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New Years Eve - First Date Edition!
Date of Scene: 28 December 2023
Location: Boardwalk - St Martin's Island
Synopsis: Jon and Megan have their First Official Date... and everything goes surprisingly well!
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Jon Kent

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The nice thing about being a shapeshifter? You never have to buy clothes, every fashion ever is available at your fingertips! Same with hair and makeup, and you never have to worry about that makeup running or smearing or leaving marks! And still M'gann manages to spend at least an hour 'trying out' different outfits and hairstyles before settling on one that's both seasonally and event appropriate.

Once she reaches Metropolis, she can shift into her Megan persona, the 'outfit' she'd picked out morphing from her bio-clothes while she arranges her hair and 'makeup' just so. It leaves her in a knit a line dress with a high cowl neck and a tie just above the left hip that makes it appear as if there's both an under dress and over dress. The 'under' dress is a graphic knit print of snowflakes and border patterns in cranberry and winter white, with the 'over' dress a plain cranberry color, with the cowl neck also in the knit snowflake print. The hem of the skirt ends just above the knee, showing off a pair of black tights and winter white legwarmers with a knitted holiday pattern, and covering a pair of black knee-high boots with a low, chunky heel.

That auburn hair is in a sleek, high ponytail with a sweep of sidebang across her forehead. She has a silvery eyeshadow with perfectly winged liner, a faint brush of a peaches and cream blush, and a deep cranberry lipstick to finish it all off.

And she's currently standing near the entrance to the boardwalk looking excited and nervous and excited! She has a small purse that is worn cross-body, and that she continually checks every few moments, peeking at the phone inside to make sure she isn't late, or early, or that he hasn't texted to say he's running late... or God forbid, has to cancel!

Jon Kent has posed:
"Megan!" Jon calls out with a mixture of excitement and happiness at seeing the auburn haired young woman awaiting near the entrance of the boardwalk. Even when he's called out to her with an arm in the air, waving about to gather her attention from among other pedestrians; he's still some distance away. He continues waving though. The whole time. Like some goofy person whose forgotten to put his arm down. Once he does finally break from the crowd and start a direct approach for Megan, Jon's arm does finally drop sheepishly to his side. Judging by the way that his face contorts itself, it's obvious that he's not trying to smile foolishly at himself and his own blunders.

He clears his throat as he draws ever closer, gesturing Megan toward him as he calls out from a few paces away, "Want to get a quick selfie together to commemorate the night?"

There he stands in his dark green turtleneck, dark blue jeans, dress boots, and to bring it all together a coal pea coat. He shifts slightly so that Megan may move in at his side if she decides to join for the selfie and lifts his phone up, prepared to snap a picture from an angle just above eye level. He's all smiles. Which are quite dashing when he really puts some oomph behind them.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan turns at the call, because of course she's the only Megan here that could be being hailed, right? And her face lights up at the sight of Jon waving at her, making his way towards the entrance. She lifts a hand up in a wave back at him, starting to 'excuse me, pardon me' her way through the crowd to meet him halfway. "Jon!" She glances here and there to offer her apologies and pardons as she moves through the crowd towards him. She keeps her hand lifted in that wave as well, a beacon on where to find her... as if that were difficult.

When they meet up finally, she offers up a bright and happy smile towards him, reaching out as if to hug him, then stopping herself short and letting her hands tuck behind her back with a blush and a sheepish smile of her own. "Yeah, sure, that sounds great!" As if trying to cover up for the fact she was going to hug him.

Turning to tuck into his side, Megan beams a smile up into the phone's camera, one hand lifted in a small wave at it, her knuckles brushing across Jon's chest in the process before the photo is snapped. Once the picture is taken, she'll turn that gigawatt smile up at him and take his free hand with hers, "Text that to me so I can have a copy?" THen she's looking him over and offering, "You look awesome, by the way. The green looks great on you."

Jon Kent has posed:
Megan waves and when she tucks in at his side, Jon slips an arm around her in the manner of someone trying to crowd together for a photo. When the pic's snapped and Jon's phone begins to lower, his arm slips away. He then turns to face Megan and his smile lights up again, reaching up to widen his eyes a touch as the smile affects them, "Yeah, of course I'll send you a copy!" He says this with excitement; not manic craziness. Though as she turns the conversation to his wardrobe, Jon's quick to look down and over himself for a split second. Then it's back up to Megan and her eyes before he offers a verbal response, "Hey, thanks! You look fantastic, too, I'm loving all of this," he says with a gesture intended to indicate all of what Megan wears for their - well, let's face it - date tonight.

A few quick taps of his phone and the snapped image is cast along to Megan's own phone. Then it's into his pocket Jon's phone goes and he extends his arms outward, offering a hug toward Megan now, finally. "It's so good to see you again! I've been looking forward to this so much!" It's clear that he's excited, judging by the animated expressions and way that he practically seems to wear an open-mouthed smile that further lends to his wholesome, teenage boyish look.

The smile fades a touch, but it's largely to allow for his words to be spoken without looking like he's trying to do his own impersonation of the 'Clown Prince' of Gotham, "Tonight's going to be great; I just know it". If she does move in for a hug, she'll likely get a stronger smell of the cologne that he wears. More so than she already did with their brief proximity during their picture. The discerning sniffer may scents of lavender, cinnamon, and saffron. Which is further reinforced by the faintest whiff of tobacco, vanilla, and bourbon. It's a spicy scent that seems perfect for a crisp winter night.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
That blush hits her cheeks against at his compliment, albeit this time from pleasure rather than embarrassment, "Thank you! I almost went with something a little fancier, but I figured for a boardwalk..." She motions to the outfit she ended up picking and grins, "Figured this would be more appropriate." When her phone dings the new text notification, Megan will take a moment to pull her phone out and get the picture saved to its memory, smiling at it before setting her phone to Do Not Disturb and tucking it away again. "There. No distratctions or interruptions.. hopefully."

She turns back to him and reaches out, all but launching herself into that hug, her arms going tight around his waist as her face turns up towards his, that smile growing warmer and softer, "I'm so glad you're here. I've been anticipating tonight since we set it up. I really hope you had a great Christmas with your family. But I'm also really glad to be here with you for New Years." That warmth infuses her features, reaching all the way up into her eyes and giving that angular face a softer appearance.

