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Latest revision as of 05:50, 25 April 2020

Date of Scene: 24 April 2020
Location: Flushing Meadows Park
Synopsis: Crush and Hellboy bond over Imp Bashing.
Cast of Characters: Xiomara Rojas, Hellboy

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    It's late and the Stark Expo, located in Flushing Meadows Park is closed. While parts of the park are still open- the expo itself is locked up tight.

    Locks, it seems, which are more than adequate enough to attract little Imp like cybernetic creatures- some merging of fantasy and sci-fi- as they worked to try and pick the locks. The creatures stood about as tall as a particularly short man, often kept a hunched stance and almost skittered around like some kind mechanical spider for they sat on STeam-punk-esque spider legs. TechnoImps.

    Luckily, they're still Imps. Which means one of them is licking the lock for some idiotic reason as it "Liberally explores" the lock's mechanisms.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy makes his way through the park, puffing idly on a cigar. He's been keeping an eye on the area since the BPRD moved its secret offices to Brooklyn, and he's discovered that New York has entirely its own little ecosystem of Weird. That's fine. Hellboy is good with Weird.

    He plucks his cigar from his teeth as he tromps along, not really making much of an attempt to hide himself. He's a known entity, afterall. His mind wanders vaguely as he turns around a tree and slows when he spots the crowd of TechnoImps.


Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush, for her part, had been hopping around New York City- just beating things up. She lands not far from Hellboy as one jump has her fall to this very park. She hits the ground pretty hard: It's pretty easy to feel her deceptively heavy weight crashing into the soft ground with a heavy thump.

    "Yo." Crush offers over towards Hellboy, looking very much the punk-rock superfan of KISS with her pale skin, and black pigment that gave her a pretty good 80's rock look along with devilishly red eyes. She's not human. The fangs are a dead give away.

    The Imps turn towards Hellboy and Xio, chittering amongst themselves a moment before they all begin to rush towards the two. TechnoImps will always try to overwhelm their enemies- of the three who had been knelt by the lock another three have emerged from elsewhere amongst the tents to join the rush- 3 vs 1 on 1 vs 3.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy glances over when Crush lands. His white eyes dip curiously over her before he gives a gruff nod to her. "I dig the aesthetic. Guessin' they aren't with you? Good." He turns towards the TechnoImps as they begin to charge, and he rolls one of his shoulders.

    His hoof comes up first, straight-up kicking one of the Imps as hard as he can. He is inhumanely strong, and he puts quite a bit of power behind the kick. He then reaches down with his big stone hand, and attempts to grab another Imp with it. If he manages that he hefts the second Imp up, still managing not to drop his cigar just yet.

    "So, what're you little buggers up to, hmm?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Thanks." Crush offers- she's really just a teen, albeit one who's just grabbed a technoimp and thrown them so far it doesn't look like they're coming down any time soon. Two on One was easier to deal with. Crush cracks her knuckles as the other two imps in her pack descend at her and she starts throwing punches.

    Hellboy's imps aren't particularly difficult to kick the crap out of- they're just no match for either of the people who'd dropped in on them- very bad luck on the part of the Imps.

    "You goin' for that smokey cigar hero look or somethin?" Crush asks over towards Hellboy as she just sort of plays with the two imps fighting her- enjoying the act as much as the result.

Hellboy has posed:
    "I just like cigars," the big man grunts. He squeezes the TechnoImp until he pops. He then shakes any bits off of his huge stone fist and turns towards the remaining Imp. He plucks his cigar out of his mouth to tap off some ash, before he brings down his elbow on the thing, utterly decimating it.

    When he's done he steps back and takes another puff, before he glances over towards Xiomara to watch her work.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara's skin isn't even cut when one of the imps slashes at her wrist- she's tough. Really tough- and strong. She leans in to punch an Imp- pulping him almost completely. Monsters don't count against her 'No Killing' rule, she figures.. and they were certainly trying to kill her.

tSeeing his compatriot turned into weird imp pudding all at the same time, the final imp starts to run off. Xiomara puts her hand on her waist- a thick-linked chain hanging like a belt. "Gitt'em Obelus."

    The Chain rockets to life- suddenly leaping and flying through the air to wrap around the Imp from top to bottom.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy cocks his head a bit to the side when he watches that chain shoot out to catch the fleeing creature.


    His voice is very deep. He leans back a bit against a park bench as he puffs on his cigar, watching her work. Soon enough, however, the cigar is done with, and he carefully stubs it out on the bottom of his hoof before he drops the remainder into the trash.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    With the Imps more or less gone the strange magic that kept the park dark sputters away and lights come back to life. Light, that when it touches the remains of the Imps sends the pieces and bits to sizzle, hiss, and then seem to "melt" away into nothingness. The still living Imp gives a loud shout, Obelus flying away- surprised? Or maybe it just didn't like the heat generated by the rapidly evaporating Imp.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Xiomara Rojas says, "Thanks." Xio says over to Hellboy. "I'm Crush." she offers over to the big red Devil looking dude. "What brought you to the expo?" she wonders with a bit of a grin."

