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Latest revision as of 16:43, 19 March 2024

Art, Culture and Being Green
Date of Scene: 16 March 2024
Location: E10 - Kyle's Dorm - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kyle and M'Gann keep their conversation going...and going...and going.
Cast of Characters: Kyle Rayner, M'gann M'orzz

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle is pretty prompt with texting M'Gann. He impressed, to say the least. The message begins with, "Hey M'Gann. I've got some of my sketchbooks at my place. Some of my smaller paintings. I keep the bigger things at a space I rent out," it's where a lot of his money goes. The little bit he gets. Anyway. "I live at the same place as Garth. Open invite to my place. Just give a guy some warning," he does want to make sure the place is looking cleanly.

It's not a matter of hiding the anime, manga and other nerdy bits. That's all part of who he is. He'll grab a few of the sketchbooks. The young man has three of them.

The first one is filled with various characters in it. They range from Mordecai from Regular Show, Vash the Stampede, Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect, and a plethora of others. Each character he tries to emulate the artistic style of the source. There are even fellow heroes like Iron Man, Hal Jordan, and others. This shows a practice of style. Experimenting, like finding his voice but in drawing form.

The second has a bunch of people. Some of them gigs, like caricatures. These are pieces he does out in the city for al ittle extra cash. A few realistic ones, including Xiomara in a couple. Xiomara is clearly an alien given the eye coloration, facial markings and a few things like that. It all screams inhuman.

Third is a bunch of pictures, well detailed. They're of sunrises, trees, and other bits of still life. Time he's spent in places like Central Park just working as best he can. All of it a little different from the last.

All of there for M'Gann to see, question and ask about.

And so the young man waits for her to show up. Although, there are some nerves. It's been a small bit since Kyle showed off the art like this.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann texts back quickly, she was likely already on her phone at the time it came in.

< Sure. I can be there in... fifteen minutes? If that works for you! >

When they work out the time, she'll make sure she doesn't show up until then. And this time, she's going as herself. Which means she largely looks like Megan Morse, but with green skin. Still in the same outfit from earlier, she's not trying to be all superhero just now, so she doesn't bother with an outfit change. She'll arrive promptly on time, floating outside his window and waving at him with a smile! If he invites her in, she simply.. phases through the wall and into the room! "Hello again! I'm excited for this, I don't normally get to see someone's art as it evolves across their time as an artist."

She'll glances around, then simply shrug and sit cross-legged in mid-air so she can face him. "You get very large rooms here. I had to get an apartment for obvious reasons, but when I looked at the dorms they were.. so small. Even the rooms we had at Happy Harbor were more like apartments with multiple bedrooms."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle will start to pen the window and thatn's when she phases it. "You look cuter in green for the record," Kyle gives a small smile. Then he nods for a bit, "Well, it's the only thing I can really flaunt," Kyle gives a smirk and shrug. Although, deep down he is a little nervous. Yes, he is good, but Kyle is his own worse critic.

"This is a major upgrade compared to my old dorms," and then he will hand her the sketch books. "Well, tell me what you think and we can go from there. I mean you're helping me find a work," Kyle gives a soft smile. "And I also take commissions," he gives a smile. It's just food for thought.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Flushing lightly, she smiles, "Thank you, but you may be biased given the givens..." She glances to the ring briefly then back to him with a chuckle. "And you are hardly without other excellent qualities. Perhaps not art-related, but you've shown yourself to be someone of great fortitude, heart, and will." Because not everyone gets chosen by a ring!

Laughing, she nods, "I can imagine!" Taking the sketchbooks, she starts to slowly flip through them, smiling at the characters both known and not, taking her time looking at each one. "I recognize some of these, but not others. However, I recognize enough to see that you're doing an excellent job with mimicking other styles.. I presume that's to focus your skill, pay homage to the original?" Then she reaches the superheroes and her smile widens, "Oh my.. you've done them all so well..." She taps the ones of Xiomara and smiles, "And there's Xiomara. I'd remember her face anywhere."

The next set is what captures her, however, just slowly flipping through the pages in silent enjoyment of the sketches. She doesn't say anything until she finishes the sketchbook. "I can see your progress through the sketches.. and I can see you starting to emerge when you started drawing Xiomara... but you truly shine with that last sketchbook. What shifted? Did soemthing just.. click, did something happen between the second and third book?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Careful, flattery gets you everywehre, cutie," and then he smiles. Although the ring comment is very hard not to blush at. He does, somehow, avoid it. Probably by a small miracle.

"Well, the other styles forces me to do things differently. Yes, it's mimicking and paying homage, but you do different styles, you develop your own. Kinda form your own mixing what you may like of others," and then there's Xiomara. A few of her.

"We briefly dated, but determined we're better family than anything else," it's a good thing long term despite short term pain. Although, he is happy with the results.

"Time of day, really. Sometimes rather than make a buck, I go to a park and just practice. I know I have to keep all the skills shrap. So, some days I focus on the 'serious' pieces," and he'll even do airquotes with that word. "I try not to get rusty, so I'll push different styles on myself, just to stay sharp,: he gives a soft smile. "Probably a little weird to say."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Laughing softly, she shakes her head, "I promise not to abuse my power." Something M'gann has plenty of experience with!

"I can understand that. You expose yourself to all differen ttypes of artwork and styles of drawing so you can broaden your horizons and give yourself more.. selection, when you go to determine your own style. It makes sense, otherwise you might cut yourself off from something that you could have drawn inspiration from." M'gann gives a small nod.

She smiles briefly, "We were close friends and roommates at Happy Harbor. We lost touch with one another somewhere along the way, but it's good to see that she's still doing well." Looking to Kyle, she gives a nod, "I understand. I have dated here and there, and found some more suitable to friendship than relationship. It isn't always easy to admit, however."

Nodding, she looks at some of the final sketches again, smiling without even realizing it. "No, you are correct to do so. Any skill, no matter how backed by talent it is, will still decline without consistent practice."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Then I'd have to pluck out my eyes to be sure. You can abuse your powers a little," Kyle grins for now. Later he may shake his head at that one.

"Well, I look at like shows akin to Avatar. Clearly something Western yet derrived influence from Eastern forms. Kinda like that," although she does have a handle on everything when it comes to drawing.

"You should talk to her. Xio is not the most open with expressing herself, but I am sure she misses you on some level. Give her a call, message her, anything," Kyle says knowing how Xio thinks a little bit. "Yep. Well, I'm single if you're looking for someone cutie," Kyle is ready to get back out there. Although some of the bravado may be a front.

"And it gets me outside. Painting I stay very indoors for. This mixture of the two I can go outside or stay in. I try to do something outside, jsutto enjoy the small sliver of nature that I can," that's hard to do living in the city (or just visiting it). Green eyes looking back to M'gann.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Hmmmmmm, well, lets hold off on the eye-plucking for now, shall we?" M'gann chuckles and shakes her head, then blinks.. and blushes, at the second.

She clears her throat and rejoins the conversation with a nod, "I liked Avatar. A person who had a destiny, but refused to be slave to it. It was such an excellent journey." Chuckling, she adds, "Though I liked Toph best."

Pausing briefly, M'gann looks to Kyle with a faint smile, "Perhaps. It.. would be difficult, and I know she prefers her privacy at times, too. I was never certain if I did or said something that angered her, of if we simply drifted apart normally. But regardless, I will always think of her and our time at Happy Harbor fondly."

The offer of being single has her blushing again even as she smiles at him, "Now who's flattering? We should probably get to know a little more about one another before jumping straight to dating." And that would be the logic side rearing its head!