She draws in the scent of his cologne, enjoying the play of scents that wrap and mingle together to create the spicy scent that greets her. Smiling against his chest, Megan looks up him with a small nod, "It will. It's going to be so great, we're going to have trouble topping it with the next date." She sounds supremely confident in this, even though they've never mentioned if there WOULD be a second date, or if either of them wants another date. She continues to linger in that hug until he withdraws, apparently happy to stay tucked up against his side.

"So what do we want to do first? Maybe some snacks and check out the games? Rides when it gets closer? I called ahead, reserved us a seat on the Ferris Wheel for the countdown..."

Jon Kent has posed:
"I think you chose great," Jon answers with a lopsided smile as he answers Megan's concerns at wearing something fancier. He dismisses the idea with a casual little wave of his hand, "We're just a couple friends out for a stroll on the boardwalk. We'll save fancy for another day, yeah?" The chuckle that follows is a touch nervous, but not overly so. The talk of distractions and their being eliminated results in Jon's own phone being brought out. Unlike her, he doesn't set his to Do Not Disturb. He simply silences it and sets it to vibrate, citing with a comment back to Megan, "Just in case of an emergency. Just in case my folks need me or something."

The hug is met with soft laughter, Jon's own arms encompassing Megan as she practically tries to mold herself to his side. As the hug does gradually come to an end, Jon carries on with their conversation, "Christmas was pretty great; exhausting, but a lot of good fun. I did some volunteer work too, but that's nothing to brag about".

Then Jon begins to move, extending a hand aside toward Megan as he invites her to join him for the beginning of their walk. "I was thinking a stroll down the boardwalk. A little talking and catching up. Then maybe some snacks and games. Then head for the Ferris Wheel?" It's more or less Megan's own plan, just with a casual stroll down the boards to start everything off.

He goes silent though and casts a blue-eyed look aside to Megan, waiting for her own thoughts regarding his own modified plan. Or her counter-plan.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
She chuckles at his mention of saving fancy for another day, giving a nod, "Yeah, that's what I ended up thinking as well." Megan glances up at him when he sets his own phone, offering a bright smile towards him, "Oh! You know you can set some contacts to ring through Do Not Disturb, right? That way anyone else that tries to call gets sent to voicemail, but if you have them flagged for it, they can ring through. Ensures you only get the calls that really matter when you're doing something important. One of the girls I met here showed me how. Super neat trick."

Then he's offering a hand, and she takes it, lacing her fingers through his with a smile aimed up at him, "That's great! Honestly, family should always be a little exhausting. Otherwise, would they really be family?" Megan flashes a grin, "Only people who can engage your emotions can truly exhaust you." Pausing at the mention of the volunteer work, Megan glances up at him, "Where do you volunteer? Which organization?"

When the start down the boardwalk, she gives a small chuckle and nods at him, "I think that sounds great." Megan looks ahead and offers, "My uncle was able to stop by on Christmas for a bit, so that was nice. We caught up with each other, exchanged gifts. It was pretty quiet, and he had to leave before dinner, but it was nice." Turning a quick smile up at him, she adds, "I made too much food, so I've been giving out leftovers to my friends. Let me know if you want any ham and green beans or turkey and stuffing. Or pie. So much pie."

Glancing up at him, she offers a half-smile, then looks around the boardwalk at all the lights and people and vendors. "So, are you going to school? Or like, do you want to go to college?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"I didn't know that!" Jon answers back with a touch of bewilderment to his voice. He follows it with a sheepish smile and a promise, "I'll definitely look into setting that up tomorrow". Then it's back to their shared company that Jon's attention goes. For now he sets aside the idea of his phone or Do Not Disturb lists and everything else. Now it's the boardwalk, Megan, himself, and a fun evening ahead of them. The comment about exhausting family earns a small smile and a glance aside from Jon to M'gann, "You know, I honestly think I lucked out in a lot of ways. A lot of people our age," he shrugs a little before he continues, "they've got a lot of negative to say about their parents. I think mine have always done the best they can and I appreciate them for it". He nods a little at that wholesome answer.

The question of his volunteering results in a little tilt of his head, tossing it lightly backward as though to indicate some place behind him. Likely at some distance. "It's a kitchen on the eastside, near Queensland Park. Full Hearts, Full Bellies; I think is the name of the group".

The talk of Megan's uncle and an opportunity to spend the holiday with family, even if only briefly, earns an appreciative nod, "I'm glad you were able to see your uncle though. Sure, he may have had to leave early, but something's better than nothing, right?"

The question is left to hang for a moment. He listens to Megan and the question that she asks about his schooling earns a nod and a smile, "Metropolis U. Freshman. I haven't decided on a major yet and I took a break for awhile because, well, it was all a little overwhelming". Jon admits this readily, even with a voice tinged by embarrassment. He shrugs a little though he never releases the hand that holds to his own. As they walk he smiles, glancing aside to Megan again, "I'm a little less overwhelmed now, but still haven't really decided what I want to do with the time."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I know, right?? Super jazzed when I found that out. Made studying SO much easier when I could turn off all the notifications without fear of missing some emergency call." Megan shares in his excitement over it before giving a small nod and flashing a brief grin. "Yes, sorry. Just. It's such a nifty feature." Then she's sidling in a little closer to his side to avoid being jostled by some teenage guys horsing around the boardwalk and smiling up at him again, "I'm really glad you have a good relationship with your parents. I wish I'd had more time to develop one with mine, but... Uncle Jon makes up for it as much as he can. He's been the best." There's a ring of truth to her words, a poignancy when she talks about her parents, regret for what was lost, but also real caring and appreciation for her uncle.

Nodding at his mention of the place he volunteers for, she tucks the information away for another time and glances up at him, "That's really great, Jon. We should all be trying to give back when we have as much as we do." Megan smiles at him and gives a nod, "Definitely better to have had a little time with him. We'll work something out soon to spend more time together. We talk regularly, though. So we make it work as best we can." They're both people with decently busy schedules, and it sounds like her uncle travels a lot for work, so they make it work!

