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Accidents Happen
Date of Scene: 27 April 2020
Location: A construction site, New York City
Synopsis: Sally and Heidi meet. Nachos are eaten and absolutely no one is dangerously thrown in the air for no real reason.
Cast of Characters: Heidi Ingerdottir, Sally Houki

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Really, you would think the tape and warning signs would have warded off Asgardians from Midgardian construction sites. Heidi, on the other hand, has the curiosity of a cat and sees no harm in poking her nose into what Midgardians certainly dangerous. No harm for her! To be honest, she's trying to figure out what things are. There are giant pipes made of cement piled up nearby, big enough for a person to crawl into, a crane with a steel girder still attached that moves slowly towards the skeletal structure of a building.

As she stands next to the pipes, she's about to lean against it to stare at the crane. It's not obvious, really, that her strength and the pressure it would apply to the pipes would roll them directly towards two construction workers having lunch, or that the sight of all of it would startle the operator of the crane and accidently push the whole crane forward with the steel girder crashing into the building's structure and falling outside of the site onto the street.

It's an accident waiting to happen--but it hasn't, yet.

Sally Houki has posed:
It doesn't take much to disrupt the chain of caustion. "And lo, did a wise man once say, 'even the smallest person can change the course of fate'. He did say that, right?"

Sally is used to talking to herelf. Truth be told, she's actually her most common conversational partner, when she can hold a conversation at all without drifting off into distraction. But here she is, standing at the sight, having come up to walk beside Heidi. "You should be more careful," she adds, "These places are super-duper-dangerous."

Today she's dressed with her hair dyed red and in twin tails because /why not/ and in long, flowing garments of exactly the kind of thing you don't want to wear on a construction site. Hey, she only means *Heidi* shouldn't do anything stupid and dangerous, not her.

It was really one of those days where she couldn't focus on much of anything. That feeling of probablistic dread that lead her here, to this moment and to intervene in about as unsubtle a way as is her wont.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's someone there that's /way/ more interesting than a construction site, and Heidi stops for a moment to observe Sally. "Ah, I am certain should anything go wrong I could take care of things. Midgardians do seem to really overdo things in their buildings. Must they all be so... tall? It seems like an overcompensation on someone's part."

There's a tiny laugh, which is unusual only that it's tiny. "That seems to be a frequent Migardian problem. It's very overt."

Sally Houki has posed:
For a moment, that is met with a blank stare.

Then she claps her hands over her mouth and almost squees, "Midgard? /Midgard/?" She's heard the phrase before. She has an inkling of what it might mean, but just an inkling. She's immediately WAY more interested in Heidi than she was mere moments ago, so much so that she actually forgets where she is for a moment, eyes all big and focused on her instead. Construction site? Danger? What construction site? What danger?

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Their mere presence is an accident waiting to happen. It hasn't yet, though, so they're doing a decent job! Heidi tilts her head to the side, looking at Sally as if she'd lost her head. "Yes, I know Midgardians seem to be completely baffled by the fact that this is Midgard, but this realm is Midgard. It is a good name, I do not understand why people do not just go by it..." She seems to brighten almost instantly. "Ah, but I didn't introduce myself!" Naturally, this is the most important part of her day.

"I am Heidi, daughter of Inger, of Asgard. Keeper of the royal stables and trainer of the winged horses ridden by the Valkyries. I also have recently come to love nachos."

Sally Houki has posed:
"I LOVE NACHOS." Sally enthuses. Oh, sure, the rest of it is heard, but she focuses on the part she can better understand: a love of nachos.

"Nachos are awesome. I should get nachos. You should get nachos too. Come with me, we shall get nachos!"

It is about this time that she remembers she is supposed to be getting out of here, so she aims to loop her arm under Heidi's, not a care in the apparent world because as briefly as she remembered she needed to get her out of here and started to do so, it passed into more thoughts about nachos. "I'm Sally," she adds.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There they are, two lovers of nachos. Heidi seems to be greatly interested in this sudden plan of cheese and chips, so when her arm is taken there's no resistance and she happily seems ready to be reoriented in the direction of nachos. "Well, friend Sally, well met! I certainly appreciate your appreciation of this Midgardian food. I have discovered that there are an entire array of foods here on Midgard that I have yet to taste... but nachos are the best."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh, you have no idea. There's like so many more things out there, all the things! And so much of it is right here in New York City. If you like food, you are totally in the right place to like food."

She begins to guide Heidi right out of the construction site, to the stares of the workers who probably will eventually notice them on their departure, but since they're leaving, there isn't much point in making a thing of it.

"I'll totally uber eats a nacho to us and we can have nachos like... /anywhere/."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's a sudden look of surprise on Heidi's face. "Nachos /anywhere/?" The fact that someone could just bring them nachos. It seems so luxurious. "I have never thought of having nachos /anywhere/. This certainly does change things. How delightful!" She's just been introduced to a whole other thing she can do with her phone--besides text in all capital letters. Now she knows two things!

