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Meeting the Queen
Date of Scene: 26 January 2024
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: Lorna takes a little time and relaxes on the beach. Kiana arrives on her surf board and meets the monarch, never realizing that's what she is, or that Lorna's security were all around them.
Cast of Characters: Kiana, Lorna Dane

Kiana has posed:
The sparkling water of the Indian ocean is a lovely azure color on this stretch of the Genoshan coast, a little south of Hammer Bay. It's just far enough that the public beaches have ended, and the more natural parts of the island have taken over.

The vegetation is largely regrown in the four years since Brainiac's attack, both from natural growth, and in places some applied mutant powers. Tropical vegetation abuts the white powder of the beach, colorful flowers blooming, and palm fronts waving gently in the ocean breezes above them.

Kiana is out in the water, lying on her aged surfboard and looking up at the sky, fingers dipped in the salt water on one side. A tiny wave is gently pushing her up the coast from further down south, against the normal flow of the waves. Occasionally she looks over to check for any good surf spots to try, and if not she just continues pushing the surfboard and herself up the coast with the small current.

The teenaged girl has deeply tanned skin and a Polynesian or South Pacific look to her. Wearing a bikini which is deeper blue at the bottom but has a color gradient to azure at the top. Spotting a spot that an offshore reef looks like it is causing some nice waves to break, she begins angling the board in nearer to shore and towards the burgeoning waves.

Lorna Dane has posed:
     A deep breath is taken in, held, and then released just as slowly and carefully. Dark green hair is meticulously arranged to fit under a large straw sun hat that does much to obscure the royal face from the potent southern sun. A flowing sundress rests on Lorna's shoulders, and slightly obscures her figure, the new mother still self conscious of baby weight.

Shepeaking of babies, the heirs have been handed off to their nannies in order for Lorna to take a moment alone and relax for the shortest of times, though still she is never alone. With a handful of guards around secluded in the trees overlooking Lorna's spot on the sand and a personal assistant who is also trained to protect the queen.

     They all notice Kiana approaching before Lorna even looks up and there is a shifting to secure the VIP without interrupting her order to let her relax. A dainty hand is lifted towards the surfer and a soft line smile is given even though that distance means details are almost impossible to make out.

Kiana has posed:
The surfboard curves, heading into the zone in which the waves are spawned. An observant person might easily notice the surfboard has been moving as if under its own power, though someone just noting it as it reaches nearer to shore could have missed it.

Kiana leans over her board backwards, ducking her head in the water to wet her hair and help it from blowing around in her way once she starts the ride. She arranges it down her back and spots the distant figure on the beach waving her hand. A beautiful smile results, maybe too far to be seen clearly, maybe not, as Kiana lifts a hand to wave back.

She doesn't seem to notice anything else unusual about the moment as the Polynesian girl focus on the water. The waves are easy to sense, but beyond that she just surfs like anyone else would. When she picks out her wave, Kiana drops down onto her stomach and begins paddling rapidly. Soon she's caught the wave. Or more accurately it's caught her board, propelling it forward. She pops to her feet, arms windmilling for just a moment in a sign that she's far from a pro at this yet. But once she catches her balance after rising she does well, cutting the board across the wave, picking up speed.

She makes a few cuts to the top of the wave and back down. Having learned the hard way not to try to go too high up the wave to the top. Before long the curling water is catching up with her and she crouches to shoot down the pipe. For a moment she can't be seen, and then she reemerges at the end, turning the board into shore. It coasts in all the way to the shallows before it loses speed and she drops off of it into the waist-deep water.

She looks about the shore again for the first time since waving back, and offers a friendly smile and wave towards Lorna, and if visible, anyone else there.

Lorna Dane has posed:
     The benefit of mutant body guards is how well they can adapt to the situations Lorna throws them into, some literally invisible, some able to camouflage enough to be practically invisible. Lorna knows they are there because of the electro-magnetic report of their equipment and even their bodies. So she's quietly thankful for their respect to her wishes to be alone.

     As she watches Kiana surf, Lorna pulls her legs in, wrapping her arms gently about her knees with an elder grunt of effort as she realizes she might not bend that way anymore. "That was awesome!" Lorna says in support of Kiana and even clapping a little as she reaches a distance close enough to not need to shout to be heard over the crashing waves.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana lifts her voice enough to be heard if not having to make it a shout. "Thank you," she says, beaming a grateful smile at the woman on the beach. "I'm still learning. But it's a lot of fun. Have you ever tried it?" Kiana asks.

She picks up the board, setting the tail end into the sand beneath the shallow water to rest it there. The board is old and beat up, the paint faded like it's been left out in the sun for a long time. And Lorna might even notice a few gouges here and there.

Kiana motions to the water. "The water's great. Nice and warm if you haven't tried it yet," she offers in a friendly tone.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "Oh a while back, but I'm too much of a New York gal to really be surfed." Lorna replies and then uncoils her legs to lean back, hands in the sand behind her and finding that posture much more comfortable.

