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Latest revision as of 19:23, 5 February 2024

Green Meets Fire and Ice
Date of Scene: 18 November 2023
Location: Xandar
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kyle Rayner, Crystalia Amaquelin

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Xandar, Kyle's heard the stories about the place. All of them talk about brilliant blues, gorgeous greens, and so many other radiant colors. Those colors press against lush foiliage, all manner of buildings that make the place look like a premium space destination. Like a tourist trap amongst the stars. What helps is the Nova Corps. Xandar is the birthplace of them. And this creates a sense of security amongst the residents.

Kyle Rayner is in one of the main squares and he looks like a tourist for a number of reasons. First, is just the deer in the headlight looks on his face. Yes, most of it is covered by his mask. The young man's head just goes from place to place, as if it doesn't know what -exactly- to focus on. Second, is the man's uniform. He's a Geen Lantern. Nova Corps and Lanterns do cross paths, but it's kind of like cops and sheriffs. They're coworkers when it gets big, don't step on each other's toes or turfs when it's small.

The Terran sticks out like sore thumb on just those two things alone. The sun of midday stretches across the planet. Everything is picture-esq perfect. Maybe even a little too perfect.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
Xandar, a place that Crystal has some reasonable familiarity with. She has joined on a few royal missions to negotiate with the Xandarians, a people whose place in the Universe is rather elevated thanks to their fine Nova Corps. It behooved the Inhumans to get on their good side, particuarly given their precarious relationship with the Kree. Mixed with the Xandarians own fraught past with the intergalactic conquerors, it was quick and easy to establish an alliance. And Crystal had been the beneficiary of those exchanges on plenty of occassions.

She had come to Xandar in the hopes of meeting up with one of her friends, a page who had attended to one of the Royals visits some years back. They had remained acquainted, and had introduced each other to several delights. In particular, Aliska had taken a liking to jelly donuts that Crystal had brought from Earth, and so a cardboard box tied up with red and white string was perched beneath her arm, resting on her hip. She could not come to Xandar without jelly donuts for Aliska!

Sadly, it was not so convenient to call ahead, and it was only upon her arrival that Crystal found Aliska was off-world, joining a delegation to negotiate a peace treaty between two warring systems. Aliska had come up in the world, but sadly, that cost of that were jelly donuts.

And so Crystal found herself leaning against one of the walkways, her gaze drifting out towards one of the many fountains that graced Xandrian squares, enjoying the way the breeze brushed through her hair - not something one gets on the surface of the Moon - and basking in the sunlight. And wondering what to do with a dozen jelly donuts, when she could only manage, at MOST, three per day. And they would grow stale at that rate...

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle Rayner continues just moving about when he pauses in front of a woman. "Wow, I didn't think donuts came this far out. Neat," then he'll give the woman a nod. The gaze slips about again for a moment as he looks equally lost. Kind of like someone that's all dresed up with nowhere to go.

Leaning against a wall himelf, "What can you tell me about Xandar," he speaks to the ring. Oddly enough, it starts to talk back.

"Xanadar. Birth place of the Nova Corps," and then it starts to do a rundown of everything about the planet. How it's sunny, a desitination spot and anything else someone could find in Space's equivilant to an encyclopedia.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
The ability of Kyle to identify the contents of the box from its unique wrapping causes Crystal perk up and she looks over at him. "You're a Terran?"

This seems to please her greatly, as she turns around to face him, leaning with her back against the railing. "I don't think I've ever seen a Terran here that hadn't come with us. What brings you all the way out to Xandar?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I'm still getting used to the term, but yes," Kyle answers the woman. "The outfit helps me travel places far away from home," he gives a soft smile.

"Well, I'm a Green Lantern. I'm not here on official business. I just hadn't been this far out before. Guess you could call me a tourst," Kyle explains honesstly. "It's a bit odd sounding, I know."

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
Crystal's face wrinkles for a moment before she nods. "If you're not here on official business, why are you wearing your uniform?" She waves her hand to indicate his emerald attire. "Not that the Nova Corp tends to mind other peacekeepers coming, but I would think that if you are just here to relax, you try a bit more to blend in. Otherwise, you might find yourself pressed into service."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Fair point," Kyle conceeds. "Earth doesn't have any public transports to space. So, I needed the unifrom and ring to get out of the atmosphere. Something necesary for the moment," he gives a smile.

"What brings you out this far? You have donuts and know of Earth. We're still a rare race," under his breath he'll slip in a, "Mostly." Kyle knowss there are plenty of people that can leave Earth. However, it's sstill a very small number by comparison. "I'm A Green Lantern. My call sign is 'Ion' when there's more than one of us." Call signs help the laterns coordinate attacks wthout sayiing things like, "Lantern Three," "Lantern Eighty-Six," and so on.