She meets his eyes and smiles, "You should do a starscape sometime.... Not many artists can get the view you can. Can see the vistas you can see. I wish I could remember much of anything about Mars before everything.. went wrong. The deserts are about as close as I can get."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle catches the blush, and he'll do a small little point. Just a small "got ya," and then she explains Avatar. Obviously, she has seen it. "Yeah. Aang rebels. I think I like Korra a little better overall, but the whole 1920s, steampunk vibe. I think Iroh is my favorite from Aang's story. Many are good though so seconds and thirds aren't too far behind," he grins. Happy to talk anime shop.

Then everything gets a little sad, "I don't think you angered her. I thinks he would welcome you back, but you would need to talk to her. I won't push anymore. Just simply say 'think about it.'" And that's how Kyl ewill leave that for a moment.

"You're probably right, but I will admit, you keep it up and I'll develop a crush real quick. Never let the world tell you that you're not amazing," and then he rocks with her pivot when their eyes meet. "I could. I'd always worry about my ring running out of juice. I have to concentrate on the ring and the drawing. It may split up my focus too much," but it is tempting. He does admit that. "Been trying to think of a safe work around to do that. Also, seeing the starts of other planets and drawing them from safe spots," and then he thinks on M'gann's sad tale about Mars. "Why not ask J'onn if he can show you Mars before everything went sideways," Kyle has no idea of the details. She just said enough. Something happened between point A and B. Mars is forever changed since then.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Korra definitely speaks more to choice and.. the step from childhood into adulthood. But I think that I like the original more, if only because romance was less of a feature in it. Not that I dislike romance!" SHe pauses, then clears her throat, "I just felt that the plot would sometimes get derailed for it. And that the plot suffered, however minutely, from it. ANd Iroh is definitely high on the favorite list. I also have a soft spot for Zuko. Someone who grew up with only knowing violence and hatred and privilege.. who realized how wrong it all was and tried to fight against it."

Laughing softly, M'gann shakes her head, "Truly, I'm not any more or less exceptional than anyone else. I was born with my powers, you were chosen for yours. By that virtue alone I might suggest that you are the more amazing of the two of us." Pausing briefly, she blinks, "I didn't think the rings ran out that easily. Hm. Well... there is another option.." Though M'gann is derailed by his suggestion, shaking her head lightly, "It is painful for the both of us, I would not ask him to relive that pain for my curiosity."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"That's a fair point. And there's nothing wrong with romance. I mean Aang had that huge crush on Kitara. However, Kitara didn't switch from Aang to Zuko to Toph each season," he jus tpoints out how the older show had romance. Yet, how it is tackled differently. "Zuko is high up there for me, too," he gives a nod respecting that point. He does like Zuko for that reason. Although it makes Kyle more curious about Zuko as a young adult.

"Yes. You are. I'm just a regular guy that got lucky, but you," he gestures up and down to her. "Not every alien would take time to learn humanity. It speaks a lot about yoru character. Most would either look down at it, call it weak, try to conquer it, a weird combination or something not far off," he looks at her honestly for a moment.

"The ring doesn't wear out that quick, but it requires a degree of concentration. And if I'm focused on drawing the stars...," he lets it trail to show how it may effect the constructs, cause other issues.

Kyle's just quiet for a mometn. He looks at his ring, knowing it's not the most up to date thing out there. However, it does have somethings. What he needed feels current enough, "Ring. Show me Mars before the war," and that's when the ring comes to life. A contruct of the planet forms, it looks a lot like a snowglobe. It's enough to paint a picture before everything became sand, pain and memories. Back when there are strictures about. He'll turn it with his free hand. Zoom may be hard, but it's a small glimpse at something.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"No, there's nothing wrong with romance. There's not even anything wrong with having multiple romantic partners. But you have to admit, it derailed the main plot quite often, and often with no lingering effect for the romance. It would end when the next one came along and there wasn't much follow-up or talk about it when that happened." M'gann lifts a small shrug and smiles slightly, "See? We have the same favorites, just in slightly different order."

Tsking softly, she shakes her head, "You did not just 'get lucky'. Those rings *choose* their bearers. They maintain a level of sentience to be able to choose well. The ring sees something in you, even if you don't see it in yourself." Then she chuckles, "I grew up listening to and watching Earth broadcasts. They informed everything I learned of Earth culture before arriving here. But I've always been... different. And I grew up so isolated that it was as close to 'family' as I was able to get."

Then he's showing her an image of Mars as it was, blinking as she stares at the construct. "Oh.. I wish I could remember..." Clearing her throat, M'gann smiles at him, "Thank you for this.. I'd never.. it's beautiful."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"See? We should do a Avatar binge. Get popcorn. Just watch the animated series. I haven't watched the live action one." And he just smiles a bit. He does like the fact that they have similar taste in Avatar.

"I'm still figuring out why me and not someone else? But as long as I have the ring, I'll do good with it," he gives a smile. And that's why his file has some bits J'onn read in detail. "Well, I hope your view of Earth is a good one," he's not sure what it means to see Earth culture. so, it does have him curious about a few things. What else she saw.

"I can maybe get you more detail if I have a city name," he says looking back to M'Gann, "But I'm sorry I can't get more detailed than this at the moment," he'll leave the construct up for her. He's not letting it wink out of existance untils he has a good long look.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I'd be okay with that. I saw the live action, and I can appreciate that the actors did the best they could but taking a whole, multiple season series and trying to condense it into a single movie was not a good idea." M'gann shakes her head lightly before offers a smile, "Much better to binge the original."

"And that's why you," she chuckles, seeing exactly why, even if he can't. It's the same reason she doesn't think much of herself but thinks the world of others. Heart, will, and compassion. Smiling brightly, she nods, "Oh yes. I got a transport to Earth as soon as I was able."

Shaking her head, M'gann murmurs, "Oh no, I think I like this.. where I can see the planet, but not enough to see the Martians that would have been walking the paths and working and living. That would be... painful." A glimpse into a past she can never claim.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I'd welcome that," and then he gives a smile on his face. "That's why I offered," Kyle grins as he looks at M'gann.

More compliments come up and he tries not to blush. "Well, let me know when you want to see cultures on a personal level. I would be happy to show you the haunts I went to in Europe. Let you see it from ground level, all the art and good things," he gives a soft smile. It's just food for thought.

"It'll always be here," he says softly as the ring glows a little bit. "Well, what else do you wish to see? You saw some of my art. I showed you Mars," he grins at the alien in his room. "What else shall we do? World's our oyster sorta thing," he's just happy to have good company.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Excellent.. we should figure out when will be a good time for both of us and we can set it up. I'll bake cookies!" Because of course she bakes! She's M'gann!

Nodding, "N'gann smiles, "That sounds fun. And I'll show *you* Asia. I immersed myself quite deeply into that culture for a time. It was so... peaceful. But also exciting!" Chuckling, she adds, "Besides, then you can try a kimono." Because that's a good measure of a guy, if he'll put on a kimono! Right? Or maybe it's just fun!

Nodding, she offers, "Thank you. I truly appreciate that. It's.. it was so nice to see it like that." Then he's asking what next and she blinks, then grins, "Oh! You should meet Bioship! She enjoys meeting new people." Floating into an upright position, she moves towards the window and motions for him to follow, opening the window up for him before phasing through it herself. Floating out in mid-air, she pauses for a few moments before motioning for Kyle to step out, "Just step right out of the window." Not that it LOOKS like there's anything there.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle gives a nod, "All you gotta do is ask and I'll be there as soon as I can," he says honestly as he looks at her for a moment. Then he raises a brow, "And you bake cookies! No wonder you probably have an army of people fawning over you," he grins for a moment.

