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Latest revision as of 20:09, 25 March 2024

The Sweetest Thing
Date of Scene: 25 March 2024
Location: Megan Morse's Apartment
Synopsis: The young couple shares in the joy of their closeness.
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Jon Kent

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
It's been a few days since the last official date, but really, for the young couple, it's as if the date is still going. Jon stayed that night. And the night after. On the third day, Megan suggested he could pack up some of his clothes and keep them at the apartment so he'd always have clean clothes available. She also makes sure that he has toiletries available at the apartment, carving out space in the apartment so he'll feel welcome.

Today, the young couple are holding hands and chatting lightly as they head back to the apartment after the day's classes. They don't always line up so nicely. Sometimes hers end sooner, sometimes his. But at least a few days out of the week, they get to go back together. Megan smiles up at Jon and asks, "How were your classes today? Anything you need to study for?" And then on the heels of that, "I was thinking of making meatloaf tonight.. meatloaf and mashed potatoes? Maybe green beans?"

Jon Kent has posed:
It's been Heaven for Jon, honestly. Every night with M'gann has been perfect, one after another. They got on very well when they were dating, but now they seem in sync. He gives her hand a small squeeze and he nods. "Good day. Just labs, mostly, though. So, all in-class work. No studying for me tonight. Just meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and you. Oh, and green beans."

He grins and lightly bumps her shoulder. "Sounds amazing. I love meat loaf. I need my protein. I'm a growing boy, didn't you know? What about you? How was your day, and do you have anything to study?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
It's been just as wonderful for Megan, being able to spend more and more time with him, having him there each night. Like a dream. Only this one is real, she doesn't have to wake up.

Returning the small squeeze to his hand, she smiles up at him, "I think that sounds perfect. I'm always happy to have more time with you." Leaning in against him briefly, she leans up and kisses his cheek, "You'll have to tell me your favorite type of cookies or cupcakes, and I definitely need to know your favorite type of cake for your birthday."

Laughing softly, Megan shakes her head, "You are, it's true. But you know what? I will galdly take on the extra cooking if it means having you there with me." Lifting both brows, she smiles, "Oh no, I took care of my studying during my free period. And my classes were pretty good! I have one professor that seems to hate being challenged on anything, or even questioned. But he's still trying to actually teach something, so I can't be too terribly upset."

Jon Kent has posed:
He grins and nods to her, turning his head to return the cheek kiss. "Well, my birthday is a bit...complicated," he admits. "I guess I didn't tell you everything. But it's September 30th. ...And chocolate cake. I'm a simple boy." He nods along with her explanation of how her day went. "Well, if he becomes too much of a jerk, let me know. Not that I have -any- doubt of you being able to stand up for yourself."

Soon enough the couple arrive at the apartment, and he slips inside behind her. "I need you to meet my parents, still. Though...that part is a bit weird. So...uh. I'm kind of from the future. So..."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Chuckling softly, she shakes her head, "You didn't forget, you told me. I still find it amusing since I'm at the other end of the spectrum. But your birthday is still your birthday, regardless of whether it's how it happens in this timeline, or whether it's different because this is a different timeline. So we're still going to celebrate it." Megan squeezes his hand gently, "Regardless of *when* you come from, you exist. And we're going to celebrate that."

She pauses and leans back into him briefly, her head tilting back to look up at him, "It's alright, Jon. I know that I've nominally met your father before, though I think it's different when it's as a girlfiend than for a mission. So we'll get it to happen when it happens. You also need to meet my uncle. I had him over for tea when you had that lecture you had attend last week. I told him about us. He says he approves, even though he knows we don't need it. But I'd still like you to meet him."

Jon Kent has posed:
"Oh. Right. Uh...a lot of stuff happened that night so it might have slipped my mind," the boy admits with a blush and a chuckle. "I'm technically born this year, ya know." He grins at her. When she leans into him he gently wraps his arms around her and rests his head on her shoulder.

"I know you've met, but yeah, it's different, I guess. And sure. No rush. I'd like it to just be the two of us for as long as possible. I know it's selfish but...I don't really get to be selfish very often." He turns to kiss her cheek. "And I'm glad he approves. He could absolutely kick my butt."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Giggling softly, she reaches up to cup his cheek and smiles, "It's alright. You're allowed to forget things like that given the circumstances. Besides, it was a very special night. There was more that took precedent." Megan turns her head to brush a kiss across his cheek.

Turning towards him, she lets her backpack drop to the floor as she slides them around his shoulders, resting her forehead against his. "I'll happily meet your parents. I have a lot of respect for both of them." Smiling softly, she murmurs, "And I'm happy to be selfish with you.. keep you to myself for as long as I can. Our lives will intrude soon enough, and it's always going to be full of interruptions. So lets enjoy every moment we get."