"And you are?" Kyle asks with a curious tone weaving between his words.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
"And yet you /still/ wear it," Crystal points out, with something bordering on a giggle. "Are you truly that married to your job?" She tilts her head. "Or do you think it makes you look more impressive?" Curiousity, and a mild tease, not a criticism.

"Who can know of Earth and /not/ know of donuts?" That seems, to her tone, to be a mystery. "I have an old friend here and was bringing her donuts from a shop in Brooklyn, but she isn't here, and so..." She pulls the box from beneath her arm and holds it out towards Kyle. "If you would like to share, perhaps have a memory of home. How long has it been since you have been there?"

She wrinkles her nose as he introduces himself by call sign. "Alright, Green Lantern Ion," she says, adopting a bit of a stiffer pose, and casting her voice a bit deeper. "I'm Crystal." She offers her hand.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"No, but who doesn't like someone in a uniform?" Kyle counters with a grin forming at his lips. "Plus, look good in green -and- black," he gives a small nod. Going wth the teasing on his own.

"As long as you don't mind," extending a hand he triess to fish for one. Anythng that's creme filled.

"Brooklyn? A while. Earth? I just came from there, so not long," he clarifies between the two potential meanings to her question.

"Crystal," he will take her hand. "Are you a hugger? Shaker? Kiss on the back of the hand? Some other off-world traditional greeting?" he asks, just trying to make sure she's comfortable with his next action.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
As if answering some obligation from Kyle, Crystal's eyes drift up and down to consider his uniform. "Not necessarily the best color scheme, I have to say, but it seems to complement your physique in the right places, so I can see why you might appreciate it."

The box is offered, and while it is an assortment, there strawberry filled powdered donuts, boston cremes, and several other options.

She gives a nod at his answer. "Where is home?" she asks. "On earth, I mean." She pulls back the box once he has made his selection, and does not claim one for herself.

As Kyle rattles off the choices of greeting, it is her turn to tease, flashing a grin of challenge. "I suppose you will just have to make the best you can, Green Lantern Ion." There goes that faux deep voice again as she calls him by his title.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Careful or I will think you're flirting with me, Princess," Kyle has no idea about Crystal's family ties, rank and anything else. He's actually reminded of Star Wars, kind of. Leia is often called "Princess," by a particular smuggler.

"Happy Harbor. It's part of New York, not the city, but the stat. Where d you call home?" Kyel asks as he's genuinely curiou. He'll wait a few moments befor taking a bite of the donut.

The teasing continues and it makes him smirk again. Shrugging, he'll pull the hand close and kiss the back of it. "Princess," he leans into that nickname a bit more. "A pleasure," he grins at her when the hand is released. "You're more radiant than the Sun that illuminates this planet."

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
The way that Crystal stiffens as soon as he uses that term, her eyes narrowing, and her tone shifts, probably is enough to alert Kyle before she even says anything. "How did you know?" Not that she is /entirely/ an unknown quantity, but for someone who did not seem to even know much about Xandar, knowing who she is seemed...incongrous.

There is a palpable shift in the ease with which her answers flow now. "Manhattan." Was it plausible? Sure. It did not have full conviction, though, if Kyle is at all good at picking up on signals like that.

And then, somehow, the tension seems to fade, her concern washing away into a slight flush of her cheeks. "Oh," she says quietly. It was a joke. He is...

"Flatterer." she says, glancing downward to avoid his gaze.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Know what?" Kyle asks as the cluelessness shows itself in full. "One of the most memorable ladies in space was a Princess. Her name was Leia. You're equally memorable," he says just in the dark about the title.

"How do you like the city?" he asks. It's easy to visit for him and he does often.

"No. I'm just honest. If the words -happen- to flatter you then that's just a bonus. Like whipped cream on a sundae or creme in a donut. Doesn't take away from either. Just adds a little extra," and now he will take the first bite.

When that's done he will look back at her then toward the other mulling about. "I will say, you are one of the most beautiful people walking about ether planet," oh now he's intentionally trying to flatter her.

"So we can meet in Manhattan if you ever want company on Earth," he just throws that out there for Crystal to digest.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
Whether it was the comparison to Star Wars, a film that Crystal has /definitely/ watched plenty of times (there was that one Halloween she convinced them to do a group outing, and while Karnak had been a bit more annoying than usual when challenging Threepio, no one could match Lockjaw's bandolier marking him as Chewie. She, of COURSE, was in fact Leia, in that white robe that was such a stark contrast in the first film) or his continued praise, Crystal falls silent and allows the Green Lantern to continue uninterrupted. She watches as he eats the donut, parsing through all of it. Until finally she has a simple question.

