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Latest revision as of 07:17, 4 May 2020

Royal Pounding
Date of Scene: 03 May 2020
Location: Upper East Side
Synopsis: Spider-Man gets splatted by Rhino, Wonder Woman gets involved, and they both get pizza.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Peter Parker

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana Prince is arriving back to the Embassy after a day at Central Park. She'd been attending a public art fair that was exhibiting Greek culture and the women of it. But now, her time at the festival had ended and Diana was returning to the Embassy via town car that was parking outside the front of the building.

The Princess exits the vehicle from it's passenger side and she smiles at the security guard who greets her and helps her out of the vehicle, not that she needs the help, but the gesture is a kind one that she receives well. "Thank you, Marco." Diana tells the man as she stands now beside her car and is approached by an Embassy aide who starts to speak to the Themysciran Ambassador, and shows her a tablet computer to display whatever it is she's speaking out.

Diana starts to walk with the shorter female Embassy worker toward the front steps that lead up toward the double doors of said Embassy.

Peter Parker has posed:
This is his life now.

"Aleks, bubbe, you REALLY ought to chill!"

Spider-Man is taking the worst E-ticket rise since Coney Island was overrun by Doombots. Call it Mister Sytsevich's Wild Ride.
Aleksei Sytsevich, AKA The Rhino, had been making a little withdrawal at a diamond exchange, but had apparently had a little trouble collecting the little shiny gemstones with his massive hands. He had garnered a respectable haul when a certain Friendly Neighborhood Arachnid has showed up. Now, Rhino was trying to get a grip on the annoying Arachnid while moving east towards the Upper East Side. They were making good time, too - Rhino had generated a full head of steam and was a locomotive on two malformed armored feet.

"Look, Rhino, we've done this dance before! What say you give uUUWAHHHH!"
Spidey had been moving around, and had felt the Spider-Sense go off, but he had been grabbed. And that was bad.

He suddenly felt a wrenching as Rhino threw him, dislocating his shoulder and sending him at the wall to the Themiscyran Embassy at flank speed. He hit hard enough to crack the brickwork.

Some days you are the spider, some days you are the wall.

Diana Prince has posed:
When Spider-man falls from the cracked wall, he lands in a much softer place. He lands right in the arms of Wonder Woman.

She'd heard the pounding of the pavement, her super senses could pick up the Rhino's approach long before he arrived and by the time he did arrive - and threw the young Spider-man - the Amazon Warrior was there to catch him and place him upon his feet.

Diana does just that, she sets Peter down and looks at his covered face. "Are you okay?" She asks him, her hands on his shoulders then before she looks over to the Rhino. "Your friend does not look happy." She continues then, removing her hands from Peter's shoulders.

Wonder Woman turns to face the Rhino and she reaches to her hip to grab for her lasso - for you see, she'd been in full armor for the event in Central Park and had been returning to the Embassy in her gleaming iconic gear.

Diana unfurls her lasso at her side and it starts to glow a brilliant golden gleaming shine!

Peter Parker has posed:
His back hurt abominably. He had two cracked ribs, muscle shear, and a bell-ringing headache. Not to mention the shoulder, which was sticking out at an odd angle.

But on the other hand...WHOA. And that was a Keanu-Reeves-worthy Whoa.

Of course he'd read news articles, had studied Greek and Roman history back when he still wanted to be Indiana Jones. But KNOWING about Wonder Woman and SEEING her are two different things.

The eye-lenses go wide when he looks into her face, and he is at a loss for words. Then the shoulder twinges and he winces. "I'll...be fine." He grabs his arm, tenses, then puts the shoulder back into place with a quiet groan of pain.

"Yeah...that's the Rhino. Get-Rich-Quick Plan #4539. He's got a fortune in diamonds." He watches Rhino moving northeast, a one-man insurance nightmare. "I have to stop him," He says quickly, firing a webline.

