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(Mike shows Caleb around his gym. Caleb shows something else. Annnnd gym day is canceled.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:52, 26 January 2024

A Gym Like No Other ... Outside of the franchise
Date of Scene: 24 January 2024
Location: Rock Wallz Gym
Synopsis: Mike shows Caleb around his gym. Caleb shows something else. Annnnd gym day is canceled.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Caleb Dykstra

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the weekend looms near, it can be a time when people get antsy. Not quite free of their duties but very much ready to burn off some steam. It is possibly one of the contributing factors for Mike opting to make this a gym day. (Night. Whatever.)

Mike has become a bit of a regular here, and if people have caught on to his rock star persona here, they've been very discreet about it. He hasn't been hassled, he can come in and leave without going beyond the barebones social exchanges of other regulars.

But today is a little different. Backpack slung on shoulder, he pauses at the door he just opened, keeping it in its open state as he looks behind him to his guest. "Here we go." He states, closing the door. "Just need to get you squared away with the guest pass and then we can have a look around."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And the guest is Caleb, runaway extraordinaire from the Gotham mob, taking refuge in Happy Harbor ever since things went dicey for him and his family - which isn't to say that it got better for him; between ninjas to alien invasions, his life never got one bit dull. Over the course of the months he's been free, he's become something like an 'on-the-spot' sort of hero; just doing what he can to avoid a situation from escalating, but... That's what superheroes do, isn't it?

So, he's always looking for an extra place where he can learn something new, get the upper hand - he feels like he may need it sometime soon.

"First look doesn't seem half-bad", he comments.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I'd certainly hope not." Mike responds, glancing to what at first glance appears to be a typical gym. Weight equipment, doors to locker rooms, juice bar, room for fitness classes. Well appointed. "I prefer using this one over the one at the condo. But the main reason for that we haven't seen yet."

Mike moves over to the front desk, smiling to the clerk there as he fishes out his member card. "Also a guest pass." He adds in, fishing out a couple bills for it. There's a nod before the guy behind the desk, fiddles around, tugging out a bright green tag with the date written on it. "Next time they come in, they can trade it in for the yellow one."

Nodding his thanks, Mike carries the bright sticker over to Caleb. "You get three days with this. Day 1 is Green. Day 2 is Yellow. Day 3 is Red. Doesn't have to be consecutive but within a 2 week period. Just trade in the past one to get the next one for that day."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Sounds great", Caleb says, inspecting the card, "Two weeks. Got it." He looks around for the locker rooms briefly, but returns his attention to Mike to ask, "Oh? What's the main reason you prefer this place?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
General idea is people might be too sore to do three straight days if they're trying out a gym for the first time, allows for rest if you overdo it." Mike adds in, hand holding on to the strap of the bookbag, as he looks to the Caleb looking to the gym. "As for my reason for picking this place, follow me."

Turning, Mike starts to head off to the left of the desk, making his way around a corner. Passing the free wights, they reach a set of glass doors. To the other side are two sets of immense climbing walls with a series of color coded handles of varying climbing difficulties. "Part 1." Mike states, opening the door before he progresses towards another set of double doors.

Good lord, how did the gym owner secure this much real estate in New York City?

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Aaahhh, climbing practice", Caleb observes as he follows the actor. "Good for reflexes and concentration, right?"

Huh. Not a bad guess, there...

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I'm not really into weight lifting, but climbing is a good core workout." Mike replies, "...Or at least that's how I've heard it touted. I just find it relaxing." He pauses at the other door, glancing back to see if Caleb has followed along or is still looking to the walls. Once Caleb comes over, he steps aside to show another set of doors. On the other side is a ninja obstacle course full of things to climb, swing, catch, leap over and run up. "And this is Part 2. The newest addition to the gym."

He opens the door up, "And, every so often they do switch out the obstacles to keep it somewhat fresh."

Mike pauses, looking to the full route of the course. "I have a couple friends that will race with me through that course which is kind of fun too. But... let see.. Balance, patience, a bit of observation, coordination, agility...Not bad things to work on."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb looks at the part 2, and finds himself whistling. "Man, running a crash course on parkour with this one..." He nods, "Gotta think fast when you're escaping the mob... or ninjas."

A joke follows, "The mob, you got it covered... All those overweight fuckers, just run as fast as you can, and escape through the narrowest alleway you can find and they'll get stuck!"

But his demeanor returns to guarded pretty soon, "The ninjas...? Keep running!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the general sound of approval to the part 2 reveal, the rocker grins. "Well you got three trial days to check it out. If after that you still want to use it. Let me know. We can get you longer access to it."

The talk of avoiding mob types and ninjas causes for the smile to fade a bit. "They're probably easier to get off balance than ninjas as well." Mike comments, "...Well, this isn't a dojo. But maybe this will help a bit with being more effective with your movement. Worth a shot at least."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"I survived so far... By whatever miracle", the young man replies. "I won't deny I could use the extra practice. I'm still to understand how I managed to escape an enraged Thanagarian's mace before I got out." He looks at Mike, "Did I ever tell you that? I mean, Hawkgirl swoops in from the air while I'm testing out guns, wants to arrest me for gun trafficking." He sighs, "I'd go to jail... Game over."

