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Latest revision as of 01:06, 22 April 2024

A Bromance in Bloom.
Date of Scene: 21 April 2024
Location: The Tappen Zee Bridge
Synopsis: Clint's in the right place at the right time. It might be the only reason Luca's still alive and kicking.
Cast of Characters: Luca Bandoni, Clint Barton

Luca Bandoni has posed:
It's Sunday, early evening. Traffic is pretty sparse, but not so much so that it's like a ghost town - there are enough people trying to move about to jam up the bridge going both directions.

But why?

There's one car pulled off to the side in the northbound lane - a 1968 Ford Mustang, the body color is 'primer', obviously someone's nearly complete 'project car'. That seems to be where the crowd of people that have abandoned their vehicles to contribute to the traffic jam seem to be gathered.

A German Shepard stands on the foot path barking its fool head off - a section of the railing there gone.

If one looks close enough, or manages to get close enough, there's just the barest hint of the ass-end of an SUV to be peaking out over the side of the bridge.

The easier thing to notice is the woman screaming and sobbing and calling out for 'Annie' and the two people trying to hold her back.

Clint Barton has posed:
There are people who can go their entire lives without witnessing a fire, a car accident, anything; and then there are those where 'trouble' just seem to always be just around the corner.

Clint Barton is behind the wheel of his red, classic Challenger as he pulls up in the growing line of cars on the bridge, fresh on his way back to the city from side investigation. Driving in the evening isn't the smartest thing to do as everyone does it as the end of their weekend, but it beats Monday morning. So, the Archer, SHIELD Agent, Avenger is dressed in civilian clothing, and as his car pulls to that rolling stop, he gets a view of some of the tumult on the bridge.

There are some, perhaps, who wonder why 'just a human' is on the Mighty Avengers team. When he takes in what is going on, or could be if he thought the worst, the car door is pushed open wide, and he pulls his gear from the back seat. From a jog to a run in a matter of heart beats, he's pulling on his arrows and buckling them across his chest. He doesn't only have 'offensive' arrows, but some that might just come in handy.

"Lemme through, lemme through.." is called out as he navigates the crowd.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
The crowd does part, it takes a minute, but people do eventually pause in their rubber-necking to let Clint through. It's not the worst case scenario, not yet. No open door on the vehicle, just a busted out back window.

It only takes a second or so to deduce that this was not a 'wait on rescue' situation. The precarious nature of the way the vehicle is dangling there, coupled with the winds - it's maybe a matter of seconds before that SUV is taking a swim.

Maybe less than seconds. A groan of a sound is enough to send the nerves of anyone that can read the situation on edge.

It happens so fast, so fast that Clint might not even notice Luca at first. But he'll sure notice Luca when the man's taking a leap of faith toward one of the girders on the bridge just as the SUV plummets.

The woman screams, the crowd gasps.

And Luca is left hanging by one hand, holding a damned carseat in the other, about fifteen feet from the safe side of the bridge.

Well, this is a pickle isn't it? Someone with a keen enough sense of hearing or with enough knowledge of the human body will likely now that Luca isn't holding onto that girder for long - his shoulder isn't going to let him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Is this the moment? The moment when the archer is too slow to bring his bow around and use one of his lines to secure the car? The bow is in hand, the arrow propped, nocked and the string pulled is the moment when the car begins its swan dive off of the bridge. Too late to get a securing line in the wind; he'd never be able to secure that weight all on his own.

Running to the edge to watch its progress, it brings his attention around to Luca; to the lone man hanging, holding onto the carseat with an small child strapped within.

"Oh.." is muttered before, "I see you, buddy," is called out to Luca. The first acknowledgment, "We're gonna get you back on solid ground."

Now, first is first.

Clint's got his arrows still, and one is pulled and shoved into a seam of the beam, holding it in place. When deployed, it's 'goop' that hardens to a thick cement. His hard point. Next.. a line..

All the while, Clint is talking to the man. "I'm making a hardpoint for us. I'm gonna drop a line, looping it around for a foothold.. okay? You ever done that before?" There's a pause before, "Don't care. You're gonna have to do it anyway."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Luca was looking at the baby in the carseat. When Clint calls down to him, he looks up. "Think I've done it a time or two," he manages to grit out between clenched teeth. That face might look kind of familiar if Clint digs back to the UN attack.