He suffers a moment of irrational pride, and stifles it.
"I...could probably use some help..." he says lamely.

Diana Prince has posed:
Reactions to her presence are something that Diana deals with a great amount on a day to day basis, she doesn't really respond to it. Her business is on that of the Rhino and his endangering of the city and it's people.

So when Spider-man slings his web and speaks of needing help, Diana stares off after the Rhino and replies in-kind. "You get it regardless." She says before she simpley LEAPS FORWARD! Her armored body flies up in to the air and she launches herself down the street toward the Rhino at tremendous speed!

The Princess soars through the sky above cars, above civilians, above it all! She finishes her arching leap with her arms swinging the unbreakable lasso of Truth outward to attempt to ensnare the chaos-inducing Rhino before he can cause any further danger or damage to the city!

The golden rope sweeps through the air with a hissing cutting of the winds, swirling toward the Rhino! Her intention is to grab him and then plant herself down to the street and keep him from moving away any further!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man BLINKS as Wonder Woman just...JUMPS towards the departing Rhino. He activates the drone, getting a strong feeling he is going to be awestruck at least once.
Then he launches forward on his own webline, ignoring the many pain alarms going off in his body.

Aleksei was feeling pretty good. He felt he could get a cool one or two million, which was one or two million closer to getting this quadruple-damned armor suit off...

His train of thought is slowed by the sensation of something settling around his shoulders. For a moment, he is startled by the sight of the golden gossamer thread around his body, but he pays it no mind...

But then the line goes taught, and Rhino utters a loud "OOOF!" as he is suddenly slowed down...

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana wraps her Goddess-gifted lasso around the frame of the Rhino and when he stops at the rope's limit, he'll find that the Warrior Princess has landed on her booted feet upon the concrete ground, using her muscular legs to plant herself solidly as she holds on to the rope with both of her leather half-gloved hands. She starts to pull the rope inward, her tremendous super strength allowing her a lot of power over most creatures, even one's as strong as this one.

"You will go no further." Diana speaks out to Rhino before her eyes glance over to where she knows the Spider-man is. "Web him." Diana tells Peter. "He must be contained until he can be reasoned with." If he's even capable of being reasoned with at all.

The city is watching, however, as both Wonder Woman and Spider-man rush to stop the rampaging Rhino. Diana keeps her hands tightly gripping the lasso's golden glowing length. Now's the time to ask the Rhino any questions Peter might be interested in having answers too as well, if he knows the 'lore' of the Rope well enough!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is...amazed, really. Rhino is a monster, but he's not going anywhere, and the look of surprise on his horned face is almost comical. As Spider-Man gets closer, he can see the rope she has on him, and...sheesh.

Then she gives an order - a polite order, but from someone suited to a command position, and it can be heard in her voice. Spider-Man nods quickly, firing at Rhino's feet with both web-shooters.

He is using a LOT of webbing. A lot of webbing for a VERY powerful guy.

Rhino strains, but is unable to even move now. He looks at Diana and bellows, "WHAT ARE YOU?" in complete disbelief. He's not a dumb guy, but he's not quite registering how any of this is happening.

Diana Prince has posed:
Once the webbing starts to slow the Rhino even further, Diana adjusts her steps to start to hand-over-hand her way up the rope toward the beast. She stays out of arm reach over him, but she keeps him tight on the line, no give what so ever o nthe rope.

At his question, Diana just glares the beast and replies in-short with. "Justice."

He had endangered countless people, caused untold amounts of destruction to the city...

The Princess of Themyscira removes her right hand from the rope and draws it back then slams it forward to hit the Rhino upside his head with her bracer-covered forearm! Again and again, she hits him until he's surely left in d dizzy-state, if not outright knocked out!

She hits hard, and the unbreakable Bracers of Submission do not yield even to his strong skull!

Peter Parker has posed:
The Rhino is not expecting the first hit, and it is strong enough to cause him to drop the bag, a musical clinking coming from the bag as it hits the web-covered pavement.

