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Latest revision as of 02:20, 28 March 2024

A Visit to the Keystone State
Date of Scene: 27 March 2024
Location: Jersey Shore, PA
Synopsis: Patty and Remy visit Patty's Moms. Patty gets her things. Remy gets Spaghetti.
Cast of Characters: Patty Sloan, Remy LeBeau

Patty Sloan has posed:
It was a long ride from Westchester, NY to Jersey Shore, PA. Lots of highways and byways. Even some Toll roads which Patty insisted on paying for. All in all it was quiet. Patty was quite happy to be back in her home town. The sky is a little grey today as it had rained earlier today. There are plenty of clouds blotting out any shades of blue not to mention the brightness of the sun.

Little did Patty know that someone was waiting for her to return. They had been driving by her home every day waiting for the day that she came back. The cold green eyes of Her old bully were looking for her. Emily had been longing for payback against the girl that embarrassed her at the Walco. Even now she is driving by.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy pulls the motorcycle up the curb of where Patty directs, the Cajun not bothering with a helmet even though one is provided for Patty. His longish auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail to stay out of his face, he is wearing jeans and a normal t-shirt. He glances over his shoulder, sunglasses reflecting Patty visage back at her.

     Dis de place, non? You needin' help to pack up the rest of your stuff into de car? Remy'll help then follow you back, oui."
     Remy kicks the kickstand down, settling the bike down and then killing the engine as he does.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty takes the helmet off and hops off the bike. She smiles to Remy, "This is the place. Welcome to my home. Wanna meet my Moms? They should be home. You can get a drink and stuff inside." She happily leads the way to the door and knocks. She of course has a key but she hasn't been home in a few weeks so just letting herself in feels a little wrong. "Mom? I'm home!" She calls out.

The door opens and a tall brunette probably in her early forties is standing there. She quickly gives a hug to Patty. Then another woman, this one with blonde hair and blue eyes just like Patty's quickly joins the hug. "Welcome home! Your car is in the garage. We brought it home from the mechanic. It runs..." The brunette says weakly. "You can get your things if you like."

The Blonde haired woman, probably in her late 30s early 40s smiles to Remy. "Hello! Thank you for bringing Patty home. Would you like to come in? We have some iced tea if you'd like."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "It's a bit early for Remy to be meetin' your mom, isn' it?" the Cajun jokes with a chuckle as he takes a moment to fix his hair and adjust clothing from the 4 hour motorcycle ride. "But I could use a drink, my throat does happen to be a bit parched."

     He follows his way up to the door, hanging back and to the side with his hands slipping into his pockets as he leans against a support pillar while Patty knocks and makes the initial greetings from the family. When he is addressed Remy smiles to 'Mom' and gives her a polite nod in greeting.

     "No thanks needed, chere. Jus' doin' my good deed for the...month?" He grins, "It was no trouble at all, mon ami. I would love some iced tea." He nods again as he slips inside with the invitation, "Patty didn' tell me she had two sisters..."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty slips off into her bedroom and quickly begins packing up her clothing. She walks down memory lane as she does. Thankfully she doesn't have a lot of clothes though as she bags them up. From there she begins gathering a couple items from her room and puts them in a box.

"Awww Nice to meet you Mister. My name is Anne. This is my partner Marie." The blonde states and she reaches out and takes Marie's hand. Anne quickly goes into the kitchen and pours a glass of tea complete with ice. She brings it to Remy and hands it over to him. "Are you one of Patty's professors or just a friend from school?" She asks curiously.

Marie happily goes to Patty's room. "Its so good to see you. I'm so happy you found a place to go to school. From what your Professor said, the school can also help with you... other problems."

Patty shakes her head, "They aren't problems mom! They are a part of me. I can fly! Did you know that? Also I'm getting a lot more control over my powers."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "LeBeau, but you can just call me Remy, petie." Remy says with a smile to Anne, giving another to Marie and nodding politely. He takes the tea when it is offered and takes a healthy sip from it, letting it wash some of the road out of his mouth. "More friend dan teacher, and even friend may be pushin' it. More like a friendly acquaintance? I don' know her all dat well." he admits with a bit of a shrug.

     As Marie and Patty speak in her room, Remy continues to be chatty with Anne. "I ain't all that much older than Patty I don' t'ink. I never asked her her age. From what I am told, dat's rude."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Anne smiles to Remy. She gestures to a chair. "Can I interest you in something to eat? I have some spaghetti that was made just last night." She smiles as she offers. "So I take it you are like Patty. A umm... Mutant? We have no problems with anyone here. We did our best to help Patty not to get bullied for being one as she grew up. It worked until it didn't." She smiles. "Given that person she blasted had bullied her for years, I can't say I blame her. I'd want to blast her too!" Anne laughs mischievously.

Marie winces and blinks a few times, "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You can fly? Like with your wings? You actually can fly? That is amazing. And your wind powers?" She asks Patty trying to learn what is going on.

"Actually, I am getting a lot more control over my air abilities. I still have to belt down my wings when I am not in a place that is safe but I've used my air and my wings together to fly from a new york street up onto the top of a hotel building! I am still learning to fly. My muscles in my wings aren't strong enough to maintain flight for long periods of time. I can glide though!" She grins happily.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Moving over to the chair, Remy finally removes his sunglasses and exposes his eyes with the black sclera and red irises as he nods to Anne. "Oui, I would love some spaghetti and I am like Patty." He takes a seat and slips the glasses into the collar of his shirt, getting comfortable as continues his converstaion.

