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Latest revision as of 13:35, 14 April 2024

A Nice Chianti
Date of Scene: 14 April 2024
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Tessa and Kingpin have the beginnings of a quickly interrupted dinner.
Cast of Characters: Tessa, Wilson Fisk

Tessa has posed:
It was, perhaps, rude of Tessa to consider her dinners and time spent with other members of the Hellfire Club to be routine, but that was precisely what the various dinners and lunches she had with members of the court and some of the more useful VIPs tended to be for her. It was a lovely routine, certainly, and an excellent chance to learn information she could use to Sebastian's later advantage.

Tonight she was dining with the Black Rook, and she was dressed fully to take advantage of that, eschewing her normal heavier Victorian garb for a lighter look inspired by Ancient Greece. The dark purple draped fabric along the front and back was almost modest by club standards, hinting at much with the long V, but it was the black lace of the side panels that was truly designed to draw the gaze. They hugged the skin from chest to hip, then disappeared into the draping of the dress just to reappear with every dainty, deliberate step Tessa took.

She gave a polite smile and nod of her head as she met Wilson at the entrance to the restaurant. "Mr. Fisk, it's been some time since we've enjoyed a meal outside of an event. How are you this evening?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk walks in slowly dressed in a simple suit today, nothing flashy as he moves slowly to hold out the chair for Tessa. "Indeed, it is a good to have time with you or anyone of the club. I'm doing very well, yourself?" If she is sits down in the chair he slides it in for her, before he makes his way over to his side to sink down into it, placing his napkin into his shirt with a little chuckle. "Now than, I don't think we have done this in a long time, I don't even think I know the last time we spent such time with each other. The life of the busy, never a moment to breath or sip the wine so to speak."

Tessa has posed:
"That is quite true, and I have been well," Tessa agrees as they both get situated. "I do prefer to keep busy, though there are times where it seems as if we are coming and going in various directions all at once. The life of the brilliant and successful." That was only an issue for Tessa insomuch as she could not actually be in multiple places at once. Still, video meetings and the ability to occasionally turn those meetings into productive email chains instead meant that she rarely had issues with the various tasks she juggled on behalf of her king in any capacity. "Are you lucky enough to have competent assistants that you trust to do things with minimal oversight, or are you in the unfortunate position of having to keep a stern watch?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk looks over at Tessa as he sips his wine, his hand is moving to set the glass back down on the table. "I have many skilled assistants, that keep my business moving, in all aspects of it. There is not a man worth of his salt, that does not have a network to help. It is how someone moves upwards in this world, doing it yourself is well exhausting, and the way of the dumb and the feeble." His voice is friendly, but there is a flash of something in his eyes, as he looks over at Tessa. "Now than, it is a good in this modern age so many ways to speed up such things, what do you do for your free time?"

Tessa has posed:
Tessa agrees with his assessment of how useful a network is, and her smile thaws slightly at the commonality. "I am particularly fond of museum exhibitions, and am a patron of several collections and curated exhibits around the city. It is enough to keep me in things to explore alone, or to share with others of similar interest." Left unsaid is how very useful people watching is, and how many things have been said in front of her by those with limited public discretion... and occasionally others who should know better.

Their chat is interrupted as the waiter arrives, delivering one of the chef's new appetizer creations with the accompanying wine pairing. Tessa thanks him with a polite smile and takes a sip of the wine before continuing. "And you? What catches your interest in your free time?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk leans back in his chair, as he looks over at the food studying it with a nod of his head. "This looks very delicious." His eyes move to her once more, his hand is moves to sip his wine as he waits for her to start before he does himself. "Now than, that sounds very lovely, I have no free time to enjoy. There is too much to do, if I had it I would have no idea how to spend it."

Tessa has posed:
"That is truly a pity. What good is having our empires if we cannot take the time to enjoy them?" The small plates were put to work as Tessa carefully pulled pieces of the appetizer from the whole with a dainty pair of tongs. One plate she claimed for herself, while the other was left in Wilson's reach. A bite, and a hum of approval low in her throat as she carefully chewed the morsel. "I believe this one will be a good addition to the seasonal menu," she said after a moment. "Please, offer any opinions you have so that I may relay them to the chef later. They do enjoy the constructive feedback."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk nods slowlyy as he tries it and than that phone of his going off in his pocket, slowly he slides it out to examine the name as he stands with a frown. "Sadly, the empire needs it's king. I will have to bid you aideu for now, be well." With that he sighs downing the rest of his wine, leaving his food untouched as he heads out of the area to find a quiet spot to take that call.