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Training Session: Avengers Version
Date of Scene: 05 January 2024
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Clint is practicing his marksmanship. Wanda is practicing her hand to hand combat. They decide to mix it up and spar a little!
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff

Clint Barton has posed:



Bullseye again.


Yeah, you get it. Unlike most of the Avengers, who have incredible superpowers to such an extent that training is literally useless to them, Clint is just a normal person. He doesn't have super genius intellect and an amazing suit that lets him do even more incredible things. He doesn't have a magic hammer. He doesn't get superpowers by getting /very/ angry. He jus has a bow and arrow. Granted, very /AWESOME/ arrows, but he's just a man.

A man that can.

So he practices. Because if he misses? He's just like everyone else and he doesn't deserve to be on a team like the Avengers. That's why Hawkeye doesn't miss. That's why he /can't/ miss. So he trains. For hours a day so his skills don't get atrophied by lack of use. He's in the training facility, just plugging away arrows at targets at various distances.

He prefers longer range, since he's a distance combatant primarily.

But sometimes beggars can't be choosers. So he's training.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is perhaps one of those Avengers that could be called to have incredible powers. Well, maybe not a magic hammer. Why does she train though when she could maybe just rely on her magic? Because she has learned that all magic comes at a cost. And when one isn't disciplined enough with it?

People die.

The auburn-haired sorceress has learned early enough that a fit body leads to a fit mind and there's no better time to meditate when she has reached a peak exhaustion where it comes to her body. It also doesn't hurt to improve her actual fighting capabilities beyond magic. It's why she has been delivering kicks and elbows to a poor sand bag that just takes it without complaint, the strikes close to a cadence with the *THUNK* of arrows hitting the bullseye.

"Don't you get tired of hitting the bullseye all the time?" an exotic accent to her voice as she takes a pause on her own training, drinking from a bottle of water before brushing some long hair from her face.

Clint Barton has posed:
Training the physical helps prevent falling into the category of 'glass cannon'. Though it still surprises Clint a little when he sees Wanda trying to focus on her actual fighting skills against a thick-ass sand bag that's just taking the beating, unable to fight back. When Wanda's exotically-accented voice comments on Clint's ability to always hit the bullseye, he looses another arrow, straight towards the bullseye. However, it splits one of his arrows completely in half as the arrow punches straight through.

Like it was out of Robin Hood.

"Nope." Clint answers honestly. "It's still the most satisfying feeling in the world. Even with golf. I line up 18. I shoot 18." He turns to Wanda. "Just can't seem to miss." He sets his bow in a relaxed grip before he meets Wanda's eyes directly.

"Ever get tired of punching a leather bag?" He returns the question to her. "You look like you've gotten better at the physical combat bit of being in a fight though. You gotta twist more with the kicks though. Use your hips."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"And now ..." Green eyes following the arrow as it goes straight for that bullseye and snaps the other arrow in half, "... you are just showing off." the woman's smooth east-european features twisted into a touch of a smirk. The witch paces closer now as Clint boasts about not being able to miss, eyes studying his posture and the target before she casually says,

"I am sure I could make you miss, Clint."

How though? She doesn't get to tell, nor demonstrate, for Clint seems set in correcting her kicking posture. Which he is right because it isn't the best. Hand moves to rest on her hip and there's a grin playing at her lips before she lets out a low chuckle, "Are you volunteering to be the target of my punches?" clearly never leave an opening for Wanda it seems!

"Though you are right, can't rely on my magic all the time. Specially as it can be so ..., chaotic at times." a 'cloud' coming over her eyes for the split of a second before she shakes her head.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Everybody's gotta show off now and again, or else the job just gets boring."

He says that, but Clint was actually one of the softest members of the team. He believes in people. He likes building people up so they STAY up. Though when the witch suggests she could make him miss? Clint chuckles. "Why, cause your pretty?" A harmless flirt, no doubt. "Yeah, I don't doubt you could probably grab one of my arrows out of the air. That's why my arrows are special." He winks.

"Certainly wouldn't mind a good warmup myself and a sparring partner is the best way to learn how to do this. That way, you can get corrected and even whoop the teacher's ass if you're good enough." He chuckles a little bit.

Oh god, what if Wanda hits really hard?!

