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Latest revision as of 19:20, 5 February 2024

Green Eyes
Date of Scene: 18 December 2023
Location: Suite 05: Jemma's Suite - Triskelion
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Jemma Simmons

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The hovering box following Wanda is on its fourth iteration by now. It no longer slams regularly into pillars - a plus! Its slightly longer range is about two meters before the instability of its wobble turns very dangerous.

The woman moves through the living quarters, escorted by the box and another agent. Avenger or not, she is not a full SHIELD agent. They move along together towards a certain scientist's door, partly letting the hovering box do its thing. The design needs refinement.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
It is not often that Jemma gets visitors. It is even less often when those visitors are Avengers. As such, Simmon's expression is rather comically surprised when she opens the door, just before the agent escort reaches up to knock on the door, and finds herself face to face with the Scarlet Witch.

"Oh! Ms. Maximoff! I...did not expect you." Way to state the obvious there, Jemma. "Is...is there anything I can do for you?"

Again...of course there is something she can do for Wanda. Wanda wouldn't be there otherwise. But, for all of Jemma's genius, she cannot fathom what that would be. Engineering? Maybe, though Fitz would be better. Biochemistry? More her thing, but highly unlikely.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The witch wears a black, long-sleeved dress and knee-high boots; much more going out than working wear. Only her dusty saves the look, long enough to maintain a certain professionalism. Only her red scarf adds colour, even the gloves are black.

"Agent Simmons?" That's a way to open the conversation. Quickly, a smile comes for the woman. "Please don't be alarmed, I come to ask if you are available to help with an experiment."

Wanda gestures to the hovering block that has gained a few more gorilla glass panels to help it 'see.' It zips a bit closer to Jemma, hovering. "WAND asked if I could help run its protocols. They're trying something new involving channels."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Yes, there is a touch of rouge that colors Jemma's cheeks. British sensibilities and all that, she knows when appropriate to relay her slight embarrassment. "Well, yes, I suppose I could have handled that a bit better. I honestly do not entertain guests as often at my personal quarters, so you can imagine my shock when I open my door to unforeseen visitors." That sensible accent with just enough of a lilt to indicate that yes, Jemma was definitely caught by surprise. Not that Wanda needs audible cues to identify truth or not.

"An experiment? Is it with the drone? Or is it something else?" The thought of an experiment has certain piqued the scientist's interests. It is a question that needs answering....and Jemma does love answering questions. "How may I be of service?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda glances over her shoulder at the man with cropped hair, probably instructed to taze her if she wanders through the wrong door. She smiles his way. "I admit it's a fine distraction from the obligations of the holidays," she adds. "You were not in your labs so we came up. Not the best place to practice and I wasn't going to ask to come in. Honest!"

She claps her hands softly together, and the hovering device bounces excitably with her. "Are you interested?" To Jemma, she nods. "It's the drone. They have given it modes to 'read' others with. The architecture is improved but it has much to learn. If you're interested, would you like to meet in half an hour? That should be enough time to get ready? All I need is you to let it try and spot you in those modes. It won't hit you, but it just needs to zip around from a one, two, and three meter distance."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Oh. It *is* with the drone. That's intriguing. "The R&D department has given it the ability to scan others? Now that is fascinating. I wonder if it is attempting to do a genetic scan in real time. That would take some doing, certainly, and I am not privy of a method that is portable enough to be housed within a drone."

Well...that is not *entirely* true. Jemma does have some ideas on how it could happen. However, it may be more unique to Jemma herself than any technological marvel...and even then Jemma may not be completely honest with herself to realize it is possible. "I certainly could see it able to track certain energy signatures, which is how I believe it is tracking your movements now, Ms. Maximoff. But...I am not sure how it would be able to track others with less prominent energy signatures. It would be rather fascinating to see exactly how the operating system does that."

A moment of consideration is all it takes. "Oh, I can certainly meet in a half hour for this. Is there a particular location you wish? The lab, perhaps?" Leave it to Jemma to be excited about testing.