Talk of the kimono comes out, "I'd like that. As long as I can pick out the colors,: because he wants it to matter. To be accurate and somehow relate to him. Not just default to green and black, because Lantern. He's open to many colors.

"Bio-what?" Kyle asks and focuses causing his unifrom to slip over his body. Out of the normal clothes in that mostly black number. M'gann starts to step out of the window. Kyle raises a brow, but he'll step right out into the noghtiness. The ultimate trust fall exercise. A tleast Kyle is taking her word for it and at face value.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
He'll fall perhaps three inches before landing on something very sturdy and with a slight upward ramp to it. M'gann smiles at his turst and moves alightly above and ahead of him, motioning, "Follow directly after me. I try to leave her cloaked when people might see." Then she's 'disappearing' into seeming thin air as she moves up across.. seemingly nothing.

"I have to schedule things, if only because I have classes, and family and hero obligations. So I try to make sure if I have social opportunities, that I schedule them approcpriately.. I want the smallest chance that plans will be interrupted." M'gann smiles back at Kyle, as he walks up and into.. a ship! An alien ship!

Running a hand lightly along the ship's side, she smiles, "This is Bio-Ship. Bio-Ship, this is Kyle. He's one of the Green Lanterns, so make sure you don't exceed speed leaving orbit, okay?" Chuckling, she motions for him to look around. "Bio-Ship is nearly as morphological as I am. This is her natural form, but she can alter her mass to create extra seating, or create necessary facilities, she can even alter her appearance on the exterior to any sort of appropriate vehicle, so long as it doesn't overextend her size limitations."

As to the kimono, she chuckles, "I wouldn't dream of picking out the kimono for you. It's a very personal choice, it can even be spiritual."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle lets out a small scream that turns into a startled yelp thanks to the short fall. Then he, too, disappears from view. Inside the place he looks around. Letting out a whistle, "I don't get inside too many ships. This is the first time I got to really see one," usually he's on a mission when inside a ship. So, he doesn't get to marvel at all of the consoles, buttons, etc.

"I like scheduling," and he looks over the various controls. He pauses just a moment to look about.

"So we can go anywhere in this thing? Does it understand Earth coordinates?" he asks curiously. An idea slowly forming.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"She. She can understand you just fine, and yes, she knows coordinates. But you'll need to take the pilot's chair," M'gann motions to the chair that's front and center. No consoles, no buttons, just an open space with an extra chair since there's two of them. The pilot's chair is on a slight platform, though the chair itself looks comfortable and it has armrests that end in two spheres. "Place your hands on the sphered and think of where you want to go. Bioship will head there. You can pilot her manually or allow her to fly on her own."

She turns back to Kyle with a smiles, "So.. yes, we can go anywhere. She's capable of interstellar flight, and is familiar with Earth's locations."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle nods a little bit going to the chair. "I can pilot a ring. I haven't really piloted a vehicle before," he admits and then waits for everything to pop up. He thinks on it for a moment. "Do you trust me?" Kyle genuinely asks and he turns in the chair to look at her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Chuckling, M'gann offers, "Then you should probably let Bioship know where you want to go and let her drive. If you want to learn how to pilot her, we can teach you, but for now, that might be easier." She lifts a brow at his question, then smiles, "Of course." There's no hesitation, perhaps a touch of naivete.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I wouldn't mind, but not today," he pauses for a moment. "Bioship," he pauses and looks about, "Ever think of a new name? I feel like I'm calling you by class instead of name," he admits softly and waves a hand. "Can you seal up the windows and get us near a spot if I can remember it? Then I'd like to go to one more place," he looks forward, "It's a surprise. I don't want M'gann to see," he looks back to the green skinned woman.

"If you're going to teach me how to fly. Maybe I can teach you something else in return?" he offers her. Then when he gets compliance, he'll just wait for the ship to move forward. The flight isn't -too- long. Probably a good half hour to an hour, less if she -guns- it.

Kyle will move to a spot, "Can you open up beneath my feet? I need to make a pit st-," and the ship opens up and Kyle drops.

He's gone after a good twenty minutes and flys back up holding a bag. If M'Gann tries to investigate, a construct shield will go up. "It'll ruin the surprise," and then Kyle focuses and thinks of one more spot.

The ship lurches forward and heads off, taking about the same amount of time. When the ship stops he nods, "Can you open up a gang plank for us? But stay airborne?" he asks and thinks the ship can do that. When bioship does Kyle waves a hand to M'Gann.

"I've only been here a couple of times. It's one of the most beautiful places on the planet," and then he will sit on the end of the gangplank. Looking out the pair can see roaming hills of green. This green spreads for what looks to be miles leading up to gorgeous mountains and beneath them and looking outward in the other direction are several pools of water. They're practically clear. And the sun is starting to set. The sky is awash with various oranges and some blue as the sun makes its decent.

"They call this, 'Fairy Pools' it's within the Isle of Skye, Scotland. At least four hours ahead of time where we are," hence the sky looking a little different.

He'll reach into the bag and pull out five white cardboard containers. "And when I'd miss home in England, I went to a pop up place called 'Orange Buffalo.' A buffalo chicken place. They don't have many of those in the Europe," and then he points. "I got two regular," he points to the chicken wings smothered in oranges that match the setting sun ahead. "The red ones are their kimchi wings," and yes there's a set of them in reddish brown color, very similar to barbeque sauce. "We can split those." And finally two containers with Curly fries.

"The logical choice would be to take a short walk from my room and go to a local place. Save everyone time and energy. Plus maybe get my food hotter," and then he looks out. How the blues collide into the oranges of the sky. How it all blends togethe from one color to the other.

Those vibrant greens that just sprawl across the ground. Pools of water so clear they almost look blue, "But logic doesn't come with a view or good company," he taps a spot next to him. "Sights like this are why I stay an artist," he says before taking a bite out of his first wing.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Laughing softly, M'gann shakes her head, "You don't have to speak out loud. As long as your hands are on those spheres, you have a neural link to Bioship and she can hear your thoughts." As soon as he sits in the chair, he'll feel it adjust and mold around him to be a perfect fit for his frame rather than M'gann's. The view screens all cover over so they appear to be the same as the rest of the ship. M'gann wears an amused expression before she looks to Kyle with a nod, "You can go anywhere you can think about."

They take off to the first location, the movement of the ship so smoothly and natural that it's difficult to tell that the ship is in motion. "I'd like that. I'd love to learn how to paint." She keeps up a decent conversation while they fly, asking about him, his family, where he was born. It's clear that things like family and peoples' lives fascinate her.

She watches as he disappears through the porthole, though she doesn't try to peek! She could cheat far more easily after all, she *is* a telepath, but she tries to keep the secrecy of it intact so he can 'surprise' her. When he returns, she smiles, "If that needs to be kept hot or cold, just tell me which and I can help oblige."

Then they're off again and flying once more, and she's back to asking him about his life, his friends, when he found his love of art, etc. It passes the time until they reach their destination. Bioship isn't flying fast enough to break the sound barrier, but she's moving fast enough to beat commercial airlines!

The ramp opens up for them at his ask, and M'gann smiles, releasing her telekinetic hold on the bag . She follows him down the ramp where a flat, circular space is created so they can sit comfortably and still have room for the bag and its contents.