Sally Houki has posed:
"Anywhere!" Sally, monster creator.

She pulls out her smart phone with various anime character doodles on its case because of /course/ she has that, "And then presses a button! She brings up an app, Uber Eats of course, and proceeds to look for one of the many places in New York that would have such things. She's paying so much attention to it that she's about to walk straight into the fencing rather than the gate out of the site.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is momentarily distracted by the anime doodles, tilting her head so she can look at them correctly as Sally determines where to get the food. She, of course, is paying enough attention and very casually turns them away from the fencing and to the gate as if nothing was wrong at all. Carry on!

Sally Houki has posed:
"Mn? What?" Sally is distracted briefly by the guide out the gate before she looks around and steps towards the street corner. "Okay, so let's go find a place to sit and then I can have NACHOS brought to us and we will have them!" She looks up and down the stret. Benches have got to be somewhere, right?

She presses the order button. She'll just update the location whenever they, you know, get there. "Do you want anything to drink? Like a soda?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Soda? The ones that come in the can?" Heidi isn't entirely sure if soda is the canned beverage or the one they serve at restaurants. "A drink would be nice. Especially if the nachos are spicy. I have had some not as spicy and some that felt like they were worthy of an after-battle victory feast."

She keeps an eye out for benches as well. "Perhaps a park? We can have nachos in a park?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh," says Sally, blinking and looking up from her phone. "A park is a great idea. Hey, Bixby! Where's the nearest park?" The phone answers, of course, in it's digital-assistance voice to pick a park. She converses with the phone and begins to wander off that way, not really paying attention to her surroundings and instead staring at her phone, "Come oooon," she calls after Heidi, unthinkling adding cans of coke to it after the mild agreement from Heidi on the order and then finishing that. Traffic? What traffic?

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Your friend is most helpful," Heidi says, following along the way towards the park. She doesn't seem to worry too much about the traffic either. They'll obviously stop for them, and if they don't... well, Heidi will make /sure/ they stop. Cars are no match for her!

"Perhaps we will find something interesting at the park... aside from nachos."

Sally Houki has posed:
"What friend?" says Sally, not figuring out who Heidi is talking about because she's already put who she was talking to out of her mind, obviously, and not because she doesn't think about the virtual assistant at alllllll.

She does cotton back on to traffic when the first car honks at her dawdling and then she makes a rude gesture at them before moving on.

"RIGHT. So. Nachoes will be about fifteen minutes and we'll be on a nice set of park benches in FIVE. So what brings you all the way to, uh, Miiiiiidgard?" She says the word longways around the i, testing out how actually SAYING it sounds out of her mouth.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"The one you called," Heidi glances towards Sally's phone. "So helpful and available, your friend. It must be nice to have such a reliable friend. You can tell her as such next time you speak with her." She looks between Sally and the car... then mimics the rude gesture. It's what Midgardians do, right?

"I came to Midgard to find a battle worthy of earning me the title of Valkyrie. I want to prove I am among the strongest in Asgard. Certainly a noble task, I'd say."

Sally Houki has posed:
It is reputedly wht New Yorkers do, anyway, and Sally's playing that role at the moment. "Ooooh, wait a second. You mean the AI on the phone! No, it's not a persoin. It's just a... a program! Yeah, okay. That's all. See. Hey, Bixby!" The phone immediately answers with a 'yes'. "Can you tell me about nachos?"

"HEre's what I found out about nachos on the web."

It is now oin the wikipedia page for Nachos, which she holds aloft for Heidi's approval, as she walks along. They're beginning to near the park now, at least, from the sounds of children playing.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"A program?" Heidi is a bit confused by the concept. She looks towards the phone, looking at the nachos. "Well, that's nice of her to share with you." Yep, she doesn't understand in the slightest why a program would sound like a person. She does get distracted reading the article about the nachos. "Oh, this is very informative..."

She's managing not to lose her footing at least even as she looks at the phone. She glances towards the park. "Ah! There we go!"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Yes! A park. It's... well. At least it isn't raining?"

There are, of course, people around the park and Sally is updating the location on her phone once she gets it back from the nacho-perusal. She moves to a bench and drops into it with a sigh, staring off into the distance as the kids are kicking balls around, and others are playing with frisbees and what not.

It's a park. It's about what one would expect.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi also drops onto the bench in an oddly graceful manner. "There are an awful lot of people wandering around today... I suppose the weather brings them out." She looks at the sky, holding a hand up to feel if there was rain even when there clearly isn't.

"Well! It is good that we will soon have nachos. You seemed awfully interested in Midgard. Are you not familiar with this realm as well? I have met quite a few travelers."