As they move on tot he question of education, Megan smiles, even chuckles softly, and gives a nod. "I know what you mean. I'm going to be starting classes with the spring semester. I haven't figured out what I want to do, but I figure if I get all the general classes out of the way before I declare, then I can focus on the specific classes I need for whatever major I choose." She glances over at him and grins, "Maybe I'll see you on campus?" Pausing, Megan looks ahead for a minute before adding, "What do you like to do? Not... not something you think you *should* be doing, or that makes a lot of money... what do you *like* to do?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky," Jon admits with a little cringe. How lame did that sound? Though the teens goofing off on the boardwalk are ignored; their presence and antics are acknowledged at least by Jon watching them as they pass, while keeping Megan close by as she nestled in closer. The talk of Megan's uncle though? That seems to cause a sudden realization, "Your uncle's name is Jon, too?" His mouth hangs open for a moment, his lip twisting slightly as he seems to consider that for a time. "Huh," he says with a light shrug of his shoulders, "glad he's made up for it all though. That's super important. My mom and dad can be off on business and they were a fair bit when I was growing up, but like I said, they did their best."

When the talk turns back to school, Jon listens to Megan's own plans. He smiles brightly, his blue eyes cast aside toward her, "I think that's a great idea. More and more I've heard people saying young people should be looking to learning trades; plumbing, heating, eletrical, you know, trades!" He chuckles at his own over-explanation before he continues, "I think it's a good idea, but it just doesn't fit me, you know?"

The question of what he likes to do results in a thoughtful sound resonating in his throat. He gives another little shrug, though his hand never leaves Megan's, "I honestly don't know; I like helping people, I like traveling, I like challenging myself, I like to be outdoors," he pauses in his listing of likes, another shrug given as though he's uncertain where else to travel with his answer, "I like a lot of things. I *don't like* not knowing how to smash it all together into something that I'd enjoy doing, will pay for my needs and maybe a family someday, and allow me to travel. My mom and dad are journalists," he admits with a little shrug of his shoulders, "so I've sometimes wondered about following in those footsteps, but at the same time I kind of feel like it's my duty to make my own path, you know?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"You are. But in a good way. Not many people can claim to have the sort of relationship with their parents that you do, you have something special with them. It's good," Megan smiles up at him when he cringes, shaking her head lightly. Looking back ahead, she blinks, then chuckles and gives a nod, "You know, I didn't really think about that until just this moment but... yes. My uncle's name is also Jon. I promise, not something I did on purpose." Then she's giving a nod and offering, "You know, I know a lot of people still talk about 'traditional' family values but... I think they forget that the world has changed from when those ideals and values were more commonplace. Most families cannot afford to have one parent stay home anymore, the rising cost of living and... everything, require both to work to afford a family. It would be nice if they could have taken you along more often, but as you said.. they did what they could."

"Trades are good, and necessary. There is a generation of tradesmen retiring now, or soon, and very few that are in a position to take their places. It could lead to infrastructure issues in the next generation or two if we cannot get more from our generation to take on trades over a more traditional college experience." Megan agrees with a small nod before glancing up at Jon with a smile, "But more, I think people need to do what will work for them. What they like, what they can handle. If trade school is not for you, then it's not for you. It won't be for everyone. I know I couldn't imagine going into a trade myself. It wouldn't be rewarding to me, not in the manner that I need. So I understand."

Megan listens, taking in the things he says he likes, that he wants to do. Mulling it over for long, quiet moments before glancing back up to him, "Have you considered civil engineering? It's.. sort of like a trade, but a step above. You would be designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports cities. Countries. You would be in charge of planning and building roads, power plants, water treatment facilities... planning out city-wide maps of power lines, sewer lines..." She smiles at him, "It would allow you the opportunity for travel, both local and abroad, it pays well... and it is the most basic help that you can provide for a people. Ensuring they have good sewers, clean water, power, even internet. The things necessary to maintain life in this day and age. You would have crews that do the actual building, crews of tradespeople, contractors... but you would be the one ensuring everything happens." Megan pauses, then smiles up at him, "And it probably about as far from journalism as you could get. But.. it's just a thought. A suggestion. Something to look into, see if it would be appealing to you."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Civil engineering?" Jon repeats the term before he goes silent again. All in the interest of keeping himself quiet while Megan speaks. He nods along and at one point his eyebrows dance a little high; the look of silent interest. By the end of Megan's explanation, Jon takes up after her own silence begins, "That does sound appealing. Like you said: just a suggestion. Something that I can look into. You make it sound so appealing!" He laughs at this and crams his hands into the pockets of his pea coat. While Megan stays close to his side, the loops that his arms created by virtue of his hands being thrust into his coat pockets generates ample opportunity for Megan to slip an arm through.

Jon claims a deep breath, taking in the scent of the seaside winter breeze. He lets it out with a puff of steamy breath and the quiet sigh that follows it, "This is nice," he remarks with a smile, looking around himself and taking in that which occupies his surroundings.

While the pair continue their walk down the boards, Megan and Jon continue on with their conversations, "Do you do resolutions for the New Year? I do, but I try to keep them realistic and achievable. Ooo," he seems to suddenly have another divergent thought, judging by the sudden ooo! interruption, "Do you have any sort of New Year traditions that you do? Or that were handed down to you? Cabbage and sausage was one that my gramma passed down to me. I think she said it's supposed to bring good luck with the New Year. It just sort of stuck with me," he says with a small, albeit bashful smile.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Smiling brightly at him, Megan lifts a small shrug, "It was the only thing I could think of that would easily cover all the things you said you like. Without going into something like the Peace Corps or military, anyways." She looks him up and down, then chuckles, "As much as I think you could manage both, neither seem like they would suit you very well. But I could see you at a drafting board, explaining plans to committees, executing them with your teams... following up to ensure proper maintenance of implemented infrastructure... I think you would be good at it. And you would get to see the faces of the people you help. You could take on foreign aid contracts, using government funds to help update and maintain infracstructure in other countries... and the pay, with experience, can easily get into six digits." She takes the opportunity provided, one arm slipping around his waist, the other across his stomach, leaning in against him lightly as they walk.

"I've been thinking of linguistics and diplomacy for my own degree. I want to work with people, but I would prefer something that is more.. professional. I tend to be sensitive to others' moods, so dealing with people on a personal level in personal situations can be... overwhelming, at times." Megan looks up at him with a smile, "You are calm, though. Joyful. A pleasure to be around. Even in your own turmoil, you seek to soothe others." Pausing, she blushes hotly, embarrassed as she realizes she's probably oversharing again, she clears her throat and gives a nod, "It is. Very nice."

