Luca Bandoni
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Luca Bandoni (Scenesys ID: 5179) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Luca Bandoni | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Occupation: | FDNY Rescue | ||
Citizenship: | US | ||
Residence: | Manhattan | ||
Education: | Highschool/FDNY | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Mutants | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 27 | Actual Age: | 27 |
Date of Birth | 05 May 1996 | Played By | Taylor Kinney |
Height: | 5'11" | Weight: | 180 |
Hair Color: | Dark Brown | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Amazing Grace on Bagpipes |
Character Info
An elite member of FYPD's Rescue 1 team, Luca uses his biokinesis to help give him an edge in the field. He comes from a long line of first responders and he has more firefighters and police officers and kids aspiring to be one or the other in his family than not. The Bandoni family name is well known in those circles. Off shift, he can often be found in one of the watering holes peppered around the city that seem to cater to first responders. He's an avid runner and is often seen running with his Belgian Malinois.
* 1996: Born and raised in Little Italy, to parents Giovanni and Catherine. The baby of six children, he has three sisters and two brothers. The Bandonis are a huge, close knit family and it's often joked that a person can't throw a stick in the FDNY or the NYPD without hitting Bandoni blood.
* 2001: Loses a beloved uncle, another first responder, in the 9/11 attack.
* 2002: Catherine begins teaching Luca piano, as she does with all her children.
* 2012: Loses his father during the Invasion. Mutant abilities manifest at the hospital while holding his father's hand and begging him to wake up. Giovanni does so, but his son's powers were not enough to keep him alive in the end.
* 2014: Takes his FDNY firefigher test only two weeks after his 18th birthday. Begins his FDNY career at Ladder 8.
* 2019: After five years of training and hard work, Luca transfers to Rescue 1, one of New York's five special operations rescue companies. He works continues to work there as a firefighter and paramedic.
IC Journal
Caretaker and Protector:
It's in his blood, it's who he is, it's what he is. Luca finds it near impossible to turn his back on someone that's injured or in need. This includes the gunman, the thief and even the 'super' heroes and villains he blames for his father's death. It's his job to save lives, no matter what and he takes that job very seriously.
Not only is he easy to talk to, he's great at keeping a person's secrets.
This is part and parcel with being a firefighter, it takes a whole lot of courage to run into the burning building while everyone else is running away.
It takes rigorous training to get where Luca is today. Whether it's on the job training or personal, he sticks to his routine. Daily workouts, morning runs, running practice drills during down time, he has to be near death to skip any of his fitness rituals.
Outside of the workplace and his daily fitness agenda, Luca is an extrovert that never meats a stranger. He can talk to anyone, he likes hanging out in the many bars around the city that cater to civil servants. He's friendly, open and easy to talk to.
While courage is necessary to be a first responer, Luca takes it a little too far sometimes. If it comes to saving a life, he'll do whatever it takes even if whatever it takes means breaking protocol. It's gotten him reprimanded a time or two.
Character Sheet
Adrenaline Rush:
Everyone has heard the stories about a mother lifting a car to save her trapped child. Luca could actually do that. Using his biokinesis, he can boost his strength OR speed in short bursts. Doing so will leave him exhausted and drained after, sometimes to the point of passing out. When boosted, Luca and lift 2-3 tons OR move up to 35-40 mph. He cannot boost both at one time for now.
Bioenergy Drain:
Luca is capable of just simply draining the bioenergy of another living being. To do so to the point of death would take around two minutes of constant contact. However, just because he's capable doesn't mean that he can easily accomplish this. Luca takes 'do no harm' to the extreme. The very thought of actually taking another life is unfathomable to him. The only way he would ever do this would be in the most extreme circumstances and then it would likely be a reflexive action on his part - and something that would haunt him for the rest of his life after the fact.
Bioenergy Manipulation:
Luca can manipulate the biological process in himself and others to boost physical abilities. Touch is required initially for him to boost others. He can boost himself or others up to lifting two to three tons, running up to 45 miles per hour along with toughness and endurance just above peak human. If he's boosting someone that already has augmented physicals, he effectively adds two to three tons and up to 45 miles to what they can already do and boosts their endurance and toughness even further.
He can only handle boosting himself or someone else, not both at the same time. The enhancements last for approximately fifteen minutes. Due to the drain this causes on Luca's own bioenergy without anything replacing it, Luca can only safely provide these enhancements once per scene.
