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The Black Cat Came Back
Date of Scene: 04 January 2024
Location: Avengers Mansion - Study
Synopsis: Felicia comes to Avengers Mansion to rejoin the team! There may not even be fingers crossed behind backs.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Felicia Hardy, Kate Kane

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's late at night sometime in the Mansion. At the study, Natasha Romanova is currently reviewing reports. A mix of ones from the Justice League, the Avengers, SHIELD, and even a few from the X-Men. SHe has them spread out in front of her on old xerox copies of all things, printed on faded dot matrix sheets that she has shuffled in piles around her. She's thoughtful late at night, her weapons on her belt but in more of an at ease mode.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott actually finds himself at the Avengers Mansion. He's trying to be there more. It's a big reason why he works with the Young Avengers. Yes, he has shown up quite a bit in Gotham lately. On top of working for Stark Tech, trying to be a good dad, and trying not to sleep through the next major invasion (so far, so good on that front!).

Scott "sneaks up" on Natasha. In reality, it's him "sneaking" and Natasha hearing him five miles away. If he wore the suit, shrunk down, then it would be a different story. He walks up behind Natasha, "I recognize one of those symbols," and he points to the shield document. It's the only thing he sees on it. No, Scott is not part of SHIELD. Yes, he does successfully recognize it. Too much time around another agent. Nothing shared, just seeing a symbol here and there. It's all kind of familiar.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Suddenly, and awkwardly the doorbell rings? The camera's at the front building reveal a certain white haired woman standing at the front gate with one hand up at her shoulder holding a backpack by one strap. "Hey, I know you can hear me... let me in. I ... have some things to discuss." The thief says to the microphones she knows are stationed to pick up any audio. "C'mon, it's me you guys. I'm not even wearing the domino mask. Unless you want me to?" She teases while waiting to be let into the mansion.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Well, this was unexpected. Natasha would go to tap the comm to have her voice broadcast down, "I take it since you're here you're not needing bail money. Go ahead and come up. If you borrow something on your way out, you have to deal wtih Stark if it's his." Glancing over at Scott and moving to flip her hand over to catch him lazily. A rare relaxed mood.

"Interesting. Not someone I was expecting to show up." Gonig to get up and gather her things together. "And they're a good way to organize things and conceal them. Physically searching and scanning takes a great deal longer."

Scott Lang has posed:
"I can't cast stones in this situation. I have a rap sheet, too," Lang comments. His is just considerably shorter. "A little weird though, but maybe she seeks something only the Avengers can give?" Scott's a little curious. It isn't too long ago when he was before an avenger talking about redemption.

A look goes back to Widow. "So, is she just going to talk or do you think she's bringing a warning?" it could be that, too. Something big and nasty moving about that somehow went underneath everyone's gaze. People will defend their territory in strange ways. Maybe this is some kind of play by the cat? Scott's hopeful, but guarded.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman isn't one to normally come all the way to New York... but, Kate Kane most assuredly is, particularly when there's a good party in the City. However, business is business, and she hasn't checked in with the Avengers in a little bit.

So, she slipped quietly inside, and was about to say something to Natasha when Scott wandered in, then Felicia announced herself. So, she finally says, "Well, I guess I picked a good night for a visit." Her lips curl into a wry smile beneath the cowl she wears, as she steps into clear view.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "THE Mister Stark?" Felicia says sarcastically before she starts to go into the front door. She looks around the place as if she hasn't been here, or hasn't been here in several years. A hand rises up and runs along the bottom of a picture frame to test the ammount of dust. "Hmmm. Jarvis has been at work." She says with a smirk before looking around with a sad frown.

    A deep breath as she finds her way to Natasha's position and knocks on the door frame with the back of her knuckles. "Hello--- Oh. Scott..." She says with a familiar tone and a rather expressionless face. "You still driving Power-Girl up the walls?" She asks with a smirk tugging at the side of her lips. Then she spies Batwoman and takes a singular step back. "This a - bad - time?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would smirk over at Felicia, "WEll, I think that he's more trying to drive Stark into them.. But, what brings you here?" She would gesture over at Felicia. "There aren't any heinous police reports of a museum having gone missing sometime overnight, so I guess that it's more of a social call." She would fold her hands together.