She's speechless as she looks out over the vista, a smile growing on her lips as she sees it all. Looking back to Kyle, she wears a warm smile, "Thank you... this place is amazing... thank you for sharing it with me." She glances back to the mountain and the pools, enchanted by the view.

Then he's taking out food containers and she grins, "Oh this is excellent! I'm sure it will all be delicious."

Chuckling, she gives a nod, "But this is definitely better. Better view, better company when its uninterrupted by others... I think I begin to see what you mean by 'builty pleasure'." M'gann is learning, even as she experiences!

Trying one of the kimchi wings first, M'gann chews on it happily while nodding to him, "I can see why. It's what I love about space. Everyone thinks space is empty, all blackness and silence... but that silence allows you to appreciate the sights more... and there are so many of them to enjoy."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle chuckles, "First time flying and this is fare more advanced than anything my home planet has on market," he's sure to add that last part. It's possible some government super group could have something like it. When everything covers it does make him smile. She adds in the thought part, "Next time I'll try to be quiet," he grins.

Hearing how she would love to paint, "Do you want to do still life or something surrealist?" he's genuinely curious. M'Gann knows of advance artistic concepts. So, he doesn't hold back asking a question like this.

And Kyle would be honest with everything. Only child. Just him and his other. He grew up in East Los Angeles. It wasn't a perfect life, but it wasn't bad. West Coast, Best Coast, weather is sorely missed. It's a small sacrifice to being a hero.

Art is always a life long love. Not one thing spurred it on. Just something that grew organically. It started drawing cartoon characters, rabbits and ducks in particular. Not hard to guess his favorite cartoons when he was younger.

In turn Kyle will ask things like, Favorite cookie to bake? Favorite cookie to eat? Would you bake things besides cookies? How did baking start? Did you hear the rumors about your Uncle and Chocos? There's a lot of league rumors that he's the reason they go missing sometimes.

Kyle gives a soft smile as he sees M'Gann's warm one, "Do you know how many earthlings consider good wings, great fries, a cold drink and a favorite show to be a perfect evening? Countless," his smile warms a little bit. "Welcome to doing more than just understanding humanity," and he'll hold up a curly fry. "We don't have drinks to clink together," and he nods to the fry. It's an impromptu toast.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann chuckles and shakes her head, "If it makes you feel better to say it, then by all means. I talk to Bioship all the time." She rests a hand on the interior wall of the ship and gives a warm smile. Then back to Kyle, "Humans have not yet determined how to grow bioships. You still construct them inorganically. Bioship is alive."

"While I do want to learn how to paint people, I think I'd like to start more.. surreal. I'd like to do some landscapes, but fantastical ones. Things that people won't believe could be real." She smiles, "Even if they are."

She too, is an only child. She and J'onn are the last of their species, and she only escaped because her parents put her on a ship to the Vega system when she was a baby to keep her away from the fighting. She grew up on a station alone, with an AI programmed to mimic a Martian called the Caretaker. Her only connection to this system were the broadcasts that J'onn sent. And when she was old enough, the Bioship was grown and hatched, and she left the station to head to Earth.

Her favorite cookies to bake are chocolate chunk, the big soft ones. To eat are the thin, crispy ginger cookies. She bakes all kinds of things, including cupcakes, cakes, and pies. She can even make bread! The baking came about because of one of the broadcasts J'onn sent that really resonated with her. A show called Hello, Megan! It only had one season, but she loved the main character on it, and that is who her human guise is based on. Yes, she knows about her Uncle and the Oreos, and that it's more than just rumor. He's quite fond of them.

This is also where it will come out that M'gann is much older than she appears. Nearly 60 in Earth years, though Martians age physiologically at a slower rate than humans, which explains why she looks like a young woman. By Martian standards, she IS a young adult.

She lifts a curly fry as well, but looking a touch confused until he explains they don't have drinks to toast. Chuckling, she 'clinks' fries with him and gives a nod, "This is an excellent trip.. and I'm glad that we did this. It was definitely worth the flight and the mystery. Though, as an aside.. beware trying to keep things secret from telepaths. I don't rummage in the minds of friends and teammates out of a personal code.. not all telepaths will be so accommodating." Because she's met a lot of those!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It might," and then Kyle takes in that Martian tech is far more advanced compared to Earths. He'll leave it there.

"Well, that's a start. I think I can work with that when it comes to lessons," he says softly with a smile that pulls on his lips.

The human feels bad about her background. Kyle had a dad out of the picture. M'Gann had a society and family out of the picture. Her childhood is by far the worse one by comparison to his.

Those are his favorite cookie to eat, can't beat a classic chocolate chip or the chunk variant. Kyle just makes notes about everything. "Never seen it. You'll have to show it to me sometimes," he will add.

Kyle chuckles and will simply say, "Best looking sixty year old I've seen," and then he nods about aging. "So, you're life an elf or a dwarf in fantasy settings," before he gets a look. "They age differently than humans. Their standards for child, teen, adult and all that are similar to martians," he doesn't have exact numbers.

Kyle's voice drops to something serious, "I would never try to pull a fast one on you. As a general rule, I trust good telepaths mostly. I always fear them somehow seeing an image that I find personally embarassing," and even now he tries not to blush. Then he looks at the water, "I'm a guy. I'm going to think things and with my luck, that one thought would scream the loudest would somehow be personally embarassing. So, I'm always afraid of that embarassing moment," he says honestly. Just showing that for the most part he trusts her, he just fears that somehow M'Gann's power would "Hear" him at an embarassing thought. Even if she doesn't try, Kyle is afraid his thought would be "loud enough" to stumble upon.

"That's what makes telepaths scary. I know they won't respect things like that. I know you wouldn't do harm with it like they would."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann leans in, nudging his shoulder with hers, smiling, "Yet. Remember, comparitively speaking, humans are still a young species. Some never advance beyond a certain point... but humans have *amazing* potential, and such unending curiosity and zeal for knowledge.. they'll get there." Because it's not always easy to remember that while humans seem like they've been around for a long time, they're still relatively young when compared to some of the more teachnologically advanced species.

"Oh good! I'd love to learn. It seems like an excellent way to get emotions out on paper, or canvas, or whatever. To show something that you can't as easily vocalize." She pulls one foot up, wrapping an arm around her knee, smiling softly.

She can feel his general emotional state, having empathic abilities on top of the telepathic ones. The empath abilities are harder to reign in, strong emotions can scream even louder than thoughts. Reaching over, she squeezes his shoulder, feeling his embarrassment and concern, she offers a smile, "As a rule, unless you have some telepathic ability yourself, you can scream your thoughts as loud as you want and we won't hear them. One of the first things we get taught is how to keep the thoughts of others from constantly running through our minds. Otherwise, telepaths would go mad, unable to stop from hearing every passing thought from everyone within the radius of their power." M'gann offers, "If it helps, I'm also an empath, so I can sense when you're tense or upset or worried.. that gives me a better idea of when it's alright to attempt telepathic communication, and when to just approach physically and vocally. Rest assured, no matter what thoughts run prevalent through your mind, unless you invite me into them, they're yours alone."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I know we will, but it's still intimidating. Like seeing someone very far ahead in a race. Just intimidating a little," he gives a nod. Yes, it's not quite a good comparison, but he wants to know how feels to see things like bioships when they can't get a standard intercontinental travel completely right yet.

Snagging another wing he begins to work on it listening to the enthusiasm. He gives a soft smile hearing the interest in her voice.

