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Latest revision as of 16:18, 29 March 2024

A Spare for a Spare
Date of Scene: 29 March 2024
Location: Wayne Enterprises
Synopsis: Another is added to the project to build a new type of car, that will drive itself and never be harmed. Lucious meets with Mercy.
Cast of Characters: Lucius Fox, Mercy Thompson

Lucius Fox has posed:
There is many places in the city of Gotham to get parts, many people to do that with as well. But, Lucius is building a team, so for that he wants the best. He had sent out word to his rolodex telling them about parts rare, old, hard to find needed for a project for Mr Wayne. It is something odd for a car from 1941, made for one year without ever being made twice. A test of course, Mr Fox always picks odd tests to vet the world and this was the one he was currently using. So many had tried to scam him in the last few days, without the right part talking to the cons, the snake oil that had tried to collect the bounty for themselves and whomever had sent them over as well, each had been refused.

The meeting place for today is in front of the car itself, old, restored all but the crank and the missing bit of the engine. Open to the world, cleaned out, rebuilt by his own hands over the last few months for Mr. Wayne. Dressed in his suit now, sitting there leaning back in a car with one of those famous pots of Alfred's teas to steady his nerves as he waits for the next person, to maybe have the part needed to start up this car.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Even if she doesn't have the part in question, Mercy heard about this stuff through the motor head grapevine s it were. Either way it was a chance to see a 1941 Mercedes-Benz 540. So she has what few parts may work and who knows maybe if she can say what is missing she can get some work. So Mercy pulls up in front of the big fancy building in her restored VW and gets out. She's got her hair in braids, her coveralls are in the hood with her tools. Right now she's just in good old fashioned jeans and a tee that has 'ACME Corporation Testing Division' with an image of Wile E Coyote gripping a TNT plunger. Satisfaction Guaranteed. She sees the car and just smiles at the sight of it. "That is a thing of beauty," walking toward the car savoring the view of it.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks over at the woman and than back at the car with a little nod of his head, his hand is moves slowly to run along the side of the car. "Indeed, it is a work of pure beauty. I'm Lucius Fox, the man in charge of this project. It is good to meet you Misss?" He drags out the word, as he looks at her, those fingers tracing the car a few more times before they are offered towards her for a handshake. With a warm smile, and a flash of mirth in those old eyes hidden behind the glasses, that are slipping down his nose.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Mercy Thompson," she offers her name with a smile. When he offers a hand she'll take it, and after she will offer a card with her shop in Harlem NYC. "Well the body work is great and the paint job looks authentic. So she's either been restored very carefully or sitting in someone garage for half a century. "So I heard something about a difficult part needed. Is this the car or just the carrot to bait us mechanics out, Mr. Fox?"

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox watches her for a long moment motions towards the car. "Figure it out yourself, there are eyes and than there are souls." He walks over to sink into a chair, his right leg is crossed over the left as he waits for her to start her work.

She if she is skilled enough to notice, will see in the center that part has been removed, it is truly missing it is needed for the car to start. IF it was wired correctly, but he has rigged it in a way to bypass that part, it was a not only a power source but a speed limiter now it will go at normal speed of a modern car. There are other things modified, it will run on both green energy and gas, if it needs to as well.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will go toward the car and asks, "Mind if I look under the hood and check some stuff out?" She will pull out a small flash light and sees about just looking at the obvious stupid stuff. Battery connections, missing spark plugs and all sorts of things that are often easy such stuff. She knows a fair bit about all these old cars. It doesn't take her long to notice, "Well you got two things I can say easily."

    With a wiggle of her flash light she will say, "You are missing a part there, just looks like it was pulled or something out of a working engine. Also I'd have to double check some old reference books I have but think that wiring is not quiet right. Your timings may be off." She frowns as Mercy studies more, "This isn't a classic engine. You got some stuff I don't know well off the top of my head. Did someone try to modernize the internals, Mr. Fox?"

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox watches her slowly his hand is moves to tap against his wingtip as he watches her, quiet not speaking at all. His hand is motions for her to go on, his eyes are locked on to her now with a little chuckle. "Oh?" His voice is sound confused, quizzical, amused a mixture of all three. "What makes you say that Miss. Thompson?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Well it almost looks like you got either two ignition systems and possibly a second fuel tank? I'd have to get under her to look at that. But I can tell you this isn't the way it looked as it rolled out of the shop." Mercy is still half crawling into the hood and looking around and taking her time to reach out and wiggle some stuff.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox chuckles slowly standing with a nod of his head, reaching over to take out a briefcase placing it down on the hood next to Mercy. "Well than, you have a job do go home and accept the documents on the flash drive." His fingers moving slowly to take out a device, in the shape of a button placing it down on the top of the case. "That will get you in touch with the others in the team, we will be working on a project. I only want the brightest of minds on this project."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "So this is not the job, this is just the audition?" Mercy looks at the case but doesn't take it right away as she looks over at Mr. Fox. "I do have my own business to keep going but I am happy to help out and bill fair trade. And always eager to learn more and this car is a real beauty that doesn't come around often. So I'm curious." She will slowly reach for it. "So long as I can see what this all entails and have no commitment beyond an NDA I'm in. If it takes more then that, I may have to ask more questions first."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox nods slowly his hand is taps his chin. "Oh you will see what it is shortly, I have another meeting do be well Miss Thompson." With that he walks off there is always so much to do in the halls of Wayne.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That sounds like a deal then. I'll keep my mouth shut. I don't blab other people's business and have to admit I'm hooked and curious." She will take the offered items if he will let Mercy have them. "I guess I got homework then, huh Mr. Fox?"

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox turns at the door to look back before the elevator dings open. "Not homework, a project something to work on and you will be paid. Just fill out your banking info it'll be deposited. Be well." With that he is gone, with a little chuckle. Two down, he hopes he has built the the right team.