"Did you just ask me out on a date?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle's eyes widen a little bit. However, that's mostly hidden by the mask. "I think I did," he admits honestly. "I originally meant it as friends, but when it's a princess, you gotta try, right?" he's just rolling with it. A mixture of honesty and improv.

"If you're single that is. I might have skipped some important questions."

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
That seems to leave Crystal with at least a little bit of consideration. She studies the man, narrowing one eye, and then the other. "I certainly cannot fault you for trying, Green Lantern Ion."

Finally, she offers a smile. "I do not think I could accept an offer of a date from Green Lantern Ion." She tilts her head. "Tell me your name as your mother gave you, and perhaps I shall."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle shrugs a little bit at that first phrase. It's in an, "Awww nuts!" kind of way. "Well I st-," he begins then the rest of her phrase comes out.

"My name is Kyle. I'm an artist when I'm not wearing this," he gestures to the uniform. "I may not be able to take you to all the fancy royal places, but I'll make sure you feel like a princess."

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
Her face lights up when he says that he is an artist. "See, /Kyle/, you should have led with /that/." Crystal waves her hand in front of her. "I can have my fill of men in uniform between Earth and home, but show me an artist or someone creative..." She nods, tucking the box of donuts back beneath her arm. "You make me feel like a princess, and I will bring you to all the fancy royal places." She flashes a grin.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"But I'm an artist in a uniform. It seems contradictry, but here we are," Kyle's jovial expression stays on his face. "Careful or I will think you lik me," he says honestly and then he'll take another bite of a donut. Once that piece is savored, and swallowed, he'll speak. "How will you get us in the fancy places?" Kyle's a little confused by this one. Interested, but confused.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
"Oh, I will be /very/ careful to avoid that misunderstanding," replies Crystal, flashing a grin. She watches as he takes down another bite of donut, and then she shakes her head. "That is my secret, that you will just need to discern."

And then as if struck by a sudden thought, her hand darts out to try to catch his, in an offer to cover his lantern ring with her palm. "And no cheating by asking your encyclopedia who I am."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"And what will you do to make sure to avoid those misunderstandings?" Kyle asks with a raised brow that's heard in his voice. A grin on his face. He'll nod about the secret.

Then the hand darts out for his . . .and it goes for the ring. "Allllright," he says with some supicion. "What if I just care about the person? I don't care about her fame or whatever," he says honestly n that front. Kyle's betting she's a famous singer in the galaxy.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
"Oh, trust me, I am /not/ someone who is hard to understand when she makes her points." There is a grin on Crystal's face.

She considers his words, and releases his hand, fingertips slowly drifting back until she separates from him. "That would be better, yes." A pause. "Green Lantern Ion." She giggles.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Going to give a guy a preview, princess?" Kyle decides to press his luck again. So, he's tryng to see what she will do.

Fingers start to slip away, makes him shake hs head. "You could have at least held my hand a little." Then he will bow deep for her. "Where does your heighness wish to go?" he asks.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
"I promise you, as soon as I decide if I like you, I will let you know." Crystal winks at him. So much for that preview.

There is a moment of deliberation as Crystal watches Kyle. She has the donuts, but her friend is off-world. She truly, for the first time in some time, has nothing else to do, and nothing planned. She may regret this, but...

"Surprise me," she says, closing her eyes. And offering her hand back out to Kyle to take.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Seeing that wink, "Stop being cute, it's almost distracting," Kyle is just all smiles and grins at this moment. Happy to have this small bit of happenstance almost stubmle into his lp.

Now, he did originally mean for the date, but Kyle doesn't correct her. Moving to her, he'll wrap around her shoulders. "Hold on tight to me," and he waits for Crystal to grip him firmly. When she does, a green energy will surround them. The pair are up in the air flying about.

It may take him a few moments, maybe even some changed directions, but they will see it.

A lush bit of land and trees. A perfectly preserved park int he sea of buildings and colors. Landing upon the ground, he'll try to make a blanket construct for them to sit on. "Figured maybe we should ask each other questins or flirt mre," he chuckles.

One of the advantages to ths spot is a lack of people. Kyle's mask will coalece out of existence. Green eyes look to Crystal.

She can see his face in full, fresh out of college. The angular jaw, slightly darker skin thank to the sun and everything else. "Like what you see?" he smiles big at her.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
Crystal does appear to be accidentally doing most of the work for him, but she seems not mind too much. At his instruction, she reaches an arm around his waist and squeezes in what is probably a surprisingly strong grip for a girl her size.