Kyle's genuinely comforted by her words and he gives a nod. "You can always wander in there if you ask. I've got little to hide. I'll never say nothing because we all have those embarassing days that we wish we couldn't remember," and he's just being honest there. An embarassing day when he was five, at school, anything like that," Kyle chuckles a little bit.

"I mean it makes sense you'd go nuts, but if you want to look around now, you can," he offers M'Gann. It's just an h onest show there's nothing to really hide from her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"The other thing to keep in mind is that trying to rush can also cause issues. There is one race I can think of right now where being the fastest didn't help. And keep in mind too, the race that created bioships is all but extinct. Myself and my uncle are all that's left. Our species will die with us, one way or another," M'gann reminds him with a murmur.

She grabs up another wing as well, now that she's done enthusing and can put some food in it instead. Not that she needs to eat very much, but it tastes good and it won't hurt her, and that's good enough for her!

"I will never enter your mind unannounced or without permission... at worst, I will do as I did earlier at the cafe. Send you a mental image, either showing you something that you should see, or asking permission to open a link. Normally I will verbally ask for permission to open links, but if we're too far for verbal communication, a mental image can work as well."

She smiles and gives a nod, "I am as prone to embarrassment as anyone. My attempts to act human have not always.. gone well. Especially when much of my knowledge of your culture came from sitcoms and shows. So trust me when I say I understand that everyone has embarrassing moments they would rather not share."

She smiles at him, "I would never suggest a one-way link, that is terribly rude and suggests that I have something to hide from you. If you are opening your mind to me, then the least I can do is open mine to you."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I do not have the ability to dictate, or change, human enginuinity. You've got to have some kind of pull like Superman to even consider doing that," Kyle points out that even though he knows of this tech, he can't change huamnity's course. Hearing the talk about her species dying, Kyle puts his hand over hers. "It'll never fully die. You guys will find a way," he gives a soft smile. "It won't be a perfect way. It may be seeing you have children, or scientificially created entities similar to children. Your species will never fully die. You'll just be different from today," he smirks a little bit and shakes his head. "So will earthlings, we'll just be slow to get there, but trust me, we -will- be there too. Maybe your people can give us some pointers when that day comes," he smiles softly.

"I didn't think you would. Well, aside from maybe looking for Christmas gift ideas," he winks at her and withdraws the hand unless she stops him.

"Only open that door if you want me wandering through it," he gives a soft smile. It's him showing he won't snoop unless she wants him to.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I know you don't. I'm not suggesting you should. Only that before you get too envious... or intimidated.. keep in mind what happened to the Martians. We advanced as a people, as a race, our technology grew apace... but because we couldn't release old hatreds or learn to move beyond our more primitive insticts as a race.. we destroyed ourselves. It is a cautionary tale. Advanced technology does not always equate to advanced philosophy," M'gann offers a soft smile before shaking her head. "Even if we have children, they won't be pure Martian. And each successive generation will have less and less Martian biology. We scientifically do not have enough members of the race to repopulate ourselves. It's alright."

Laughing lightly, she shakes her head, "For that I only ask that you share your Amazon wishlist." Because she's a modern girl who will use cellphones and computers and Amazon!

Smiling at him, she closes her eyes as she opens her mind, linking them together to let him see into her mind as she can see into his. Not seeking anything in particular, but letting his thoughts approach her organically.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle is quiet for a bit, "Every race will wind up like that if you think about it. America is often called 'The Great Melting Pot.' That's because people of different countries of origin get together and umm mix? Some people will argue about purity, but for the most part people are just going to keep mixing. Humanity, as a whole, will do this on a galactic scale. What it is to be human will be vastly different when we hit the stars regularly compared to today," he gives a small smile. "You just gotta see it as mixing. Your people will never ever truly do, but they will be different," he says knowing it probably stings to get there by circumstance rather than choice.

"Well, go with the easy shareable way instead of the sneaky hero way," he winks and shakes his head. He's just trying to make sure she's smiling.

When their minds link, Kyle feels a lot of thoughts just run through his mind rapidly. First, is an image of her looking at Kyle. His outfit keeps changing like it's connected to a slot machine, it settles on one, rapidly changes into something else, and it changes again. "I wonder how she sees me?" is the thought associated with that image. Next he sees M'Gann in the kitchen baking, but he's curious how it looks. Is she dressed as a professional baker? Doing it in her longue around clothes? Looking like a 1950s era home maker? A Martian form? Which has her complete with antennae and wildly colored hair because he has no context of any true form.

"I hope she likes what she sees," and he has different images of how his mindscape may look to her. Once it's just a series of labeled rooms on a house that seems to be never ending, then a similar hallway seemingly endless, and even a room of paintings similar to Mario 64. Any door she looks down into she has access to save for one, but M'Gann has to find that door to realize it.

Kyle will just wander out into M'Ganns thoughts curious what he will find. His 'Mind's eye' just trying to look about and see what thoughts come naturally for her.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Lifting a hand, M'gann shakes her head at him, "It isn't the same. There were multiple types of Martian, Kyle. Martian was the *race*. Hunmanity as a race, is not in danger of extinction. You may have different ethnicities, but you are all still *humans*. The Martians, as a race, will die with my uncle and I. There's no way to save it. Not like that. And certainly not by mating with a different species. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but it's unnecessary. We have known for some time that this is what will happen. It's *alright*." She smiles at him, "The culture may live on in any children he or I have, but our race will not."

Then they are linked, and M'gann begins to see all of those thoughts racing through and around his head, the mental images that whip past, some of them leaving her laughing softly as she sees them. There will be a sense of soothing and calm that spreads across his thoughts like a balm, and images will enter his mind to answer some of his questions. He sees an image of himself as viewed through her eyes, as he would see himself in the mirror. Then she shows him the different ranges of her vision and how he appears in each of them. Spanning the entire electromagnetic spectrum, he gets to see himself in each of them... and then in one more. The x-ray vision. Which she can focus to go skin deep, muscle deep, or bone deep. For that portion, she focuses on the upper half of his body only. Humans have social rules about nudity, as well as mental hangups that make a 'waist up' view more appropriate.

She shows him her green Martian form, which is more insectoid in nature, taller, more slender, still green-skinned but decidedly less humanlike in appearance. Still bidal, with two arms, two legs, one head, two eyes, a nasal passage, and a mouth... but the similarities tend to end there. The form is much taller, with longer arms and legs, a somewhat animistic faceial structure, chitinous ridges and points that fold like an organic carapace over her body.

Then she shows him in the green-skinned form she wears currently, wearing fuzzy pj pants and a t-shirt, slippers, and baking away to her heart's content! Then again in her usual outfit, and again in a sundress and heels with an apron over it. Showing that she wears many different outfits as the occasion demands. A brief flash of an image flickers for one terrifying moment. Something far more alien and horrible, white-skinned, chitinous, muscular, with webbed three-fingered hands tipped with nasty-looking claws, similar feet, a barbed tail with a nasty-looking stinger on the end, glowing red eyes, fanged maw... and then its gone as fast as it appeared, and he can feel M'gann's confusion and bewilderment, fear, and... shame.

"I'm so sorry.. I don't know where that came from..." She does, but it's the source of her shame and fear, something she desperately wants hidden.