     "I don' really know her story. I never asked. Sorry to hear about her gettin' bullied though. Sad dat happens, sadder still that bein' bullied is on de low end of what happens to people like us, non? Blastin' whoever it was dat was bullin' her was probably pretty therapeutic. Not everyone be so lucky. I've...yeah."

    Remy's normally care-free demeanor takes a bit of a somber switch for a moment before he regains the smile and sips at his drink, "But de school, it's a good place for her. Help her learn her way."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Oh That is really exciting. Well consider this place a safe place for you." Anne goes and quickly scoops out some spaghetti. She plates it and microwaves it quick before grabbing a fork and delivers it to Remy. "According to Patty, She didn't try to blast the girl. Patty has wind powers. We tried to keep her from using them so she wouldn't draw attention to herself. Same goes for showing her wings. We kept her out of gym class and kept her out of swimming sadly. Anything to help keep her mutation a secret."

Marie smiles to her daughter and asks her the million dollar question. "Whats it like to actually fly?" She asks curiously.

Patty smiles, "Its like breathing after holding your breath for a long time. It feels so amazing and free. I can't wait until I can fly longer." She collects her things and walks out of her room. "Got everything."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy nods his thanks and moves the noodles around a bit with his fork as he talks, "Knew about de wind powers, didn' know about de wings," Remy admits with a chuckle. "Sometimes emotions can get de best of people, we aren't any different other den de fact when we get angry me might cause a windstorm, or make somet'in' explode. It's all about control, and dat's what de school is for." He stabs the fork into the pasta and twirls it to get a mouthful, shoving it in just as Patty makes her way out of her room. He looks over with the fork still sticking out of his mouth towards Patty and Marie before slowly removing it and trying to chew rapidly.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles and then laughs a little, "Definitely giving the homey treatment, aren't ya mom." She looks at Anne with a big grin. She turns to Remy, "Take your time and enjoy. I know my Mom's cooking is good." She grins.

Anne looks at Remy and smiles to him. She turns to Patty, "We were just talking about your abilities and what you did to that girl, Emily. I said I would have blasted her too." She smirks and walks over to hug her daughter again.

"Mom you know I didn't try that. I didn't want to blast her. Well maybe I did... a little." She laughs. Marie happily takes the clothing from Patty and takes it out to the garage. The sound of a hatch opening and closing can be heard.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy continues to chew for a bit before he swallows and washes it down with some of the iced tea. He nods to Patty, "Oui, it is good. Remy hasn't had a good home cooked meal he hasn't cooked himself in....loner den he can remember." He shrugs a shoulder, moving his fork around to get another bite ready to go. "We all got our own Emilys out dere. Sometimes bein' able to blast em is worth the trouble, sometimes no. Dis girl, she ok? How bad was de blastin'?"

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty laughs, "Not too bad. She only flew back about five feet and into a display of DVDs." The young blonde laughs again. "I have the video on my phone. The one the news showed. They claimed it was a mutant attack. Trust me, Emily deserved much more than that. Not more than five minutes before that she threw me to the ground. Less than two minutes before she tried to steal my money. She is a real piece of work."

Marie comes back in and takes Patty's box of things and takes it out to the car. On return she smiles, "Your car is loaded. Drive safely and make sure to work on that car when you get up there. I know it needs love." She smiles and walks over to kiss Patty on the forehead.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "Sounds like maybe she deserve more, no?" Remy says with a bit of a smirk as he takes a last bite of the spaghetti and stands, washing it down with the iced tea. "You don' worry none about her car. I'll make sure she make it back to de school, and once dere we have at least a half-dozen gearheads that will keep dat t'ing running, likely better den it run now. I'll make sure dat dey know dey have a new patient on rotation." He chuckles and slips the sunglasses from his shirt collar, slipping them on. "Merci for de pasta and tea."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Anne takes the dishes from Remy and smiles, "You are most welcome. Happy you could bring our daughter home even if she is going to be leaving again right away." She grins as she takes the dishes to the sink. Turning around she smiles. "Thank you again for bringing her. I know its quite the trip."

Patty says her goodbyes and heads to the garage. "This is my car." She states to Remy. Its a nineties model Honda civic hatchback. The car would have potential but currently is not in its best condition. In fact before she even gets into the car she has the hood up and is pouring power steering fluid into it. "The Power Steering pump is leaking. I was going to use the money I was saving to get it fixed but the trip to New York kinda cost me my savings."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy says his goodbyes to the moms and follows Patty out to the car. His brow raises as he sees it, and the condition of it, and chuckles lightly. "Well, good t'ing I am followin' you back. You might need ol' Remy to help push dis t'ing." He grins, "But don' you fret none. Once we get dis back to Xavier's, Hank will probably tinker wi' it and add some alien engine or somethin' and have it running better den most t'ings on de road. All free o' charge."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles and nods, "Yeah. It was worse believe it or not. But we got it fixed." She opens the Garage door to see Emily driving by. Patty smiles at her and gives a nod. As much as she wants to, she doesn't blow the car off the road. She simply gives a wave and hops in her car.

"Lets get going." Patty smiles and backs the old car out of the garage. She moves it and waits for Remy to get on the Motorcycle. From there she starts going back to her new home away from home, Xavier's.