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Sometimes you have to relax...
Date of Scene: 25 January 2024
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Remy is shooting pool and talking to Emma when Alex approaches with an interesting offer.
Cast of Characters: Remy LeBeau, Emma Frost, Alex Summers

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Since Remy came back to the mansion a few weeks ago he has mostly been trying to keep to himself. A few forays into the kitchen to make some food aside, the Cajun isn't seen publicly wandering the halls usually, so it's slightly surprising to see him in the rec room casually shooting pool by himself. Maybe he is starting to feel less like a stranger and more accepted as the weeks go by.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is making one of her rare forays to the Mansion. She has herself a rather large glass of wine as she does so, taking care to keep away from the students. A general passive look is upon her face as she makes her way around, rather relaxed.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy seems to be working on his bank shots, setting up various angles to hit the cue to sink the randomly arranged balls he has on the table. He glances up when he notices Emma, giving her a nod. "Ms. Frost," he says with an air of politeness that borders on the wary. "Don' see you 'round 'ere t'at often."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Remy, "Mister LeBeau. The same could be said for yourself." Emma goes to snark that back without any particular malice behind it as she goes to take another sip of her wine. "I take it that you'll be here for the forseeable future or do you not have any particular plans?"

Alex Summers has posed:
Having forayed through the hallways, Alex hears the clacking of the pool balls smacking into one another so he diverts his path to the archway entrance into the room. He stops short of entering as he sees the two persons within and he only gives pause to ensure that he's not interrupting something important. Seeing it's simple banter, he steps into the room and will step to the left of the doorway where he might lean against that piece of wall, cross his arms over his chest, and watch the exchange. Alex interjects, "He better be hanging out for the forseeable future. We've got plans for him. He's got a special skill that really helps with training the new mutants."

Remy LeBeau has posed:

     The cue ball bounces off three rails to sink one of the balls into the corner pocket.

    He looks like he is about to answer Emma, when Alex pops in and makes his case. Remy arches his brow slightly and shrugs, moving to line up another shot. "Seems dat one of the Summers brothers has made my decisions for me. Somet'in' oddly comfortin' in dat." He smriks, reaching up to run his fingers through that longish auburn hair, "Which skill is dat, mon ami? Makin' a mess o' t'ings? Cause I do dat in spades, non?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Alex, "And oh? whom pray tell is making these plans? Yourself or a collective? Do consider me interested." G lancing over at Remy in amusement while turning her attention back. "And I do hope that it garners some.. Interest from the student body, if that is whom it is targeted at."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Somebody's gotta make plans." states Alex before he adds, "Plans outside of wedding weirdness and whatever the students are planning at any given time." He then states with some clarity, "Remy has a few special skill sets. Same as Ororo. They can both pick locks, undo handcuffs, and also know quite a bit about security systems. I'm sure Remy's skills are more up to date than 'Ro's. These kids need to know how to get out of bad situations that they're always finding themselves in by making poor choices. Or, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Emma. I've a feeling that you're more focused on the students and the school than other /administrators/, and I think you should see that Remy gets a special class time slot just for the aforementioned skills. Plus, whatever else he can teach them about evasion, stealth, safecracking, diamond thievery, whatever. Hell, I might even take this class."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy blinks and just kind of stares at Alex for a couple of seconds of stunned silence. "Let me get dis straight. You want to put me on de payroll? Like, in charge of a class? Wit' students?"

     Remy looks like he is torn between laughing hysterically or fleeing in terror at the suggestion. "Mon ami, I t'ink that be an uphill battle getting Jean to go along wit' dat plan, non? I can't see her allowing me dat sort of responsibility."

     He shrugs, setting up another shot on the table and sending a ball off a couple bumpers to clack into another one and sinking it. "Or is dis just a way of keepin' ole Remy on a short leash?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Alex, "A rather amusing and likely interesting class. I'm sure it would get a decent attendance as well, if only for the curiousity it would achieve. So then, Mister Summers, what other of the taching faculty have you gotten some interest in this as well? Or would the classes be more of an unofficial thing about the campus and demonstration? And I'm merely a guest here that occasionally lends assistance, Mister Summers. While I think the idea has potential, I am not part of the administration of the school so I do not necessarily have any specific say in the matter."

