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Latest revision as of 01:34, 3 April 2024

Drinking with an Angel
Date of Scene: 31 March 2024
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: An angel and a man out of time meet, it seems they have some things in common.
Cast of Characters: Bishop, Aldrif Odinsdottir

Bishop has posed:
Mid-Day the bar is not packed, but the regulars are pouring into it and in the back of the bar in the shadows is one Bishop, his long hair braided tied back into a bun, his massive hand is moving to hold the drink of bourbon staring down into the liquid. His eyes are locked down on to watching it, memories are seeming to stir over his face. Serious, blank look not moving, lost in the music of the bar, the noise of it all dressed in simple clothing for the outside world, jeans and a leather jacket over a black shirt and a pair of tight doc martins. He is trying to blend into the world, but something about the intensive nature of the man even with those dark sunglasses, seems to draw others to glance his way.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is sitting at the bar and is probably (part of) the noise Bishop hears nearby. She is admit a raucous band of men (and ladies) around her laughing and having a good time. She seems to be telling a story to a few of them while she holds a stein of some kind. She waves it back and forth as she tells the story and then smiles, "Ha ha! That's right! Another head on the fire!" she says and adds, "Ha! I am getting a hand of this socialeezing!" she lets out after taking another drink. Some of the others talk to each other after Angela's warrior story is done and she also gets up from the bar. She walks back into the shadows of the bar and plops down at a table nearby to Bishop. She is wearing her usual warrior garb with her sword at her hip and her drink in front of her.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop stares down into his drink, yet to notice the new arrival than his eyes come up his face is blocked by those glasses, large the type folks wear to hide faces when they are famous. "Yeah?" His voice is filled with distrust, slowly his hand is moves to his side, under that jacket tapping against something metal, his eyes on her, than the garb and than the word. "What can I do for you?" His other hand is moves to bring up his drink to sip it slowly, with a nod of his head at the woman.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela has another drink from her stein, "Ah, I didn't see thee," she mutters, "I wilt not crowd you. I was trying to get a quiet moment," she indicates from nearby. She slides up out of her seat slowly and eyes Bishop as he touches his jacket, as if he might have a weapon under there waiting for her or something. She pauses as she waits for his response.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop nods slowly his hand is leaves that bit, with a nod of his head. "It's fine, silence is good in the shadows." His voice is warmer, almost friendly his hand is moves to pick up his glass to sip it slowly with a chuckle. "So, than why you so medieval? You know it's not like castle and dragons time."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela plops down at Bishop's table and has another drink of her stein, then bangs it down on the table, "Ha! Well! I know this!" she lets out and laughs, "But I am not from around here. I am not from Earth," she indicates, motioning to herself.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop sips his drink watching her for a long time, his face is looking right at her through those dark glasses. "Where are you from if not Earth, another world or timeline, or what?" His fingers are tapping against the now empty glass, drumming against the glass with loud flicks of his fingers, drumming to the beat of the song over the jukebox.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is quiet as Bishop watches her, merely taking a drink every now and then, and seems subdued with the long pause. But she answers, "I come from Heven. But now I live here," she answers simply, "The realm is cut off and I canst never return."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop nods slowly his hand is moves to adjust his glasses to make sure they are in place. "I know that feeling, trapped in a new time and a new place. It is rough, good luck adjusting." His voice is filled with concern, his hand is moves to pick up the empty glass turning it slowly to examine it not looking at the woman. "That is a big burden, how are you handling it?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela nods to what he says, "Yes, tis different for sure. But I hast made a few friends. And enemies too," she shrugs, finishing off her stein. She sets it down and says, "Funny, sounds like thou art in the same situations," she explains though looks sad even though she said it was funny, "Mine friend demanded I be socialeezing more instead of practicing mine swords all day," she rolls her eyes, "So I am here."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop nods slowly watching her tapping that glass again, his eyes not moving from the angel. "Yeah, we all got our tales and our trials. But real heroes stand up, protect the ideals that shape us, that is all I can say on the matter. It seems your adjusting fine, that is good." His hand is drops that glass down on a tray of a passing waitress as he looks back at the angel. "Enemies, are something we need to be heroes, so it's good to have them."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela raises her chin a bit and regards the man again, pausing a moment as if impressed by his honestly, then she says, "Tis true," she comments simply, "An honest statement if I hast ever heard one. Thou art from another place as well?" she asks him.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks at Angela. "Time, but that is a tale for close folks not girls in bars, that I just ran into." His voice is friendly, his hand is moves to grab the next drink it seems he has been here often or for a long time today sipping it slowly with a content sigh of pleasure. "Now, honest is what I do best you know, lies are for those that wishes to hide everything."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela nods again, "Very well," she mutters and watches him slip a drink in front of himself like a pro but has to order one herself before she has another, "I hide nothing. Tis mine weakness I think!" she chuckles and bangs the table with amusement, "Finding the liars tis also a chore," she adds.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop leans back in his chair watching her studying her with a little chuckle. "Well stated." He sips his drink with a content sigh. "That is a good and bad weakness, so you tell everything all the time?" His voice is teasing the angel, with a shake of his head. "Sounds dangerous, might make dating hard."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela laughs heartily and points at Bishop, wiggling her finger at him, "Ha! Thou dost sound exactly like mine friend! Stop being so serious! Relax and give up thine warrior ways!" she chuckles, "Something like that. Well, tis what I am!" she adds. She shrugs a bit at Bishop.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop stands slowly placing the empty drink back on the passing tray. "I should get back to my place, be safe out there Angela. There are many to fight, but not many to call friend listen to them." He writes down his number and his address on a napkin leaving it there. "If you ever wish to do battle and find evil as a team, find me or want to hang maybe."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela slides the napkin across the table in front of herself and nods, "Well met, man out of time," she comments softly. She looks at the napkin and then glances up at him, "To you as well. If you ever need a loud warrior to stab thy enemies," she smiles amusedly. She tells him where he might find her and describes the place.