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Latest revision as of 16:03, 9 March 2024

Special Delivery: Birthday Edition
Date of Scene: 09 March 2024
Location: Long Beach - Joan Wright's House
Synopsis: Joan has had such a busy week that she forgot an important date. Fortunately for her. Ted Kord remembers...
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Ted Kord

Joan Wright has posed:
It's been a pretty busy week for Joan. Several incidents have occurred spread over a lot of territories, leading to a lot of buildings being damaged. A lot of emergency repairs were needed to tide the building over until crews could get to them and as a result...

Joan is pretty damn tired. Considering this, she was able to wrangle out a half day of work for Friday AND a work from home allotment for that half day. So it is with a contented sigh she turns off her computer and moves out of her office area to move to the main room of the house. As she steps over, she tugs her phone out to check the status of her delivery order.

She's got to spoil herself a little after all.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is strealing to Long Island piloting the fabulous Bug. He is also singing Italian opera. All ten bots are with him. The latest awakened one, Bodhi is copilot. Ted takes over to let him land.

Bodhi does a decent job of landing. He needs a little more experience. There's some rattling from the cargo. "It's probably fine. I'll check it out." He gives Bodhi a magnetic pilot's wings emblem. then he drops out the ventral hatch. One neighbor spots him and holds up his Order of Protection like a cross. Ted, pffts and hovering on his disks inspects his gift, held by clamps. Looks good.

"Okay Bingo, let her down easy... I said EASY!" The grapples holding the gift open a little too fast. Several numbered bots grab it, setting it down easily. Bailey shakes a small fist at Bingo. She learned that from Ted. Ted flies over to Joan's door and knocks as Bodhi shuts down the Bug and exits.


Joan Wright has posed:
Looking to the phone, the sounds going on outside are the first things that she takes note of. However, the door and wall are very good at muffling most of it. It isn't until the knock upon the door that she feels need to give it more attention.

Wow. That was really fast delivery.

Moving towards the door, Joan pauses to look out the peephole to see Ted.

Unlocking the door, Joan opens it up, smiling. "Hi Ted! Great timing! I just got off work!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord frowns. "I give my employees their birthday off aft three years service. I thought I was a workaholic. All right kids. Get out of the way! Let her see what I got her. Scat!" The bots part. there's probably a fair amount of EMF grumbling. Bailey is holding a cake and doesn't move till addressed by name.

"I brought Bailey because she's a blabbermouth." Rolling of photo sensors. Ted indicates Joan's driveway, which now holds an olive green jeep convertible.

Joan Wright has posed:
Ted's comme gets a bit of a laugh. "Well, to be fair, I worked a half day and I didn't go into the office for it." Joan replies. "So it was a light work day of just finishing up some paperwork. We had a lot of incidents to respond to in the past week. But, I am not on call this weekend."

Joan glances up as Ted calls out to the other bots, watching as they zoom about, revealing the cake.

Joan's brow lifts. "But it's no-"

She pauses, "Oh- It IS today-"

Throwing up her arms, she wraps them around Ted, giving him a big hug. "You're so sweet for remembering!"

Getting a sense that Ted wants her to look elsewhere, she glances to the direction indicated. Joan's eyes widen. "Oh- m-"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord beams and says, "I made it myself. I programmed Bailey to drive it in case you need time to do stuff on your ride in and, let's say it has a lot of options. Bongo! Manual please! Oh, the KordCo garage has a space for it." Bongo presents the operator's guide to Joan. Meanwhile B-03 tugs on Joan's jacket and waves.

"Oh. Sorry... number three woke up this morning. Three is a boy and he chose the pronouns he/him but doesn't object to it. His name is Bodhi -Sanskrit for Spirit. He's a pilot. He also can talk because he may have to speak to an air controller. Say hello, Bodhi."

"Hello Bodhi."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan turns her head, looking up at Ted as he explains the origin of the jeep. "It looks great. You find new ways to surprise me." She smiles, "Thank you."

When Bongo is called over to bring the manual, she ends up sliding away from Ted to receive the offered item. Cradling the book in arms, she makes note to have a look through that later for any features that she might not want to accidentally trigger thinking it is something else.

Feeling a tug, Joan turns her head to see B-03. Fortunately for her, Ted's pretty forthcoming with the information.

Joan crotches down to Bodhi's level. "Well hello, Bodhi."

Ted Kord has posed:
Bodhi repeats, "Hello Bodhi." Ted face palms.

"We're working on it. He's a good pilot though. I think Bailey is annoyed Bodhi gets to talk before her but he had it installed as original equipment. Anyway she's fluent in emoji... Bailey you send me another eggplant via my goggles and you will stay in the Bug the rest of the evening. Please bring the cake to the counter. Bongo, please assist Bailey."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's smile widens as Bodhi repeats the past sentence. "Well, we have to start somewhere after all."

To the mention of the eggplant emoji, Joan turns from Bodhi to look over to Bailey. "I certainly hope you don't send that to any of my coworkers." Joan comments, standing back up. She watches as the bots move on in through the open door.

The kitchen is clean with plenty of counterspace to utilize for the latest command. Despite the momentary admonisment, she is still smiling. The manual is soon dispersed on to a coffee table, allowing for her freed hands to find new occupation in holding Ted's.

Cake, a new Jeep, and great company.

What more is there to ask for?