Withdrawing from the link, M'gann flushes and glances away, "I-I'm sorry... that was... unintended. I wasn't sure how easily you would be able to see my thoughts without being telepathic, I believe I let down more barriers than were.. prudent..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle will eventually stop on the positive front. He will smile at her, "Never hurts to have hope," and that's the last he'll say on the race-culture front. And then they're linked. Before long Kyle starts calm down as she begins. He sees himself in all of the mirrors and sees his top come off. "Alright since you shared that," and he may blush a little. There's an image of Leaguers, Titans at the pool. She appears in a rather modest suit. The "Kyle" in the thought notices, he smiles big and a moment later the top half of any suit M'Gann's wearing changes to those infamous red straps to J'onn's costume serving as an impromptu bathing suit for her top half. Now the -only- thing cover her top half. "So, nice to know our curiosities may be similar," he says and then the pool side goes away.

Kyle sees the different ways M'Gann does things including the insectoid look. All of the green and the features. Yet, there's no fear or anything. When everything on her goes white and changes, there's just confusion and the link is gone. And Kyle is quiet for a while.

"I can't show you this, I can only tell," Kyle begins. "I would have shown you your reflection in a series of mirrors together. I would have shown you each form I saw, even the white one. I don't know if it's a form, or a fear, but if it's you. I would have said the one thing to all of your reflections, 'You're still cute.'" He gives a soft smile, "It's still you. If it's you. If that was an enemy, I'll help you," Kyle's not sure so, Kyle's being honest and covering the full gambit.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
She might have some comments for the visual image he shows her of poolside her, but later. But first, she has to deal with the other thing.

M'gann darts a glance at him, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear as she murmurs, "It's... what I escaped from. What I've been trying to overcome. Think of it as a personal demon." She motions to herself, the green skin and auburn hair, the freckles, the amber eyes, "*This* is who I am. This is M'gann M'orzz. And that's why I had to leave, why I had to come to Earth." There's something lingering there that she's not saying, but it could be as simple as her usual attempts to keep from rambling.

Looking back to him, both feet drawn up with her arms around her legs, she smiles faintly, "But thank you. I do really appreciate that. It's... difficult. Aliens are not widely accepted on Earth, even in this form, I would still get a lot of hate and anger and suspicion turned my way. It was that way when I first arrived. But Uncle J'onn vouched for me, and the others respected him enough to let me prove myself. And I've been doing just that ever since." M'gann offers a faint smile and shrugs lightly, "It's been an uphill battle, and sometimes it feels like no matter how much I do, no matter how good I am.. I still get a level of that suspicion or distrust. So.. thank you."

Letting out a breath, she chuckles, "Now.. I'm a little.. well.. that image, by the pool. I want you to know, I wasn't showing you at the skin to showa fantasy... I have x-ray vision. But I can focus it to look through clothes, skin, muscle... so I was just trying to show you all the ways that I can see you. But... if you must know, I have the same red stripes on *my* costume too."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle picks up there's a piece of the puzzle missing, but he doesn't press for that. He looks at her, "You've never given me not to trust you. Apperance is skin deep," he'll point to the left side of the chest, "The heart, if it's there, is the quality of your character and that tells me you're a very good person," he knows how that may stink. Kyle has been to Xandar. People give him similar looks like that on other planets. And that's -before- the green lantern colors get added.

A blush runs through his face. And he promptly stuffs a bite of wing into his mouth as if it'll help. Before long he will swallow the piece. "So, I like what I've seen so far. Even if I was just your friend, you would always be cute and thne mind would wander a little," he figures honesty is the best policy here. "Can't say I would never be curious. However, that's me working off of different things in that scenario," he then focuses. "While I am getting to know you. Let's just say, I really like what I'vve seen so far."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"And I do like that about you, but you have to admit that's hardly the common attitude towards new types of people. Anyone new or different is treated with suspicion, if not outright hostility. To an extent, I can understand the fear. But... it makes me appreciate those who accept me all the more. Without having to go through some 'prove yourself to me' gauntlet." M'gann offers a smile towards him, then picks up another wing, chewing on it before adding, "Technically, I don't have internal organs, unless I want them to be there. It's part of being a morphological being."

Then he's blushing, and she's smiling and shaking her head, "I'm not trying to discourage you from your own thoughts or fantasies.. I am not here to play Thought Police. I believe a healthy imagination is a good thing to have... and.. I'm very flattered by your interest. If I seem a little hesitant it's only because my track record with relationships hasn't been the greatest." She offers a faint, wry smile and finishes her wing before adding, "So don't think the interest isn't there.. I'm just.. cautious, I suppose."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I know what you mean. I may not get it every place, but Lanterns are not liked in certain sectors. Even when you're trying to help them," he admits softly knowing about that gautlet. Having to prove yourself. He finishes off that wing and goes for another.

"That kind of treatment is exhausting," and he looks at her. An idea slowly turning and he waits. then talk of his thoughts ushers forward.

A nod comes from Kyle, "I understand the caution. Either way I was going to invite you to get wings again. Some place closer to home. It won't have the view, but it'll have the company. If you're interested," he says just his way of showing Kyle is stil l interested. Whether it's friends, or more, would depend on her caution. either way, he's not going to stop trying to be around her unless she gives a reason to. "We could find some place just us to hang out. We can watch a movie and you can be in the form. Have you seen many movies since your arrival here?" he asks curiously.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
She smiles faintly, "I've heard... I believe the term 'Space Police' is the nice version of what you get called. I get it. It's not.. it's not fun to try to help people and to get antipathy and distrust in return." M'gann reaches for a wing when he does, hands brushing briefly before she pulls hers back with a smile, "You first."

"It is.. and in more ways than one. It exhausts the spirit as much as the mind or body. The feeling of being constantly under scrutiny..." she shakes her head, then goes in to pick out a new wing once he has one.

Smiling at his suddestion, M'gann nods, "I'd like that. And... maybe I can show you something. If you'd be interested." Showing that she's still interested and wants to return the favor for showing her this spot. Then she's chuckling, "Well, you're always welcome to visit the apartment. I tend to go green there because nobody without x-ray vision can see in there anyways. And there's a great little Greek deli like.. two blocks from my place, if you like Greek." Pausing, M'gann chuckles, "Oh yes. I've watched a lot. Though there are still many more to see. Which one did you have in mind?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle chuckles, "'The nice version,'" he agrees witha chuckle. A nod comes from him, "I may not get it as often as you might, but I understand." Thenf eeling her hand he pulls his back witha blush and smile. "There's a term that associates both male civility and male courting. It's called 'being a gentleman.' It means letting company, or whomever you're with, have first dibs. By all means," he nods to the kimchi wings. "I can do one of the spicy ones," he smiles. "I insist about the wings."

"I would be very interested," Kyle gives a smile to the suggestion and he nods. "I can visit the apartment. We can get greek, which I haven't had too often and we can watch something," there's a pause. "Well, I wasn't sure what you did see. So, I was going to offer something Disney related. Maybe something from Miyazaki, he's kind of the Japanese answer to 'Walt Disney.' Perhaps Mel Brooks," Kyle just rattles off a few of the ideas he had. "I'm not sure your tastes and what you've see." Kyle, thinking she may not have seen much, was actually going for lighter or funny.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Chuckling lightly, she nudges him, "I know what being a gentleman is.. but you paid for them, you should have first choice. Besides, you *need* the food. I don't." Floating the box of wings up with telekinesis, she waggles it at him and smiles, "Go on, take a wing." M'gann chuckles and adds, "You know you want it, it's your favorite."

"That would be nice. I haven't really had people over much since getting my apartment, so it would be nice to start hosting a few people there. You being one of them." She smiles at him and sets the wing container down, then chuckles at his suggestions. "Actually, I enjoy psychological thrillers, film noir stories, musicals, and Tim Burton movies. Which isn't to say I don't like comedies or Disney movies.. but I tend to be drawn more to the others. Oh, and detective anything. I looooooove Agatha Christie."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle looks at her for a moment, just listening. Although he wants to argue a little bit more. His gaze goes to take the wing.