Alex Summers has posed:
"I'll send it up the flag poll, see if it catches wind. But I see it as being a specialty elective. Subversive life skills class. Even though only one or two out of a full class is invited to be an X-Man, the kids need something when they're booted out on the street. They're mutants, they're going to get into trouble. And we're being wholly irresponsible if we don't help teach them something that they can use to get out of trouble. Or avoid it completely. Instead, we've just been churning out a lot of high school graduates with no real hope or plan for the future. So, yeah. I'm serious. I think Remy would be a master at this class."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     *Crack* Another ball is hit, and subsequently bouncing around the table to end up sinking another one somewhere. "Yeah, good luck wit' dat, Alex," Remy says not at all convinced that the idea will float. "While Rogue and I might be on terms that don' have us screamin' at each other, she's got Jean's ear and I don' think she be singin' my praises none. Truth is, I'm shocked I'm still 'ere and haven't been told to vacate the premises already. I keep waitin' for dat proverbial ot'er shoe to drop. I'd chalk it up to dem not knowin' was around, but dat's impossible. T'ey know."

     He sets up another shot and goes for the cue, hitting the thing square and watching it bounce around the table to ultimately miss. Remy just looks at the table like it betrayed him before letting out a slow breath. He twirls the stick in his hand like his quarterstaff before planting the end of it onto the ground, "You see if that hand plays, and maybe I'll throw into the pot, but I'm pretty sure that will be folded faster then some aces and eights."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug over, "Well, that ultimately is based upon the interest of Mister LeaBeau, and if he wishes to do it first and to be available. If he's interested in commitment and some of the other staff agree, then I'll endorse it to the Headmaster should she believe it has potential." She meant Jean. "So Mister LeBeau, is that something you feel like you would be interested in pursuing, if you'll be around here for some time and wish further engagement with the student body?"

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex gives a nod to Remy's and then Emma's statements, agreeing with both. Then he sees how Emma addresses Remy regarding his stance on it. Whether or not he wishes to pursue the opportunity. And Alex will remain quiet, allowing for Remy's reflection and answer.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     The Cajun is quiet for a few as he moves around the table, fingers rapping on the stick as he looks for the angle both on the table, and in the offer in front of him. Ruby red eyes flick to Alex every so often, looking like he is expecting a 'Haha! Got you' to come from the younger Summers brother at any moment. When it doesn't come, Remy looks Emma briefly, and then to the floor with a sigh. "Maybe? I know you lookin' for a oui or non, but I jus' can't give dat at de moment. To many variables in play to make a educated bet. What I will give you is dis, I promise to stick around long enough to hear if de offer is legit and signed off on. I ain't got anywhere else to go anyway, so you all stuck wit' me for now as it is."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Alex and give a nod, "ultimately, Mister LeBeau, any potnetial thing requires your preference first. You are not to be volunteered for such a thing. I'm sure that however, Ms. Monroe would be willing to take part ins uch a thing Mister Summers, if you would care to approach her."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex pushes off the wall and gives a nod to Emma's remark. "On it. And thanks. I'll get this handled and up to the higher ups so they can decide what they want to do about it. And... I'll go find 'Ro." he steps out of the room, leaving the conversation.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy looks from the departing Alex to Emma with a bit of an arched brow. "I t'ink de man is serious about dis." Remy once again reaches up and combs his hair back with his fingers as he looks to the table. "As I said, if he can float it past Jean without a laugh, den I consider it, non? But pointless to agree and prep for it to only be tossed back at me. I don' consider dat to be being voluntold, just...playin' the cards close to my chest."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "Very well. However, I presume that Jean will ask if you are interested ins uch a thing before you're volunteered for the matter. But I'm far from knowing how she would consider such a thing so I make no presumptions about guessing what goes on i her head."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "See, here I think Jean is just going to laugh at Alex right off de bat. It won't even git to a part where what I t'ink about it matters." admits Remy. "I've got odds dat a snowball have a better chance of vacationing in Maui dan I do t'is seein' the light of day. Least wit' me. 'Ro maybe."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug over, "Of course. ultiately it is your decision, Mister LeBeau. And volunteering you wtihout your specific interest will likely make it even less likely Ms. Grey would authorize it. So you are likely safe for now."

Remy LeBeau has posed:

    Remy shrugs and looks back to the pool table as he lines up another shot, "We see what she say, non? At dat point I can make a choice if it ain't just a big waste o' time." He pauses, "What 'bout you? You doin' anyt'in' around 'ere or are you just takin' in de sights?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "I am here on occasion, though not a full time member of the staff. I assist at times. Though my own obligations take by far the majority fo my time." She wasn't Warren that could delegate virtually all of his business to someone /else/ to handle and do a better job of it after all.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy laughs, the mutant never holding what one might consider a 'real' job in his life. "See, you ain' even here most de time and I t'ink you have a better reputation at dis place t'an I do. I guess we just have to wait and see, non?" He hits at another ball, sinking it and then moving to re-rack them. "Don' get me wrong, chere. I'm all for teachin' de kids some life skills dat may make t'eir lives easier. I just don' t'ink my reputation bears much weight round 'ere no more, if it ever did." He shrugs, "De years, dey ain' been kind."