16890/A stroll in central park

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A stroll in central park
Date of Scene: 12 January 2024
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Possible job lead for Abe. Still sleeping outside though. Dun dun dun.
Cast of Characters: Nikolas Kamarov, Abraham Murray

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
The City is a bustling place. People going from place to place. All hours of the day it truly is a city that never sleeps. It is little wonder then that Central Park is so popular. It is a serene place in the middle of the hustle and bustle that everyone can enjoy. Over worked business man. Moms and Dads with there kids. People on first dates or fifth. And that is the good things about it. There are seedier things like crime and drug use. But that happens anywhere. Today, the later bad things is not the focus of the story.

Nikolas is dressed in a simple track suit. Red with white stripes. He does not wear the matching jacket, but rather a simple black tank top as he jogs through the park. Finally rounding a bend in the path he slows to a stop and makes his way to a bench over looking one of the many ponds in the park. He doesn't look winded or fatigued. His silver hair, pulled into a bun, doesn't show the signs of exertion. "It's cold." He says, and indeed it is. While the sun shines brightly above, it is a cold Januarary day in the City of New York. But even saying that, it doesn't look like the weather has any affects.

Abraham Murray has posed:
With a big backpack on his back, Abraham walks through the park, looking over the other visitors as he strolls along one of the paths. He's wearing a camouflage hunting jacket and matching hat and gloves, probably looking somewhat out of place. His face is a little bit red from the cold and wind, but otherwise Abe seems just fine. Despite the burden on his back, the young man moves pretty steadily. As he passes the bench with the guy in the tank top he looks at them for a moment and gives a nod. The comment about the weather, whether directed to him or not, causes Abe to stop and look at the guy again, "Yes. It's a nice day, though." He sort of just stands there awkwardly.

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
Light blue eyes look up at the young man, almost a baby really compared to Nikolas' age. It's good, though to look late 30s when you are pushing 60. "So far, there is nothing to complain about," he says, his Russian accent evident. He leans back, relaxing into the bench and motions to the available spot on the bench. "Are you going on a trip? Or are you coming from? I wonder." He studies the boy a moment looking him up and down. "Traveler. So coming. Sit. Your feet must be tired."

Abraham Murray has posed:
"Thank you," Abraham says to the older fellow as he unstraps the backpack and takes it off to sit it next to the bench before taking a seat himself. He shows a smile for a moment as he leans back a little bit, then replies with a statement that almost sounds like a question, "I just moved to the city? I don't really know what I'm doing." Then he nods, "I'm from Ohio. This is my first time away from home."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
"Ah," Nikolas says with a nod of his head. "You are far away from home then. Not nearly as far as Siberia to Moscow, but if this is your first journey away. I bet all of this is new and exciting." He turns and looks at the young man and grins. "And scary."

He crosses his arms over his chest, the well defined muscles easily seen. "Have you a place to stay?" He waves a hand and shakes his head. "No you likely do not. Or you'd be there already." He purses his lips a moment, "Nikolas Kamarov. Are you one of those runaways?"

Abraham Murray has posed:
"It is all of those things," Abraham confirms with a nod. Then he shrugs his shoulders, "I just find a place to sleep when it gets dark." There's another shrug at the runaway question, "I don't think of myself as a runaway. I'm eighteen, so I just kind of left home." He looks around the park, "I really wanted to Central Park, which is why I'm here. I honestly don't even know much about the city, just thought it would be a good place to start living my life." Then he extends his right hand towards Nikolas, "I'm Abe Murray."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
Nikolas Kamarov's hand is rough and calloused when he reaches across to shake. He gives it a squeeze, not bone breaking but it's firm. "You sleep outside." It's a statement as he looks about the park. "This place, isn't that safe." His gaze flits to the city skyline ever present from the Park. "Neither is that." He tilts his head to study the young man. "I have lived in this city for 2-3 years now, and even I do not know any of it's secrets. It's too loud sometimes." He seems to mull something over looking at the kid. "What is the last hot meal you had?"

Abraham Murray has posed:
Abe's shake is firm and polite, "Yeah, it's really loud here. I'm used to being out in the woods." When asked about his last meal the young man smiles, brightening up a little bit, "Breakfast. I've got food from home and a camp stove to use until I can get a job and find a place to live." He pats his backpack, "I wasn't sure how long that would take so I provisioned for a couple of weeks, just in case." He lifts his chin and asks, "Would you like to try some venison jerky? I made it myself, even harvested and butchered the deer. I do a lot of hunting. Or I did, I guess."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
A survivor. Nikolas can appreciate that, his eyes studying the young man. He waves his hand at the offer of the venison. "Nyet. That is your provisions, Abe. The offer is appreciated, but you need to think about your survival." He motions to the world at large. "This is may seem like a safe place, but do not let that fool you. It is a harsh world ready to swallow anyone who is complacent." Very Russian thing of him to say.

"There is not a lot of hunting here. Not the food variety type." Nikolas says looking to the park, "I know a Russian butcher. He may take you on. At least then you can get on your feet and figure things out."

Abraham Murray has posed:
"Okay," Abe says simply when his offer is declined. He doesn't seem bothered either way. "I try to always maintain situational awareness. Complacency kills."

At the suggestion of working for a butcher the young man's eyes widen slightly and he cracks a smile, "I would be truly thankful for that opportunity, if it were to work out." Then he asks, "What did you mean by hunting but not for food? The only things I've seen around are birds and rodents and pets." He pauses for a moment, "I almost wish I brought a suppressed .22 so I could get some of these squirrels, though. I'm worried about getting caught with a gun in the city. I've heard you need permits for them and stuff here."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
"There are dangerous things in this world Abe. Things that will hunt you for sport. Man. Beasts. Aliens." Nikolas - totally an alien - says with a shake of his head. "Sometimes those things need to be hunted as well." He shrugs his shoulders and gives a nod. "A weapon in this city would likely see you in jail. Cops tend to think guns equate to criminals." Again with that shrug. The world is full of heroes though so running around with guns is a thing. He pulls out his phone and looks to the kid. "You have a phone? I'll text you address, just tell the shop owner, Winter sent you. He'll help you with a job. Up to you if you stay with it or not."

Abraham Murray has posed:
"Yeah, I was warned about all kinds of stuff back home," Abraham says with a nod. "Never really thought about something hunting me for sport. Might not go the way they'd expect it to."

"I don't have a phone, actually," he says with a little bit of a frown. "I never needed one back home, we all had radios usually." He reaches towards his backpack to open one of the external pockets, pulling out a pen and a notepad, "I've got this, though. I can just copy down the address."

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
Nikolas Kamarov gives over the address. He purses his lips and studies the young man. "Confidence is important, Abe. But do not get cocky. I have seen to many soldiers die because of there cockiness." He draws in a breath and lets it out slowly. He looks down at his phone and checks some messages. He types a quick reply on one before looking over at Abe and gives him his number. "If you need something and find a phone. Call me. But I've got to go. It was nice meeting you, Abe."

Abraham Murray has posed:
As he copies down the address the young man nods, "I was taught to never underestimate an opponent. I might not be the only guy out there who's full of surprises." When he's given the phone number he writes that down as well, "Thank you very much. It was good to meet you, as well."