She watches in wonder as they cruise along within the green bubble, until she stretches out on the blanket of light. "I will grant you three questions, Kyle Ion, and you best make them count, because you will need to /earn/ any more."

As the mask fades away, her smile broadens a bit. "The mask does not do you justice."

Then she lays back, resting her head against the blank as she gazes skyward. "Go." For the questions, that is.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It's not supposed to do me justice, it's to protect the money maker," Kyle jokes and is happy she likes what she sees. Then comes the questions. Only three and so they have to count.

"You will get three from me and we'll alternate," he adds in hs own stipulation. Just to make it fair for everyone involved.

"Why did you say yes? Half of my face was covered. We just met. Call me curious on that one," he admits. It does strike him as odd. A very good odd, but still odd.

"Your go."

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
This gets an odd look from Crystal. "I thought as an artist your hands were your money makers?"

She settles back and listens as he lays out some rules. Rules are good.

"I am always willing to give something a try, otherwise you don't know what you might miss."

She considers for a moment, thinking. "What is the most amazing thing you have seen in the universe?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It's an expression," Kyle says and he seriously thinks Crystal's home is New York. However, it didn't -start- as her home.

"Good philosophy to have," hea dmits and cannot argue the logic with that.

"You mean besides you? You are pretty stunning," he says honestly. Not quite a gag answer, not quite a serious one.

A pause comes from him, "It's the sunsets and sunrises. Each planet has it's own makeup. It's own color palet. Same goes for the various suns. Seeing them rise and fall, especally when you're floating just above the planets. It's one of the most beautiful natural sights ot the galaxies out there. All of them very similar yet so very different," he admits with an earnestness. The artist coming out a little bit.

"What are three things you want to do before the end of your life and why?" Kyle says knowing that's one question, just one that has a very long answer coming to him.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
"Oh, right, of course." Yes, it's starting to become clear that New York may not be her true birthplace.

She rolls her eyes at a bit at the obvious flattery, and reaches up to punch him in the shoulder. "That's not necessary. I know it's not true, first of all, and you already ahve me here. So just be honest."

She listens as he speaks of the sunsets, and that makes her smile broaden. "You know it's as much a function of the gases that constitute the atmosphere as anything else, right? The way the refraction works tends to have a greater impact than the suns themselves, that tend to have similar wavelength patterns."

She waggles her finger at him. "I'll give you one. No cheating." She sighs. "I want to be respected for my mind and my insights, and not just..." She trails off, and shrugs.

Her turn. "How did you become a Green Lantern?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Without pointing it out, "It's expressin vein people will make. Same for people clearly joking, it's because their face is beautiful. It may just be beautiful in -their- mind. The beauty somehow brings money to the person, or things like free drinks. So, when these people are worried about the face they'll call it a 'Money Maker.'"

He'll just step over that ths could apply to other body parts.

The light punch to his shoulder earns her one back. All of the science talk rolls forward and it takes willpower to keep his gaze from glazing over. "Yes. Yes I do," he says trying to sound firm and serious. In reality, this is all new to him. A science major he is not.

"They should. I do like how you think. Everyone should be judged by their character. Not their job, title, position, career, lineage or anything else," he'll drop in those career based words. Kyle thinks Crystal is space's answer to Billy Eillish or Brittney Spears.

"That's. . .complicated," Kyle begins and thinks of a way to answer ths honestly while just hitting broadstrokes. "The Lanterns are run by a council. They're all Oans. They make decisions that effect every lantern, and byproxy, those in the Lanterns sectors. One of the guardians didn't like this. So, he created a ring that is 'unofficial,'" Kyle begins.

"Every Ring finds someone they see as worthy. They will search the galaxy for their recipient. They ping on someone and the ring will find them. That's how this ring came to me, the instructions were just different," Kyle admits and he knows there may be follow up questions, comments and he'll just remain silent so Crystal can inquire.

Crystalia Amaquelin has posed:
The explanation of Money-Maker seems well received, and Crystal has seen the way her explanations of science have made peopel's eyes go distant before, so she moves away from that. He may be a space traveler, but that does not make him an expert on space, clearly.

As to the ring? There is something that seems to strike a chord in her as he explains how his ring works. "So you are, somehow, while functionally the same, not /really/ considered the same as the rest of them?" This is not intended as a slight, her voice is filled with concern. Empathy. As if somehow that concept hits a little close to him.

"What do you want to do with your life, other than serve as a Lantern?"