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(Mike meets Strange, Strange mows his yard)
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Latest revision as of 03:20, 27 February 2020

That's a strange flask
Date of Scene: 27 February 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Mike meets Strange, Strange mows his yard
Cast of Characters: Stephen Strange, Michael Hannigan

Stephen Strange has posed:
    In the southern heart of Manhattan sits a quaint neighborhood with several brownstones and cheery kinds of people going about their lives with minimal stresses beyond the occasional alien invasion, or rat infestation, or super hero drama darkening the skies. No these people are the well off and sometimes hoity folk of New York and they all seem to know each other and act like a smaller midwestern town.

    One such member of the neighborhood is Doctor Stephen Strange, who happens to be standing at his door, at the top of his steps, looking down into the wrought iron fence holding in his tiny patch of green yard. He has a mug of coffee resting on his palm, and his other hand is pointing towards a phantom lawn mower that seems to be doing its job all on its own. Moving back and forth slowly and carefully across the tiny patch of grass.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
In the southern heart of Manhattan, there's also supposed to be a guy who does book binding too. And this is why Mike is in the area. While slinging a backpack over one shoulder, the still Church attired musician glances to a sheet of paper with an address scrawled on it. Unfortunately the paper has slipped out of his hand once before and the ink has gotten a bit wet so he's trying to descern if one of the numbers is a 3 or a 9. Or is that an A?

As he's pondering, he's still walking in the general direction he thinks it is. Which leads him over towards Strange's steps. He frowns, squinting at the sheet as even more numbers seem to have run. "Oh you've g-"

He pauses, looking to the lawnmower. "Huh."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen lifts the mug up towards his lips, the man wearing black slacks and a long sleeve cashmire sweater, he takes a sip and lowers his hand, still holding the mug on top of his flat palm. "You seem the eloquent type." Stephen says, as he moves the mower back and the sound of it chomping the grass flairs loudly as it hit a rather tall spot.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike continues looking to the unattended lawn mower, bringing the note hand up to his short hair to rub at the back of his head "Well, I haven't had my normal amount of coffee today." He turns to look to Strange, hand lowering, "By any chance are you a book binder too?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen blinks twice, slowly, at Mike before he lifts the mug back up to his goatee laden face and takes a long slow slurp from the mug. The wizard lowers his drink and still holding it weirdly he moves the mower from a distance to the other side of the yard, carefully grooming his lawn. "That's better than 'huh' at least." The wizard remarks, lifting an eyebrow to Mike and shaking his head, "No, I don't bind books." Rather flatly.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hmm." Mike considers the man's appearance, "You seemed like you'd be the type." Eyes glance down to the paper, frowning to the muddled address, "Do you know of any book binders living or working nearby?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "I do. You're looking for 173a Bleeker Street." Stephen says, looking down at the mug, the mower and then finally Mike. "Byron is quite the book afficionado and quite skilled at most things regarding that subject." Stephen says as he lowers his pointer finger from the mower and it shuts off.

    Stephen takes a step down, lowering on the stair case. "You have more important things you need to be concerned about." Stephen says as he squints his eyes at Mike and looks at the musician with far greater purpose.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Strange gives the street address, Mike turns his head to look to the street numbers for the adjacent doorways to figure out the general direction, "173a..." He repeats, giving a nod as he looks to the proper direction.

The movement of the sorceror combined with the continued speaking draws his attention back towards Strange. A brow raises as he registers the odd expression being thrown his way. "I'm...not following." He doesn't seem to be the type of person who'd like his music. Nor does he seem like the type to watch TV dramas or Vampire movies. Maybe he likes Jack London stories?

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "You wont." Stephen says as he takes a single step back up the stair case to stand where he was moments before. "Not yet anyways. Though the time will come when we will meet again." Stephen gives a soft nod as he raises his finger once more and nearly instantly the mower fires back up and continues its back and forth across the patch of grass Stephen calls a lawn.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks at Strange quietly as the man goes up a step, mouth parting but the response not coming out. His head turns to look to the mower again as it kicks back on, "Uh...Huh."

Turning, he heads towards the binding place. He pauses, looking back to Strange "173A?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen hasn't taken his eyes off Mike and as such, when Mike looks back and speaks the address once more, Stephen simply lifts his head and then lowers his. "Yes."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Okay. Thanks." Mike offers up in thanks before heading a few doors down. He gives Strange another curious look before heading inside. What an odd duck.