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|DOB=1 5 2005
|DOB=5 Jan 2005
|Weight=175 lb
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Revision as of 13:02, 13 January 2024

  Abraham Murray  
Abraham Murray (Scenesys ID: 5134)
Name: Abraham Isaiah Murray
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Unemployed
Citizenship: USA
Residence: Unhoused, NYC
Education: Home Schooled/Paramilitary Training
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mutants
Date of Birth 5 Jan 2005 Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 175 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Born and raised to be a religious extremist on an isolated paramilitary compound, Abe learned to kill and how to survive. He was also taught to hate mutants, magic and "alternative lifestyles". Finding out he's a mutant has been a shock he's still dealing with. After running away from home he finds himself out in the big, bad world all by his lonesome.


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2005: Abe is born to religious extremists living in a militant compound in Ohio.

2010: As a child Abe is home schooled and taught to believe that mutants, magic and many other things that are frowned on by his religion are evil.

2015: Abe begins paramilitary training. It is common for everyone in the compound over the age of 10 to be able to handle a firearm and to know the basics of hand to hand combat, in addition to other soldiering skills. He also begins poaching with his father to supplement the food grown on the compound.

2020: While hunting by himself Abe is attacked by feral swine. As they charge him, he suddenly finds them to being extremely slowly. The teen is able to gun down the attacking hogs before growing incredibly tired. He barely manages to make it back to the compound to alert folks to all the meat that can be harvested before passing out.

2020: Abe realizes he's a mutant and can do the slow time thing at will, though it is extremely taxing. As he spends a lot of time alone hunting, he starts utilizing the power in secret. He is afraid the others on the compound will kill him if they find out about his powers.

2024: Shortly after the New Year Abe steals a bunch of gear and supplies and runs away, using his paramilitary training and hunting experience to avoid being pursued. He hitchhikes to New York City, where he's heard of a Mutant Town, thinking that perhaps someone there could help him.

IC Journal

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Abe is a recovering religious extremist. He can get a bit passionate about things. He's not really an angry person but when he gets emotional he gets really emotional. Also, still totally a teenager.

One thing about Abe is that he believes that everyone should contribute to the community and sometimes that means just being a good guy to other folks.

Abe's a quiet sort of person. He spends a lot of time watching and listening to others before replying. He's usually very careful about what he says, especially around new people or in strange situations.

Character Sheet


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Abe can't time travel (well, aside from the way everyone else does) but he can greatly speed up or slow down the way time affects him. This allows him to act as if he possesses super speed as long as he keeps the power up. To people watching him this can look like a blur of movement, but to Abe it's like the whole world is going really slowly around him.


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On the compound where he grew up most of the food was grown. He knows both modern and archaic techniques for growing plants as well as animal husbandry.

Abe's an expert hunter, having been at it since childhood. He can track game very well and knows how to skin and butcher animals to utilize as much of them as possible. He also knows how to set up traps for smaller critters. Additionally, he's really sneaky when he wants to be.

Due to their desire for independence from the outside world, everyone on Abe's compound has learned to keep vehicles, farm equipment, tools and firearms in functional order.

Paramilitary Training:
Abe grew up with a gun in his hand, pretty much. He's been instructed in combat since he was a little kid. While no special operations guy, he's still pretty dangerous with or without a weapon. His training also includes many soldiering skills such as land navigation, survival training and first aid.


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Abe wasn't sure what he'd need when he left the compound so he brought a bunch of stuff. Extra clothes, food and water, survival equipment, a sleeping bag system, a good fixed blade knife, a multitool, camp stove and cooking equipment and a bunch of odds and ends.


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When using his powers Abe experiences a great deal of fatigue. Usually this kicks in when he's used his powers for more than 10 or 15 seconds at one time. Typically, he'll use his powers in short bursts so as not to exhaust himself. The longest he's been able to go is 30 seconds, but he immediately fell into unconsciousness afterwards.

If the folks he grew up around knew he was a mutant, they would try to hunt down and kill Abe. They're very well armed and have received paramilitary training.

Abe has no ID, or birth certificate or anything like that. He was born and raised away from civilization and had no need of it. Any attempts to do anything official will be very difficult for him.

Abe knows very little about the world outside of his compound and the woods he used to hunt in. He wasn't even exposed to TV and movies, for the most part. He's essentially a babe in the woods when it comes to interacting with people and places.



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Abraham Murray has 3 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Snackmobile! January 14th, 2024 The Snackmobile comes to Central Park. Snack and Abraham discuss butchery.
A stroll in central park January 12th, 2024 Possible job lead for Abe. Still sleeping outside though. Dun dun dun.
Icecapades! January 12th, 2024 Skating in a park turns to horror as people imagine seeing demons. confusion happens.


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Abraham Murray has 3 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Abraham Murray has been credited in 0 shows.

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Abraham Murray has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Abraham Murray has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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