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Latest revision as of 19:15, 17 March 2024

The Worst Bank Robbery In History
Date of Scene: 17 March 2024
Location: 39th Street Key and Locke Bank
Synopsis: Patty defeats a bunch of bank robbers with a little help
Cast of Characters: Frank Noble, Patty Sloan
Tinyplot: Third Time's the Charm

Frank Noble has posed:
Karen Karington read about bank robbery. She became obsessed with them. At first she wanted to become a murder mystery writer, but her first three manuscripts about a small conventional village but that were the personificatoin of anti-PC in every conceivable reality got unique rejection letters that were highly personalized including, "Please do not ever submit somethign again" and, "Have you considered a career in the fascinating field of Toxic Waste disposal? Start with your novel" became a career in plays....which reuslted in several venues banning her for life after the first performance...

Not demured she also tried guerilla performances, and, after her first three stints in a Federal Penetentiary, really eventually told her that this was not a field where she was meant to function...

She met a nice man, settled down and was gonna get married..to a mystery writer. She would have what she wanted by proxy. Happy ending right?

Well....yes and no. The Cocaine at the Bachelorette at The bridesmaid's, all friends of the Groom, were chosen for their beauty and ease of influence, and there was no exception now. So when, out of their minds on powder in the powder room, she proposed that they rob a bank....out they went to the nearest small bank that prided itself as being never robbed...since they only had $100000 in the vault at any given time.

Frank was investigating an account left by Mr. Boom and waiting in line to find out what was in the safety deposit box when a woman with a chicken mask and in a wedding dress accomatnied by six women in matching brides maid outfit with chicken masks and assault rifles walked in and said, "THIS IS A STICK UP!" One tried to shoot the ceiling and then took the safety off and tried again.

A atnicked crowd hit the floor.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Lets see I need to check the bank and see if my last paycheck is in. Then I need to get back to school. Nothing crazy today. No guns. No using my powers to fight. Everything is going to be normal." Patty Sloan was out and about. This was the closest branch of her bank from down in Pennsylvania. She quietly walks down the road and into the bank.

Her attention immediately goes to the people on the floor and the armed people wanting to rob the bank. "Oh come on. Are you kidding me?" She sighs and gets down on the floor. She is complying with the the gunmen. At least that's what it looks like. She focuses and turns her attention to the woman with the chicken mask on. A light gust of wind blows through the bank. Nothing major. It would almost feel like an air conditioner kicked on.

Patty watches now. Her wind blowing and ready to do something if needed. She almost wants to ask about the chicken masks and the wedding attire but she doesn't. Those assault rifles look a little too menacing to her. Still the air moves gently, flowing through the place, still seeming as normal as possible.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble is also on the floor. His mind is shifting between needing to Turn into Grenademan and the fact that people are watching so he can't instant switch and the fact that, while to his utter astonishment he isnt worried at all about his own life, he's worried that these people are going to hurt someone (or themselves) if not complied with...so, to his chagrin, he lays on the ground like Patty with his hands raised...

The breeze moves through the air, and isnt even noticed by the others. If anything it makes their butterscotch chifon matching dresses sway and move with dramatic interesting flare.

The teller, well drilled like anyone working in a Bank in the three cities is, doesnt panick and presses the silent alarm button to summon the police and waits for instructions.

Everyone looks at Karen.

There is an awkward silence.

Finally the teller asks, "Should...I....put all of the money somewhere?"

Karen, high as a kite and not thinking clearly blinks and nods, "I'm the one in charge here..." There is another pause and she says, "Put all of the money into the bag."

"Pardon me ma'am...what bag?"

"Tilly, did you forget the bag?" One of the girls asks.

"I thoguht you were going to bring it."

"No NAMES!" Karen growls and grabs a large purse and dumps the contents onto the floor and says, "Put it in here."

Patty Sloan has posed:
The air shifts and quickly it blows downward onto one of the bridesmaids. The gust is a lot stronger than the AC would cause. In fact is strong enough to take someone off their feet.

Patty is still watching. Thankfully she can use her power without any gestures or anything. She simply watches. The strong gust of wind is isolated, only on that one bridesmaid.

Things are definitely getting a little more chaotic as the leader in the bridal gown is clearly trying to get the money out of the bank. Another gust of wind. This one hits the purse, trying to blow it across the room. Meanwhile. The blonde on the floor with glasses just snickers.

Frank Noble has posed:
It works.

Very....very very...VERY well.

The bridesmaid is knocked down.

The purse is on the ground, and the laughter of the old woman is infecteous, as everyone begins laughing.

Everyone, the bridemaids, who thought this was all a joke anyway, laugh and giggle....to the point that the only person who isnt laughing is Frank, Patty and Karen....

in the laughter what no one notices is that the wind also makes the money fly all over the room, slowly raining down as the bridesmaids reach at it, dropping their weapons while folks on the floor eyeing them...

