idly running her fingers through her hair while continuing to look down over the crystal clear blue water and those gorgeous islands underneath.

"I wouldn't mind doing this every now and then." Is she talking hanging out with him in a friendly fashion or flying over Hawaii? Both seem like reasonable options to repeat.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It hasn't expanded. One is a fandom thing. The other is a cancelled character that's picking up steam. I draw. So, I follow a lot of artists. Weird things wind up in my social media feeds," he admits.

"Whenever you want. Just ask. I don't know how you'll contact me. I'll need a phone number or an address," he says sftly. His gaze going too her as the land is starting to go away. They can probably see Jamaca coming into view.

"I think heroes forget what -exactly- they fight for. They'll remember the ideals, but not about -why- they have those ideals. This is a remindder for me," he admits honestly.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I don't even think they remember the ideals." she says with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "The battles in the city cause way too much collateral damage. There's a reason we have the Hero Registration Act." Guess which side of Civil War she was on?

"And oh? You want me number, I can give that to you." With the flicker of a wrist, the minor cantrip creates a bit of cardstock with her address and personal number. "There you go." she says, handing it to him.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Don't get me started on that crappy act. I was happy Europe wasn't considering that," he says and shakes his head. Apparently someone holds similar views.

Kyle takes the number. "Impressive. I'll be texting you when I get my phone," he admits and then knows that the States will be coming into view.

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I look forward to it." Nico says with a bright and cheery smile in his direction. "What kinds of text will I get? Just make sure you don't send a dickpic if you get drunk." She'd want to see all of him if he's going to do that.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I don't send those unless asked." Kyle says with a smile and then he nods. "It'll be a standard message. And I try not to get drunk due to the ring," Kyle's not sure where that wuld go, just into not good places.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Is she pouting at that info? Alas, there will need to be a situation in which she asks. "Well, there's always snaps too." As in Snapchat.

Nico chuckles softly as she ahhhs at the mention of being inebriated. "You think you might make a green construct of a penis for shits and giggles?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"A guy gets lonely and the ring can make anything. I'll leave it at that," he just pushes past the blush as the New York Buildings start to come into view.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Her brows raise a little as she shakes her head and snickers at it. "Well, a guy like you should never be lonely. Too cute. I would've thought you'd have a lot of girls at your beck and all."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I can say the same about you and guys," Kyle retorts with a raised brow. "I'm an introvert at times," and he shrugs a little bit. The buildings surrounding them as he looks at her. "Gong to tell me where t go?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
"I've never used my magic to create something when I'm lonely." she tells him with a shit eating grin on her features. "I just use my shower head."

Oh my! Her brows waggle a bit as she hrmms, "Like I said, Lower East Side. There should be a Target and Trade Joes in the same building. I'm across the street from that."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Noted!" Kyle grins looking back to her. "Never expected princes t be so straight forward," he smiles and then will slip toward that building. "When should I see you again, princess?" he asks.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Glancing down towards the card she gave him, a simple answer is given. "Whenever you decide to. Just call." Nico replies with a warm smile on her features. When they land, she slips into his personal bubble and hops up to give him a quick peck on the cheek, unless he turns in time to have her lips brush against his own.

"I should get going into the apartment..."