She blinks at his question, then chuckles, "I, ah, I tend to do resolutions all year long... but yes, I do make them for the new year, and then I update them as needed through the year." Nodding, Megan smiles, "But yes, as you say, realistic goals. Things I might accomplish within the year." Then he's changing course again and she can't help but laugh softly even as she shakes her head, "I'm afraid not. I have no other family to pass things down, just myself and my uncle. If he learned of any traditions, he has not shared them as yet."

Jon Kent has posed:
"It really is a good idea," Jon answers back on the subject of civil engineering and, more specifically, her own explanation of it. "I'll definitely speak with my academic advisor at school and see what they say. Maybe it'll be a great fit and you'll have solved all of my worries about the future!" Jon chuckles happily at the idea, the thought of it all. He does gradually draw to a halt in their walking. He doesn't attempt to pry himself loose of Megan's place, but instead takes the moment for the pair of them to look out over the darkened sea. Against the sounds of civilization, the music of nature can be muted. For Jon it is crystal clear, but despite that he still tilts his head as though straining to hear the ocean crashing against the shore.

He takes in a long, deep breath while he considers what little view the dark of evening can truly offer. Still the conversation between himself and Megan continues, ever onward, "That's a good policy though. Adjusting your resolutions throughout the year. It's very," he pauses for a moment and his blue eyes dance about as though searching for the word or words, "mature, I guess."

He pauses for a moment, but does turn his attention down and aside to regard Megan while she stands with her arm around his waist, "You said that you're not attending school right now, right? Are you working then? What is it you do, if you don't mind my asking?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I'm glad that you are interested in the possibility. Even if that itself is not the answer, maybe it will lead you to it," Megan smiles warmly, pleased with the idea of having helped him in his educational path. Then she's laughing softly and shaking her head, "I solved nothing, I only gave you a suggestion. If you find it's a path you enjoy, then *you* have solved your worries of the future." The draw to a stop and she glances up at him, then out across the dark sea. She can see just fine, can hear just fine, but she snuggles into his side and draws in a deep breath, letting out slowly as they simply enjoy the moment. Being as 'normal' as they can be.

"Is it? I just saw it as sensible. Holding yourself to a single resolution, regardless of what changes you may go through in the following twelve months... that seems.. destined to fail. You have to be able to be flexible with the resolution, and accept that sometimes there are outside factors beyond your control. I think that's more a quality of our generation than the previous ones. We've learned to be adaptable, changeable, if only because the world is changing so much, so quickly... so much moreso than in the older generations." Megan glances up at him with a faint smile and bobs her shoulders into a shrug, "Hence why we as a generation are 'killing' all these industries. The diamond industry, the fabric softener industry, the restaurant industry... supposedly all dying at our hands, when really, we work longer hours for less pay and with higher costs... so we've learned to start making do with less. We eat at home more, we found cheap alternatives to expensive products, we no longer demand pricey gems as tokens of affection."

Shifting slightly, turning towards him so she's nearly pressed against him, her head tilted back just a touch to look into his eyes. Smiling at him, "I just graduated from high school at the start of summer. My uncle suggested I take at least through the end of the year to simple.. live. To experience life, and he has been graciously providing for me to allow me to do so without worry of whether or not I can get time off of work for it. As I said.. my uncle has done everything he can to be a good parental figure to me. And I am very grateful for his wisdom and care."

Jon Kent has posed:
They are normal. So very normal. Jon's eyes squint and his head thrusts forward a touch, likely trying to peer deeper into the dark of night at the sea. He then shivers a touch, working its way up his spine and into his neck and shoulders. His teeth chatter for a split second, "Bwugh". He should consider acting if nothing else. "The ocean at night always gives me the heebie jeebies". He doesn't delay for long though, launching back into their conversation, "You're right! The old way of doing thing, traditions and all of that? Not all traditions are sacred. We do have to move forward and, like you said, the world's changing fast. We have to adapt to it."

He sighs again, this time a little less cheerfully. They're beginning to tread into adult conversations that aren't so whimsical or wholesome. They are, however, adults so Jon doesn't abandon the conversation entirely, "I do think our generation is moving a little too fast. We're trying to run a lot," he pauses for a moment, shrugs, and then continues, "when a light jog might do us well, if we can manage it."

He does touch on the subject of Megan's uncle though, not one to miss an opportunity talk about family, "That's really great of him though. This day and age, I feel like there's way too many horror stories of family just," he pauses for a moment and his expression takes on something of a wince, "not really caring for their family. Everyone has an ax to grind with some family member from ages past or something."

He pauses for a moment and now seems to shift his attention to the subject of not only Megan, but her uncle as well, "What does your uncle do for a living? Sorry if that's too personal or something. You just mentioned the old values of having one income support multiple people doesn't really exist anymore, but your uncle manages. Of course it tickles my curiosity!" He says with a sudden grin.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan glances up at him, one brow lifting up, "Does it? Is it the darkness? The chill?" She glances back out over the ocean and murmurs, "I find it... not soothing, but... quiet. Though I suppose that itself could make people uneasy..." She glances back up at him and smiles, "Come on... if it makes you uneasy, we should head back to the lights and sounds of the boardwalk." Then she's pausing, flushing, as something occurs to her. "Unless.. I mean... the... the darker, quieter end is.. well.. that is... couples come here to... do.. things..."

Clearing her throat as he moves back into the conversation at hand, she gives a nod to him, then offers, "I don't think we have much choice in the matter. The people that are making the decisions are not us. We can vote, but history has shown that voting dosn't always work. Which is not to say we shouldn't vote, we should, now more than ever. Just that... I don't think that our generation really has a choice in whether we walk, run, or jog. We have to keep up with the world or we will be passed by. There are two generations before ours that have already been passed by, I don't think we can afford to be left behind." Megan offers a faint smile and adds, "I do wish things would slow down a little, but I doubt that's going to happen. There are too many changes, too many things set into motion that can't be stopped."

