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Latest revision as of 11:36, 11 April 2024

Symbiotes That Lurk in the Night
Date of Scene: 11 April 2024
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Tessa takes a walk and meets Mania. Dinner ends up on offer.
Cast of Characters: Tessa, Andi Benton

Tessa has posed:
Tessa was not in the habit of leaving the Hellfire Club during the busier hours, but this particular night was fairly quiet and the staff had everything well in hand when she slipped out of the lobby and onto the Midtown streets, clad in a slim business suit with her trademark purple corset visible under the blazer. The streets were busy, and she slipped in and out of the crowds with precision and grace, eyes alert to the goings-on around her and mind cataloguing everything of interest before filing it away.

She stopped at the edge of Times Square, seating herself on a bench near a cluster of trees and tipping her head back, listening to the sounds around her while watching faint clouds outlined by the bright lights and billboards. Except... the owls and other nocturnal animals were oddly silent. Tessa continued to act as if everything was normal, waiting for who - or what - had spooked the nearby animals to make an appearance.

Andi Benton has posed:
There does happen to be someone in the area that a few creatures steer clear of. Something that gives off a predatory vibe, whether intentional or not. Animals have an instinct about these kinds of things, after all.

Mania is perched atop one of the buildings overlooking Times Square, watching, waiting. The more people are around, the more potential for trouble there is. As one of the city's self-appointed protectors, it comes with the 'job.'

This time, there's a little addition to the usual appearance. Of all things..cat ears in front of the spiky 'hair.' That encounter with Catwoman must have really tickled Mania's more...well, can it be called a playful side? It's definitely a curious one. Either way, she crosses buildings by way of a webline, which someone looking up might spot.

Tessa has posed:
Her eyes examined the area with controlled precision, no movement wasted as she looked for whatever was interrupting the normal nocturnal chitter. As a glint of light caught a thin bit of something, Tessa smiled politely, and raised one hand in a sharp wave as she caught site of a dark figure with spiky hair. She doesn't recognize them from this far, but she is certain she can figure them out once they're closer.

Andi Benton has posed:
Symbiote senses are good for spotting just about everything. In this case, the woman's attention and wave directed toward Mania is enough to draw a glance, and she sends out another couple weblines to bring herself around closer. This leads her path toward a nearby alley, affording her the opportunity to disappear within, land, and start the approach toward the sidewalk fronting it. This is where Tessa is.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa's eyes follow the figure as they disappear into a nearby alley. Smoothing her hands down her suit, she stands, heels clicking quietly against the pavement as she moves closer. Her smile is something a little sharp as she finally lays eyes on the other. "Well. Hello there," she almost purrs, mind furiously taking note of every detail as she holds out a slim hand.

Andi Benton has posed:
From closer proximity, it's clear to see this is one of the 'spiders' of the city, though different from Spider-Man in distinct ways. One, different body types. Two, Mania is all black with white 'flavoring' in the form of a large tarantula-like insignia, front and back. The eyes are solid white and shaped such that they can give off a variety of expressions, useful because the rest of the face is masked or simply hidden.

Head tilts, a sign of curiosity, as the greeting is offered. Spikes. There are also a healthy (depending on one's point of view) number of spikes making up parts of the look. A hand tipped with claws is considered, then extended. "You're bold," she says, the voice sounding like it's a blend of two separate ones.

Tessa has posed:
"Only as bold as I need to be." Tessa grasps the clawed hand with a light squeeze, then lifts the hand closer to her face for examination, mind classifying the texture of the skin, the sharpness of the claws, the duality of the voice. She knew part of that voice, but it wasn't one of the regulars. She tucked the thought to the side. All in due time. "You are. Interesting."

Andi Benton has posed:
There was..that one time. Does Andi/Mania remember it? Not likely as well as Tessa seems to. And that, just from the general body and part of the voice? The white eyes shift, one enlarging as the other shrinks, akin to raising a brow in curiosity as the grip is matched. The 'skin' texture is tough to tell for sure. It isn't the same as a costume material, and it does appear somewhat organic in nature. The claws aren't super sharp right now, no need for them to be. The ears, that 'extra' part of her, mimic a feline's in their triangular shape, directed squarely at the woman.

"Is that so?" It serves as an answer to both the talk of boldness, but also her status as 'interesting.' "That's not the usual reaction we get," she admits, hands coming to rest at her hips.

Tessa has posed:
"I could scream and hit a panic button, if it would make you feel better." Tessa's voice is dry, but the hands on the hips and the attentive feeling help pin a name to the dual voice. "Ms. Benton. I must admit this is a better look than Goth Girl. An attention-grabber." She eyes the ears and eyes, allowing the other woman to see her open curiosity.

