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Latest revision as of 21:05, 20 March 2024

Marys at the Met
Date of Scene: 19 March 2024
Location: The Met
Synopsis: Mary Jane and Mary Batson talk at the opera.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Mary Bromfield

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's a somewhat amusing, yet highly chaotic scene in the aftermath of what was an abridged version of a collection of famed 19th century composer Richard Wagner's operas, particularly his Ring Cycle. As the performer playing the demigod Siegried began his overture into what might be the classic 'Ride of the Valkyries' things had been extremely and chaotically disrupted by an agitator within the performers, which had lead to an enraged Siegfried going on a rampage throughout the remainder of it, for reasons unbeknowst to previous showcasings, having an upset tone to his vocals, almost a half step to them. A series of lightning bolts thrown about, a spear and typecast helm of thautamological origin, and the closing finale as to why people would expect a happy ending to an opera..
    And in the background the shrieking giggles of a member of the Valkyr that had come to see it finding the display of lagomorphic interruptions of great indulgence while completely sober, smashing down a glass in appreciation.

    To the back, Mary Jane is watching, blinking. "Okay, that was a thing." Even as the Maestro, one Charles Jones gives a final bow.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary was watching the performance, and blinking a bit in surprise, and commenting to herself, "Wow, probably for the best Marie wasn't here to see this.." She shook her head slightly, "Definitely got a bit too meta for my tastes." She smiled to herself, probably thinking that if nothing else, it was definitely a performance to remember as she glanced around, absently tugging at her sleek black dress with red trim as if feeling a bit awkward. Though she didn't look awkward, if nothing else.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over at Mary, "Yeah. I think that sometimes someone up there is having a bit too much fun that the rest of us aren't quite cued up in." She would take a breath over while shaking her head. "Well, still glad that I got to see it. it was fun and different. And it's nice to go to a show and get to see something unexpected."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Tell me about it, I just wish my girlfriend hadn't gotten the flu, she would have enjoyed it I think. But I guess I can always describe it to her later." She tilts her head, "Say, have we met... you look rather famliiar." Mary, for her part, doesn't look that much like Thunderbolt when she's not empowered, but there's definitely a resemblance there.

Or else perhaps MJ caught her streaming at some point.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Uh.. I think I've seen you, you stream right? Sorry, I don't remember your screen name or whatyou were doing. I don't have the time to keep up with things anymore. I can barely keep up pepole doing video game and anime cosplay these days."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, then smiles a bit wider, "Yeah, that's me, ContraryMary. I have a podcast but mostly it's streaming. Somehow it manages to pay the bills, and maybe a little extra." She then suddenly snaps her fingers, "Wait, you're Mary Jane Watson, right? I remember you actually did that production of MacBeth a few years ago, and thinking it was so cool you got to play Lady MacBeth. Wow." She looks suitably wow'd, then grins, "Surprised you weren't on stage. You look like you could be a valkyrie."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "THank you. I think I did okay as her. But she's one of the most famous women to ever be in a production. She has a lot of layers to her which makes her interesting." The era when Shakespeare wrote was not exactly known for it's strong, positive portrayal of women after all.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Well, I thought it was really cool what you brought to the role. Though well, wouldn't have expected to see you here. What've you been working on?" She sounds genuinely curious, and the interest is definitely sincere and not the fakey level that MJ likely sees more often than not.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, tried for a long time to get something ongoing. Haven't had a lot of luck. Just hit the point where I couldn't work in a bar for three or four hours a day, run off to do an audition that I wouldn't hear back from for a couple weeks.. Life didn't allow me a lot of flexibility. Couldn't get enough part time employment to pay to live even on the basics. So acting is on the back burner. Me and one of like five million other people in the city that dream of making it big."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Yeah, I can imagine, and it does take a lot of work to get the break you need to get." She grins, "And I definitely had some help along the way, which no one ever seems to mention when they finally make it, even when I'm not really all that. I mean, sure, I can make a living with it, but it's hard work and no one ever realizes the effort that goes into it, you know?" She smiles warmly at MJ, "Sorry, guess you probably hear that a lot, huh?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Oh, sometimes it doesn't work out. There's only so many parts in the end ot go around. That's show business." She would quip. "I just had to get out and go and do things full time. Maybe at some point in my life I can go back to it full time. I just can't now. I try and audition for small things, but nothing more than an extra."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Yeah, I got lucky going from full time barista and student to streaming occasionally to being able to just do it full time. Took a lot of work and having a pretty supportive girlfriend for most of it, though." She grins, "Makes it so much easier to have someone I can talk with about this stuff."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to fistbump, "Go you! It's great that you found your calling and you can live it. THat's a precious thing and important. Treasure it forever and keep it going. Not enough people can pursue thier passion. So I'm so happy for you to be able to do that."