Because if anyone was going to steal a museum, it would be Scott or Felicia. Felicia in the more traditional sense, Scott in the more miniature way.

Scott Lang has posed:
"I just keep drawing all the bats," Scott idly comments. Then he nods to Batwoman, "Met a few of your colleagues recently. There was a Clocktower involved," he says just clarifyng the origin of his comment. He did have business in Gotham involving a very small computer and a different female bat. Long story.

Scott recognizes Felicia. There's clear recognition coming from him. "I haven't seen her in a long while. No letter, no anything," and there -is- sadness in his voice. He pushes past that part for a moment.

"Well, Stark talked about something involving Eyes Wide Shut, Headlight Cleaner, and jumper cables, but he hasn't shown up yet. So, we got time," Scott smirks as he just tries to use deflection to push past the word "Karen."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman smiles a little at Felicia, "Relax Cat. Not here for you. Actually, was in town so I figured I'd stop in for a change." She glances over at Scott and nods, "I know. And it's good to know that Stark, at least, hasn't changed all that much." Her smile turns into a bit of a smirk, as she turns her attention back to Felicia.

"So, what's going on?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Mind if I stay for the jumper cable twister?" Felicia says with a wiggle of her white brows towards Kate, Natasha and then finally a stare towards Lang. But he's looking down enough so she moves closer to him and motions for him to scooch and make room on the couch for her.

    Taking the backpack off she sets it down at her feet. "Well, there are things going down around New York, that's a given, but it's nothing you all should make a team effort about." She explains, as she leans back and crosses her legs with a bounce of one foot caused by flexing her calf against her knee. "I am looking to turn my leaf over. I wanna be one of the good guys. Again."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would glance over at Scott, and then over at Kate, and gesture for them to speak up. "We have no particular stance on your after-curricular activities. But if you do wish to become active with us again, you'll be expected to not perform them publically." Don't get in the papers. "But you're a very skilled asset, very adaptable in the field, and a very good fighter and at improvising. Your services would be appreciated." Natasha spekas for herself, not the rest of the team.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman grins wryly at Felicia, "Pity I left the Bat-Bungee Cords in my other utility belt." She glances sidelong at Natasha, "Well, I'm of the opinion that help is good, and the Cat tends to dance on both sides of the line. And frankly, you're right about the skills."

She looks over at Felicia, "Though, now I have to ask, was there something specific that brought along this change of heart?"

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott isn't surprised that Batwoman already knows about Gotham.

"Always room for one more," Scott says to Felicia as she offers to join in whatever game Tony's conjuring (in Scott's mind). Felicia sits next to him and he gives a soft smile, something genuine. It's the opposite of the big grin usually plastered across his face.

Natasha gives a very clinical view. Again, no surprise from Scott. It's all sorted by skill and ability.

"What will keep you on the side of good?" Scott asks. It's not a "stop stealing," message, but an important question. Scott has Cassie. That keeps him out of the papers. That keeps him from a lot of things. "You're good people. I just want to make sure you put the other good people above urges, because I know they're hard to fight," personal experience shines through a little bit via the weight of his words. There's no suspicion. Scott just wants to be rewarded for some genuine thoughts he holds.

"You're skilled, beautiful, gorgeous, deadly, but I want to make sure you've got everyone's back. I think you will, but I know some people will want assurance," he may not be referring to anyone in this room. However, there are those of Starling Spangled speculations that may be a little harsher than the others here.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Fun. That's all I can think of to keep me interested. Y'know how finikey we cats can be." Felicia says looking back to Natasha and then jolting to sit upright before she coughs and frowns. "I want to be on the side of good, but I do have my whims." The woman says with a deep breath. "I know that's not really ... comforting, but I do want to do my best and I don't know how to do more than make a promise that I know that most of you feels isn't enough."