Laughing softly, she gives a nod, "He is a private detective, but he is also *very* money smart. ANd he has been helping me to manage the money left behind by my parents. I am not rich by any means, but I am comfortable, and able to afford this time to simply... be. Come the spring, I will start college, and at that point I will likely take on at least a part-time job to help cover expenses so I can leave what's left of my.. inheritance.. to earn more for later." Megan offers, "They left a home, but that was sold so I could move closer to my uncle, since I was a minor at the time. And they both had decent life insurance policies that covered funeral costs and.. extra."

Smiling slightly, she looks to him, "My uncle has been an example to me, someone I can look up to. But also someone I can depend upon. He may not always be able to be physically present. But I can always talk to him, and he has always been there when I needed him. We had a bit of a rough spot early on, but I expect that's not unusual given the situation."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Oh! No," Jon answers with sudden clarity, probably brought on by some part of Megan's comment regarding their proximity to the sea. "It's more the idea of being *in* the dark water. I don't mind looking at it! It's just your thoughts inevitably stray into the deep, dark fear of it, you know? It's like being afraid of the dark. Just with more wet, more cold, and potentially more teeth," Jon explains with a brief bubbling of laughter. It does take a moment for Megan's other implication of the light and dark sections of the pier to register with Jon and he suddenly shakes his head, "Oh, no, no, that's not at all what I was trying to imply or anything. I, no, yeah, no, I wouldn't think that of you or anything, Megan. What I mean is I wasn't thinking that you were that sort of person or anything," and Jon is obviously beginning to stumble over his own words. Overexplaining, stammering his way through the conversation in some desperate bid to both not have another think of him as some sort of creep, but also to make it clear that he hadn't been making assumptions!

He clears his throat and Jon shifts, though he doesn't make for the light at breakneck speed. For the moment he remains still, but judging by the brief twitch bordering on a turn, the return to their stroll is likely coming soon. Instead it's the other Jon that draws the attention of the present Jon. The present Jon sends a look down do Megan and Jon comments with a little nod of understanding, "I'm sorry about your parents and everything," he begins, a little weakly. Likely on account of the awkwardness of speaking of another person's dearly departed. He does try to cheer the conversation up though with a little nod, "A private detective though? That's pretty cool! I'm glad you've had him to rely on though. We've already talked about how family's important, so I won't latch onto that again," he says with a grin.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Her head tilts to one side as Jon explains his fear of the ocean in the dark, taking in everything he's saying and giving it consideration. Nodding slowly, she offers, "I hadn't considered that aspect. That would be terrifying. I guess I've always just... listened to the ocean, rather than looked at it." She looks back to him just in time for him to have his own embarrassment to stumble over. Smiling at the sheer adorableness of his stumbling, she reaches up to press a finger to his lips, smiling softly. "I understand. And thank you, I do not think of you as that sort of person either. Not that I would not think of.. only that you have been nothing but a perfect gentleman. I just thought, perhaps, if.. if things lead that way.. the dark side of the boardwalk would be.." She drops her hands and offers a sheepish smile, "I thought perhaps you were seeking a kiss."

Turning with him, Megan gives a small squeeze around his waist and glances up at him with a faint smile. She's happy to continue talking, she's happy to move back towards the lighter end of the boardwalk. She's even happy to stay put if that's what he wants. And for the moment, that seems like what they're doing. Smiling softly, she murmurs, "It's alright. It was a long time ago, Jon. I've made my peace with their passing. But thank you." Then he's commenting on her uncle again and she laughs softly, giving a nod, "He is, indeed, pretty cool. And yes, we have." Megan squeezes his waist gently again and urges him to start back towards the more well-lit side of the boardwalk, "Come on.. tell me more about what sort of music you like. Or perhaps your favorite food?" More typical first date type questions!

Jon Kent has posed:
"A kiss!" Jon says this maybe a touch too loud. Which no doubt results in a few strange looks cast his way. He just smiles a little uncomfortably at those looking his way, but then clears his throat and turns his attention promptly back to Megan, "A kiss, okay. I thought you might've been implying something else, you know? I *really* misunderstood," he says, then cuts himself off with a bit of good natured laughter. "Let's keep walking," he says when his laughter does finally diminish and fade away.

The question of his favored music and favorite foods results in a little shrug, "Well when it comes to music, I really couldn't say I have a favorite. I like almost all of it, you know? Even country! I know country's one of those genres of music that a lot of people these days shy away from, but I *do* think it's making a comeback!" He says this with a grin.

"My favorite food?" He seems to look to the darkened sky as he begins to move. When his eyes fall anew, it's as he and Megan are beginning to turn and make his way forward along the boardwalk. He continues on with the discussion of favorite foods, once again shrugging with indecision as he breathlessly speaks, "I can't pick just one thing I like to eat all of the thiiiinnnggssss," he says before he begins to laugh once again.

"What about you? Any particular favorites in the music or food departments? Oh!" he pauses before asking, "What about maybe a favorite movie or series of movies or something?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Even Megan's eyes go wide at the volume of his voice when he makes his declaration. She glances around, her cheeks lit up with a hot blush as she ducks her head and tucks a lock of hair behind one ear. When her eyes turn back towards Jon to find him looking at her, she blinks at his explanation. Her eyes widen again and she goes fish-mouthed for a moment, cheeks flaming before she shakes her head very quickly, "No!" Now it's her turn to look embarrassed at the looks received for speaking too loudly. She darts a glance at him and igves a small smile, "I would not have minded the kiss. But I would never think... I would *never* think *that* of you."

Quickly nodding her agreement to continue their walk, Megan laughs softly and glances up at him, "How is it that you manage to like everything equally and have no favorites at all? You're going to be very difficult to find gifts for, you know." Teasing him ever so lightly as they start back down the boardwalk. "I don't have a problem with country, I think there are certain subgenres of it that can be problematic, but that is true of all genres of music."

Then he's begging off the food question as well and she squints at him just a little, "What about kimchi? Natto? Century eggs? Pickled pigs feet?" A smile playing about her lips as she deliberately tries to think of more and more 'gross' foods. To the question of her likes, she laughs, "I favor lighthearted music, so I tend towards pop, swing, some alternative or classical. Musicals tend to have excellent music. The only music I *dislike* is music that's disrespectful to people." The matter of food has her laughing, "For eating, I favor Thai and Indian. For cooking... I bake a lot, and I tend to do a lot of Italian dishes. I think I'm getting quite good at making pizzas."