Karen goes berserk and starts yelling at her bridesmaids, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Frank could in the chaos, become Grenademan since no one is looking, but he for tirst time is able to tell his alter ego to chill...instinct tells him to do so...and as such Frank is on the floor.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty is indeed not laughing. She is smiling however. This is fun! Another quick gust of wind blows the money away from the bridesmaids. The guns on the ground get yet another gust, hopefully pushing them away from the would be gunmen.

Finally Patty says something. "Oh. It looks like the rumors are true. This place is haunted. The spirit of a Bank Teller who was gunned down by some robbers is said to haunt this place. She is very protective of the bank and hates robbers." She comments with a small smirk.

She doesn't push it. She simply hopes someone agrees with her at this point. Really drive that superstition higher. Plus with how drugged up the bridal party is, it would hopefully drive them up the wall.

Frank Noble has posed:
A few patrons seem disappointed not to be able to grab money or random assault rifles, but stand and begin to file out.

"G-g-g-g-....GHOSTS!" Once one person says it, the fear becomes viral and most of the people (including employeees) run screaming out of the bank as the police sirens grow closer.

Karen, of course, who still has her rifle and is having none of it. "There's no such THING as ghosts..."

As luck, however, would have it...

The reason the bank had never been robbed is one Larry Elington, security guard at the bank when it was opened in 1902, had felt that his life had been unfulfilled; and stayed around waiting to protect the bank. Whenever someone tried to rob it, he simply possessed them and most rethought the idea.

As such, Karen exhibits a random change of behavior, and...with a slightly different voice removes her mask and says, "I feel that I have made a terrible mistake. I will wait here for the authorities...." and sits, quietly and calmly on a chair as the few remaining people in the bank look on....stunned.

Frank, not one to waste time, stands and looks at the teller who has a jaw open, slack with shock and wondering if this is some Reality TV stunt says, "Excuse me, I believe I have a deposit box here?"

Frank nods to Patty, as if the only person here who knows that she might have had a hand in saving the day, nods approvingly and winks conspiratorily.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles and the wind stops. She walks up to the teller and waits her turn. To Frank she smirks and winks. Yup she totally was causing mischief. "That was really creepy. I really hate guns." She looks at the assault rifles on the floor. How she wishes she had super strength so she could mangle those horrible things beyond use.

As the Teller looks at her, She smiles to them. "Yes I was wanting to make a withdrawal." She gives her name to the teller and then the amount she wants to withdraw.

As the teller counts out the money she turns her attention to Frank. She snickers. "How did you know?" She laughs a little her attention goes to Karen. Part of her wants to pin her to the floor just in case she gets any crazy ideas.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I'm a scientist," he smiles as the teller goes to bring out the deposit box and he looks back at her, "Granted, I'm a chemist, but physics are a requirement for the degree, and I could tell that the wind was...not persuant to the regular weather" he smiles and extends his hand, "Frank Noble, pleased to meet you." Granted, one of his degrees is Biophysics, but whose counting?"

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Patty Sloan." She smiles as she collects her money from the teller. "Yeah Guilty. Sometimes Its just easier to scare some people than it is to come out blasting." She giggles. "A Scientist eh? Thats kinda cool. I dunno if I am smart enough to go that route. I am taking college courses and am considering what path I want to take. I don't have a major yet." She smiles a little smile as she considers. "I wanna do something to help people. I was given an option I didn't even know was possible. If I do that I am going to be in dangerous situations a lot more. But I will also be able to help people more. So I guess its a give and take."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble nods, "Trust me, in hind sight, I wish I'd taken the advice to take a year or two to travel before starting into my doctorates...between that and running my business, well...its been nonstop" except for that two year gap in his memory, but something told him whatever he'd been doing wasnt exactly a vacation, "taking the time to figure out what path you want is a smart idea. Helping people is the right frame of mind. What you can do is a pale shadow to making sure who you ARE is right."

Karen nods, "Yes, I am a miscreant and ne'er do well. Listen to this wise man."

Frank is a BIT non plussed by that as the teller comes out and hands him the box, which he looks at with some intimidation. "Anywho" looking back at Patty, "Keep up that attiude, you clearly made a difference here.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles. She ignore Karen because she just had a gun on a bank full of people. Not really someone to take advice from. She looks at Frank and smiles. "I think I Know what path I'm going to take but I need to learn to defend myself better. Its going to be a tough road but I think I can do it." She smiles. "I need to get going. My walk back to school is a bit of a hike and I don't wanna be out all day." She smiles. "It was nice meeting you. Wish it would have been under better circumstances." She looks at Karen for a short moment before looking back to Frank. "Oh! Nothing saying you can't take a break and travel the world a little bit. Right?"

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "You know..." he smiles with a twinkle in his eye, "I might do that." He considers a moment and says, after handing her a card, "If you decide to go full into this business, let me know and I might be able to help with a few upgrades. Fraid training is not my forte, but protection could be." The card says, "Frank Noble PhD""

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty nods and accepts the card. "I might take you up on that." She smiles and slips the card into her pants pocket. "The school is going to trip when they hear about this crazy day." She smiles and turns toward the door. "Have a better day and," She turns to Karen. "Robbing banks isn't exactly your forte, you might want to consider a normal job." She smiles and walks out of the bank.