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Catching up with the Kryptonian
Date of Scene: 06 April 2024
Location: Frost Enterprises - Emma's Penthouse
Synopsis: Emma talks with Divine, and discuss the paths that the Kryptonian clone might take forwards.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Divine

Emma Frost has posed:
It's sometime in the afternoon. Emma Frost is sitting with Divine in her penthouse. Divine has been given some coffee, Emma is having her usual early afternoon alcohol the way she normally does. She seems quite relaxed. "So, darling, I've had a variety of identities setup for you to use."

Divine has posed:
Divine looks up from the coffee. It's taken her awhile to get used to the taste. She doesn't really recieve any benefits from the caffeine and has no idea that is what draws people to the drink but almost everyone drinks it on a regular basis around here so it's good for blending in. Besides, enough sugar and milk make most things palatable. "Oh." Divine smiles. "Thank you! That will be useful. Very useful. I can't just punch someone til they forget they asked for an ID here." She looks rueful. Almost. Okay, no, she totally looks disgruntled.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to fold her hands together, "Of course. You are going to have to make some compromises, however dear, if you want to use your abilities when you're out in public. If only as you cut a rather recognizable profile." She does tease Divine just a bit. And hands her over a small series of ID's, each that has a life history behind them for her to purview.

Divine has posed:
"Yeah. I know. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of job I want to try. First I thought I could be a bodyguard but that won't work if I want to experience being normal. If my charge got attacked I'd give it away I'm different pretty fast and if people figure out what I am (hm, she still thinks of herself as a what, rather than a who) they might come after me and put whoever I am supposed to be guarding at risk. So that wouldn't work, though it might be fun." For her. "I think I'll need a disguise. I don't know what but something better than a pair of glasses." She appears baffled as she considers that. How do the others fool people so easily? Divine studies the IDs and the histories, her expression changing to something akin to wistfulness. "What is it like to have a life like this, all these experiences and history?" She wonders aloud.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Divine, "Well, of course. What sorts of things do your interests lead to? You might also enjoy trying a few things. Perhpas some volunteer work at a few places or short internships to give you an idea to what they're like? You're doing them for experience, to see what appeals toyou. So you don't have to commit to something fully when you find it doesn't feel like something you'd like to do full time." Emma could give her however much she needed to live on after all.

Divine has posed:
"People do this volunteer thing but what do they get out of it?" She asks. Divine has learned about helping people in battle and using her abilities to protect others through battle but outside of that she just doesn't see why others would spend time doing something for nothing. "I.. did figure out I like animals a lot. They're interesting and they are honest. They don't want more than you can give, a lot of them don't want anything from you at all. Physical things are good too. I carried stuff people needed up a mountain and in a few hours they had things it would have taken them months to get up there on their own. Then I brought them extra stuff, things they didn't know they needed, just because I could." Where she got that stuff.. well there were reports of a few medical companies and hospitals being robbed by a powered individual that was never caught on camera about four months ago.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Well, I'm not sayig you have to dear. But it's a good way to get some experience that doesn't require long term commitment. Try something for a couple weeks, get an idea of what it's like. If it holds appeal, you cna see if you can find a job more oriented towards it. If not, nothing lost but a small amount of time." She would nod over at Divine. "And that itself is also something perfect to use your abilities and not have to worry about more."

Divine has posed:
Divine nods. "I'll make a list of things I want to try or learn more about and find short term jobs or internships for those. Once I've tried several things I can look for a full time job if any of it appeals to me." She eyes the IDs again and smiles. "Then I can start making my own history. It'll be interesting too even if I don't like it because then I'll know and it'll be new experiences." She's collecting those avidly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "exactly, darling. Step by step. That's what it's there for. You're not on a timetable or in a rush. You can go out as you wish to try things and do them. You don't have to finalize the rest of your life if you don't wish to. And another thing at your discretion.. Do you want to reach out to contact others of your kind?" Other Kryptonians in Earth. Would they be called family or not?

Divine has posed:
Looking down, Divine studies her coffee intently. She left for months and didn't tell anyone. She's a little different than she was then. That ingrained urge to prove she's the best is still there but Divine has a better handle on ignoring it and a few ideas about perhaps.. overwriting it. Logically she knows now that she *isn't* the best. There's still a bit of a war between logic and emotion there though. "I would." She finally says. "I think I'm in a place where I don't care so much if they reject me and if they welcome me, maybe I can accept that too. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to get into a sparring match but.." She looks up and shrugs. "I also wouldn't be able to say no. It's progress I guess, that I know that at least. Isn't it?" Her tone seeking approval even as she hates that note in her voice.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "All right. In that case you can approach htem on your own terms. I can try and facilitate things if you would wish, but you'll likely make better progress on your own initiative. I'm more than happy to assist. And I think they would welcome you. They care. They know what it's like to come from nothing and lose everything."

Divine has posed:
Divine blinks, a bit surprised. That hadn't occured to her. They would know, wouldn't they? She nods and smiles at Emma. "Okay. I feel better about that now too. That wasn't something that I'd realized." She finishes the coffee, proud she doesn't grimace. "Is there anything you need from me right now?" She asked before but is still so eager to help Emma, the person who first found her and has always been there, giving her whatever she needed.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod gently, "No darling, I'm fine. My life and my own frailties are of a different sort. And lend themselves to matters of escalation quite rapidly." Mutant affairs were chaotic. Having Kryptonians show up would in turn make those who targeted mutants bring out weapons to engage Kryptonians.

