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Latest revision as of 01:33, 3 April 2024

Garage and Stuff
Date of Scene: 02 April 2024
Location: Garage and Stables
Synopsis: Rogue and Bishop share a few words after a school outdoors club meeting in the garage!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Bishop

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been overseeing a small school club meeting out in the garage. It was a hiking and wilderness adventure club that was usually hosted by others of the school, faculty wise, but Rogue at least was a avid outdoorsy person, thus she was tapped to take the lead in the absence of the regular group leaders.

It was an easy gig, really, just buy a few pizzas, help the students organize and talk about future plans for hikes, and survival training.

With the students having dispersed back in to the school, Rogue is seated by herself now at the table setup in the garage. leaning back in a chair, with her booted feet up on the table crossed at the ankles, she's holding a piece of pizza in one hand, and scrolling her phone in the other. Dressed in blue jeans, a black and green t-shirt, with a camo headband wrapped around her brow, the Belle looks casually relaxed as she chews on a bite of the pizza pie from the shop in Salem Center.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop had been walking around all day quiet, there was classes in those he talked but for the rest of the day he was lost in his own mind. It was his easy day, one of the lighter ones. The lessons mostly videos right now, showing the past and a few firing ranges sessions with the older kids. Dressed in tight black jeans, his hands are in the pockets of his simple leather jacket over a simple black shirt with a nod at Rogue. "Hey Rogue." His voice is friendly, but sounding like it's coming from a far off place moving to the wall to lean against it right leg is coming up to tap against it. "Sup?"

Rogue has posed:
The sound coming from Rogue's phone suggests she's watching some manner of video online, but she's scrolling every few seconds, which triggeres a new video, thus further indicating how one has no attention span anymore. When the voice sounds out in a greeting, the Belle raises her green eyes up to look over to its source. A smile appears on her dusky hued red lips as she spies the man. "Bishop." She says softly, before upnodding at him. "Just enjoyin' a bit of relaxation. Hows your day been?" She asks, as she drops her feet down off of the table, to let her booted heels touch down on the polished garage floor. She motions to the table, where there are a few pizza boxes and a bunch of soda bottles with cups surrounding them.

"Ya hungry? Feel free to grab somethin' before I take it inside and it gets consumed in seconds by the little locusts." She tells him in that naturally husky voice, laced with that Mississippi accented flavor to it.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Rogue with a shake of his head, his hand is moving to wave it off with a chuckle. "I'm doing fine, just thinking too much you know. The curse of a man out of time, but feed the locusts, so they don't consume us you know. They will turn on us, ever read Lord of the flies?" His voice is teasing, as he nods at her kicking his boot against the wall, with a wink at her. "I mean you know, they got powers and hungry maws. Bad combo, I'll be fine just thinking on those I miss."

Rogue has posed:
With her feet back on the floor, Rogue pushes up off of the chair, taking another bite of the slice that she held in her free hand. Her phone was dropped down on to the table, as she turned away from him to start picking up some of the various items strewn about the table's surface. "Lord of the Flies?" She asks as she starts trying to make sense of the mess left behind by the vacated students. "Is that a Star Wars book?"

With a soft smile visible from a profile angle view of her face, she has her eyes down on the pizza boxes that get stacked up, whilst she takes a bite out of the crust with a crunch. Getting the boxes stacked, Rogue peers inside one for a second before clearing her mouth. "Been up to anything fun lately? Or just focused on teachin' these flies who the Lord is?" She asks, clearly joking as she shoots him another smile, also clearly showing she has never heard of that book at all!

Bishop has posed:
Bishop chuckles slowly pushing off the wall moving to a chair across from Rogue sinking down into it with a loud sigh with a wink at her. "Oh totally star wars, the best kind of lesson with light sabers and force powers." He leans back and forth rocking the chair, that man laughing once again with a look at her now serious. "Just teaching, nothing fun in my life lately, got too much to do and a man to find and a world and a time line to save. But, once that is done and I'll be sure to get on that fun. But, yes they enjoy that book, I use it to show them why they need to be good little piggies."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue uses a napkin to clean her fingertips up a bit, her gloves folded up and poking out of a side hip pocket of her jeans. She glances over at him as he settles down on that chair across the table, and a smirk touches her lips. Reaching for the pizza boxes she starts emptying them of their remaining contents, collecting them in to one rather than saving all three boxes. "Savin a timeline." She repeats after him. "What all does that involve, anyhow? I feel like I need ta do that ta this world... Damn near makin' me wanna scream every minute of the day..." She states, showing off a bit of exasperation at life itself.

She steps over to grab a waste bin from under the nearby work bench, then returns to start dropping cups and napkins in to its interior.

"I mean, how does one even begin ta do what you're aimin' for?" She asks the man, her green eyes glancing up and over at him as she continues her cleanup.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks her dead in the eye a single phrase said cold as ice. "Kill Trevor Fitzroy, he is the cause of it." His finger is snaps as he pulls back his finger aiming into the air, making a pew sound. "He will end the world, or someone connected to him that is all I know, that is how we do it Rogue. Simple, one death for all the lives to be good. So, that is all it's simple as that." His eyes are blink now, that it's over rocking back and forth on his chair, making it creak with each motion.

Rogue has posed:
That simple declaration is received by the Mississippi Magnolia, not causing her to stop her clean up, but it does make her slow down a bit, as her green eyes raise back up over to him where he leans in that creaking chair. She lingers her stare on him a moment before she goes back to her work, dropping a couple plastic cups in the bin. "Professah Xavier ain't all that keen on killin' folks, ya know." She reminds him, something she's sure he's heard many times.

"Timelines get shuffled too, Bish." She further states. "I mean, I'm no expert on it. But I've experienced enough in the past five or so years, ta know that stuff in this reality ain't like what it is in others. Hell, I met other versions a'myself, and they ain't nearly as impressive as I am." She states with that inner confidence all of her own, she's renown for it, really!

"Maybe get a telepath to help you out though?" She asks. "Maybe the guy is actually tryin' ta do something nice, like build'a orphanage for kittens."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop rocks back and forth on the chair as she is speaks his hand is moving to poke at one of the empty boxes, stabbing into the top. "His dream will be protected, it will be honored. Yeah, I know not keen on it. Does not mean it won't have to happen you know." He stands slowly, that chair is hitting the ground with a loud thump, metal meeting the hard floor with a clattering. "But you know, I might do that telepath to find him, and check on his kittens to make my heart happy. Good plan Rogue. Thank you."

Rogue has posed:
With the bin filled up, the Belle picks it up to tuck it under one of her arms. She watches him stand up, and affords him a small smile at his words. "Be careful, Bish." She warns him. "If ya start dealin' death and judgement, ya end up riskin' becomin' the kinda monster you might despise."

A slight grin is shown, before she reaches out to gather up the two empty pizza boxes. "Life is too short ta waste it on lettin' some negative thoughts live rent free in your mind too, Sugah." She adds as she turns to walk to the large trash container that rests beside the open garage door near to the recycling bin.

"I choose positivity!" She speaks up louder as she moves toward said open garage door.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop slides his hands into his jacket quiet now, as he watches Rogue with a little frown. He walks towards the door quickly, not stopping lost in his head. "Yeah, whatever." HIs voice is cold, than he is heading towards the lake, to get that alone time he seeks. Will her words impact or not, only time will tell but they had been wise. But are his ears wise enough to listen.