Sally Houki has posed:
"I think I'm from there, if I remember what I remember right," says Sally, her face crinkling up. "You mean *THIS*, right?" She gestures around broadly. It's a weird answer, but then, it's a weird moment. "Nachos ETA in five minutes," she adds, excitedly. Nachos. WITH CHEESE.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi gestures around them. "Midgard is here, yes. Asgard is..." She gestures vaguely above them. "But we don't have nachos in Asgard. I should change that. I wonder how hard it would be to create there. Perhaps I shall discuss this with others."

She looks around for the nachos even when she knows it won't be for a few more minutes. "So you do not remember? Did something happen?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Ohhhh! No, no," says Sally, quickly. Perhaps a bit too quickly, "I just wasn't sure what you MEANT," she adds, laughing. "I mean, there are instructions to the proper creation of nachos out there. I imagine with a bit of practice and time you could master the art of nacho cooking and make yourself invaluable by being the secret Nacho master," she adds, thoughtful on the matter. This woiuld spell doom for Asgard, Sally! Everyone will be too busy eating nachos to guard it!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I am fairly certain that no one can train pegasi the way I can... so at the very least I am already a master of something." Heidi does seem thoughtful. "It's not enough, but I am striving to be a Valkyrie. Perhaps a master of nachos as well could be a goal."

Sally Houki has posed:
She stares at Heidi blankly for a time. "I'm sorry, did you say /pegasi/? Like... that's an actual THING? Of course it's a thing. That makes perfect sense. I mean, I know you said it before," but she's a bit slow on the uptake since she's never paying attention, "But... eeeeeee!" She squirms in her seat, excitedly, but is quickly distracted from this by the fellow coming towards her, checking his own much less spendy looking phone with a plastic bag in his hand. She waves him over quickly, holding her hand out for the then delivered bag. She tears the plstic open and presents one of the two large cartons to her as the deliver-person walks away, sqyawking, "HOLY SHIT," at something, "THANKS SO MUCH," he shouts back at Sally, glancing over his shoulder.

She doesn't respond. She's too busy staring at the cans of coke *and* the boxes of nachoes she just tore open.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Yes, the winged horses that Valkyries ride. I am in charge of training them and have been for several hundred years now. But I would enjoy being a Valkyrie more, I think. I have been seeking it for a long time now." Heidi glances over at the person delivering the nachos, rather curious as to why he was so grateful.

"Ah, it seems we have nachos!" She peeks over and moves to help with the cartons. "I haven't had nachos in so long. At least a day. Can you think of a better Midgardian food? It would probably be quite difficult, I should think."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally mouths 'several hundred' eyars like she's making sure she heard that right, and well, she's fairly sure she did. Clearly, she deigns not to comment on it, but this may be because sher mouth is now full of nachos.

It's nachos in lieu of trying to understand doing the same thing for hundreds of years.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi laughs, giving a nod in response even if Sally's got a mouthful of nachos. She gives a thumbs up--she knows what that is! "Midgardians have such tiny life spans in comparison, which always amazes me at how quickly they can become experts in things. I have seen quite a few with the natural ability towards archery with skill that can rival my own. I suppose it is the upside for the short lifespan."

Sally Houki has posed:

"Oh, uh, yeah. That's totally it," she agrees, "and not at all that we're unfairly screwed by biology compared to you, I guess." She eyes Heidi. "It's so cool to be talking to an ALIEN." She just seems to go with it. "And one who likes nachooooooos," she adds, blinking her eyes at her.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The Asgardian tilts her head to the side at the concept. An /alien/? The Midgardians were alien. Heidi glances between the two of them. "I suppose it is sad to be a Midgardian but your lives are like an awe-filled flash of existence." She offers a bright smile. "Certainly to be celebrated. But it feels entirely brief."