Hellboy has posed:
    He shrugs his mighty shoulders and plops down onto the park bench. There's a faint creaking sound from his weight. He loops his enormous right-handed arm over the back of the bench as he watches her.

    "Hellboy. And I was just patrolling. Looking around. Killing time. Started to feel a bit clastruophobic, so I had to get out and stretch my legs, you know?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah. Bein' trapped ain't good." Crush replies, "I feel like ants is crawling over my skin if I sit too long." she nods, "A good fight, too. Just a little something to get the blood flowing." she says, as Obleus crawls up to drape across her shoulders like some sort of chain-link snake. "So, what are you exactly?" she wonders over to Hellboy, pretty open and straight with the question.

Hellboy has posed:
    He chuckles a bit at the question, and he cocks his head to the side to look at her as she approaches. He considers her as his gaze dips over her.

    "Demon. Well, kinda. Part-Demon, I guess. I'm guessing you're not from around here." He's fairly famous on this world, so he is assuming she isn't from here. "So what about you, hmm? What're you?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara looks exactly like another fairly famous person- Lobo. She's absolutely Czarnian. Or at least part Czarnian- "Uh, just Crush mostly." she replies, "Born in Blackrock City, New Mexico!" That's Burning Man. That's the "city" that exists for the length of the festival.

    "Or.. found there, at least." she says with a bit of a shrug.

    "So. Part Demon- you got any idea what the other part is? I sorta got that problem."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Human," he says after a moment. "And we got that part in common. The 'found' bit, I mean." He grins softly and lounges back, crossing one hoofed leg over the other. "I'm more demon or more human depending on my mood, you know?" The big man chuckles.

    "So what're you up to, then? Just jumping around...punching things?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah, more or less." Xiomara replies to Hellboy. "I get angry. This is the best way to deal with it- punch someone who deserves it, right?" She says with a wide grin, "Anyways, I'm tryin' to figure some shit out, and I had to get out to think. I think better when I'm throwin' punches."

Hellboy has posed:
    "I get that," he grunts. "Seems to make sense to me. I think better when I'm in the middle of something. Plenty of people I knew think better when it's all quiet and stuff, but...even when I read I need some kinda noise going on."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush nods slowly, that makes sense to her. "Yeah, my dude, exactly. I grew up movin' around all the time, right? And now, I ain't movin' around and it's messin' with my head. It's quiet all the time, now, because I'm not allowed to make noise- ain't nobody ever told me that in my entire life. Not once."

Hellboy has posed:
He chuckles. "Yeah, I'm not a big fan of people telling me what to do, either. Guess we got a lot in common, huh?"

The big man flashes her a grin before he glances towards the quiet, closed down Expo.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Guess so." Crush says, with another little nod. Quiet as she, too, looks over the Expo. Just quiet. "I don't like it. I'm in school for the first time- it's so fuckin' weird, dude. Ain't nobody chill, everyone's got this big fuckin' head like they're special. It's friggin' dumb, dude. Ain't none of these kids been hungry."

Hellboy has posed:
    He nods a bit to that and considers it. "We shouldn't hate folks for not suffering like we did. We should be happy they didn't." He bruhes his fingers back over his flattened horns before he rises back to his feet. His hooves clack slightly against the park's path.

    "My school was all private. Tutors and that kinda thing. Couldn't really go out in public for a long, long time."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "We moved around too much for that when I was young. I had parents- good ones." Xiomara states, "They did right by me... but sometimes...I went hungry." she says, "They just ain't never had that in their lives, you know? You can tells they ain't never had it hard, and it sorta pisses me off."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Eh, you're allowed to be angry. It's your right." He rolls his shoulder again and glances about the park. "It's getting late but I don't wanna head back just head. Trying to figure out how to kill a few more hours," the big man grunts.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Wish I could help. I gotta get back to the Dorms before it gets too late. I got responsibilities and shit now. Just gotta do it." she says over, Crush looking to Hellboy. "See you around, my dude. We should kick some shit together again sometime. Somethin' with a bit more muscle, though. This shit was too easy."

Hellboy has posed:
    He smirks at that and nods. "Absolutely. Alright, then. I think I'll head down and get some coffee or somethin' at one of those cafes. Scope out the local scene." The demonic behemoth clenches his non-stone fist and crackes the knuckles. "See ya around sometime."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Fantastic. Enjoy." Crush then takes two, three, four steps before she LAUNCHES herself into the sky. The girl's got some wicked jumps.