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Latest revision as of 18:11, 14 March 2024

Cafes and Casablanca and Ice Cream, Oh My!
Date of Scene: 13 March 2024
Location: Megan Morse's Apartment
Synopsis: The date goes better than either of them expected!
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Jon Kent

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
It's date night!

Megan hurries home after her last class, cheating a little by ducking out of sight so she can go invisible and fly back to the apartment. She jumps into to freshen up, using her unique morphology to make sure her 'hair' is dry and up into it's ponytail without having to waste time on expensive blow dryers and brushes and products. Her bioclothes shifts through a few different outfits before she settles on a pretty knee-length sun dress and a light summer sweater over it, with some mary jane style kitten heels to complete the outfit. Her makeup doesn't cost her a thing, nor will it smear, simply making her lips a little redder, adding a touch of shimmery color to her eyelids, and making her lashes look just a touch longer and darker, as if she put on mascara.

Grabbing up a purse to hold her wallet and keys, Megan heads out to the cafe, just a few short blocks from her apartment, which is likewise just a few short blocks from the university! It's just after six when she enters the cafe, glancing around for Jon.

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon has been looking forward to this all day. Well, since they'd discussed it around lunch, anyways.

He'd hurried to his dorm room on campus after his last class. He hopped in the shower and changed into some date clothes. He went with darker blue jeans and Converse, along with a button-up shirt under a sweater with the collar popping out the top and folded. He blinks at his reflection and stares for a moment, briefly noting how much he looks like his dad (Or, at least Clark) in this outfit. But hey, it looks cute on him. So, off to the cafe he goes. He locates a good table on the patio and orders a lemonade, sipping at it as other tables begin to fill and it starts getting darker. A projector screen is pulled down from the ceiling to show the movie on, with various groups and couples enjoying it during quiet chatter.

He spots his girlfriend when she enters, and he smiles and raises a hand to catch her attention. Once she arrives he passes over the menu. "I was thinking of the grilled brie and pear sandwich. Sounds light but super yummy. You look amazing, by the way." He leans forward to give her a soft kiss before settling back into his seat. That was the second time today he'd delivered a direct kiss so smoothly. His cheeks are a bit flushed afterwards, but he's clearly trying to make strides.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan's face lights up when she sees Jon waving at her, lifting a hand to wave at him in return, heading over to join him.

When she gets there, Megan returns the kiss with a slight blush and a warm smile. Taking her seat and the menu that's passed to her, "That *does* sound good... does it come with ham or prosciutto?" Glancing up at him, she adds, "And thank you. You look amazing yourself." Even if her cheeks are pink, she's more than pleased with his kisses.

Glancing over the menu, she opts for a raspberry flavored seltzer water to help balance the sweetness of the brie and pear sandwich, and suggests they share an order of the parmesan fries. Turning a smile towards Jon, Megan murmurs, "Blue looks really good on you, Jon. Brings out your eyes." Then she's clearing her throat and glancing towards the screen, "When do you think the movie will start?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Prosciutto." Her compliment makes him smile and he nods to her. "Aw, thanks. I appreciate that." He agrees to the fries, as well, before he follows her gaze to the screen.

"Pretty soon, I think. Tables seem full and it's dark enough now for the sun now to get in the way of the projector screen." He takes a sip of his lemonade, and his foot lightly bumps hers under the table.

"How was your afternoon? Mine was chill, thankfully. Coasted through to tonight."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Nodding, Megan offers, "You're welcome." She looks to the waitress bringing her seltzer water and smiles her thanks, taking a sip before smiling at him.

Reaching over, she takes his hand, lacing her fingers through his and giving a small squeeze, "Okay. I happen to like old film noir style movies, and Casablanca is like.. the quintessential one, so if I get a little excitable or you hear me murmuring lines... sorry." She offers a quick, shy smile before looking back to the table.

"Oh! It was... I mean, I assume it went well, I can't really remember much of anything after lunch... I just sorta of... floated through the rest of the day." Megan chuckles softly and lifts a shrug, "I've been looking forward to our date."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Oh, it's fine!" He laces his fingers happily with hers. "My dad is super old-fashioned, so there were always old movies like this playing in the house when I was growing up." Well, even OLDER movies, for him, since he technically grew up a bit in the future, but it isn't like he's about to say that. "Besides, I like seeing you get excited about things," Jon says with a wide smile.