She brings up movie tastes, "Ever see Mister Brooks?" he asks curiously. It is a psychological thriller. A little underrated in his view. His gaze go to her for a moment as he listens to detective stories. "What's your feeling on True Crime?" he's genuinely curious on this one.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I haven't seen it, but it's on my shortlist of things to watch soonest. Would you like to watch that one?" M'gann smiles at him, excited for the opportunity to share her love of thrillers with someone else. His question has her pulling a face and shaking her head, "We deal with True Crime every day. I don't need to know further how terrible people can be to one another." She lets out a breath, "I like movies because they aren't real, they're a peek into the imaginations and creativity of people, but they aren't themselves real crimes or horrors or relationships. For reality, I would rather experience it than watch it."

M'gann smiles at him and leans into her legs, "What are your favorite movie genres?" Pausing, she adds, "Also your favorite style of cake."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It's good. I like it, a bit. I think it's criminally underrated," Kyle says not trying to make a pun really. Then he looks at her for a moment, "Fair point. I guess it was easier for me to like that thanks to Europe because I didn't do the hero thing as much," plus he was in another country, too. It did create a feeling of disconnect, even if he didn't realize it.

"True. Very true. I can see that. That's why Movies were made. Same with plays. Well, at least in the beginning, the escapsim," Kyle doesn't want to get into the politics of greed associated with movies.

"I like comedies and animation because of the escapism. The fact it's -so- different than what I see in some places. After a long mission, I may use them as a palet cleasner. A good sleep later then I can handle Shogun, the Last Samurai. And with few exceptions, I don't really like horror. I view psychological thrillers as different because who doesn't like Hannibal Lecter? Guess it depends on the mood, cause I'm a mostly 'all of the above' kinda movie watcher," he even goes movies like The Notebook credit.

"A good chocolate frosted cake, so yellow cake, vanilla, things that compliment chocolate. Or even the extra chocolatey stuff if you do it well," he looks at her for a moment. "Am I going to have to hit the gym after our meetings?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Then we'll watch Mister Brooks next time. It sounds like a good one! Oh, and we should check out Marlowe sometime, just hit Amazon like.. last week. That's supposed to be REALLY good." M'gann flashes a grin at him before giving a nod. "I can understand that. I just... being an empath makes watching anything like that difficult. Even if I can't *feel* their emotions through the screen, I can *see* it hurts all the same."

Smiling, she nods at him, "Oh sure! I love something just silly where I don't have to think about it and can just laugh. And Disney movies are great for the happy endings." Pausing, M'gann offers, "If you ever get off a mission and want to just veg out to some Mel Brooks or some other parody style comedy movies, you're always welcome to come to the apartment. I can offer ice cream and movies. And I don't really do most horror movies either. Horror-comedy I can usually manage, though."

Her smile grows as he lists it off, "Soooooo.. a nice vanilla spongecake with layers of chocolate fudge and covered with chocolate buttercream icing?" Laughing, she shakes her head, "I won't always go full out, but I like to do something nice the first time someone comes over."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"It is a good one. And tell me about Marlowe. I wanted to watch Reacher," he says going off of another amazon bit. His gaze goes to her when she talks about being an empaht. Kyle snickers and shakes his head as he hides a thought.

He lightly nudges her with the leg when she talks about Mel Brooks and her place, "Careful or I'm going to think you'll want my company a lot. And I may not get in until late. Sure you want to give me that carte blanche? You lose track of Earthly timezones in space," at least until he hits atmosphere. It's why he sometimes keeps a watch in the pocket dimension with his lantern. It keeps track of time.

"Ever make something close to that Mousse Cake thing from Olive Garden and I'll never want to leave," Kyle grins, both warning her and letting her know something else he likes.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Marlowe is a movie, starts Liam Neeson as Raymond Chandler's titular detective Philip Marlowe, though the story the movie was adapated from was written by someone else. So it's very film noir style, but it has all the saturation and colors of the 1960s and 70s when tv was just starting to become really popular." M'gann smiles and gives a nod, her hand wobbling a little from side to side, "I'm a little on the fence about Reacher. It's definitely more action than I generally prefer in my detective stories, but I think I can adapt."

She laughs and nudges him back with a shoulder, "I don't sleep. Or at least, I don't have to. I do a sort of meditation trance every so often, but believe me, I have plenty of time where I'm awake." Chuckling, M'gann nods, "I get that."

THhe mention of Olive Garden's mousse cake has her laughing, "I could do that. If I'm not mistaken, that's a thin layer of chocolate cake, then dark chocolate cheesecake, then custard mousse, then a glaze of chocolate fudge with florets, and chocolate chips around the edge... that's very doable!"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I should introduce you to the Scudder audio books. They have a few movies, one of the good ones," Kyle pauses, "The only good one from what I hear, actually stares Liam Neeson. 'A Walk Amongst the Tombstones.' Not sure if it's based off that book or not, I saw the movie before getting into the books," he admits although one caused the other. "They've been around since the 70s, so they get that old noir detective vibe without trying," although he's unsure how aging goes about. He's only six books deep in a long series.

"And yet my comment about seeing me goes uncommented," Kyle nudges her and nods. "I'll shoot you a message when I hit atmo. Give you warning," he offers as a compromise. It's the least he can do.

Those green eyes of his peer at her, "You so don't want me leaving. Like ever," he says knowing that could be very bad if M'Gann can make, meet, or beat, that recipe.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Are they only audio books or could I get the actual books? I have a tendency to prefer actual physical books. Audio books make me think of not being able to shut someone's thoughts out of my head. I'd prefer silence while I read, or at least music of my choosing," M'gann offers with a smile. "That said, I'll put the movie on the shortlist to watch!"

Offering him an enigmatic smile, she leans in, bumping his shoulder with her own, "If I didn't want to see you again, would I be offering you free range to come over?" Nodding, she adds, "Sounds like a plan."

Amber eyes meet green and she just smiles at him, "I'm just saying. I could absolutely make that. If you want."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"They're book books. I just have audio books because I can work on pieces and listen to a book," it's how he can multitask sometimes. Then he gives a nod as he can understand that one.

"I'm just making sure you know what you're getting into," he bumps her shouler lightly. Then they're staring at each other. "Careful. Make a dish like that, I think you might be using your X-Ray vision again. Just to actually peek this time," he smirks at her for a moment.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Mmmmmm.. what makes you think I didn't already peek? I've had plenty of opportunities," M'gann chuckles and flashes a grin at him. She cants her head to one side and brings one hand up, a finger touching the corner of her mouth, "Is this what it means by saying the way to a person's heart is through their stomach? I'd always imagined something much more... gross."

Then she's giggling and straightening, "So! Now that we've eaten wings and seen this great view.. what do we do next?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Have you?" Kyle asks with a grin on his face. "And whose heart was touched? Mine or yours?" Kyle poses with a grin. Green still looking into amber. He just watches for a moment.

Then she straightens up a bit. His gaze slips away. "we can go back to our places, swim in the pound beneath us, go somewhere else," Kyle shrugs. "I didn't have a plan after the wings with a view part."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe. You'll have to find that out for yourself," M'gann teases him and smiles saucily before going quiet for a few moments. "I don't know yet.. but I'm interested to find out." That stare lasts another few moments.