Bioenergy Transference:
This is the heart of Luca's ability to heal others. With skin to skin contact, Luca is able to transfer his own biological energy into another person to speed the healing process. This requires a push and pull of energy that is indicated by his arteries glowing blue white beneath his skin and his veins darkening to black as he pulls the negative bioenergy from his patient and 'recycles' it to replace what he's giving away. If takes his time, this transferring of energy is even and causes no ill effects. However, if he rushes the process and pushes more quickly than he's pulling, it can lead to his own injury or even death. For critical, life threatening injuries, he needs at least thirty minutes to complete the process safely. He is able to piggyback with other people in order to work more quickly and mitigate the damage that might be done by spreading it between the donors and himself. Each person willing to act as a 'donor' shaves five minutes off the time needed to completely and safely heal someone knocking on death's door and leaves him and the donors with nothing more than a slight headache. The effects on each person depends upon the severity of the injury and the number of people helping. If there's only one other person and he pushes too fast, they both will suffer bigger consequences.
He can also do this in reverse. Doing so allows him to pull healthy bioenergy from someone else and replace it with unhealthy. While doing this, the coloration of his veins and arteries is reversed. Example, if he's injured in a fight and can place his hand on his opponent, he's able to heal himself while inflicting the same damage back upon them. He can also make this transfer between two other people. If a friend is down and an enemy near enough to touch, he can act as a conduit to exchange their bioenergy.
* This power requires skin to skin contact with all parties involved. Damage does not appear as the same physical injury as the injured party, it's more of a drain of bioenergy that produces the same systemic reaction as the original injuries would. Broken bones would cause debilitating pain in the affected limb, extreme blood loss from a bullet wound would cause the same blood loss and shock without the visible physical injury.
Luca possesses the power to mentally alter a person's anatomy, physiology and body functions. These powers are limited, but with time and training have the potential to go beyond those current limitations.
Using his biokinesis, Luca can heal damage to others. He can't heal catastrophic injuries. He can't heal a bone properly unless it's been set first. What he can do is generally keep a patient alive long enough to reach the hospital when they would not have without his intervention. This doesn't mean they always survive. He can heal minor injuries with relative ease, slow blood flow from wounds, heal non complex fractures and, at the final hour, relieve some of the pain for a dying patient. He can do the same things to himself as well as slow his own heart rate and breathing.
Healing Factor:
Luca can heal himself without pulling bioenergy from another source. But this requires double the time it takes him to safely heal others and he must be conscious to do so. If he does fall unconscious, his bodily functions are automatically slowed down. His core body temperature drops, his heart rate and respiration drop in an effort to slow damage being done. This gives him a fighting chance to survive should help arrive on time. He can also intentionally lower his own heart rate and respiration if the need should arise.
High Metabolic Rate:
An aspect of the self healing property of his biokinesis, Luca metabolizes toxins at a much quicker rate than normal. The half-life of toxins is about fifty percent shorter than it is for an average person. He isn't immune to toxins. If someone gasses a room with something that makes everyone fall asleep, he'll still fall asleep. He just wakes up quicker than others in the room. It also doesn't stop damage from poisons that cause things like tissue necrosis. It may mean less damage, but the damage still happens.
Running, jumping, climbing, basketball, softball, football, Luca excels when it comes to anything athletic. Both with his work crew and his family, everyone wants him as first pick. He's really a thorn in the side of the NYPD when the two factions face off.
Barroom Brawl:
While Luca isn't trained in any sort of hand to hand combat, he can hold his own in a fight through plain experience. He's both broken up and been a part of many a brawls in his twenty-seven years. He's quicker on his feet and stronger than most average humans. He may not be 'peak' human strength and speed, but he's pretty close thanks to his training with the FDNY.
Growing up in a huge Italian family where some of the elders still don't speak fluent English, Luca has been bi-lingual in English and Italian since he started talking.
It takes quite a bit of skill to maneuver a fire truck through the streets of New York. Luca has driven every type of vehicle the FDNY has in their rotation, including rescue boats. He's also skilled on a motorcycle - his preferred personal ride.
Fdny Training:
He's been through the academy and worked truck at FDNY Ladder 8, he's been through the extensive paramedic program, he can defuse a simple bomb, tell if a fire was accidental or arson after finding the source and he's been trained in all aspects of search and rescue, including water rescue. He currently works out of Rescue 1, an elite, specialized team of firefighters that responds to calls needing special equipment. There isn't much inside the FDNY that Luca can't do and do well.
A person doesn't grow up in a family filled with both FDNY and NYPD without learning a thing or two about firearms. He's not a crack shot, but he can hit center mass. He can also disassemble and clean a gun without shooting himself in the foot.
Luca is a hobbyist mechanic, he knows enough to work on his own vehicles and even do minor repairs on vehicles in his firehouse.