The next one rings his bell again, and he stares at her, his gaze uncomprehending. "Where..."
Then he is hit again, and he begins feeling punch-drunk almost immediately. He sways slightly on his feet.

"I just...don't want to be...a prisoner..." he slurs as a webline snags the bag, pulling it over to himself. He sounds as if he is not quite sure where he is.

A few moment later, he drops to a sitting position, the only one the webbing will allow...

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana hits the Rhino until he starts to lower down and can barely speak, but she doesn't let him go or stop hitting until he seems summarily subdued with imaginary 'birdies' flying around his head. It's only then that she stops and lowers her hands to her side, with one still clutching the lasso of Truth, it still glowing brightly.

Spider-man had taken the bag that the rampaging Rhino had dropped and she now takes her eyes from the villain to look over upon Spidey again.

"You have fought with this thing before?" She asks him, her dark hair lightly blowing in the winds about her otherwise bare shoulders. "Did he escape from a contain facility?" She further asks the Web-Slinger.

Her stare goes back to Rhino then and she releases the lasso and starts to pull it back toward her, starts to coil it back up, gliding the rope through her hands, one ring after another being wound up.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks at Diana. He almost lets loose with the Snark, but realizes that his rogue's gallery doesn't exactly come with cue cards.
Spidey deflates slightly. "Wonder Woman...meet Aleksei Sytsevich. Formerly of the Russian mob, submitted to an experimental procedure to bond with a mechanical heavy assault armor. What they didn't tell him...was that he couldn't take it off." He hefts the bag. "He steals to pay for possible ways to get that armor off of him."

Rhino seems to comprehend what is being said, his head sagging. "<Freak...I'm a freak...>" he moans in Russian.

"I've tangled with the man often. He's not a beast. Just...a guy that made a dumb decision, and is paying for it forever." He looks down at the bag. "I understand that all too well."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana stands before the man turned IN to Beast with her lasso now curled up and held between her grasping fingers. From down the road in the direction than they'd come from, the sound of horses on pavement can be heard. Two mounted Amazon Warriors ride toward Diana, with full armor and weapons adorning their bodies. Their armored horses come to a halt not far from their Princess and one of them calls out to Diana.

The Princess looks over to her sister, who thrusts a long wooden spear with a golden tipped spearhead toward her. It flies through the air and is caught in Diana's left hand. She lowers it down to her side. Normally, with wild ravenous Beasts, Diana knows it's best to put them down for behaviors like this. Treading upon a city and rampaging through it to cause death and destruction.

But Peter's story makes her look to the spear, to the 'Man' known as Rhino now and she feels sympathy for him.

Her eyes go back to Peter then. "He needs to be moved to a holding facility where he can be rehabilitated and educated in how to cope with what has happened to him. He needs to find help." She says to Parker. "Do you know of anyone who can offer such?" She then asks, already her mind thinking of SHIELD, but she's unsure of precisely what they'd do to him.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. "I'm contacting the NYPD. They can take him to Striker's. Apart from that...not much that can be done, except therapy. If someone CAN figure out how to get that crud off of him..."

He looks over to the women on horseback. "Well, at least the cavalry's here," he says wryly. He looks from his shoulder, the suit hiding the bruised and blackened skin easily, to the Amazon. "Listen...thanks. He hit me pretty bad, and I'm never one to turn down help. I'm...sorry about the wall, though."

Diana Prince has posed:
While Peter replies, Diana raises the javelin. Not in an attack position though, she just plants the butt of it down against the concrete with a quiet *clack* of wood to pavement. She stares down at the Russian man and hearing him mutter in his own tongue, Diana lowers down to him. She crouches in front of the Rhino then and she stares right at his eyes. Her right hand reaches out and she gently places it against the side of his face to calm him, to give his head a place to rest for a moment and she waits until he quietens.

