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Latest revision as of 06:51, 27 December 2023

A Temporary Solution to Long Term Problems
Date of Scene: 26 December 2023
Location: Grant's Apartment - Grant's Gym
Synopsis: Meet the new hire!
Cast of Characters: Ted Grant, Roxanne Spaulding

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant is being confronted by Stretch, manager of the juice bar and bouncer. "You said you wanted that Detective Chimp to keep coming around, so I order 50 lbs of bananas! What's the problem?"

"You don't know he likes bananas. I think he likes coconuts. What are we doing with all these damn bananas?"

"Champ, you need some new hires. This is a symptom. Yer runnin' us ragged. Look at tony! He's just lying there like a slug!"

From the desk Tony says head down, "It's my only defense. What? go watch A Christmas Story!"

Ted glares. "Awright, I'll see what I kin do. But don't expect a new hire to just come in off the street!" He folds his arms and chin nods.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Speaking of new hires, it seems that through various contacts, she learned of Grant's Gym and figured they might need someone extra. Naturally, she's been working different odd jobs as temps picking up shifts here and there, and something more permanent would be nice.

Stepping inside in a pair of snug fitting jeans, a grey hoodie and her black leather jacket, she peers around, wincing as she hears the last little bit.

"Uh, hi!" she chirps. "I'm Roxie. I'm your new hire." Bold. "Well at least, I got told that you were looking anyway."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant rubs his face. "Good going Universe. That's a new record for saying fuck Ted." His assistants are openly laughing at this point. Ted turns to Regard Roxanne, peering down and over his arms that each seem to weigh at least as much as Roxanne. In fact he stretches his neck for effect to look at the girl.

"Whadday, tired of peddling Girl Scout cookies? You must be 12."

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"I just twenty one this summer." she says with a flash of her sparkly teeth. "I only look twelve to pedos." Roxie quips, snickering softly as she runs her fingers through her purple/pink bangs.

Yes, she's skinny. Yes she looks like she barely weighs a thing, but most certainly appearances can be deceiving.

"From what I hear, you're not looking for extra personal trainers, but someone who can work a desk or that bar over there. I have experience in both."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant admits, "I'm more of a furry if anything and at my age alla ya look 12. Can you work a ledger? Never mind, Tony uses programs for all that crap, he kin show ya. This being a gym we all take turns at some physical activity. Hurts the image if my staff gets soft. Not that there's much of you to get soft. There any sports or work outs you do?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
There's a bit of a nosewrinkle at the mention of being a furry. "Be glad I don't fursecute then." Roxie quips as she nods and chuckles softly. "Aren't a lot of things that are automated now anyway?" she asks curiously as she hrmms.

"I mean, I'm a decent gymnast." a beat. "Not Olympic level, but good enough. I made it to elite level 10." That's the max level just before Olympic elite.

Ted Grant has posed:
Tony breaks in, "Gymnast? Hire her. The fuck Ted! Do you dance at all? Pardon my rudeness but you have a dancer's body and carriage. I teach gymnastics, parkour and I'm trying to get a dance class together. Pleeeease tell me you're a dancer!" Tony is about Roxanne's height and comes around Ted, pushing out under his arm." Ted gently but forcefully shoves him back. "Shaddap."

"What Tony said, "You do any dance? Ballet, hip hop, modern, pole?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Her brows furrow at the question, as she mulls it over. She does have a few years of formal training, but she's mostly self taught through youtube videos and watching all the dancing shows.

"Hip hop. But I was a go-go dancer for a bit, so I guess, a little bit of pole?" That's a lot of corework and is harder than it looks.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant says "Okay..." He drops the dumb uncle act. His look is now that of a man who has seen some shit, heard many lies, and knows all the stories. He is deadly serious as he asks, "You got any warrants on you? Any former employers looking for you? In any trouble? Don't think you can lie to me. I stood toe to toe with God's wrath. Answer me straight up and own it."

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"No warrants." That's the truth. She hasn't broken any laws at least, none that she knows of anyway.

"But..." and she scratches the back of her head. "I might have a clandestine government organization coming after me?" Roxie replies. Oh great, she's one of those nutter conspiracy theorists.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant says, "I'll take that as a 'no.' The social worker in me wants to know the following: when did you last eat and do you have a roof over your head?" Tony has his hands over his mouth and is squeeing. Stretch is giving her a thumbs up. Clandestine government agency... what a sense of humor! Well they all had problems with the IRS. They know how that is. Stretch closes a drawer full of 'Now Hiring!' posters he'd printed up.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"I was looking for a new place." she explains as she offers a warm smile in the others' direction. "I kind of had problems with a landlord and whatnot." Or she just doesn't want a certain feral mutant to be able to track her as easily.

"And uh, I had lunch?" Roxie replies.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant gives a slight roll of the eyes. "We're having dinner together, me and these two meatballs. I'm making cheeseburgers. And as to the landlord... landlords can make all kinds of trouble fer a young girl. Say no more. We have a storeroom with a cot you can crash in. If you want. It locks from the inside. It's clean. Anyway you're hired. We',l give you the forms to fill out after we eat. Welcome." He holds out a truly huge hand that feels made of brick if Roxanne takes it.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Taking the extended hand, she offers a firm shake of her own. Of course, her fingers aren't like they're made of brick, but they do have callouses from doing manual labor and perhaps other things.

"Awesome! I look forward to it, and I ight crash there tonight until I find a better place. Thanks!"