"Listen, I don't know how much longer I can hold on." Another look to the baby. "I can throw her up, seat will protect her." And he's not lying, the thing he isn't mentioning is that he's /not/ a dude with superhuman strength or agility. He's just a guy that can, from time to time, give himself a little extra boost - that leaves him completely exhausted after.

"Get ready. Once we get her on solid ground, we'll work on me."

The pain, the strain, it's all reading loud and clear in his voice. But so is his determination. He will not let go with either hand until that baby is safe and sound.

Clint Barton has posed:
"I got a better idea." Clint is pulling his bow up, and there is his line. Modifications are made on the fly for power and such, but his grapple arrow is there and ready. One of them is set in the seam with the goop arrow to harden, the other, "Incoming arrow. Low power. Don't worry," he's got his anchor now, and he finishes, "I never miss."

Grapple to the hardpoint, and he's got an arrow flying to attach to that carseat. "Let it go, I got it." Just like a fisherman with a line on that 'big one', he's down on his belly in the next second to check his attachment and the weight. "Let that go. Get yourself set for a line. I'm bringing up the baby."

Reeling it in, hand over hand. From Luca's vantage point, it goes up quickly, disappearing over the side. Clint doesn't hear anything that goes on behind him; whether there are sirens, screams, gasps from the crowd; he's focused.

"Now you, buddy. Still with me? I'm gonna drop your line. Secure yourself however you can." There's a loop in the bottom, one that can be set for foot, or enlarged to go around a torso.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
And the crowd goes wild! Baby saved! Mother sobbing tears of relief. Sirens are now, finally, wailing their way toward the scene. It's not that they're slow, it's that this has all happened in the blink. It always seems longer than it really is, for Luca it might just seem like an eternity that he's been hanging from that girder.

Free of the weight of the carseat, for just a beat, Luca is blown a little more by the wind, turning the arm between him and a plummet into the water below at an angle that ... well, it just has to hurt.

"Fuck," he mutters under his breath. "Yeah, yeah, I'm with yeah," he calls back up.

Clint Barton has posed:
The line is snaked down with a weight to keep the end from blowing too badly. With the baby up, Clint announces, "All good then. Let's get you up." Under his breath, he's murmuring, "Where the hell is Stark when you actually need him? It'd make all this a hell of a lot easier.." but louder again, "When it gets down, get it on your foot. Can you hold on for like ten feet, then I can get a hold on you."

Whether Clint recognizes the man, or Luca recognizes him, it makes absolutely no difference. Here is a hero hanging by his hands, and another trying to get him up with an entire crowd just //watching//. Some have their phones out and recording everything for those blessed youtube hits later.

"We're almost done here. C'mon. You got it in you, I can see it."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
With a little more of a twist and an expert little kick of a foot, Luca's got himself in that foothold. It takes way more effort for him to swing the arm that had that baby's life in it moments ago up to take hold of the line.

Finally, he can breathe. Once both hands are on the line, he rests his head on his hands for just a moment of reflection? Prayer? Or just to gather his wits a little? Hard to say, but he looks back up and offers just a nod. Pull when ready.

That one arm though, the one that had a death grip on that carseat, it's clear it's not really doing its job. His hold with that hand isn't really a hold at all. His fist is loose. It's held there more for balance, to keep his center of gravity all in line with the rest of his body than anything else.

One wrong move, one big gust of wind, one bump against that shoulder and he flinches wrong? Luca's going swimming.

Clint Barton has posed:
There it is, that weight. The line tautens again, and this time, Clint is pressed into service, a little more weight than just the little girl in the carseat. He's got the anchor, it'll hold, but now it's on him to get the man up.

"I got you.." is called out now from his spot. Down he goes, a foot bracing for the pull so it makes it easier with something to push against. One hand, another..

Just behind him now, the ambulance has arrived, along with PD. One quick thinking officer has pulled the play behind Clint and is wrapping it around a second hard point so there is no slippage. Then?

Pulling. One man, two.. inch by inch, the end is wrapped for extra security. Hand, over hand.. and the more the line comes up, Clint looks back at the other man helping him before moving forward to try and get a good, solid, anchor hand to hand to help.