When he brings up movies, she laughs and shakes her head, "Oh, I am a terrible person to have pick movies. I find horror and sci-fi movies to largely be hilarious rather than scary, and most of the ones that aren't funny are just disgusting. Gore for the sake of gore. I end up hating rom-coms because I find the people in them to be terrible. Action movies can be exciting, but also problematic. Suspense and thrillers are fun, as are mysteries. I tend to stay away from sweeping epics and dramas for the same reason that I don't want to have a people-heavy job... the emotional resonance can be overwhelming." Megan glances up at him and quirks a faint smile, "Let me guess, you like all movies?"

Jon Kent has posed:
Megan's own reaction to Jon's reaction seems to earn a small grin from the young man. He makes use of his free hand to rub at his chin, his mouth opened and his lips stretched into a grimace as he does so. "I'm *really* putting my foot in it, aren't I?" he says this with another light laugh. "It's not even midnight yet," he reminds, perhaps on the subject of a kiss, "I think the custom's to wait until midnight, right?" Of course it is.

As the pair shuffle their way down the boardwalk and the conversation continues on, Jon's quick to defend himself, "Hey! Just because I can't pick one genre of music doesn't mean I like everything equally and don't have favorites," he answers with an obvious, amused grin. The talk of food results in another little shrug, though this time he has an opinion! "Steak, farm fresh vegetables; call it simple, call it basic? But I like it," Jon explains with another little shrug of his shoulders while he walks with Megan tucked in at his side.

Though as the talk turns to movies and Megan spells out her reasons behind her dislike - or like - for certain genres, Jon nods along with understanding. Perhaps not with agreement or similar opinions, but at least with understanding! When the talk turns to his like of all moves though: Jon does not delay in answer. "Noo!" He answers with a flash of a grin, "I don't like *all* movies. I like *a lot* of movies," he says with a renewed grin. When it begins to fade, he then answers with more sincerity and calm, "I've always had a soft spot for the old '80s and '90s action movies. Good guy fights the bad guys, good guy wins. I think about the old mafioso gangster movies, like the really old black-and-white ones you know? Then I think about if you put someone like *Batman*," judging by the way that Jon says the name, it's possible he's a big, big fan. Or just a very good actor. "I think those movies would be amazing from that angle. I like some romance movies, but not often. I enjoy epics and stuff; old mythology and things like that? They're fun little trips into imagination."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Are you? I think we've both displayed misunderstanding and misinterpretation... so if you are, then I have as well," Megan tries to offer a small reassurance at least, turning that friendly smile up at him. Then she lets out her own small laugh and glances up at Jon, "That has not stopped many a young man from seeking a kiss from a young woman. But yes, I do believe the tradition is midnight. And we do have a date with that Ferris Wheel just then, too."

Laughing lightly at his defense, Megan lifts a brow, "Then why not say so instead of claiming you have no favortes and like everything? How am I to get to know you if you won't share the things you like or dislike with me?" Poking him gently in the ribs, she teases, "I cannot kiss someone I don't know. Midnight or not." Then he states preferences for food and she smiles, "There is nothing wrong with simple. I love freshly baked bread. The smell of it, the taste of it... even better if there is fresh butter or jam to spread on it."

Turning back to the subject of movies, Megan feels compelled to explain a few of her own choices, "I enjoy a good film like Clash of the Titans, mythology isn't what I was thinking of with epics. Uhm... Gone with the Wind. That would be more of the sweeping epic I meant. I tend to get too caught up in the emotional resonance of the film and miss the film itself. That's part of why I enjoy action films. I can just sit back and enjoy them. The Die Hard series are particularly fun. So was Beverly Hills Cop. Oh, and Lethal Weapon, though they truly stretched it with that last one." Pausing, she adds, "I do love old black and white detective movies. Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant... almost anything Agatha Christie wrote that was adapted to film. Oh, and Westerns. I enjoy a good Western. Not so much the old gangster movies... there's too much.. anger.. hate... it has the same effect as the sweeping epics."

Jon Kent has posed:
"We'll see when midnight comes. No pressure. On either of us," Jon extends to Megan. For all either of them know, Jon will chicken out at 11:59:58 and start climbing down from the Ferris Wheel. He does at least offer a smile. Reassurance for Megan, no doubt. Or maybe for himself. The talk of freshly baked bread though brings a prominent smile to Jon's mouth and he bobs his head in agreement, "Right? Fresh baked bread and fresh butter are such an underrated combo!"

The pair continue on their leisurely walk down the boardwalk and as the talk turns to movies, Jon seems to become invested further. He nods along enthusiastically with the few that she mentions, a smile spreading across his handsome features with the mention of Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, and others. "Hey, even the last Lethal Weapon was great, I don't care what anyone says," Jon answers with a chuckle. Though by the end of Megan's comments, Jon's nodding with understanding before he answers, "I can see that. The heavier stories can get to me, too. I appreciate them," he clarifies before he continues, "but I still feel the weight of them. I don't watch them often, but when I do? War movies really hit me in that place. It's all pretend, sure, but those that are based on true events and stuff?" He blows out a breath, as though trying to cleanse his innards of the weight that settles in his gut, "The depictions of loss, terror, all those things soldiers feel when they realize they're not going home? It's so sad."

His head slowly shakes from side to side and Jon waves his free hand, as though trying to dismiss all of the sadness and heartache that suddenly clouds his mind, "I like watching stand-up comedy too. Not just comedy movies, but actual comedians performing. A day spent laughing is a pretty great day in my books."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan sends him a bright smile and agrees, "No pressure for anything. This is a date, it should be fun!" Though if he DOES abandon her at or on the Ferris WHeel, she may end up a bit upset. It would be horribly embarrassing, after all. She giggles lightly at his enthusiasm over the bread, though she wholeheartedly agrees, "Fresh bread, fresh butter, and a crisp cider to go with them!" Because you have to pair good food with a good drink.