Add it to Clint's growing medical bill. He notices the cloud over her eyes. "Yeah, well, as long as it's the kind of chaos that's not pointed in my direction. Don't want to be on the wrong side of that."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The mention that she's pretty just has the Scarlet Witch quirking a brow up back at Clint. Harmless flirt? Perhaps, but it's clear that Clint will get no answer on *how* Wanda would get him to miss. So much mystery behind green eyes! Still, there's a challenge there. Perhaps she will get back to that later on.

"I am an Avenger. I am good enough." she quips back at Clint when he speaks of she whooping her teacher's ass. Hair then gets pulled up to a ponytail and she ties it up sharply and out of the way, moving to stand in front of Clint and dropping into a stance. Perhaps not the best of stances where it comes to hand to hand. Or at least not to the standard of an Avenger whose superpower is constant training and being at peak form. She's still a sorceress in the end.

"That's what I train for.." She then finally tells Clint, "So none of you end up being on the wrong side of it." it's clear it's something that worries her, her protective nature showing. A protective nature surrounded by unpredictable hurricanes.

Clint Barton has posed:
That quirked brow might be seen as intimidating. "Not gonna get an answer about the how, am I?" Did he go too far with the flirting? Don't get Clint wrong, Wanda is a RIDICULOUSLY beautiful woman but he's preeeetttyyy positive she's out of his league. Well, aim high, right? Though perhaps that conversation can be revisited later on.

"No doubt."

Clint admits easily enough. He waits for her to get her hair pulled up in a ponytail as he sets his bow aside and removes the quiver from his back. "Alright....let's get started." He gets into a stance, his knees bending with a little bit of a smile on his face. She's a sorceress. She's like him in a way that long distance is probably her best bet. But this will help her in case...God forbid...she ever lose her magic or she doesn't have time to properly cast.

But thankfully, she has Clint to teach her. Let's be honest, Captain America would be better, but-

What can you do.

And quickly enough, Clint throws a simple roundhouse kick!

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The witch is dressed to par today. A pair of tight shorts on slim legs. A tank training top. Colors? Dark red of course, because Jarvis has a sense of humor and likes to pick her wardrobe.

"Give me your best shot." She tells Clint which ..., she immediately regrets. Is she ready for the best shot? Sometimes bravado isn't the best way to go about it but at the same time she still feels she has to prove herself with the Avengers even after all this time.

The answer on whether she was right or not to ask for his best shot comes quickly by way of that roundhouse kick. She barely has time to get her arms up to block it. Not a perfect block as she still takes some of the impact on her shoulder but good enough that she doesn't get knocked out on the first blow. That would had sucked.

The impact does make her jump to the side though, teeth gritted as she moves in for a counterattack on the man's flank by way of a snap kick to get some distance between them. Clearly old habits die hard. Too used to fighting from afar.

But she -has- been learning because that counter is very similar to one Natasha might pull out. Even if the disparity between their skill is evident.

Clint Barton has posed:
"You'll regret that."

Clint was honest to her at least. That kick goes SWINGING outwards towards Wanda and the witch manages to block the kick with her arms, even if it makes her light on her feet as a result. Gotta keep moving, but she counterattacks with a VERY familiar looking snap kick! Clint is VERY quick, and a far more experienced hand to hand combatant, his forearm coming down low to block her at the shin.

Enough to feel the impact, but not enough to geniunely hurt her. Though Clint does take a step back to give her the space she so clearly desires. Clint is light on his feet, bouncing for a moment before he rushes forward, trying to give her a solid front kick right to the abdomen!

Never skip leg day. Cap training 1-0-1.

Though he's testing her. He's giving her what she's giving him right back. Learn on your feet. Think on your feet. Try and anticipate.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
That break gives her a much needed breather from the intense start to this spar. Or should she call it a battle? It's clear Clint isn't holding back too much (at least in her perspective), considering the sharp pain felt on her shin after that block on her kick. Still, she isn't hobbling which is something at least, having learned to take a blow.

"I already am." She admits even if the fire in her eyes tells a different story, the intensity of it making it be the training she needs. Wanda looks over his posture, the light bouncing from foot to foot. That's the signal.

So when that kick comes she is already moving, light on her feet as well. She knows she can't take a full frontal blow but how about dodging it? She moves fast, feet sliding across the floor as she gets out of the way right in the nick of time!