Lifting a brow, she smiles, "Is this an attempt to get me into that fantasy swimsuit?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Promises promises," Kyle says with a small smile pulling at his lips and then the saucy smile from her makes him grin. "I think yours was touched and you don't want to say it," he grins at her. "I'm partial to green," he winks at her and gives his own saucy smile.

Kyle grins, "IF I thought you wanted me to see you like that, I'd ask. Outright," he grins at her. "And it's the only thing we could do that's warm. Plus, low risk to hurt herself much liek if we hiked as sun goes down. Easy deduction. And I gave other options, too," a brow waggles. "Sure you don't want me to see you like that," he's clearly kidding at that last part.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Chuckling, M'gann stands up at the edge of the ramp and winks at him. Her clothes morphing into a rather racy swimsuit. That large red X criscrossing her body, covering her chest, leaving a deep vee open almost to her navel before the lines bisect and cross over, curving around the lower half of her hips. There's a white 'bikini bottom' that keeps her from being scandalous, melding into the red X seamlessly.

Grinning at him, she turns, leans back and.. dives off the ramp and out into the air, aiming for the pond.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle just stares in utter disbelief as that happens. Kyle simrks and he just stares. Then she dives off. He looks around in just his clothes. Well, the uniform and he focuses tries to make just a pair of shorts with his lantern symbol on them. It works, kind of. It's more green than black, but it'll work. Breathing out he jumps off and will use the construct to help slow his fall if needed.

The water in the ponds are warm. It's a good soeaking type of pond. If it had bubbles people may call it a hot tub. The natural warmth mixed iwth an utter cluelessness to the source make believe believe the water is somehow magically imbued by the fairies. At least that's what the legend says.

Kyle will land in teh water and he breathes out when he does. "So ummm..." He stands and lets her get a good look because turn about is fair play. Kyle does have that runner's build, someone that believes in stamina and agility over brute force.

"So, we both got eyefuls," and he tries to sit bakc down.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann has the advantage of being able to use telekinesis to control her fall, making sure her landing is gentle and with just a small splash as she hits the water. When she surfaces, there's that moent of flipping her hair back and away from her face before she turns to smile at him.

"I like your swimsuit. If you lose concentration is that going to leave you nude?" She chuckles softly before leaning back to float in the warm water, one arm under her head so she can still look his way.

"It would seem so. I figured since you'd shared the mental image with me, the least I could do is an approximation of it." M'gann is largely slender in build, though there's muscle tone showing under the skin... even if it's all just what she wants to look like.. she's already said that this is who she is. More than any other form, this is her.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Make sure I don't lose concentration then? Unless that's the goal," he winks and then he is in the water. Kyle used the ring to slow his splash anyway. Then he is lookign at her. "You're very good looking. Never let anyone tell you otherwise," he says softly and closes his eyes savoring the moment. "What are you thinking?" he asks softly as he does enjoy the warm water.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Ohhhhhhh no, your concentration is your job. If you lose it, that's on you, Kyle," M'gann turns a smile towards him and winks. Looking up into the sky, she smiles, Bioship coming to a land not far from them and converting itself into an RV style vehicle.

The comment brings a soft smile, and she offers, "Or maybe you could keep telling me every now and then, make sure to keep my confidence up?" Teasing him gently, then looking towards him. "I'll try, though. It's.. not always easy."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Oh? So you're going to test my concentration?" Kyel asks with a wink and then he looks to see Bioship moving. Then eh looks back at her once it's an rv. "Guess that means you have to invite me over often or wear this enough around me so I say it often," he winks at her and then he looks at her. Honestly going into his voice, "Trust me when I say you're the prettiest girl I've seen. And I mean lookingas you. I know you could shapeshift into what you think is beautiful. When Megan, green skinned, is beautiful," he just uses that name to show he means -her- and not the appearance of someone else.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Maybe! Or maybe I'm just going to keep talking to you, and you'll have to figure out if you can keep your concentration on both things at the same time," M'gann grins at him, then lifts one leg out of the water in a point-toed stretch before lowering it again. And maybe she's going to test him, a little.

Looking back over at him suddenly, she pauses, considering his words. Smiling at him warmly, "If it isn't too strange... I think you're beautiful too. Not just because you're cute or fit.. you. Who you are. You're beautiful."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Tease," Kyle grins and then she brings that leg out of the water then he looks at her just watching for a moment efore trying to make sure his focus doesn't sway.

"I think you're beautiful inside and out, so I don't find it strange," he gives a genuine smile t to her. "You are very beautiful," he wanted to say moire. However, that would be bringing up her other forms. When Megan ssees herself as this. So, he will not say anything to contradict.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Oh? Should I change into something more modest?" M'gann can't seem to resist teasing him, enjoying the easy banter back and forth between them. And perhaps trying to release that cautious hold on herself just a little.

Watching him for a long moment, M'gann finally smiles and gives a small nod, "So we acknowledge that each other are beautiful." She gives him a considering look, "Are you *really* going to stay all the way over there? I know I shouldn't rely on movies and sitcoms for all social situations but.. usually, if a guy likes a girl he's trying to get close to her..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"You could always dress in less. More distracting that way," he winks at her. Then he will give her following words a nod. And he'll slide over to her. So they'r enext to each other. "Well, I was letting you hold onto that caution. It feels like you may not want to hold onto it as much," he smiles and looks at her. "But how does the guy knows the girl likes him. Hmmm?" he asks, in a slightly teasing tone.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Mmmmmmmm, that seems like an easy out, though. Then you just blame your distraction on my nudity. No, I'd rather have it fail because you just couldn't help it," M'gann grins at him and winks back. SHe moves from floating to seated as he approaches, until they're side by side again. Smiling at him, she gives a small nod, "Maybe I don't.." His question has her laughing softly and nudging his shoulder lightly with her own, "He could ask her..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"But I'll probably like it," he winks and then a smile pulls at his lips. Then he looks at her. Then he thinks on it. Giving her both an out and a challenge. "I think if you like me, you should give me a kiss. I mean words only do so much," he grins at her just curious what Megan would do to that one. "I mean, do you like me?" he asks softly witha raised brow.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Grinning, she gives a small nod, "Oh, I'm sure you would. But I'm pretty sure we can find other things you'd like." M'gann watches him deliberate, still smiling as she watches him think it over. His response has her brows lifting in surprise before it's her turn to mull it over. Just when it seems she might pull back, M'gann leans in quickly and plants a soft kiss to his lips. She doesn't pull away immediately either, lingering there for a few moments before pulling back to looking into his eyes. "I like you, Kyle."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Like what?" Kyle asks with a grin as he watches her intently for a few moments. His gaze stays on her for a few moments. A smile on his face and then suddenly M'Gann is kissing him. he kisses her back and ligners closer, "I think I've liked you since donuts," he admits softly. "The second you went all cute art school girl on me, I wanted to get to know you more," he says softly and his eyes meet her amber ones. "So, is tonight a date or do you want to be properly asked to know it's an actual date?" he asks softly looking at her for a moment.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Leaning in against him lightly, M'gann brushes her lips across his and smiles, "I've liked you since you showed up in space, quipping and joking.. but when we arrived to.. what we found, you showed remarkable maturity and empathy.. I was very impressed." Reaching for his hand, she gives it a squeeze and smiles once more, "Can I choose both? I don't know if it started out as a date, but tonight is definitely a date." she chuckles, "And I would like to be asked out properly, too."

Before he can answer, she kisses him again, her lips moving softly across his. Leaning in against him, her free hand lifting to his shoulder, perhaps trying to let him know that she really does like him.