<"You are not a freak."> Diana tells the man inside of the Rhino, speaking quietly, softly in Russian to him. <"You need help, and someone will find a way to help you. But you have to earn it.">

She waits a moment longer like this, cupping his face, before she lowers her hand away and starts to rise up to her full height again with the javelin's help at her side.

Now Diana's gaze goes back to Peter. "Walls can be fixed." She tells him with a soft smile. "I am glad you were able to occupy him prior to my joining you. I will hopefully be able to help find him the attention that he needs to get through this terrible situation he's found himself in."

Whether she can accomplish that? Who knows. The world is complicated and not always compassionate toward those labeled 'villains'.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then looks over at the flashing lights as the first cop car pulls up. "I'd better give these to the cops." He looked to Rhino, then back to Diana. "Whatever you said, it seems to have eased him. Easy to forget these guys are people with their own problems."
He glances around, then says, "Maybe I can tell you a little more about them, if you want to hear." He looks to the cavalry, then says, "But...if you have official business, I make a point of not getting on the bad side of an international incident."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana turns away from the Rhino as the NYPD arrive. She knows that the Cops have a number of advanced weapons in their arsenal to handle things like Rhino, especially if they've been subdued by 'heroes' prior to the police being involved.

The Princess walks toward her sisters on the horses and she hands the javelin back to one of them before she looks back to Spider-man. She offers him a faint smile. "If you have more information that could help, then yes, I do want to hear it." Her gaze glances back to the Rhino then. "Nobody should have to bare what he is going through. Even if it was his own mistake, that price is too high for anyone to have to pay." She looks back to Peter then. "If you need help with any such foes or enemies again in the future, I will give you a way to contact me, should you desire it. Manhattan is my home as well, after all, I feel it best if we work together on things like this."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man hold up a finger. "Hold that thought, yer Majesty."

He jogs over to the plainclothes cop, an elderly gentleman with a weathered face. He takes the bag, then nods to Spidey and starts directing people.

Spidey jogs back, hooking a thumb over his shoulder. "That's Captain George Stacy. This is his precinct. He's a stand-up guy." He looks around. "They'll do the best they can for Aleksei. All they CAN do." He looks to the horsewomen, then to Diana. "Uhm...do you have time now, or does an army from Planet X need dealing with?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana speaks with her sisters as Spider-man jogs off to deal with the cops. But when he returns she's looking back over at him, sparing a glance up at the Officer that Spider-man refers to. She knows many of the Police around here, but she hadn't ever spoken to that one in particular. Her gaze returns to Peter and his question earns another faint smile of amusetment.

The Amazon warrior shakes her head side to side once. "No Planet X invasions are occuring at this moment that I am aware of." She tells him. "So yes, I have the time to speak at the present." She tells him then.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then looks over to Rhino, who still looks a little punch-drunk as he is being loaded onto a small truck.
For a moment, he just looks at the guy. Yes, the universe can be damned unfair.

He looks back to Diana, then says, "So...if you don't mind eating rustic, there's a place that sells pizza by the slice south of here, and a Cold Stone Creamery if you fancy dessert." He smirks. "And I don't mind if the entourage comes with."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go to Rhino too as he is hauled up and in to the specially designed vehicle for situations that warrant it, like him. She spares a glance to the officers conducting the operation and then looks back to Spider-man.

She shows him a soft smile and shakes her head once. "They will be staying here for the time being." She says, her sisters then summarily starting to move as their mounts begin to clip-clop their way past the Princess and start to go on patrol around the Officers who are well aware of the Amazons, many of them eyeballing them quite closely.

It's an interesting relationship there.

"I can go to either of those places." Diana tells him. "But we might attract quite a crowd, bare in mind. As we do sort of stand out at this moment." There's likely countless people recording both of them right this second.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Princess, this is New York, the city with the highest hero-per-capita in the world. If anyone is still staring at us at the pizza joint, I'll be duly amazed." He looked around, then said, "Probably shouldn't just stroll down there, though."