Divine has posed:
As much as Divine wishes she could just smite all of Emma's enemies she's aware of the tensions between humans and mutants and the fact that there are a lot more humans. She nods but sighs. There isn't much she could do to change that without.. well. "I would take on your enemies, all of them if you ever asked."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take her hand over to squeeze the wrist of Divine. "Thank you darling, that means a great deal to me." Kissing the cheek of Divine a moment later. "If I ever need your services I will." She would squeeze

Divine has posed:
Divine grins, happy to receive the attention and physical affection. Things she craves but won't easily admit to. "Good." Emma is the only one she'd go to such length for but Divine would burn the world for her if only asked. Or try her very best at least. "What was the first job that you had?" Divine asks, changing the subject, ebony eyes alight with curiousity.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, and then look pained for a moment. "A long story, dear. And not a particularly happy one. One that I'll tell you another time if you wish to know. Ane I did not get another one for quite awhile. Just a painful one and I want to enjoy our time together now."

Divine has posed:
Divine looks abashed. "Oh. I didn't know." She reaches and squeezes Emma's hand gently. "I don't need to know. I just thought.." Her cheeks flush. "Maybe I could follow in your footsteps." She admires Emma, very much. "I'll figure it out. I have a list of things I know I am interested in and things I'm curious about and things that seem boring even but I still want to be able to say I've done it even if only for a day."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, the failures of when we were young. Things define us. Not always in good ways, darling. Just know that I am a bitter, cynical woman that acts often out of pettiness and spite and lash out fo resaons deserved and not deserved."

Divine has posed:
"I do that too. Though more from anger and arrogance I guess but.." Divine shrugs. "You've only ever done good for me. I will always be glad of that." Grateful too. She doesnt' care if the objects of Emma's desire deserve it or not. Her loyalty won't falter. "We can only do what we can do. If it isn't always good, that's just part of being a person, isn't it?" She asks.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes. Failures and successes. Mainly the first. Negativity is easier to find reinforcement from and definition, after all." Taking another sip of her wine. "I'm glad that you've found a way forwards, darling."

Divine has posed:
Divine grins. "Me too. Even the parts that don't turn out fun are going to be something to learn from and give me more memories and experiences." She eyes the IDs and smiles, covetously running a finger over them. One day she will have that kind of history too. It will be real instead of imagined.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes darling. And for those which don't, your powerset lends itself to getting rid of all the bodies with complete efficiency after all." She would smile sweetly.

Divine has posed:
Divine's eyes light with mirth. Someone with her kind of sense of humor! "Yes." The dark haired Kryptonian hybrid chortles in amusement. "That is surely true." Tilting her head to one side she offers "And I can do the same for you if you ever need." She won't ask any questions either.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, thank you darling but I have my own methods. Besides, what you dno't know about what I'm doing you can't be asked to testify over or have another telepath read your mind about. It's about denial."

Divine has posed:
She blinks in surprise, having been about to argue that she could just lie. "Oh. I guess that makes sense that there are other telepaths." Divine scowls. She doesn't care if Emma reads her, but she doesn't really have a defense against others doing it. "That totally sucks." She huffs. "I'm glad you have your own ways then at least." Divine glowers a little, considering the potential threats but after a moment she shrugs. She can't do everything. Loathe as she is to admit it, at least Divine is in a place where she can. Sometimes.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would grin, "Yes dear, we do have our limits. And there are reasons for separation, sometimes. Parts of your life that are not necessarily meant for me to know. And parts of minet hat you are not necessarily meant to be aware of." While Emma had unoffiically 'adopted' Divine, she did rather strongly assume that the other Kryptonians might want to keep her out of the loop.

Divine has posed:
Divine is likely to always end up at odds with the other Kryptonians at times. She's much more brutal than her counterparts and that isn't likely to ever change since Divine like that part of who she is or was meant to be. She's brash and arrogant and very brutal and while she's learning to turn that towards people who truly deserve it and not anyone innocent.. it's still going to be an issue. "That makes sense." She nods. "I might not like it sometimes but it makes sense. I'm still glad I have you. You always accept me. I don't think the others will once they realize I'll never be just like them."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would stroke at Divine, "I'll always be here for you when you want me, dear. I'm not going anywhere and I'll never cast you out. I promise." She continues to squeeze the wrist of Divine gently. IT's not like she can hurt the Krypto-Clone anyways. "And you can make your own path in life. You have the room to decide your own fate. I'm here to help facilitate it should you need me."

Divine has posed:
"That.. that means more to me than I even know how to express." Divine says and tilts her head so that her watering eyes aren't visible. 'Stupid human weaknesses' She thinks to herself out of habit more than anything since again, it is a new experience and she's going to spend time later savoring it as she decides it wasn't so bad after all. Emma is someone she can show weakness in front of anyway. "I'm really glad I get to decide my own fate instead of just doing whatever I was made for. Eventually, maybe I'd like to help others who don't get to have that same choice." She saw a lot of that in her travels overseas.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "You chart your own course, darling. Wherever it takes you. And there's no rush on it. You don't have to decide how to live the rest of your life in a few months. It's a process that can take years or decades. So don't rush it, don't worry. You have all the time you wish to figur eit out." Unsaid is that, mind programmed or not, she was only a few years old.

Divine has posed:
Divine nods. She knows she has all the time in the world to figure things out. She won't really age. Eventually maybe but it'll be a very slow process. "I am looking forward to figuring things out. I know that I'm lucky, having so much time to do so and resources, thanks to you. Thank you for that, really. If I never said." Divine's smile is almost shy this time.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean back, "Good dear. And I'll always be here to support you." Emma had a soft spot for abandoned children. And no matter how strong or defiant Divine was.. She would always be that to Emma. Emma would cross her legs over one another. "So, enough of this for now."