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Latest revision as of 14:06, 31 March 2024

Public Hellhouse
Date of Scene: 31 March 2024
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Lara and Wilson Fisk meet at the Hellfire Club. Free drinks are offered, and a bit of casual conversation is shared.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Wilson Fisk

Lara Croft has posed:
An evening at the Hellfire Club had been something Lara had been indulging in once a month, or so. Simply a reminder to herself that she needed to get out in to public, and not entirely lose herself within her books. She'd held a residence in New York City for the past 4 years, shuttling between it, London and the rest of her adventures abroad. While in New York, she'd found a few places that she didn't mind shadowing the doorstep of, and the Hellfire Club had a nice exclusivity to it that helped her feel a bit more closed off from the riff-raff that might wish to cause her trouble. She'd made a number of enemies in the past 5 years of her life, afterall.

Tonight, she's in the Public House of the Club. A quiet atmosphere, which she appreciates. Having found a place at the corner of the bar, Lara has her black leather jacket draped over the back of her chair, a drink in front of her. Dressed in a black sleeveless top, a dark grey skirt and black heeled boots that go up beneath the hem of the skirt, the British noblewoman is casually scrolling her phone while she sips from her drink. Being a Duchess, she is sometimes recognized here, since it is common for such well informed people to haunt these halls, but generally she's just another face in the Club to the average attendee.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk comes in slowly dressed in a form fitting suit, his hand is holding an ivory cane fingers tapping against it moving into the club. He is makes his way towards the bar, folks moving out of the way of the powerful business man. Slowly, he brings out a wad of bills clipped with a silver F in the center of it, dropping down a few 100s on to the top of the bar. "DO spend this on all here tonight till it is gone, make it a few more. I'm having a good day, I wish for the world to enjoy itself." Dropping down 5 more of the bills on top of the others, as he watches the bartender, than he takes out another few 100s placing them into her hand with a nod. "That is the tip for you, make sure the drinks do flow. Starting myself with a Rum and coke, please." He looks over at Lara croft for a long second with a nod of his head. "Your face is know to me, what is your name? I have seen you here a few times, but we have yet to speak. Wilson Fisk, at your service."

Lara Croft has posed:
Though Lara is no stranger to money, she's been relying on her own abilities to earn a paycheck since she had set out on her own, with her parents' wealth going toward the Manor back home, and the people of her duchy. Wilson's bravado with the bills, certainly does draw many eyes within the pub tonight, Lara's included. She's looking toward him when he notes her presence. His question toward her earns a soft smile, as she lowers her glass down to the bar to rest it beside her smart phone which lays upon its back.

"Lara. Croft." She says. "I believe I have heard of your name before too, Mister Fisk... But, I sadly cannot say I know much beyond that." She glances toward the bartender who is already preparing the drinks for those around the room, Lara's eyes returning to Wilson's own. "I take it you've been having good luck of late?" She asks the stranger, her British voice calm and soothing to most ears with her London posh accent.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk looks over at her and than the others in the room. "I woke up today it is a fine day, everything else is just icing on the cake Miss Croft." His voice is soft, rumbling out of him with a wink at the girl. "But you have to share as much as we get in this world, but business was good this week. Indeed, but I will not talk of the details for this is not a boardroom, this is a place of libation and pleasure. So, than what is your pleasure this evening?" His hand is moves to lift his own drink, tilting it towards the Brit, in a toast.

Lara Croft has posed:
The British noble just offers a small smile in return at the man's response. At the offer of a toast, she raises her glass up to engage with his own, before she tips it back for another sip. When it is lowered, her head gently shakes from right to left as her free hand comes up to swipe some of her dark hair back behind her right ear. "I am simply seeking a night out from my place. All too often I find that I am lost in my work from sun up to sun down. Some of my friends tell me it is... unhealthy to live one's life as such." She shows a larger smirk at that, before she glances at a pair of pub goers who come to pick up their free drinks. She regards Wilson again a moment later. "So, I would say my pleasure sought is just a peaceful evening not with my nose stuffed in a book, or lost on a website." And after saying that, her smirk comes back for a second or two before it is wiped again from her facial features.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk nods slowly his hand is sipping his drink with a little chuckle. "Well, than I do hope you enjoy your evening out and away from your pleasure of websites and books. Those are dangerous for too much thought leads you into history and philosophy, very very dangerous for a young mind." His hand is moves slowly to tap against his cane with a wicked chuckle. "But those pleasure lead you into the world of finding you, long dip in that lake of the ID and the EGO." His voice is filled with mirth, drinking the rest of his drink placing down the cup on the counter. "SO, what is next for you this evening Miss Croft?"

Lara Croft has posed:
A light smile is afforded to the man across from her at the bar. "I would tend to agree with you through and through." She quietly replies before he asks his question. She'd taken another sip of her drink while he asked it, but once it is lowered again, she considers for a second or two.

"Probably return to my flat, finalize a few travel arrangements in preparation for a trip down south to Florida in the coming week." She answers him as to the nature of what her plans are tonight. She draws in a breath, and softly releases it. "Ever on the move, but, there are some rather urgent situations developing there-in, and my colleagues in the Tampa area are awaiting my return."

She shows him another light smile then. "And yourself? More rounds of free drinks for the lucky masses?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk slides his finger along the top of his cane with a shake of his head. "No, that is handled. I will be retiring somewhere quiet after this, I have things to do but wanted to share the wealth. What is going on down in that part of the world, besides meth and crazy new stories. I will guess those are not the draws or disney, that is the things Florida has is it not?" His eyes studying her with as glint of mirth, that is quickly fades back into the stone of his face. "Do you need aid in this work, my check book is always open to those of the club?"

Lara Croft has posed:
The response that she gets from him garners a soft grin from the Briton. She gently shakes her head from side to side, before exhaling a light breath. A shift upon her stool has her sitting up ever so slightly straighter. "Some of my research lead me to some missing artifacts from a ... far away place. As it so happens, the trail lead me to a German U-boat which had been transporting the items from the point in which they found them, back to Europe in the later years of World War 2." She explains, clearly being somewhat reserved in the details she shares. "It would seem the items were scattered off the shore of Florida, with some making their way inland... We're in the process of tracking them down, and retrieving them. If all goes well, at least."

She glances at his cane, before her eyes return to his own upon his stoney face. "The offer of funding is appreciated, but I think we are set on this particular endeavor. Maybe future expeditions could use such extra funding though, if you're keen on such things."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk nods slowly his hand is moves to tap at his cane with a nod at Lara. "Do be safe Miss Croft, I will be moving on with my evening." His hand is moves slowly, to twirl around to offer her his card. "Be in touch if you need such funding, it is the least I can do for you. Good head, there is much to be learned in this world. Finding such things are powerful, all I would ask is for the tale to hit my ear over a drink. But, for now I have had my fill of the public, I will go for now. Do, have a lovely evening and best of luck." He stands slowly, watching the crowd with the money and the free drinks. "I wish to go before the riot, starts."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's brown eyes dart over to a server who is carrying a tray of drinks out toward one of the tables that signaled for their free refills. When the card is offered, Lara returns her gaze toward the debonaire man offering it. She reaches forward to accept it, showing him a pleasantly warm smile, and a light pair of small nods. "thank you, Mister Fisk." She says toward him, setting the card down beside her phone on the bar's top.

"I will be sure to keep your name in my mind, as ever there are options that need to be pulled upon, from time to time." She tells him, before her own free refill drink is set down on the bar by the tender before her.

"Enjoy the peace you're seeking tonight." Lara adds to Wilson before he is entirely gone.