He lifts an arm, there is a THWIPP! and a webline hits the corner of a nearby roof. "Name of the place is Slice of New York." He winks (Yes, the eyepiece winks) and then he launches himself towards the supposed pizza place, slingshotting himself up to a respectable 35 feet above the ground before swinging between the buildings.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is familiar with the pizza place, she'd driven past it many times on her way to and from the Embassy, so when she arrives she does so in a fashion that is a little unsettling - if anyone were outside of the joint. But thankfully there isn't. A horn does honk from a passing vehicle when they see the Amazonian land, and they shout something in their car at her, pumping a fist in the air out of their window.

Diana motions toward that car and its driver before she smiles softly and turns to step toward the pizza place.

It's an interesting sight to see the woman in her Amazonian warmor open the door and step in to the business' interior. Her colled lasso at her side and her general demeanor one of casual friendliness.

Just about everyone in the city knows of her, but many likely don't expect her to just walk in to their store, or to the same store they're already inside of!

Peter Parker has posed:
When Spider-Man steps in, many are still gazing raptly at her. He sighs ruefully. Did he REALLY expect anyone to notice HIM with the Amazon Princess in attendance? It is to laugh, as Marvin the Martian would say.

The guy who looks like an old mobster is standing at the counter, pad in hand. "Uhm, what can I get ya?" He spots Spider-Man and says, "She with you?"
*Yeah, what are the odds of THAT happening?* "I just met the lady and recommended ya. I'll have my usual."

The guy turns enough for Diana to see the nametag with GUIDO printed on it. "Well, ma'am, what can I get you?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana stands tall when in person, her wedge heeled armored boots carry her up over over 6'0" in fact. making her closer to 6'2 or 6'3 even. She's a sight to see, especially up close and personal like this in her armor. Generally she doesn't wear this attire to places like this, but in this instance - if Peter could tell her more about what had just transpired, she'll make the public appearance as such.

She approaches the counter and stands there as the others speak, when he address her a sweet smile graces her lips and her eyes go to the menu. "I uh..." She starts, not too gracefully since she's not familiar with what this place has to offer.

"That." She motions with her right pointed finger. "The Eggplant Parmigiana." Her eyes drop back to the man behind the counter. "Only if you think I would enjoy it though." She says, a bit of playfulness on her voice for the fun of it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Guido smiles widely. He does have the look of a Sicilian more than one of the Italian tribes. He makes a note on his notepad, then says, "Yes, ma'am. We buy the eggplant fresh every morning."

Spider-Man finds a nice quiet corner, but doesn't sit quite yet. It is a little amusing to be completely ignored in favor of Diana. It's something he's used to, with MJ, Gwen...


He sighed to himself. File her under TTF - Try To Forget. Move on.

He took a deep breath, promising himself not to get too maudlin as he stands next to his chair.

Diana Prince has posed:
It only takes Diana a few moments to gather up her order and join Peter at the table he'd chosen. "They are very nice here." She says as she takes a seat at the table and then looks across it to the masked man. "I assume you do not take that mask off while you are eating then?" She asks with a little playful grin. "Seems as though that would be a -little- messy though." The Ambassador adds with her foreign accented voice.

She raises up the glass of tea she'd gotten and takes a sip from it.

"So what else can you tell me about... all of that? Do you have any idea who did that to the man? If they are still in operation and where they might be if they are? I would be eager to end said operation, if so."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man sits after Diana does, and he looks around before lifting the mask to just above his nose. Straight teeth, no mandibles, no bristly fur. An average face, from the nose down.

"Well...it was the Russian mob. The family that offered it was part of the Petrovitch family, out of Little Odessa. They had one of their old Soviet scientists spirited out of Mother Russia, someone working on a special suit of armor. With the usual amount of TESTING they do there. Aleksei was a loyal guy, but his boss, Viktor, wanted him to be the best bodyguard money could buy. Aleksei was loyal, willing to help. So they bolted him into that suit."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sips her drink and samples some of her food while she listens to Peter explain all of this to her. "Wretched." She quietly says then. "Dastardly." She adds even, her voice soft while she considers all of that which he explains.