And then comes the elbow strike aimed to Clint's chest. The problem with it is she needs to move in quite close to the man, exposing herself.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint laughs a little bit. "Well, then you're learning not to be overconfident." A little piece of advice to be certain. Though in that measuring, in that waiting, that kick goes STRAIGHT for Wanda's abdomen and she managed to sidestep it! She's quick on her feet. Good. Use her size and agility to her advantage. Though she's coming after him with an elbow coming right for his chest!

Only problem is, Wanda's got herself nice and close to Clint.

Despite the blush on his face, Clint seems happy to catch her elbow with his palm, his other arm reaching to try and hook itself under Wanda's side, if so he can suddenly lift her up and over in an Aikido/Judo-style hip toss! If he's lucky, he can get her on the ground and pin her there!

But, his palm HURTS like a mother fucker after that block. The wrist was not meant to deal with Wanda's surprising physical strength.


Wanda Maximoff has posed:
That brief praise is enough to get Wanda to go RIGHT to being overconfident, demonstrated by the way she moves in way too close for comfort to Clint. Sure, if she was battling a fighter of her caliber she might get away with it. But someone who makes it their job to know the ins and outs of fighting?

No chance.

Perhaps she should had listened to that first talk about her hip positioning, because balance is king where it comes to this and once the elbow is blocked by Clint's palm it leaves her open to what happens next, a good ol' judo hip toss.

And so Wanda's world turns upside down as the next moment she is hitting the training mat, air rushing out of her lungs at the impact.

Clint Barton has posed:



Clint manages to pin Wanda underneath him, his hand lifted high as though he would go for a killing blow or a knockout punch, but he hesitates when he realizes how close he and Wanda are. He could /hear/ the air rushing out of her lungs when she hit the mat and he takes a moment to look her over and make sure she's okay. He doesn't press that pin, doesn't put his body weight on her to trap her or try for some kind of choke or hold.

He just stays where he is.

"You alright?"

He asks her with a little smile on his face.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is down, chest heaving, head back on the mat. Expression turned to a grimace. All in all it seems like she might need more training. But if there is one rule that everyone should abide by?

Never fully trust a Witch.

There's a glimmer of green light on the Sorceress' gaze, a tension to shoulders. Right when Clint relaxes and asks if she is okay, not having fully pinned her to end the contest. Would he had won? Most likely. Now? Who knows.

Slender legs slide up, fast as a serpent, twisting as she attempts to capture Clint's chest between them, almost as if they were scissors so as to leverage him to the mat and get the upper hand.

"Oh, I am just fine." she murmurs, still hard of breathing. Clearly a last ditch effort to gain control of this match!

Clint Barton has posed:
Damn Clint for his goddamn kindness!

If he didn't care as much, he'd probably just pin her, keep her down, take the win, and move on with his day. But noooooo, he has to have a care for the woman he just Judo threw into the ground. But her legs - slim but powerful - wrap around his waist, Clint just looks at his sides. "What the-" and quickly, she twists and manages to leverage him straight down to the mat!

Thrown with Wanda now in control of this match, Clint's hands come up.

"Evidently." He murmers right back to her, though not quite out of the struggle just yet as the stand-up has turned into jiu-jitsu/wrestling match!

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
There is a quick transition as Wanda attempts to take advantage of the momentum to capture Clint's arm. An attempt that's deflected when the man gets into a defensive posture, twarting her advances. Legs twist, she moving further atop as if to gain control. She knows that in a fight like this, and with the weight and muscle disadvantage she won't last long. And indeed that training with Natasha shows in the way she attempts to use her more slender frame to her advantage.

"Do you yield?" She asks, which is perhaps a mistake for she is losing precious breathing air and her muscles getting more tired by the second, struggling.

But to any practiced observer it would clearly be a losing match for the Scarlet Witch. Or might be real soon.

Clint Barton has posed:
She was good!

Well, better than Clint thought she was. Though as Wanda starts to try and capture Clint's arm, Clint is able to deftly push her arm away from him as he works that ground defense. His legs are underneaht Wanda, which would make it difficult to try and counter her advances, though she seemed to have been training with Natasha, because this technique is /extremely/ familiar.

Thankfully though, Clint has dueled with Natasha enough times to know the tricks.

Though with Wanda's potential lack of stamina AND her inability to take the time to get her air back, Clint shakes his head. "Nah." and he actually seems to reach low, pushing her thigh out so his leg can lift and trap it at the knee, before he TWISTS, trying to regain that dominant position on top of her and his hands to push her elbows towards the mat above her head, trying to restrict her movement!