He shakes his head, "Thanagarians... Never liked them, to be honest."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Never underestimate the power of dumb luck and convenient timing." Mike comments, glancing back over to Caleb. "...I don't think you told me about her. Although I have run into Hawkman a few times. Although, he was more intervening on my behalf than against it. So, my opinion of them might be a little more favorable."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Whatever alien species that raises a hand against a pleading downed parent and a newborn baby crying", Caleb says coldly, "I don't care that they become saints and paragons of virtue later down the line, they will get a lifetime supply of stink eye from me."

"Part number 2 is particularly interesting", he changes subject. "What's the last part?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike pauses, glancing to the side. "...By that logic. I should be hating all humans despite the good ones I encounter.' Mike looks to the obstacle course. "...While the gym has its merits beyond this I'd say these are my top two reasons for coming here. Location's not bad either." He nods back to where they came. "...There's also a juice bar and locker rooms. Beyond that, that's the tour."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra says, "Yeah, well... Suspition's kept me and mine alive so far", Caleb states. "Even when things seem to go well, someone or something finds a way to rain misery." He shrugs, "So, always expecting the worst works out pretty well."

"I'll show you", he says. "Where're the locker rooms?""

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Caution is fine. But you can't go around hating everyone. It's not a pleasant way to live."

Mike pauses, shaking his head. "Either way. Yes. Locker room. This way."

Turning, he heads back through both sets of doors that lead to the main gym area. Heading to the opposite side of the entry desk, he makes a sweeping gesture to the doors, each labeled for the associated gender. Mike slides off his bag. "Did you bring a lock? I brought a spare if not."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"I didn't. Thanks."

And once inside, he starts looking around for any eyes that could be prying...

He finds what he thinks would be a blind spot, and he takes off his coat to reveal his clothes underneath - they all have padding in the important spots. "Got my hands on some... 'exotic' fibers which'll remain unnamed, and made some padding." He turns a little, showing the seams. "What do you think? Hardly noticeable unless you know what to look for, right?" The points to pockets, and shows a number of shurikens and throwing knives. "Made of ceramic, so no metal detectors getting in the way." He shows his overcoat, the inside having a military style harness where a combat knife and a gun are holstered; there are also clips, but modified sorts. "Each of these pellets have a few mixtures of my own, and some are even explosive." He shakes his head. "I'm not taking chances here."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
To the confirmation, Mike unzips an outer pocket and pulls out a spare lock. After handing it over to Caleb, he moves over to where others typically change. There's no padding to the clothes he changes into. Just comfortable. Not too loose to get caught on anything but not tight to the point of constricting. The Tee gets replaced with a tank top betraying a bit more of the climber's physique.

When Caleb calls him over to show him something, Mike thinks nothing of it until he displays what he has on him.

Mike is...quiet.


Oh geez he can't take this kid anywhere.

"...I think- We're done for the day." Mike concludes, expression betraying disappointment, "And we're going to have a talk when back on campus."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And Caleb realizes the magnitude of the mistake he just committed.

"Uhh, okay look...", he says. "Maybe what I say don't count for much, but these only become active upon firing, and are used only in case of an emergency..." He sighs, "Yeah, it doesn't sound any batter when said. Sorry."

"Shit..." He leans his head against the locker room door, and bangs it against.

"Okay, sorry about all this, man. I got so paranoid since that metal ninja showed up, I didn't think straight." He adds, "It only got worse since I went to Ted Grant's gym. Went to enroll there with Sheila, incognito, hoodies over out heads. Some a-hole with a cellphone filmed Sheila in her trial run and sucker-punched him because he was looking at some teasing cowgirl, and the video was posted - without asking the legal guardian, as in me or my dad." His voice falters. "So, there's the risk of some actual mobsters coming to that place, because hey!, that shit's a dead giveaway we're there."

He struggles to regain his composure, eyes going red. "I'm sorry that I let you down. When I told you, I wasn't trying to betray your trust - I was in fact trusting in you, as messed up as it sounds." He takes a deep breath, "What exactly could still make this work?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's frown lingers as Caleb processes what's going on. But with the thunk of head against the side of the lockers, Mike sighs, nodding in agreement to Caleb saying he wasn't thinking straight. Yes. Very much this.

As for how to repair the situation. Mike's response is long in forming. It is an odd circumstance, sort of.

"I'm sure you've caught on but I'm going to restate it. This is serious. As much as I would like to ignore it... I can't. We will need to talk. Just, not here."

Mike glances to the floor, frown forming again. "Because of what we need to do, I do know that you've lost the rest of today on that pass."

Pale eyes look back to the younger man, "You're going to have to convince me that you shouldn't lose the other two."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"That's... Only fair, I think", Caleb says, sighing - and shivering, "It's cold, in here..." It might just be his stress level, because otherwise, room temperature should be just fine.

He puts his coat back on, "I have a lot of shit to work out before I can come here, I think." He sounds defeated.

And moves on ahead.