"And now they have set him loose upon the world, unable to see ahead of what their foolish plans would do to someone." She shakes her head right to left. "You have learned a lot about this though, it means you are doing your research against those who you combat against."

She nods once toward him across from her.

"That is good." She tells him. "It is wise to know as much as you can in order to protect yourself. Again though, if we can find a way to free him from that armor, I would very much like to. It cannot possibly be 'impossible' to do it. But, I have run in to many odd things in my time."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Actually, I just finished a little project. A full database of the super-crooks I've run into, one I can call up on deomand. There's also a few other Spider-People around, and they can add info to the database as they see fit." He looks thoughtful. "I do have the prototype, if you'd like to see what I mean."

Okay. He is showing off. A little. Okay, more than a little. But he cannot help trying to think of some way he can Impress Wonder Woman. (Yeah, he thinks that with initial caps.)

Diana Prince has posed:
A bit more of her enjoyable meal is consumed, with refined and proper table manners, and Diana's eyes go from it to him periodically while he talks.

She dabs at her lips with a napkin and then shows him a slight grin. "So you are building your own small 'spider' team?" She asks him then. "That is good though. You would be wise to see about joining in on a larger team though, such as the Avengers. They could benefit from the knowledge and skills you displayed to me today. You are capable, I am sure of that. They could use that, all the help they can get after all."

She nods once to him then. "I would be happy to see that database as well. When I joined the Justice League, Superman had already sadly fallen. We are not the team that they once were because of it, but I still benefit from all the resources that they had gathered. More of that, is always appreciated. Only together, as a whole, can we better defend ourselfs - and the innocent - from those who would do them harm." She says all of that almost like a reshersed speech, but she says it casually and with a warm sincerety.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is awestruck for a moment. Not many people can pull off a speech like that with sincerity, let alone a straight face.

He coughs, then nods and grabs his backpack. "I kept the prototype, but I have the final product installed in my mask." He takes a small box out of the backpack, placing it on the table and opening it to reveal...a set of what looks like cheap black sunglasses, a pair of thin cotton gloves, and a set of earbud headphones. "Okay...the earbuds are marked R for right, L for left. Put these items on, and let me know when they are comfortable."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just gives a small smile after her speech is over and she watches him while she enjoys her meal a bit more. When he produces the earbuds she hears his direction and reaches out with her hands to accept them and do as told. Each one is placed in gently one after the other, both times she leans her head to the side a little so that her hand can get underneath her hair more easily whilst it drapes itself toward her shoulder.

Once they're in she nods across the table to him. "Okay." She tells him then before her hand then goes out to take her tea cup up for another drink from the straw poking out of the top of it. "How are you funding your independent heroics?" She asks him though. "Are you wealthy?" It's personal info, but well, she doesn't feel ashamed to ask considering.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Not by a long shot." He holds up one arm as the other fishes a tablet out of the backpack. She can see approximately thirty-four places where the suit has been mended, sewn together, patched, or simply replaced. And that's just the arm and upper torso. "It wasn't until recently that I could even afford to build THIS."

Then he presses a button on the screen, and Diana's view changes. She can still see the interior of the restaurant, but now there are symbols, tables, icons around the perimeter of her vision. A sign appears over Spider-Man's head, one that says, "SPIDER-MAN: Mostly Harmless."

"It's called augmented reality. You see the world around you, but the overlay can provide additional information. So, say, Search, Rhino."

Diana Prince has posed:
The augmented reality system comes online and the Princess' expression turns in to one of elated happiness. She seems to like it, to say the least. Her eyes scan around at everything, including the 'mostly harmless' over his head that gets a laugh from the woman. "This is impressive." She tells him then, raising her elegantly arched eyebrows up above her brown eyes for emphasis on how she feels about this system. "I know that other heroics use similar things to this. But the fact that you put this together on your own? That speaks volumes about your capabilities."