She looks over and grabs a chip. "Nachos are also brief, but delicious and worthwhile."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Did you just call us 'delicious'? Is this one of those 'how to serve man' things?" asks Sally, amused. She clearly doesn't believe that and the reference is probably gonna be completely missed, but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. "I celebrate nachos," she agrees. CRUNCH.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I mean, delicious would be a word to describe Midgardians, but it seems to me that it'd imply that you were being /consumed/." Heidi giggles at the concept. "I would prefer not to devour anyone. That would be odd." She does look towards the nachos, taking another. "I also celebrate nachos and their unfortunately brief but delicious not-life span."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Consuming nachos is definitely better than consuming people," agrees Sally, thoughtfully. "I suspect, anyway. I've never tried people and don't intend to." She cracks open her coke can and has a long drink from it, then covers her mouth as she squelches a belch.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I do believe I would have a great many people, friends and enemies alike, who would be very offended if I were to eat a person," Heidi agrees, then grins. She takes her can and somehow manages to open it without looking ungraceful, taking a sip afterwards. "But I do hope I don't have any enemies though!"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Are Pegasusses...pegasee... pegasi? Are they carniverous or do they eat all the carrots like regular horses?" asks Sally, peering quizically at Heidi. It's a good question! She did have to figure out how to say multiple pegasus, though. It took her a moment.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"They are just horses. These ones simply have wings. I've cared for all types of horses in the royal stables, but it took me a while before they'd let me near the winged ones. Those are saved for the Valkyrie. Not just anyone can ride them," Heidi seems very proud of this. "Let me tell you it is not an easy task to train a flying steed. You fall more times than you would like." She reaches over for another nacho.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh yeah, just horses with wings. Not a big deal to you, but a product of long standing mythological association here on earth, to say nothing of the dreams of teenage girls EVERYWHERE," replies Sally, thoughtfully. She has a nacho herself. Crunch, crunchcrunchcrunch. 'Oh, don't mind me," she continues once she swallows, "I just to get to do amazing things that people will squee over." Her tone is playful.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Asgardians are worshipped as gods here, as I understand it. Or perhaps used to be, I believe the world has been much changed in the last hundred years or so," Heidi is pretty good about nabbing nachos between sentences but somehow holding together what she's saying cohesively. Asgardians have /centuries/ of experience talking while they eat. "I did notice that many people here quite fawn over the idea of a pegasi and I will admit that maybe I have brought Eira several places simply because I like to show her off."

She holds up a finger. "But that part's a secret, friend Sally, as I /obviously/ only take her out for training purposes and not because I am proud of her."

Sally Houki has posed:
"...OBVIOUSLY, I WOULD NEVER DREAM OF TELLING ANYONE YOU SHOWED ME YOUR PEGASUS," says Sally, eyes lighting up. She totally wants to see the pegasus. HINT HINT HINT HINT.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's a laugh from Heidi, and she glances around the park to assess if there's enough space and proper distancing from the rest of the park-goers. "Maybe after there are no more nachos my steed will just happen to show up. Such things happen." She looks around casually again. "It's just an entirely natural occurrence."

Sally Houki has posed:
"If only I had brought carrots," says Sally, sadly,. Of course, there's no reason for her to randomly have a carrot, but then she settles back into her seat and works on nachos. Maybe a little faster than necessary.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi seems more than amused as she takes another nacho. "Now I do warn you, while she's mine she's still in training... I have been trying to get her used to the inhabitants of Midgard and the distractions of it, but she can still startle a bit if she's not terribly used to things. She's fine but she might get a little skittish if some of these parkgoers get too close, so we'll need to be cautious. She's not fond of crowds yet."

Sally Houki has posed:
"We can go someplace else too," suggest s Sally, "Otherwise, you're gonna have all the park people recording you oin their phones because come *on*, it's a pegasus." She bounces up off the bench, rocking onto the tips of her toes.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Perhaps if we can find somewhere less crowded, though it is not the first time she and I have drawn a crowd in a park," Heidi seems almost proud of this concept. "There are plenty of videos by now, I think." Heidi looks back towards the park, then plucks another nacho.

Sally Houki has posed:
"I'm sure! It's not like weird stuff isn't common in New York! It's one of the reasons I totally live here," she adds, sitting back down after her impromptu stretch and having another nacho herself! And then coke. "Mmn. I can taste the pancreatic cancer," she muses aloud.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Pancreatic cancer?" Heidi is unfamiliar with most Midgardian ailments and it shows by the confused look on her face. She shrugs it off though. "New York seems to be a very proud and noble city with many strange people that I am very eager to be introduced to." Yes, she /is/ enjoying the strangeness.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh, it was a joke about getting cancer from drinking too much soda." She has another drink, then adds, "I guess. It's not THAT noble, but there's something ultimately strange and resilient about it. A lot of things just beneaht the surface too. And superheroes. And villains! And propery damage. And pegasus, apparently," she adds.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi seems thoughtful. "It is a city that seems to have a great deal happen to it and yet it survives... that is very noble. It is a city of many things. People being the best of them." She grins. "Have you met many allies, Sally? The city seems to be teeming with life."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Allies? No, I suppose not. I mean, I have *friends*, but there's a differece between that and allies. I don't really *need* allies, though," she says wioth a relaxed smile. "But I guess it4'd be nice." Chomp! CHEW CHEW CHEW. CRUUUUUNCH.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"It is best to have both allies and friends, preferably people who are both. Some of my most trusted friends are also my allies. Sif is probably one of my strongest friends as well as my ally. We've fought together since we were both young," Heidi gestures around. "While your lives are much shorter, surely there are people here you can raise your sword arm with."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally just kinda stares at her. Then she looks down at her arms. "You know, I don't think I can handle a sword very well. But then, I don't need to!" She reaches over to poke one of Heidi's biceps. because, you know, STRONG.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Well, perhaps you should learn! The sword is a very versatile weapon, I'm sure you could pick it up if you tried. Midgardians are resillient." Heidi glances at her poked bicep, then to Sally's own arm. "Have you not practiced with a weapon before?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"...nnnno? Most of us don't need to, you know," replies Sally to Heidi's question. "It might be common in... you know," she points up into the air nebulously, "but. .. not... " She points down at her shoes. "Not down here, you know." She blinks her eyes at her owlishly.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Oh, certainly not everyone needs to be a warrior. Not everyone in Asgard is, but we are very proud of our warriors. Are you not a warrior, Sally, or is there something else you are skilled at?" Heidi grins. "I myself am very fond of poetry."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Nnnnoooooo," says Sally, "I'm not a warrior of ANY stripe." She's now touching Heidi's bicep absently. SO STRONG. Poke poke poke.