Andi Benton has posed:
Both eyes widen at this, a clear indication of surprise. The answer comes out more like a hiss. "That's supposed to be a secret!" she whispers, just loud enough for Tessa to hear it. "You can't tell anybody! We have people to protect!" As an indication of how casually the identity was mentioned reflects on things, a number of those spiky protrusions at the forearms and shins bristle apart a ways, like a porcupine. A very goth, punk, and strange porcupine.

<<Mania>> How does she know, Andi?!
<<Andi>> I don't know! She shouldn't be able to!
<<Mania>> Are we going to have to kill her to keep her quiet?
<<Andi>> You know what I think about killing! But if she doesn't promise to keep it between us..I don't know!

The internal conversation remains that way for now, but an outward reaction is hinted at by both eyes narrowing. The ears even flatten, showing they're 'real' in this sense.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa arches one eyebrow at the bristling and the flat ears, reaching out and giving one of the ears a light scritch. People to protect and secrets to keep. Useful. "I am willing to keep your secret if you are willing to not work directly against myself or Mr. Shaw," she said after a few seconds of thought. "I believe this is a fair trade." The woman could be a valuable asset for information, and Tessa did love cultivating interesting people.

Andi Benton has posed:
A hand starts to go up, but Mania finds something causing her to pause. That touch up there, boldly (sense a trend?) going right for what ends up being a sensitive spot. It'd seem the symbiote half of the bond learned how to make it feel authentic, transferring the sensations along. In spite of herself, the bristly attitude falters if slightly, a visible shiver following. "Mmmmwwaaaiiitt..who?" Distraction is evident, the eyes reshaping into something more..half-shut as a few fingers curl at her side.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa keeps a patient smile on her face as she notes the shiver, the curl of fingers, the hint of purring that one might expect from a real cat. "Mr. Shaw. My boss, and the CEO of Shaw Industries." Her fingers keep moving lightly against the base of the cat-like ear as she talks, every twitch and hint of movement recorded to memory. "It would be better that the two of you not be at odds, wouldn't you agree?"

Andi Benton has posed:
"Prrrrrobably.." is the crux of Mania's answer, a definite rumble of some sort heard in the word. The budding aggression wanes as she adds, "Don't..even know..him." Which should make it easy to not cross him, right? Theoretically?

Unknown to Andi, the symbiote side of her amplifies the good feeling from the rubbing around the one ear, and her hands finish curling into loose fists as she catches a breath. A weakness has been found, and exploited.

Tessa has posed:
"You will, if you continue to visit the club," Tessa remarks with a last brush to those ears before she allows her hand to drop to her side. "Your ears are very sensitive. You could put some of the big cats at the Bronx Zoo to shame." Her smile holds just a touch of mischief, but her eyes are still distant. Assessing.

Andi Benton has posed:
There is a relenting in what's going on, long enough for Mania to get her wits about her again. Tessa has found something out in that little exchange, something she can probably use to her advantage. But in what way? "We..have been therrre. A few times," she answers, now beginning to remember where she'd seen this woman before.

"And we like cats," as if that wasn't obvious. Why else would this creature go around the city like that? And, as it turns out, create a weakness for herself, or itself? Even so, there is a curious angle to her head as she takes a step backwards into the alley, then another. "Were you going there?"

Tessa has posed:
"I am almost always there to ensure things are running smoothly." A slight movement of her hand, a flick of the wrist, and a business card is being offered to the other woman. Her name, a phone number. On the other side, the logo for the steakhouse located inside the club. "I like cats as well. Regal. Intelligent. Curious. Always interesting." Her eyes flick to the ears she'd just pet, then slide down and over the rest of Mania. "You could join me for a lunch or dinner, sometime."

Andi Benton has posed:
There's a wariness present as the card is held out, and a hand extends - a normal distance, nothing unusual there - to accept it. Mania squints at it, then as she places it against her side it seems to just..absorb into her hip. "We are all of those things," the dual voice insists, arms now crossing before her. Put on the front that all of this is intentional, yes. "We would enjoy dinner, especially if there is dessert." The prospect of chocolate, which Tessa may or may not have any awareness of, is always there. Mania may have dropped clues before on social media. The internet is forever.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa's voice is light, almost teasing as she replies. "Dessert is certainly an option." The menu always had good options, and she would do some digging now that she'd made the connection. Her phone buzzes in her pocket, and her mind shifts back into Tessa Fox, Executive Assistant. "Duty calls," she adds with a wry smile. "Have a good night, Kitten." She waggles a few fingers at the other woman, tapping the earpiece that had been hidden behind her ear the entire time as she turns towards the club.