He grins wider at her admission, and he nods. "Same, then. Oh!" He glances over as the server arrives, and they put in their order. Moments after, the lights dim, with candles on the various tables giving a romantic atmosphere, and the movie begins to play. "...Cool," he whispers.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Nodding, Megan grins at him, "I grew up on older shows and movies, too. Reruns and the like. So I get it." She's technically much older than she looks and grew up on the shows and movies sent by relay that she was able to pick up from space. But that's also not something she's going to share! Blushing faintly, she smiles, "Okay then, I won't try to rein it in."

With the order put in and the movie beginning, Megan glances around, smiling at the atmosphere created in the cafe while the movie begins, and she whispers to herself, "Play it again, Sam..."

Jon Kent has posed:
He scoots his chair closer to her own so they're both facing the screen, and he can take her hand and lace his fingers better with hers. As the movie plays, the food and drinks arrive. The food is quite good, as it's a rather popular little trendy cafe. The movie is the same as ever, and people laugh and get sucked in as they watch along with them. It's clearly a date spot, as all the darkened cafe tables are mostly filled with other couples. They look like the youngest ones here, though.

Whenever she says the lines along with it, or gets excited a bit of the movie, he feels his heart beat faster. He finds himself watching her more often then the movie at certain times. As the movie eventually comes to a close, he realizes just how much he cares about her, and he gives her hand a squeeze.

"That was awesome..." The lights come up.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
She doesn't object at all to his moving in closer, or to holding her hand, merely smiling at him from up close before turning her attention back to the screen. She helps to eat the food as it arrives, appreciating it, but also distracted by a favorite movie... and sharing it with someone special.

At times, she leans in against his arm, holding tight as the drama and tension ramps up. At others, she's mouthing or whispering lines with a rapt expression. And there's even a time or two where she glances over to Jon only to see him watching her, flushing, but smiling. It's a movie of mystery and drama. Action and romance. Heartbreak and hope. And it gets her every time.

By the end, she's smiling brightly, even if there's a few unshed tears in her eyes that are quickly blinked away when the lights go up. Then Jon is squeezing her hand and Megan looks over at him with warmth and affection, returning the squeeze.

She gives a nod, "Gets me every time. I love that movie." Drawing in a breath, Megan lets it out, then smiles at him, "Are you ready?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"I'm glad. It's a good one, for sure. We totally need to do this again. They do it a lot here, from what I understand." He gets the bill and tries to hide his wince. She knows by now that he's a bit if a thrifty spender. He's not greedy or anything, but he doesn't have a lot of money, and he tries to spend it wisely. He smiles, though, and pays the bill. This is a very worthy expenditure in his eyes.

He rises to his feet, her hand in his, and nods. "I think the plan was ice cream at your place, right?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan watches him, smiling faintly at the wince and nudges him lightly, "You know.. old-fashioned is good in some respects.. but maybe next time we can split the bill? It makes me feel bad for you to always pay." s he offers that soft smile at him, making it not about his thriftiness but about her own need to feel like she's contributing to their dates as well.

Rising up with him, she gives a nod and grins, "Sundaes. And you can even pick the music." Squeezing his hand, Megan shoulders her purse and they head out. She sticks close to him on the walk, wordlessly encouraging him to put his arm around her, chatting easily about their shared likes, their differed likes, from books and movies, to music and artists, to amusing anecdotes about some of the teachers and classes at Metropolis U.

They arrive at the apartment building soon enough, her keys getting them in the front door, where they can take the elevator up to the top floor where her apartment is. The keys are applied once more to get them inside. It's much the same as it was the last time he was over, a few new plants in pots along the windowsills, a few knick-knacks rearranged to open up more floor or shelf space. It isn't the most modern of apartments, but there are high ceilings and plenty of space, and she seems to like it a lot.

Squeezing his hand, Megan will hang up her purse and move towards the kitchen, "If you want to pick some music to put on, I'll get out the stuff for the sundaes and we can build them up together?"

Jon Kent has posed:
He blinks at that and then smiles softly. "Okay, sure. Just don't tell my dad when you eventually meet him." Eventually meet his dad. It shows he takes this seriously, not that there's ever been much question about that, though. She's noticed when he does something, anything, he tends to go all-in, sometimes for his own detriment.

"Ooooh, sundaes. Even better. And I get to pick the music? Hmmmm." He beams at her, lightly bumping her shoulder with his own. As they walk he follows the hints and slips his arm around her. He keeps up with the casual conversation as he walks with her back to her apartment. He gently releases her and waits for the door to be unlocked, before he follows her inside.