The walk continues and Megan glances up at Jon as he expounds on his love of the action film genre, chuckling as she lifts a shrug, "I'm not saying Lethal Weapon 4 isn't *fun*, but it's a *stretch*. Watching Chris Rock and Joe Pesci play off each other, though, that was..." she does the little chef's kiss gesture and grins at him. "I don't do war movies. I should probably make that clear up front. I understand it's a part of history and there are a number of very good movies about them out ther ebut... it's just not a genre I'm really comfortable with. That said, I will watch Magnificent Seven movies all day, so.." She glances up at him and smiles, "Oh, and those old martial arts movies. Everything from like.. the mid 60s into the 80s. Eight Diagram Pole Fighter. White Lotus Clan. Drunken Master. Five Venoms. I love the Shaw Brothers."

Reaching over, Megan will find the hand that's around her, giving a small squeeze and smiling up at him. "I like a good stand-up special. Though I find that some of the 'bigger' comics end up just regurgitating the same material over and over. Eddie Izzard is amazing, though, he tends to keep things pretty fresh. Love Lewis Black, though he can get a little repetitive from show to show. The uh... the Blue Collar guys? All their shows end up just being the same material." She nudges him lightly, "What are some of your favorites?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"That's the best part of 4!" Jon answers back with laughter, "Those two playing off of one another is just hilarious. Stretch or not? It's a great movie that's just the right kind of not-great," Jon continues with a chuckle. Though as the talk turns to Megan's favorites, across multiple genres. He's there for it, too. Judging by the smiles and enthusiastic nods, it's clear that Jon is eating up all that Megan has to offer in their conversation. When she turns the spotlight onto him, he gives a little waggle of his free hand, "I like some of the big names; Kreischer, Carr, Nate..." Jon pauses for a moment, as though trying to remember a name off the top of his head, "Bargatze, I think it is. Chad Daniels, there's been a couple female comics that I've found hilarious lately, but I haven't committed their names to memory yet," Jon answers with an apologetic shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh and don't worry, I don't fault you for not being into war movies. I wouldn't say I'm an avid viewer. I just watch them sometimes, you know? I appreciate the symbolism and stuff behind them, sometimes. The camaraderie, the commitment to - hopefully - doing the right thing and for good. Not so much the bad stuff," Jon explains.

As time goes on they stop to acquire drinks. Something warm for Jon; likely some warm cider, probably because Megan had mentioned that very drink.

As they continue on their way, now with drinks in hand, Jon's quick to pick up the conversation as they travel the boardwalk. Already fireworks are being set off ahead of midnight. Probably not official fireworks, but some goofballs with their own somewhere down the beach. "We should probably start heading for the Ferris Wheel, right? Make sure your reservation's ready and everything. I'd hate the find out last minute that there's a problem."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"And I'm agreeing with you! I'm not saying it's a *bad* movie, it's super fun and funny... the plot itself is just a stretch. Which doesn't really matter because frankly, none of the Lethal Weapon plots are exactly 'air tight'. That's not what those movies are about, they're just meant to be good action fun! Some buddy cop humor," Megan laughs as they go back and forth about the final Lethal Weapon movie. When the conversation turns, she's grinning at his list of comics that he follows. "I'll admit, I only know a few of those names, buuuuuuuuuut... maybe we can set up another date sometime, you can show me some of them?"

Yep, smooth, Megan. Super smooth. Sliding that suggestion of a future second date in like that.

Nodding at him when he assures her she doesn't have to like war movies, she smiles at his explanation for why he does, "I can agree that those are excellent reasons to want to watch the occasional war movie. I just.. can't do it myself. I get too swept up. And the last thing you want is for me to be ugly crying all over you through a two hour movie." Megan glances up at him with a brief little grin.

Megan will likewise get a hot cider, because she DID suggest it, and the cinnamon smells amazing in the cup.

"Sounds good to me. There's some fun stuff around the Ferris Wheel, even if we're early, as long as we confirm our seats and when, we can kill any time with a few games or something. I am a closet skee-ball fanatic. I'm not the greatest at it, but I love the game." Megan glances up at him with the shy smile of someone sharing a secret with him. Skee-ball isn't exactly the normal kind of games that kids their age would play. No digital anything, no graphics, no music, just wooden balls, a curved ramp, and that devilish board at the end.

Jon Kent has posed:
"I think that's a great idea," Jon answers warmly on the subject of their next opportunity being used to check out a few comedians. Even if that means just pulling them up on the web and watching old specials that way. "Let's do it," he comments finally, as though sealing the agreement for their next date. Super smooth. "We'll figure the details of that out soon. Namely the 'where' of it," Jon adds after a moment. Then it's onward to other subjects, though he doesn't really dabble on the subject of war movies or Megan's reasons for not watching them. His silence is acceptance, understanding.

Jon allows himself a brief sip of his warm cider, nodding along with Megan's own answer regarding the securing of their place for the Ferris Wheel. When the talk turns to games though, Jon's quick to show that like her, he appreciates the old as much as the new, "One of my favorite past times, weather permitting? Croquet. It's so much fun to get a few friends or family together, set up your course, and then just have some fun. Throw in a barbeque and you're good to go," Jon answers with a grin. "Skeeball's fun too! The little wooden balls just made me think of croquet and I figured I should mention that I really enjoy that," Jon explains with a chuckle as the pair begin to make their way for the Ferris Wheel.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Turning a warm smile towards him, Megan gives a nod, "Excellent. I'll bring the popcorn." Because popcorn seems like it should go with stand up comedy, right? Of course! The two totally go together. She glances at him and lifts a brow, "Next week maybe? Or over the weekend, something like that? I'm guessing your winter break won't last much longer after the new year." Megan pauses and stops herself from trying to go into full planning mode, "We can text it out later."

The pause allows her to try her own cider, smiling at the scents and flavors, "Ooooo, they used real apples, cinnamon. Very nice." Then he's sharing his appreciation of older games as well, and she grins at him, "I have to admit I don't know how to play croquet, but I'd like to learn. I've seen shows with people playing croquet, it looks like fun." Megan leans in a little closer and smiles, "Croquet with family and friends, plus a barbecue... sounds like a great summer day to me."

