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Latest revision as of 19:25, 5 February 2024

Another Magic Flute
Date of Scene: 17 October 2023
Location: Vasquez Home
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Billy Batson

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's a day like any other day, really. The sun shines, the birds sing... the biggest difference? There's the sounds of new music in the air; if not yet, there willl be soon. Billy had mentioned that he was getting a new flute, so Marie came by the house to see it!

Stepping out of the Uber, Marie's dressed in typical attire for her. A yellow sundress and matching ribbon tying up her hair, but this time there's a violin case carefully strapped to her back, as well. She walks up to the door and presses the buzzer, waiting patiently and humming a little tune.

Billy Batson has posed:
The buzzer has a video camera. It seemed like a good investment. Billy looks at the monitor and smiles. He looks around the apartment, a mess. Dishes out, clothes in a heap on the floor. Sofa bed pulled out. Weeeeell no good deed goes unpunished. He gets up and answers the door.

"Marie! On-tray! Wait, did I ask you in or say I want a meal? Anyway come in. Pardon the mess... I had my hands full entertaining this girl I met in Bushwick -Sharon or Catseye? She's a little wild."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Merci beaucoup!" Marie replies, stepping inside and giggling softly at Billy's interpretation of his French. "Non, non. You did very well, Billy. But what..."

As Billy mentions Catseye, Marie's eyebrows go up in unison, and her eyes widen. "You know Catseye?" she asks, taking another, more appraising look at the room. "... oui. This room does appear to have her... signature look."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods and hangs his head a little. "Shazam met her when she was a cat, then she turned into a girl and... well you know the looks she gets and she said she was homeless and I offered to find her some place." He shuts the door and says, "I told her I had a girlfriend -she was... I get the feeling she does stuff just to mess with people. You know any Mutant foster homes? I almost called you guys for help because if Irie caught us... she'd kill Catseye or leave crying or both. She doesn't know I'm Shazam by the way."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie can't help herself... just giggling and shaking her head. "Non, non. Sharon is not homeless. She is simply..." Marie pauses, pursing her lips as she considers the right word. "Rumba.... Rambo... she likes to have fun, oui?" Rambunctious was the word Marie was looking for. She doesn't find it. "...but if you call me the next time you see her, I can certainly help her find her way home." Then, she smiles. "Your secret is safe with me, Billy. You know that. I would never betray Mary's family."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods his head and says, "How is big sister? I see you more than her. Is she okay? I think she's trying to catch up to me ratings wise. But, streaming and interviewing is my job and she has college to deal with. I feel kind of funny, being the one with money for a change."

"Anyway the old wooden flute was giving up the ghost and it was time I move on. I got this metal one to replace it. I'll never throw the old one away. It has good memories with Angelica, and you for that matter." He shows Marie the metal instrument.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Mary is... well, Mary." Marie giggles, shaking her head a bit. "She keeps busy, between her games and, well, Thunderbolt's duties... but we have a date night planned soon which I'm quite excited for." And yes, she even blushes a little at that.

Then the conversation changes and Marie's eyes are drawn to the shiny flute. "May I?" she asks, and if granted permission reaches to take the flute in her hands and inspect it. "This is a fine instrument... not that your old one was not, but the sound quality you should be able to achieve with this... it will be tres bien!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson smiles and certainly let's her take the flute. "Yeah Mary is Mary. She used to be a lot worse, You actually got her to slow down a little. So Sharon has a home? Figures. Uhm, this may sound silly, but... As Shazam, I know Earthly and Occult languages. But... I seem to have an accent. My friend Belinda has requested I not try Spanish in front of her. Do I speak French badly as well? I want to know. I can work on it. What I insult some Genoshans or Europeans?" He almost asks about Thunderbolt's accent but... she probably speaks perfectly.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie offers the flute back with a smile. "Oui, Sharon has a home. Very likely more than one, knowing her." she admits with another giggle... though when it comes to talk of languages, she offers a frown. "Well, yes, you have an accent Billy.... everyone does. But would you ask me not to speak English because I sound like this?" she asks, crinkling her nose. "You are understood, and this is what is most important. Madame Belinda should be more patient with your efforts, if you ask me."