He glances about to take it in, though he's been here before, of course. Something feels different about tonight. A charge in the air he can't qwuite explain. "Sounds great, beautiful. I'm on it!" He sits down on the sofa and fishes his phone out, syncing it with her stereo. He peruses some music choices before he puts on some soft, chill music to play in the background. Nice to listen to but easy to talk over...and it might have some faint romantic undertones to it.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Chuckling, she makes a zipping motion across her lips, "Our secret."

Once they're at the apartment, Megan takes the opportunity to shift her bioclothes, removing the heels and the sweater, so its just the sundress with a small apron over top of it. She collects two bowls and spoons, then gets all the ice cream out of the freezer that she has. The whipped cream, the chocolate fudge (that gets put into a pan of water on the stove to gently raise the temperature enough for the fudge to be warm and gooey), chopping some peanuts quickly in one of those slapchop gadgets, taking sprinkles from the pantry, and finally, maraschino cherries from the fridge.

"Okay! Whenever you're ready, head on in and we can craft up a sundae!" He'll find the three main flavors of vanilla, chocoalte, and strawberry.. but also bananas foster, mint chocolate chip, and rocky road. Options are good! And Megan is used to trying to feed the Outsiders, so she always keeps a well-stocked kitchen!

Jon Kent has posed:
He rises from the couch when she calls for him, and he heads on in. He lets out a pleased whistle at all the options. "Oh, wow, this is awesome. Also...is it weird to say you look incredibly cute in an apron? ...is that mysoginistic?," he asks, suddenly worried.

He grabs a bowl and starts making a sundae. Primarily vanilla ice cream, but with all the fixings he can add! Once it's ready he finds the place she's set aside for them to sit and slides down.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Grinning, Megan gives a nod, "I have a lot of friends with large appetites, so I try to be prepared for anything." Glancing down at the apron, she blushes, then looks back to Jon with a chuckle, "I don't think it's weird or misogynistic. You think I look cute even without the apron, so I think it's safe to say it isn't an issue." Still, she smooths out the apron, pleased at the compliment.

Megan makes her own sundae, a smaller one with scoop of strawberry, whipped cream, a drizzle of the fudge, some of the chopped peanuts, and a cherry! Motioning him towards the small dining table set up between the kitchena nd living room, Megan puts away all the ice cream and fixings before carrying her own bowl over to join him. Sitting, Megan smiles at him and offers, "If you don't have an early morning, I have a great copy of the Maltese Falcon.. we could watch it after the sundaes?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"I know what you mean about the appetites, so I get it." He grins at her, thinking about the Titans a bit, or the other supers he runs with, sometimes. He smiles and nods at her explanation. "Exactly! You're cute all the time. It's...just a nice look on you, is all."

He watches her settle in across from her and lightly clicks his spoon against her own before he gets to work on his food. He considers for a moment. "I don't have classes in the morning. I don't have anywhere else I need to be tonight, and nowhere else I'd rather be. That sounds great."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The clinking of spoons makes her grin briefly before she digs into her own sundae, enjoying the play of flavors for a moment before his response has her looks back across at him. Megan blushes, but also smiles, "It's.. it's nice having you here. Don't get me wrong, I love our dates, and even just seeing you on campus... but there's something especially nice about getting time alone together that I truly enjoy."

She spoons a few more bites of her sundae before clearing her throat and hesitantly offering, "You know.. if there's.. that is, if we're ever out and it gets late... you would be welcome to stay the night here. The university is only a couple blocks away, so you wouldn't have to worry about making it to class in the morning. Not that you have to feel obligated or anything but, you know, if it's convenient..."

Jon Kent has posed:
He doesn't respond to that immediatly. His cheeks are red as he tries to cool them down by eating more of his sundae. He steals glances at her now and again as he does so.

Finally, he replies with a, "I'd like to stay the night tonight. I...was planning on that, anyways. Been planning on taking that step for awhile now but...building up the courage, I guess."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan blinks at his admission, then flushes hotly even as she gives a small nod, "I.. I'd like that. I very much appreciate that we took the time, got to know one another, and... and made sure that this was more than just.. just a casual dating thing." She glances up at him and offers a small smile, "But I'm ready to.. to take our relationship further, if you are, too." Taking a quick bite of sundae so she doesn't babble on, she sneaks glances back at him.

Once her cheeks have cooled a little, Megan looks back to Jon and murmurs, "Do you still wnat to watch the Maltese Falcon?"

Jon Kent has posed:
He sets his spoon down beside his bowl, his sundae only partially eaten. He watches her for a moment before he sits up and leans across the table towards her. If Megan doesn't stop him he kisses her fully, but gently, on the lips. He kisses her for a long moment, his lips brushing across her before he breaks the kiss.

"...I think the movie can wait."