Jon Kent has posed:
"I've played croquet in the winter, too," Jon admits as though he's confessing to a far more serious crime. "It was with some friends and we thought it'd be funny. It was a lot of fun, but it was really cold, too!" Jon laughs it off, likely more at the memory than anything. While they stand in the line at the Ferris Wheel now, Jon carries on with their conversation while they wait, "I like board games, too. Trouble's a classic, fun, and just the right amount of *fun* treachery," he explains with another bubble of laughter that erupts. It's soon silence by another sip from his cider, sampling and tasting the flavors again now with greater thought and consideration paid to the taste itself since Megan's commented on it. He nods appreciatively, "I love apples. Pie, cider, baked, however they come; I love apples". America!

The pair stand in line, waiting for their opportunity to check in. In the meantime Jon and Megan carry on with their conversations, with the former looking to the latter periodically with small smiles and mirth in his eyes. When he isn't looking at Megan, Jon's busy scanning the crowds and, at times, even the horizon shrouded by night. The next time his blue eyes turn back to Megan, he decides to inform her of other favored activities, "I love to swim, too. I really love the chance to be in the water, especially when it's not pitch black," he remarks with a small, lopsided smile. "I like to crowd around a good bonfire with friends, too. That's one of those things that's best done in your youth, I think. When everyone has the time and inclination to just hang out, you know? I don't know many older adults that just sit around bonfires with their friends once life starts getting its hooks in them."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"It sounds fun," Megan responds with a quick grin, then reaches up to rub at the back of her neck lightly. "I... have a hard time making friends. Not because I don't try, or because I don't want to, I just... I guess, I struggle with connecting to people." She lifts a small shrug and glances up at him with a smile, "I was raised pretty isolated and under strict conditions. It wasn't until I came here and went to a public high school that I really got much interaction with people." She lets out a breath and smiles up at him, "I guess I just wanted to let you know, in case you wonder why I don't really have many friends to introduce you to. I'm still making them."

Making a concerted effort to shove that aside, Megan puts on a sunny smile and agrees, "Apples are awesome, in all forms. As fruit, in cider, in pies... I'm particularly fond of candied apples. They can be messy, but also very good." As they draw up towards the front of the line, Megan pulls out her phone and goes to ther email, pulling up the confirmation email she got when she made the reservations. She smiles at the attendant, "Hey, we're checking in. Two for the Ferries Wheel for the midnight ride?" Turning her phone towards the man, she waits for him to confirm them and give them their tickets and the gate they should go to when it's time. Collecting the tickets, she hands one to JOn and grins, "All set. Did you want to get in a game before we go?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Hey, you moved here from across the country," Jon begins, as though in defense of Megan's own friendship status, "I don't think it's odd at all that it's taking some time to make them. It can be tough. You've got a friend in me though, so that's a start!" Jon answers with enthusiasm and the bright smile to join that enthusiasm. The subject of apples earns another nod before he comments on that, "Candied apples are okay, but really there's just something about biting into a crisp apple. They don't need a lot, if anything, added to them for them to be great."

While the pair stand in line, Jon keeps himself quiet. Though once Megan's finished checking them in and a ticket's handed to him, he's quick to accept it and slide it into a pocket of his pea coat. The question receives a prompt answer, albeit casual, "Let's get the game in after, if you're okay with that?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"It's more... I mean, it isn't *just* that, I've been here for a few years now. Like I said, I'm pretty sure the rambling tends to keep some people away. I'm working on it," Megan offers a small shrug and a wry smile before looking back to Jon. Flashing a grin when Jon mentions that he's a friend, she gives a nod, "That's true. And I do have a few friends, just.. not many." She lifts a small shrug, "I do enjoy a good, ripe apple. But the candy coating is nice too. I enjoy the extra sweetness."

Once they have their ticket and are out of the line, Megan gives a nod at him answer, smiling, "Want to go to the gate and just wait for our turn? Shouldn't be long now." She points towards the gate and looks up at him with a small smile, "We can watch the fireworks from the top, enjoy the new year's beginning." She blushes faintly, "And... kiss or no kiss... I can't think of anyone I would rather be with for the new year."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Let's just wait our turn, I'd say. If we wander off and start playing games or whatever, we might get distracted and miss our window," Jon begins displaying a shred of pessimism. "Games after though".

The pair join the line and eventually their time does roll around. It's fast approaching midnight, at which point Megan and Jon are ushered into one of the cabins of the Ferris Wheel. The little benches on each side of the cabin are wide enough to seat two, which of course means that Megan and Jon end up seated next to one another. "Excited?" Jon asks with a smile and a look aside to Megan as the wheel begins to turn. Carrying the pair higher and higher as the fireworks begin in earnest. The *official* fireworks!

The pair snuggle together even as the countdown can be heard, shouted by many voices from the boardwalk below, "Three...! Two...! One...!"

It's at that moment Jon turns to Megan and calls out with a bright smile, "Happy New Year!" He doesn't avoid the kiss or otherwise flee from it. They're both adults and it's *tradition*! He pulls her in close and while the kiss is rather chaste by all measures of a kiss, it persists for about as long as the comfort of its mutual and individual participants.

When the kiss is broken off, Jon pulls back and settles in to enjoy the rest of their ride. Only when the silence may begin to build does he chuckle and comment with a little grin, "You taste like candy," he says with a goofy voice.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Once they're in the basket on the Ferris Wheel, Megan glances to Jon with a wide smile, "Super excited. This is my first Ferris Wheel New Years... and my first New Years date. And... well, a lot of firsts." She'll snuggle in close, reaching over to his hand, lacing their fingers together and watching the fireworks pop off as they circle up towards the top. Each one a small gasp and smile brought to Megan's face as she watches them with him.

The countdown finishes and she shifts slightly in her seat to angle towards him, a warm smile on her lips, "Happy New Year!" Megan likewise doesn't shy away from the kiss, leaning into him ever so slightly as it lingers on past the midnight hour. At one point she lifts a hand to cup his cheek, the kiss chaste but somehow still electrifying. When it ends, she blinks her eyes open and offers a shey smile before turning back around to face forward again.

His comment has her looking up at him with a blush and a pleased expression, "Do I? You.. taste like apples. Fresh, clean apples." She may have a goofy smile on her face to match the goofy tone in his voice. Megan leans in a little closer and presses against his side, still with that smile on her lips. And when they're ushered off the Ferris Wheel, she keeps hold of his hand, smiling up at him, "That was the best New Year's Eve I've ever had."