"Poetry is cool," she acknowledges, starting to mind-wander off back to nacos. Which she consumes the last of.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"You strike me as someone strong, friend Sally," Heidi taps her head. "We are all warriors of some stripe, even if it doesn't appear to be. You did show up to aid me in my time of need." Well, if by need she means she was bored in a construction site.

Sally Houki has posed:
"... I do?" says Sally, blinking even *more* owlishly at Heidi. "Oh yeah! I guess I did. You looked like you were gonna get in trouble. Some call it karma. I believe we were destined to get thrown oiut of... that construiction site." She sounds like she's quoting something, kind, but then she shrugs her shoulders. "OR it was likely you were gonna get hurt, or something."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I have a good sense for people. You are strong, perhaps not at fighting in ways you might think." Heidi looks cheerful. "Perhaps you have a skill bringing people together. Many people have undiscovered gifts." She pauses. "How would I have been hurt?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"...you were in a construction site?" she offers, carefully, still tapping her. "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this." She hands her a coke.

"You should bring more friends and don't play in construction sites. You definitely wouldn't have crushed some things with your biceps, though." She totally would have, but hey.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi tilts her head to the side. "I mean, yes, it is a place they were building, though I cannot understand why it would be dangerous for me." Really, she doesn't. "Well, I certainly will be bringing more friends. I just was curious as to how they were doing things here."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally goes to throw her arms around Heidi in a HUG.

"That's a good idea. You should make more friends. All the friends. But don't play in consturction sites. You're very strong and you could put your fist through something," oh sure, now she adds that. "Also, construction workers are super horny, anyway."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is a fan of hugs. So Sally gets a hug--a rather strong one, given the strength of the Asgardian. Nothing painful, just strong. "I'm fairly certain I could scare off any construction worker that was too familiar," she asserts, then grins. "But I'm good at friends. I have so many friends. Midgardians are generally very friendly, I have found. Someone taught me how to use currency, then someone helped figure out a vending machine..." Well, that last part was a bit of a stretch of the imagination. That ended up with cans /everywhere/.

Sally Houki has posed:
Well, that was unexpected! Sally just wanted to give a hug, then she got distracted by the fact that she is now hugging someoine, and now she's kinda lost for a moment because /yay/ hugs/. She forgets what she's talking about for a moment. "Too familiar with what?" she asks after a moment.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"You know, when someone is... aggressively friendly." Heidi explains. Not like how /Heidi/ is aggressively friendly, more like aggressively /friendly/. Very careful emphasis. "I have handled many a bar patron with civility unless they have chosen not to be honorable." She is certainly polite about catcalls and the like. They've got a thing coming for them if they try twice though.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Ooooh. Friendly," says Sally. IT took her a minute to get back to that. "Right. Horny. I got you." She snorts, then closes her eyes and rests her head on Heidi's shoulder because that's friendly rather than FRIENDLY.

"I should introduce you to Kaminari," she says cheerfully.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi laughs, patting the top of Sally's head for a moment in something of an affectionate gesture. "I would love to meet your friends, it would be an honor. I have found that the more people I get to know, the more I enjoy it here. People are so different. Asgard is wonderful, but Midgard is..." She pauses, looking at Sally. "I mean this in the most polite of manners... it's strange."

Sally Houki has posed:

Sally's head is patted. She likes that.

"Yeah, we're a strange lot. I mean, we talk about how weird we are all the time. Just spend a day on twitter or something and you'll see way too much and oh god never ever google rule thirty four ever." Poor Heidi. She may google that someday and never forgive Sally, who will probably forgot she made that comment at some point soon.

"We're really weird. But! I should see if Kami is free. Let's go. I gotta visit her anyway! I forgot to give her something."