"Hey.." and Clint is leaning to reach Luca. "Can you grab my hand, pal? Don't worry. You're secured up here. Not gonna drop you."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Luca cracks a lopsided grin. "I'm a pretty good swimmer if you do, just thought I'd make you work for it." He throws that pretty useless hand up first, trusting Clint to just grab in and hold on tight for the second it takes to let go of the line with his good hand and grab onto Clint with that one.

There's not a single moment that he panics and makes it more difficult for the archer. He's calm, collected, only moving in ways that will take weight off, but himself at a better angle. No flailing or kicking of his legs. Man's been in this situation or similar ones a time or twelve.

"I hope you're stronger than you look," he quips.

The Shepherd up top had gone silent - like a statue watching the situation unfold. But as soon as Luca's in Clint's grasp, Rigs starts barking again. It's amazing the differences in a dog's 'voice'. Before his barks were frantic and panicked - someone get my human! - now they're excited and happy - someone got my human!

Clint Barton has posed:
"If you're goin' in, I'm right behind you," Clint returns. "And I didn't bring my swimming trunks." There's that growing strain to the man's voice as the weight shifts. Apparently the archer has done this a time or three as well; the two men find a synchronicity. Move, shift, shimmy, anchor.

Hand over hand, inch by inch, ground is gained on the bridge, and more phones are lifted in recording. This may well be all over the news, if it isn't already.

"I get to skip arm day today, thanks to you," Clint returns quietly. "I'm gonna feel it later, though."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Because people suck.

"Could use some glute work," Luca replies. He's an ass man, not that he's into /men's/ asses, but well ... he's getting a good look at Clint's.

Almost there, almost feet back on the ground.

Rigatoni's barking becomes a little more high-pitched with a tad more of a whine in between them. It's taking too long! The soft, anticipation laden murmuring from the picture taking crowd starts to rise in volume the closer the men get to their goal.

One of the officers watching the progress yells down, "Luca!? Is that you? Ha! A Bandoni needing his ass saved by an Avenger?"

Looks like Clint's cover is blown.

Clint Barton has posed:
People do suck, absolutely. Except the guy who keeps wrapping the line around the anchor. He doesn't suck. He'll be thanked heartily by the archer after all this is done.

His ass? Clint actually barks a laugh, "Let's not make this weird," he returns. "My girlfriend likes it. At least that's what she says. She could be lying, of course, and I'd never know it." Isn't that the way it goes?

The barking dog's higher pitch gives all a good narration of what is happening; from the panicked whine of 'needs help!' to the happier bark of 'being helped' to the final higher pitched whine of 'almost there, I can smell him!'. "Besides, there is no chance this isn't getting on the news. Hoping for a better angle."

Clint's got the man, and with that final tug, shimmy, and shift, Luca's got clearance to pull a leg up and over while using the archer as leverage for it.

"Aw, damn..." is murmured. "You good, buddy?"

Luca Bandoni has posed:
"Did you ask her if your pants made your ass look big? If you did and she hesitated before saying 'of course not, honey,' she's telling the truth. If she jumped right to it, she's lying."

Once he makes it up and over, Luca rolls onto his back and just takes a moment to look at the sky, breathe and retort, "Fuck you Johanson, at least I don't need my grandma to come to my rescue." ... all the while Rigs is spreading the love between his human and the human that saved his human. He has enough slobbering dog kisses and happy whimpers to go around.

Now that the crisis is over, all sorts of onlookers crowd in, camera's clicking, video rolling and suddenly? They're all asking if there's anything they can do.

Annie and her mother have already been taken to the hospital for a once over. The SUV is a few miles down the river by now.

He finally rolls himself up to his knees and mentions, "You're not so bad for a tight-er."

Like any stubborn alpha type male, he waves off any attempts at loading him into an awaiting ambulance. He gets to his feet, taking his face out of range of Rigs' tongue. "Wanna grab a beer?" A beat before he asks. "You don't happen to know how to reduce a dislocated shoulder do you?" Because once it's back in place, he can take it from there. He's not Wolverine, it probably won't be completely mended for a day, maybe two, but he can start it in that direction once it's where it needs to be.

Clint Barton has posed:
"It doesn't come up in conversation, really," Clint admits. "We're usually too busy doing other things." Oddly enough, the words don't come out suggestive; particularly as he's been outed as being an Avenger. "I'll have to ask later and get back to you on that one."

