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HUNGER: Power Behind Power
Date of Scene: 22 March 2024
Location: Observation Deck - Watchtower
Synopsis: Diana and Hal discuss the strange 'Light of Creation' that the Guardians seem intent on keeping secret. Diana is given homework.
Cast of Characters: Hal Jordan, Diana Prince

Hal Jordan has posed:
Ever since the loss of so many Green Lanterns in the Crab Nebula, Hal has been absent from the League and their dealings. While the group members are largely independent outside of major crises, there are meetings and communications on a semi-regular basis and while it might make sense for certain brooding, shadowy types to skip them Hal had previously been disciplined enough to show up. Then, for several weeks, he simply hadn't.

That is perhaps why it's so interesting when the Watchtower's internal monitoring pings him after so long. He's on the Observation Deck, looking out over the desolate lunar surface and the earthrise far beyond. He's grown what looks to be like the beginnings of a beard, with a few grey and white hairs creeping into it. He's foregone his uniform, instead wearing a short-sleeved button down shirt and jeans.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Watchtower was a installation that Diana had not been sure about when it had first been pitched by Superman 4 years ago. But as time had gone on, it was becoming ever more necessary to curb dangers toward Earth before they reached the planet's low-orbit status. Because of this, she was rapidly becoming a more common sight aboard it, and in the moment, she was passing down the corridor outside when she caught sight of the man in casual clothing within the room.

Diana offers a few words to the small group she was traveling with, one of them having a white tail that wagged happily as the group went on ahead without her.

"Hal?" Diana asked, stepping in to the room. Wearing a dark blue robe over her Eagle armor, she's in her regal attire. She smiles toward him as she glances him over. "You are looking quite casual today?" She questions.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Hm? Oh, uh, something I picked up in the Air Force," Hal answers, turning with hands in pockets to see Diana dressed in her Themysciran best, "When you're in uniform for more than a week without a change, you grab the first opportunity to be out of it with both hands."

He gestures out towards the Earth in the distance, turning back to look at the landscape beyond the windows.

"There's a lead," he says, "On whatever that energy source the Guardians don't want to talk about it. It's something old. Older than they are, even. A fundamental force that doesn't even fit into our definitions of physics but exists all the same."

Diana Prince has posed:
A more somber expression fades in over Diana's visage, as she hears his words. She steps further inside toward him, before she lets her hands lace together fingers in front of her lap, just barely visible through the opening of her cloak. "Is that where you have been?' She asks him. scouring the galaxy for answers?"

A glance is given toward a window out to the Lunar surface, before she looks back to him.

"What have you found?" She quietly asks him.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"There, and some other places," Hal admits with a nod of his head, "Lot of greenhorns suddenly finding themselves with a Lantern Ring and no idea what comes next after whatever killed all those people. Had to do my part in teaching them what to do. When I wasn't doing that, I was looking into this mystery energy signature."

He lets out a sigh.

"I'm not a scientist, and I don't know much about it. Don't even know what it's called, really, beyond some myths that call it the Light of Creation and other stuff like that. Seems like it could be tied to ... all sorts of things. Your buddies on Olympus? They think that's what made them who they are. At least initially."

Diana Prince has posed:
Whilst Hal speaks, Diana's chin lowers ever so slightly, her eyes locked on him as she listens intently in a way that she has since she was a tiny little girl, raising hell on her home island... when her elders would get her attention, they had it in an undivided fashion. As does he now.

When he speaks that last part about the Olympians, she tilts her head ever so softly to the right. After a second of thought, she speaks up. "Is there anything I can do to help provide you with some information?" She asks.

"Perhaps reference some materials within the Themysciran library? Or is this something you feel we need to take to the science minded of our associates? I am sure, what it is you're speaking of, will grab many's attention..."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Does information in the library go back that far? I'm talking the primordial universe here. The time when matter was still deciding what matter was gonna be. If you can find something from then ... maybe something about this Light of Creation? It might help us pinpoint who our killer is. Or at least where he's getting his power from."

Hal scratches the back of his head thoughtfully, and in that same instance he is covered in an emerald shimmer which reconstitutes itself as his Green Lantern uniform with mask and all.

"I've got some more digging to do, but if you can find anything we might have a lead."

Diana Prince has posed:
A glimmer of a smile touches Diana's lips, but it is gone like a flickering flame in a winter night. "We have had a lot of time on the island, to theorize on such topics. A number of our most prophetic authors have pushed quite far back in to the origins of it all, some even claiming to have some first hand knowledge learned from the Gods themselves. It is... muddled, however, in my experience. But," She shows that smile again, this time it lingers a moment longer. "It is an option worth checking in to. I will send word, and see what comes of it."

When he makes the change of uniform, she shows the smile once again. "Now you look ready for business." She tells him. "Your efforts, in all of this, is commendable, and I believe those 'greenhorns' will idolize you in short order."

Now she is grinning at him.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Just need them to listen to Kilowog," Hal answers with a shrug, "I heard you met him on Oa. Big, pink fella. Says 'poozer' a lot. He's the best there is when it comes to training. I learned from him, too."

He gives another nod, taking a step away and giving Diana a touch on the arm as he goes.

"Let me know what you find. I'm going to head out for another look, but I should be back in a few days. I'll catch up with you then."