She's on her feet and heading away from Heidi, now, fully expecting that she'll be followed!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Twitter?" Yep, no one's introduced Heidi to that world yet. This may or may not be a good thing. "I am not sure what a lot of these are, but I shall do my best to avoid them due to your sound judgment." She does put a lot of faith in her friends, after all. No reason to question it! "I do have to say that I certainly enjoy the weirdness. I have seen a lot more than I could have expected. I should have visited Midgard long ago but it isn't just as if I could have come down at any time. I am no Prince Thor or Prince Loki."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Do you actually know them?" asks Sally curiously, because of course she's be curious. She's no doubt heard of their exploits on earth -- to some extent after all -- and she's curious. "Oh, I'm sorry, you must get that a l-," and then she walks into a park trash can at about the waist, almost tumbling over it. "Ow," she says.

Girl really needs to pay attention to where she's going.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Ah, yes, I have met both Prince Thor and Prince Loki on Midgard, actually. They are /very/ interesting people though both are incredibly intimidating and I find it hard to know how to act," Heidi gives a slow shrug, then blinks in surprise as Sally runs into the trash can. The can is obviously in Sally's way, not the other way around, so she simply pulls it up out of the way (ignoring that it's bolted down) and sets it aside.

She doesn't bat a lash, continuing with the conversation. "Prince Loki is very clever, Prince Thor is very friendly."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally Houki just stares.

She stares at Heidi. And the trash can. The big, heavy, metal trash can that was bolted into the ground. That is now not there. A New York rat comes flying out of the trash can and goes to clamber over Heidi and AWAY. Because the trash can is moving.

Sally gasps, of course.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is certain to set the trash can out of the way so Sally's way is entirely unhindered. She gestures for Sally to continue as if it were the trash that were the offender. "Are you alright, friend Sally?" She looks between the trash and the woman in front of her. "If I've somehow offended you I can put it back...?" She tilts her head to the side to try and determine if Sally is upset in some way. Tilting her head helps with the concentration.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally Houki is just staring at her. "OH MY GOSH! THAT WAS COOL!" She bounces on her feet, entirely forgettiog what she was doing. Entirely.

She throws herself towards Heidi, "I mean ,I knew you were strong but that was like BOLTED." She points awt the broken bolts on the ground, "YOu're not supposed to be able to do that and you did it without even FLEXING." She pokes her in the chest. "How strong are you? Can you throw me in the air really high and catch me?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's some sheepishness to Heidi's expression as Sally lauds her actions. "That is nothing. I am no stronger than the average Asgardian... though I will say I'm far better with a bow. Especially while mounted." She beams, though still pleased her simple action got such a reaction. "I will say I could certainly throw one of those cars," she gestures towards the street as if Sally might not know what a car was.

The Asgardian takes a moment to look at the sky, then at Sally, as if making mental calculations. "I mean, I am certain you weigh less than a car so I could throw you just the same." Then there's a pause. "Well, I only /assume/ you weigh less than a car." She has to be polite.

Sally Houki has posed:
"I weigh like WAY less than a car!" Sally bounces on the tips of her toes. "Sorry. I don't get to play with someone that strong *every* day," she blurts, "It's super cool, and I imagine most wouldn't be so cavalier about it! You know?! I mean, I've met some people who can do incredible things but doooo iiiit," her eyes might have little stars in them if she were an anime character.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi eyes Sally carefully. "I've never thrown a person that I didn't expect was dead or about to be dead." There's some serious there with the amusement present in her tone. "But I suppose it is unusual for Midgardians to see acts of strength that are common to Asgard."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Well, I don't want you to *kill* anyone," says Sally, encouragingly, "But I'll be fine if you, you know... catch me. You don't have to throw me with ALL your strength, you know. Come on! It'll be fine!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Despite that the fact that 'it'll be fine' is probably someone's famous last words, Heidi nods. "Okay then!" She's trusting Sally not to somehow throw herself off-course or something strange like that. So, pushing any qualms aside she positions herself so she can pick up Sally. So long as she doesn't move away, the Asgardian will hook her hands under Sally's armpits and just toss her vertically. It's not a /hard/ toss, by her standards at least, but she'd probably sail up a good two stories before beginning decent.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally squeals on the way up. This is the most amazing thing ever. Of course, she has compelte faith that Heidi will catch her.

This may not have been her best idea. That is setting in by the time she starts flailing on her way down.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The good news is, Heidi is familiar with both flight and falls. You don't understand how to hit the ground in a safe manner better than when you're training flying horses. She's taken quite a few falls. She's also soared up on a flying horse, so she's familiar with that upward journey as well. Perhaps she might not be a superhero who can fly, but falling she understands.

And Sally is not falling gracefully. "Relax, friend Sally!" She calls in her ever-chipper tone. "You are safe!" The Asgardian is not entirely certain the flailing will be conducive to a safe landing. Drastic times call for drastic measures. She's certain she's where Sally will fall, so instead of just catching her when she's done falling...

... she jumps up to meet her. Certainly there'll be an impact, but this way Heidi can be sure the impact is with her and not the ground.