Beethoven he's not, but Luca can tickle the ivories well enough that he's impressive. Mostly he saves this for family gatherings, but every once in awhile, he'll sit down and play just for himself.
Scub Diving:
As part of his search and rescue training, Luca learned to dive.
Luca's family is huge. He has five siblings himself and it's not a rarity among his extended family to have at least as many children. He has aunts, uncles and cousins a plenty. Almost the entire family has at least one member that's a civil servant with either the NYPD or the FDNY. All of his siblings work for one of the two. It's definitely a boon to have all those personal connections inside the 'system'. The reputation of the Bandoni family name is enough to open doors in that community. They're all well liked and trusted by most of the non-criminal element and even some of the criminal element in their districts.
His baby, his first love, his main squeeze between the knees - a Harely-Davidson Sportster S. It took a lot of extra shifts, penny pinching and saving for Luca to be able to afford his baby and it shows in the way he keeps her maintained.
Rigatoni aka Rigs is a Belgian Malinois. With the help of his brother, a member of the canine unit, Rigs has all sorts of training. He can do most things associated with a canine unit officer, but he really shines at search and rescue. He's trained to sniff out both living and dead victims. He also makes a damned fine running partner and Frisbee fetcher.
Small Apartment:
It's not big, it's not fancy, but it's clean and comfortable. Luca has a small apartment in Hell's Kitchen. He even pays discounted rent thanks to having been on site to save one of his landlord's properties from burning to the ground.
Chip On His Shoulder:
His father was killed during the Invasion in 2012, he's spent all of his adult life as the one of many unsung heroes cleaning up after messes left when big players in the super hero and villain game go at one another. While his rational mind knows that the good guys aren't to blame when civilians get caught in the crossfire, his heart blames them almost as much as the bad guys. He's definitely not one to ask for Captain America's autograph and that gregarious nature of his goes cold when he's around any of the well knowns.
As much as they're his greatest asset, they can also be his greatest weakness. They could easily be used as leverage against him and, in a family of firefighters and police officers, losing yet another one is always a fear.
Leaps Before Looking:
Luca can be reckless to almost a fault. When in an emergency situation, he often rushes in headlong. Even though his leaping before he looks has, to this point, ended in wins for him and the people he was trying to save, he's still been reprimanded on more than one occasion. If it wasn't for his family name, he might have been bumped in rank or even suspended a time or two. The Bandoni name, however, only goes so far. There might come a day when he crosses a line he can't cross back over.
Metabolic Rate:
Luca's high metabolism isn't always a blessing, in fact it can often be more of a bad thing than a good thing. He's much more likely to be injured on the job than he is to be poisoned after all. Pain medications don't work as well, anesthesia wears off quicker - never fun to wake up on the operating table. It's also pretty crappy to have to spend twice as much as his buddies to tie one on at the local watering holes. In addition, Luca needs to maintain a diet high in calories and protein that's about two times the average for a man his age in the physical shape he's in. If he doesn't meet these dietary requirements, he suffers from severe fatigue. Two of the the most dangerous issues he faces if he goes too long without the proper diet are ketoacisdosis and hypoglycemia. If he goes too long without eating as he should, his body can quickly go into a state of starvation.
Muscle Fatigue:
When Luca boosts himself physically, once it's said and done, he suffers from muscle fatigue. He isn't Superman or Captain America - his body wasn't designed or altered to run, lift and jump more than peak human. That half an hour spent doing so leaves him feeling like he just ran a triathlon for a few hours. (This could potentially happen to PCs that he boosts as well, but that'll be left up to the PC in question.)
Obvious Mutation:
He may not have blue skin or a tail, but Luca does have an outward indicator that he has the mutant gene. His carotid artery is always a faint, pale blue that is ever so slightly luminescent under his skin and his jugular vein is black. Even if people fail to notice these indicators, there is no mistaking his mutant status when he uses his powers.
Power Burnout:
While just healing minor injuries or even some major ones on just one person won't really burn Luca out, multiple victims will. Eventually he just can't do anymore until he's had down time. He's also suffers severe exhaustion when he uses his biokinesis to boost his own physical prowess.
Luca loves that dog and just like with his family, he would probably die protecting his furry friend.