    " I'm afraid not right now. maybe later just before the end of summer, I'm not quite comfortable with my beach bod just yet." Lorna says, fanning out her dress by pulling the hem slightly in a fidgety self conscious way.

Kiana has posed:
"New York, I met someone else from there. Are you visiting the island?" Kiana asks, the teen not seeming to recognize the island's ruler. She pulls her board up from where it rests, walking further up onto the beach, to the stretch where the waves continue to lap ashore and wash over her feet, the sand giving way beneath from each wave so she sinks into the soft sand slightly.

"I think you look amazing. I've never seen your color of hair before," Kiana says in a bright, friendly tone. "But if you ever feel like surfing later, you can come find me and we can go. There's a crossroad down the coast. One with a diner and a garage. And a jewelry stand by the road. Just tell Old Ned that you came to surf with Kiana and he can send Rafael to come find me," Kiana offers, lifting a hand to shade her eyes from the sun as she smiles at Lorna.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "Wow, that's... I'll try to remember that. I'm finding out Mom brain is a real thing." Lorna says with a half chuckle. "Kiana is such a cute name." She adds.

    "Yknow, I think I would like to learn, it looks fun but dangerous." The queen frowns before she takes off her sun hat and laying it on the sand, "It's natural, so I'll certainly take the complement but you certainly are the much cuter one on the beach today." Lorna says with a big friendly smile.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana looks very touched at the compliment on her name, to the degree that it might give a sense of simpleness to the Polynesian girl. "Oh, thank you so much for saying that," she says, a smile beaming across her face and shining at Lorna.

"Mom brain? Does that mean, did you have a child? And I'm guessing if so, a first one?" Kiana asks, after Lorna spoke of finding out about it making it sound a new thing. "If so, congratulations. I saw the babies at the hospital when Joshua took me there, and the mothers and fathers had such beautiful smiles when they were with their children," Kiana says, getting a soft, happy smile at the memory.

"It's not too bad, especially if you start on the smaller waves. The big ones could be dangerous, especially in shallower where you could hit the bottom. I'm pretty safe there compared to most though," Kiana says. "I can manipulate the water and, so I'd be able to stop myself easily enough. It's my mutant power," she says. The girl tilts her head as she looks at Lorna's hair. "Are you a mutant as well? Ned said different color skin, or hair... fathers, scales, things like that usually mean someone is a mutant," Kiana asks.

Lorna Dane has posed:
     Lorna gets the idea that Kiana might not be from Genosha, and so the monarch gets a soft smile, choosing to answer that line first. "Well, there's more than that. There's all sorts of changes and mutations someone can go through. Though yes my hair is one of my mutations. But it doesn't have to be physical. Some people, like you, can control things outside of themselves. Manipulate the world around them in a multitude of ways." Lorna says, putting on her teaching tone with the younger woman. "But there are people who have powers like that who aren't mutants too. It's almost impossible to tell just by looking." Then Lorna takes a soft breath and looks much more at Kiana, really observing the Polynesian woman in an attempt to make a personal connection. "I just had triplets last month." Lorna admits with a hint of blush across her sun kissed cheeks.

Kiana has posed:
From the little nods that Kiana gives, and the way she seems to soak up the extra information about mutants, the teen seems quite open to someone sharing such knowledge with her. And another soft, sunny smile results as if in gratitude to Lorna for sharing it. There isn't really a sense of slowness from Kiana, as she seems to soak in the information when offered. But the lack of worldliness is quite easy to note.

"Triplets? You had three children!?" Kiana exclaims. "At once!? Oh my goodness. You probably do need a good trip to the beach to relax," she says. "Congratulations. Is your husband taking care of the babies now? He must be so proud," Kiana says, her face lighting up, no doubt remembering the faces of the fathers and mothers with their newborns at the hospital.

Lorna Dane has posed:
     Lorna takes a slow deep breath at that last question before finding the words she's okay with sharing, "There is no husband but I do have the kids staying with a babysitter friend while I get a moment to myself." Lorna smiles and let's her hands really run through the sand.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana seems like maybe she senses some of the emotion that the question stirs. The girl's expression softens a little bit. "I'm glad you have friends to watch them," she says. "I'm sure you're going to give them a happy home. Genosha seems like such a beautiful place. I'm really glad that I ended up here," Kiana says as if hoping to inject a bit of hopefulness and good cheer after sensing the question might have been an uneasy one for Lorna.

"Oh," Kiana says, glancing up at the sun overhead. "It's later than I thought. I should start heading back now. Rafael and Ned have someone who was going into Hammer Bay picking up some food they said I would like. I'd better get on my way back or else Rafael will probably eat it all," Kiana says with a warm laugh that one gets the feeling it's the laugh she'd have given if Rafael was there to hear the comment. Whoever he is.

"It was nice to meet you. Maybe I'll see you again sometime. If you ever want to surf," Kiana says, giving a little wave and then grabbing her board to trot back out to the water.