Sally Houki has posed:
"AHHH," says Sally, flailing her arms right up until Heidi catches her. She clings to her for dear life even after the wind is knocked out of her first by one impact and then other. Ther's probaly onlookers gasping.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi hits the ground with a soft thud, no superhero landing for her, not with holding Sally in a perfect fireman's carry (thankfully that's what those few extra in-air seconds were there for). She makes sure that her feet are secure under her, determines that they are, then looks at Sally.

"See, no harm done!"

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally is, of course, shaken. "OH GOD THAT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA."

She's impulsive and doesn't think things through sometimes.

Who is surprised. CErtainly not anyone who's known her for more than an hour.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Well, there is a first time for every terrible idea!" Heidi points out, but she's still beaming as she moves to put Sally down. "Now we know for next time. Like I said, never thrown anyone who wasn't about to die." There's a pause. "Until now, because you are not dead."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally Houki is still clinging to Heidi, despite having been put down, because well... wouldn't you?

She lets out a breath. "Okay. Okay. I'm not dead. That's a good thing. I mean, I'm sure something would've saved me. No one ever gets killed in tragic super strong person chucking. Right." She falls into Japanese rambling for a moment.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi doesn't seem too bothered by Sally in her personal bubble. She understands. Falling is terrifying and usually when she fell from a great height she clung too, but that was usually to the ground and sometimes she was unconcious. "Do not worry, Sally. If I am around you're sure to be safe."

Sally Houki has posed:
"I really appreciate that?" says Sally, "but you can't really promise that." She reaches up to loop her arm back around Heidi's, if allowed, and adds, "You know what. Let's go back to my place." Really, she's just gonna take her home just like that.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi holds up a finger. "I am an Asgardian and I stand by my word. I should also let you know that I am, obviously, a strong warrior. I've lived over a thousand years and fought more battles than I can count and, might I add, I am still here. I have never died which means that, surely, I must be very formidible and therefore quite capable of your defense."

There's a very serious look. "And I don't let anyone hurt my friends." Determination alone might kill her enemies. She allows the arm loop, looking cheerfully over. "I am sure your home is quite lovely. I shall have to show you mine sometime. Did you know they have markets in parks and sometimes sell these grand tapestries that are hand made from various Midgardian cultures? I'm hanging them all on my walls!"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh yeah, I actually live a ways from here. I guess we'll call an Uber."

And Sally is doing that. She is hailing the uber, whatever that means. She's using her phone, and walking back towards the street from the park.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi trails towards the street, but she does know what an Uber is. "Oh! This is where someone comes to pick you up. I helped an intoxicated friend home in one of these once because I decided it would be bad to try and load someone inebriated onto a pegasi..." That would be rather tricky.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Yes! Cabs are great. I love it," says Sally, and then she starts texting with someone right up until the uber arrives and honks to get her attention. She startles, nearly loses her phone and heads towards it, clambering in and leaving the door for Heidi to come in after her.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"It does happen to be very convenient," Heidi agrees as she climbs into the car in a way that someone rather unfamiliar with cars might--awkwardly. She settles in, however, letting out a huff of air. "We should have taken Eira. Then you could see what your home looks like from above. Although it is tricky when she has no space to land. I try not to land in a busy street, people are upset and it causes a fuss."

Sally Houki has posed:
"I think arriving at home on a pegasus is rather more attention than I want to attract today anyway," says Sally, perhaps more lucidly than anything else she's come up with in the last few hours while jumping from one thing to another.

"IT's not too far, just in Brooklyn, but you know, everthing is a ways away. SO anyway," she says, "Yes, she has a pegasus," to the driver.

The driver just sort of quietly nods. Because, you know. New York.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"With the way the cars bunch up, I can understand it being 'a ways' from everything." Heidi does nod at the idea of not making a scene. "It's not so bad if she can land on a roof, but not every neighborhood has a good spot for that much less a good way to get /down/ from the roof."

Sally Houki has posed:
"I think having a pegasus on my roof would be even *more* awesome but, you know, I'm totally gonna pass for the moment but I so want to see them!" She waves her hands bvriefly in the air before settling in for the ride, distracted again by texting on her phoine. She perks up at something, smiles, and thne gets back to it until they arrive out front of a Brooklyyn brownstone.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
While Heidi might be curious about the phone, she's busy with her own. It's a very basic model, but it's got enough smart phone features to confuse the heck out of her. She'll learn it one day. She proceeds to check her messages repeatedly during the ride. Nope, no messages. But at least she looks busy and is very reachable. When they arrive, she peers out at the buidling. "This is quite nice!"

Sally Houki has posed:
"It issss," says Sally, agreeably.

She makes her way towards it and then reaches into her pocikets to feel around for her keys. It takes her a moment before she remembers their on a chain around her neck. Oh right. She opens the door and holds it there for Heidi, leading her into a...