Now, with Luca up and on solid ground, the archer can sit back and relax for a long moment, taking a breath.. and SLOBBER. Clint laughs and reaches out to give a glancing pet to the dancing, obviously deliriously happy dog. //That// makes things just that much better of an ending.

Now that the crisis is over, and a few minutes are gained to get some semblance of equilibrium back, Clint looks at the guy giving Luca the business. "It's all good." The bow has to be picked up again, arrows restabilized. It's reduced quickly and set in place.

"Actually, I do. On both counts. But damn, that's gotta hurt." Been there, done that, got that card. "C'mon.. let's get that taken care of, and we'll grab that beer. Didn't feel like going home yet, anyway. There's this little place I know..."

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Rigs, now wagging his entire butt a long with his tail, whiiiiines. "They allow dogs? I mean, technically he's a working dog. There /could/ be someone trapped somewhere in this little place you know, right?" It's a pretty long drive back to the city proper, if the answer's no.

"Having you do it won't hurt as bad as sitting in a damned E.R. for hours," he points out. That's a thing almost everyone has a card in, hospital waiting.

But man does it hurt. Outwardly, he's not showing much of it. Just a little sheen to his brow and favoring the arm in the way he's holding it.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's on his feet, finishing straightening up and finally giving his anchor man a quick handshake with one hand, an upper arm slap with the other, coupled with the nodded thanks. Once done, he's able to focus his attention on Luca. "The dog? He'll be fine. No one will say anything, I promise. Except maybe ask if they can toss popcorn for him." There's a quick pause to give the dog another pat, on the head this time, "It's a place by SHIELD HQ. Swordfish."

Realizing that introductions haven't really been made, the archer remedies that quickly. "Clint Barton. And you are.. just so I know what to put on your card for the place." Apparently there's a 'type' allowed in? "And, you sure you don't want to go to the ER? I can cash in a perk or two. Get you seen immediately. I'd be good for that, anyway." Still, he's more than happy to help reduce that shoulder, get it back into place. And after? Get it supported. All from a down and dirty field bag from the trunk of his Challenger. Not the best field first aid kit, but obviously well used and well loved.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
"He'll catch every piece." Clint will soon see the wonderdog that Rigs truly is, at least in Luca's eyes. But that last bit? "SHIELD, huh?" Luca isn't implying he's not going with his tone, but there is a /tone/. "I guess as long as they let Rigs in." Still a bit of a tone, probably something to be addressed another time.

"Luca, Luca Bandoni," he offers along with his bad arm extended... supported by his good hand. Is it for a handshake or does that mean 'no time like the present?

"That would just take time away from beer. I really really need a beer." Or twelve and a few shots. Adrenaline's winding down, the near death of it all starting to break through. No matter how tough a man is, he's still just a man and shit like what just happened? It's terrifying. Dwell on it too long and fear might just take over.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint gives the bad hand a quick touch; not going to hurt the man any more than he is already, obviously. "C'mon, Luca. I'll drive. I'm sure one of your buddies can see your car getting back, right?" Apparently he was known by the local gendarmerie, so it shouldn't be an issue.

The archer is such a dog person that he addresses Rigs next, "Hey buddy, you ready to go? Backseat for you."

Clint's pulling his back from said back seat and into the trunk to make room. It is a classic, early 70s, boat and machine with serious horsepower under the hood. "Yeah, SHIELD. You think being an Avenger actually pays the bills? I have a place in Brooklyn I have to pay rent for." Heh.. is he kidding? Who knows.

"Let's get you outta here and in a better place."

Clint, too, will be more than happy to get moving again, and on their way to the City. Perk time- PD actually moves traffic so they can get out.

Luca Bandoni has posed:
Luca has a few perks of his own. "Hey, Johanson! Make yourself useful and get my car back to to where it belongs."

Once Rigs is in the car, he settles right down in the back seat like the good boy he is. Really, the dog is exceptionally well behaved now that the crisis of his human doing stupid human things is averted.

"Don't you all have Stark throwing money at you?" But that's for another time too.

For now it's a clandestine bar with the hopes that both of them might be able to walk on their own when they leave. If not, here's to hoping Clint's as used to pulling an all-nighter in his car as Luca.