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Luca Bandoni has
27 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Mutants Growing Horribly - Pt 2 | September 3rd, 2024 | A group of street heroes team up to take down a group of Mutant Growth Hormone dealers that have been grabbing kids off the street. Along the way they find torture, betrayal, and some of the worst humanity has to offer. But some of the best too. But it comes with a massive price to it. Warning, log includes dark themes such as torture, experimentation, and traumatic matter. |
Mutants Growing Horribly - Pt 1 | August 26th, 2024 | Heroes investigate homeless kids vanishing off the streets. They're being drugged and vanishing. Whomever is doing it is going to pay. |
Gangs of New York: Bless the Children | July 24th, 2024 | One more battle in the war to save the soul of Hell's Kitchen is won while one more soul in Hell's Kitchen is saved. |
Pause for the Cause | July 21st, 2024 | Enough money was raised to nearly rebuild all of Hell's Kitchen between Illyana's rocks in the tip jar and hefty checks from Morrigan and Joan - but the most important thing learned? Stephen Strange should wear jeans more often. |
Gangs of New York: Retribution | June 14th, 2024 | Once again, Hell breaks loose in the Kitchen. Once again it's those that fight in the shadows, behind masks, in the dark that keep the civilians safe - the same can't be said for the bangers. |
Gangs of New York: First Blood | May 19th, 2024 | They won the battle, but not the war. Despite the efforts of a few that thinned the herd of the Bangers in Hell's Kitchen, it's clear that the war will continue another day. Buckle up kids, it's getting hot in the Kitchen. |
Keep the Genie in the Bottle | May 7th, 2024 | Luca does what Luca does best, finds trouble. Somehow Sara managed to keep the Genie in the Bottle but she might just let it out when she meets up with Luca later. |
Evening runs are good for the soul | April 25th, 2024 | Luca and Pepper run into each other (not literally) on the jogging trails in Central Park. Luca has her undivided attention for longer than five minutes. People would kill for that access! |
A Bromance in Bloom. | April 21st, 2024 | Clint's in the right place at the right time. It might be the only reason Luca's still alive and kicking. |
NY's Bravest Block Party | April 20th, 2024 | Amid some good family fun and bots getting face paint, Luca comes face to face with a win from the UN attack, Ms. Pepper Potts. (There might be evidence of Sara singing karaoke!) |
Up in Smoke | April 9th, 2024 | First responders and other heroes show up to put out a fire amid a firefight. When the smoke clears, nothing is as it appears to be. |
Hydra vs UN: Inside the UN | April 7th, 2024 | Hydra invades the United Nations and forces good and unlikely unite to repel the attempt. |
Hooked, line and sinker. | March 12th, 2024 | A baby adventurer is born. What sea creature? Aliens and Nazi's, that's where it's at! Lara Croft may have created a monster, or at the very least? A mini-me. |
Sifting Through the Rubble. | March 10th, 2024 | Could be that a man calling himself Grenademan isn't as much of a total nujob as Luca thought. At least now he has a small lead to follow to put an end to the arsons. |
Pezzini Delivery Service... Steak and Baked Potatoes | March 5th, 2024 | Sara brings steaks to Luca and Joshua after an event in Bushwick wears them both out, and shares with those who remain afterwards. |
A Few Bars of Whatever It Takes | March 5th, 2024 | Luca comes back after a long, long night to find Liv waiting. Plans for Tampa are made and Liv tells Luca about the Gershwin shooting. |
A Simple Day In Bushwick | March 4th, 2024 | It's a simple day in Bushwick even with the drug deal that went South. |
As Long as You're Mine | March 1st, 2024 | Luca comes by just in time to see Liv work with a new Fiyero! Luca demonstrates how to properly portray passion. |
Hints and Innuendos | February 25th, 2024 | A wise old uncle once said... more than he should have and a little heart to heart leads to a promise to try. |
Between A Rock and A Hard Place | February 24th, 2024 | Sara goes to have a talk with Luca about the events of the Josie's charity night party. |
Last Call | February 24th, 2024 | Cloudy with a chance of rain, perfect weather for dinner and a mystery. |
Bad Moon Rising | February 24th, 2024 | Luca, Blue, Frank and Nettie save thousands of lives by breaking the curse of the lich. |
Windows for Josie's! | February 23rd, 2024 | Josie's will have all new windows and then some. There might even be toilet paper in the bathroom on the regular now. |
So, About That Drink | February 20th, 2024 | A song, a fight and some romance. Sparks fly between the most unlikely pair. |
Your place or mine | February 20th, 2024 | Luca and Olivia just wanna have fun, but the deep end is too tempting.
Karaoke Or Death | February 19th, 2024 | Bachlorette parties are deadly! |
Saturday Night's Alright for Fightin' | February 18th, 2024 | Saturday night fun is turns sour for some of the FDNY off shift for the night. Friends old and new help save the day when bangers decide to bring their turf war to Josie's Bar. |
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Luca Bandoni has
27 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Luca Bandoni has been credited in
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Luca Bandoni has been credited in
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Luca Bandoni has authored
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Group Memberships
Luca Bandoni has been listed in 0 groups.