"Do you yield?"

Clint asks. He didn't take a slam, so his breathing is fine, though there's still a light pant as he tries to keep his breathing under control.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The contest continues for a time longer, Wanda for a moment feeling like she will be winning but in the end .., she sees it happening without being able to anything about it. The pinning of her thigh, followed by the twist that gets her back to hit the mat again. She still struggles, pushing up with her chest before a couple of seconds of futile attempt tell her it won't do anything. It's like the man's hands are immovable objects.

Ponytail is long gone by now as she finally lets her head rest back on the mat, some auburn hair having strayed to her features before words come out her lips in a raspy, "I yield." she announces. Chest heaving up and down hard. Body relaxing as if to show there are no more cards up her sleeve.

Seems Clint gets this round.

Clint Barton has posed:
Honestly, it could've gone longer if Clint played more defense, but any casual observer would note that Clint was going to win this contest. It's not a thing about Wanda's capability, it's a thing about training. About experience. Clint's been a student of the game for a long time. Hell, he's even invented some himself. Wanda's still learning the ropes, even if she's had some training.


Though as Wanda tries to lift with her chest to put more strength into her arms, Clint's grip remains firm. He stays right where he is, in fact, it gives him time to secure where he is on top of her. Though a little smile finally reaches Clint's features when her head falls back to the mat and she yields.

"You put up a pretty good fight."

She relaxes.

He's still there.

He looks at her lips for a mere nanosecond. "Sorry, I'll get off you now."and his grip lightens, he was starting to lean away a little bit, trying to hide the blush that had reached his cheeks.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The battle was done. He was still there and so was she. Green eyes meeting the man's blue ones. Lips slightly parted as her breathing was still rushed. All because of the fight exertion? Maybe not all. Eventually Clint's strong body moves up from hers even though she remains there on the mat for a few more seconds. Did Wanda notice the blush? She is polite enough to make no comment on it if she did.

Elbows finally push down and she lifts herself up to a sitting position, hand rolling over her long hair, "It was a good spar. Shows me I still have a long way to go." a beat, "One step at a time though." faint grin coming to her features.

"Just like with magic. Push too hard and too fast?" she snaps her fingers, "It never ends well." she then extending her hand so as for Clint to help her up to her feet.

Is this another trick of the Witch? Can Clint trust her this time? Hard to tell with those mysterious eyes focused on him now. "Help me up?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint managed to push himself up to a kneeling position, stepping slightly back so Wanda had room to move. Her breathing was rushed. Her lips were parted...was that his moment? It was the moment, wasn't it? Agh, Clint can kick himself in the ass about it later. For right now though? He seemed more than happy to just be there with Wanda, smiling at her a little bit. "One step at a time. Everybody has to start somewhere, right?"

Though that hand offered to him? Clint looks at it a moment, tilting his head. But he /does/ take the bait to help her up, his hand moving to clasp hers so he might be able to pull her off of the mat. Though if it is a trick?

It's one she can easily spring.

"Yeah, I will never understand magic." He chuckles. "But the same things apply. Push too hard and too fast? Never ends well. Gotta take your time before you learn the advanced stuff."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The hand is taken and then ..., she hoists herself up to her feet with Clint's help. No underlying intentions or betrayal. Though there's a glint of mischief that crosses the Sorceress's gaze. Perhaps showing him the thought crossed her mind?

"And I will never be able to hit an arrow through another arrow. Though we are the Avengers, and if there's one thing we have is each other's back." she tells the archer. Now that she's close again a faint sheen on her skin is visible from the exertion, that long red hair plastered to her head, and she loosening her limbs some.

"Time to hit the showers." Is she affirming so or asking?

"Going to stay for much longer?"

Clint Barton has posed:

Clint picks Wanda off of the ground with a careful grip, releasing her hand once she had stood all the way up. He noticed the sweat that rested on her brow. And of course....the mischief in her eyes. "....you thought about it."

Thought about what, Mr. Barton? Ah, the question to help herself to if she saw fit to ask. "I'll always have your backs. Just like I know you'll always have mine." Clint smirks at Wanda for a moment. "Well, give it a shot. You might get lucky." He smirks softly.

Though she claims to be hitting the showers. "Heh, sounds like a plan to me. I'm sweaty now and I gotta try to be presentable or Fury will tear my head off." He looks at Wanda's lovely green eyes for a moment before he shrugs.

"I'll walk ya?"