... well, you wouldn't expect a girl like her to own a place like this, let alone have it look as nice and clean as it does. She has nice things, and nice furniture, and huge TVs and.... she's also already on the sofa, playing a video game at the same time she's also standing in the door way, letting her in. Clearly, she has a twin sister.

Or a clone she forgot about.

It's the latter.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Fancy! Heidi looks around with an appraising glance. "You have done quite well, friend Sally. I have to say I am impressed. I do not have a great deal of Midgardian currency, but were I to... I would certainly enjoy a place like this." She is, of course, not uncomfortable with slumming it--one doesn't spend hundreds of years working in a stable to expect luxury.

Sally's other Sally does catch her attention. "Hail and well met, friend!" She calls in at her. Yes, she's certainly aware of the clone's presense. "I did not know you had a roommate. I am pleased to meet new friends."

Sally Houki has posed:
When Heidi greets Sally, the Sally she's been talking to looks over at other-Sally and blinks her eyes. Then she squawks, and blurts in Japanese, "I told you I was bringing comapny over! What are you even doing here still?!"

The other-Sally reaches down for her phone and picks it up off the couch. This phone, of course, is not the same as the Sally that Heidi has been talking to, but they are dressed *exactly* the same.

She looks at it, then down, then up, at Sally, and proeeds to pause her game and flail her armws, apologizing before adding something about she got a high scor and stomping upstairs.

Sally then turns back towards Heidi and laughs, nervously, "MY TWIN SISTER," she says, switching to English. "I HAVE A TWIN SISTER," she adds, loudly, "HAHAHAHA."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Will she be wanting to be tossed in the air too?" Heidi seems amused but she's not entirely certain it's not true. She waves enthusiastically at the other Sally as she leaves, though she looks back over. "Your sister did not have to leave. I do not mind!"

Sally Houki has posed:
"No, no, she totally did, trust me. She'd just get in the way of you tossing me around." Sally pauses. "I mean, you know, not.. AUgh!" She flails her hadns up in the air. "That's just going to be annoying." And then she turns and stomps towards the kitchen, "Come on! Let's get more nachos!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Oh, you have more nachos?" Heidi can certainly be lured by nachos. She entirely blames Alexander for her nacho love. She can't help it, though, the cheesy goodness is too much for her to resist. "I will trust you on that, but I certainly do not mind." She follows towards the kitchen, taking the chance to look around a bit more.

Sally Houki has posed:
"I do! I have all the sodas and I have nachos and a lot of other things and..."

Sally swings her fridge open and there's a surprised shriek.


Clones do get hungry.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"/All/ the sodas?" Heidi picks up on a detail that might have seemed minor and certainly is not the one she should be picking up on. The detail she noticed, however is the sodas. Because she was unaware until now that there were /different flavors/ of soda. Naturally, she's curious on what is meant by all. "Surely you can get someone to bring you more! Or perhaps ask your sister if she would be kind enough to?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"I guess but they aren't supposed to eat EVERYTHING," complains Sally, annoyed. "House rules!" She sighs and puts her hands on the counter. "But, yes! I will get more sodas." Truth is, Sally didn't notice how depleted her fridge had gotten over the last week or so. Everyone's gotta eat after all. "I'll order more." She taps her phone, pressing buttons until she's got a standard food delivery set up for herself, or at least one would imagine she does this often given how quickly it's done. Then she's pickiung up the video game controller, sitting on the sofa, and getting right into it where her sister left off, like it's no big thing. "Wait, what am I doing? How far in this game am I, anyway?" She pauses, sighs, turns it off, turns back around to look at Heidi and asks, "Wanna watch a movie?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Okay!" Heidi eagerly accepts the suggestion of a movie. She's seen very few movies by now and she's enjoyed them all, so this entertainment is something she looks forward to. "I do like things live, the audience really adds to a performance, but it is very clever how a movie makes you feel like you are an observer in the room rather than a viewer in an audience."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Remind me to make you wtch CATS with me," replies Sally to that, "with an audience." And then she proceedws to settle into the corner of the sofa, pulling her legs up. "Got a preferred genre? I have all the streaming services. All of them."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Settling herself on the couch, Heidi seems thoughtful. "Perhaps something comedic. I would enjoy seeing what Midgardians enjoy as their humor. I have seen a few that I believe are action movies and one romance that I found very unrealistic. Midgardian courtship is... quite confusing."

Sally Houki has posed:
"You're telling me. I don't remember half the people I've apparently dated," remarks Sally.

THen she smiles at her and reaches over to pat her hand. "You're free to ask me anything about dating." And then she puts on a comedy.

Of course, Tucker and Dale versus Evil might not be the *best* choice.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Well then, I shall trust your knowledge of Midgardian courtship should the need arise," Heidi agrees, leaning back a bit to watch the movie.

Naturally it's the best choice, because anything would be better than Along Came Polly.