As she glances around a bit more to take in what all she can see with the AR system on, she continues. "Search: Rhino." Diana then finally says, as instructed to do-so.

Peter Parker has posed:
A panel comes up with Rhino's face, as well as a display of most of the information Spidey had already provided her. There is a small personal note at the bottom:

Note: He may be almost impossible to stop, but he's also been done wrong by the people he trusted, people he pledged to protect. Getting him angry can lead to error, but don't get personal. You don't want to be known as being a source of contempt. He could be any one of us. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

"You can also access the Internet, speak to other members of this private network, even leave messages and pinpoint locations. Try saying, Location, Stark Tower."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes can be visibly seen reading the information that is being displayed to her and when she refocuses her stare across the table on to Spider-man, she affords him a warm smiole. "This wonderful." She tells him. "You will have to add me to the list of people that you can reach out to via this. I would be happy to be an ally to help you face off against dangers such as Aleksei."

Her gaze then goes back to the display before her and she speaks what he tells her to. "Location: Stark Tower." Of course she's well aware of where the Tower is, but she does this to see what will occur. "You know this would be very valuable technology, yes? You may not be wealthy now, but this sort of device could likely help get you there."

Peter Parker has posed:
A red pointer suddenly appears to Diana's left. There is only a blank wall there, but she can still see the pointer. Under it, a title reads: STARK TOWER, 8.3 MILES.

Spider-Man is silent for a moment. "...I don't want to be wealthy. I want to be effective. I want to be able to help people the best way I can. And if it means living like a pauper to be that person...well, I can live with that. I've lived poor most of my life."

He pauses, then looks up as the food arrives. "Thanks." He looks back to Diana. "Now, do you want to get notifications on your phone, or do you want a rig that's like this? Only without the cheap sunglasses and such. Something less obtrusive..."

He seems a little surprised that someone like Wonder Woman would want to connect to Spider-Comm. But hey, if she wants to apply herself that way, who was he to gatekeep?

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go to where the AR device is pointing Stark Tower out to be, she grins lightly as she lingers her gaze there for a moment before she looks back to Peter. At his question she reaches up to her right ear and she pulls a small silver 'hook' device off from around the back of it. "This is my Justice League comm unit." She says then, pushing it across the table to him. "It allows me to hear all the transmissions from the League's automated monitoring equipment around the globe. It is also connected to the Avengers now. But, it is serviced through my phone." Her hand goes behind her back to a leather pouch on her harness that is strapped around her torso.

With a clip noise, she pulls her phone out and sets it on the table as well. "I keep this on me almost always, so if your comms can go to it as well, then I will be connected to your network also." She shows him a quick smile then. "I... I like to be here for others as much as I can be now. I have been a public heroic for three years now, and in the absence of one like Superman, I am trying to live up to his legacy."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then points a finger at the phone. There is a quiet "beep," and a new contact called SPIDER-MAN appears. "I can configure messages to come through. The A/R interface, though...that might be tricky, but if you want that, too, I can figure something out." He chuckles slightly. "I'm not too proud to think I can handle anything, Wonder Woman. I'd be glad for the help."

He smiles and takes a bite of his pizza. "It will be intresting to introduce you to the others. You'll have your own 'account' for people to message you with. And since it's a private network, only those who are part of it know it exists."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana takes her phone and Justice League comm device back then and she puts them back where she needs them. A slight grin is shown then to Peter before she samples her eggplant dish. After another sip of tea though she speaks up again. "Well, it is an honor to be apart of that Network." She tells him then. "I have heard of much of your exploints around the city and even seen you swinging about in the distance a few times. To meet others in your group will be exciting and fun." She shows a quick smile to him then.

"But yes, just being on the audio-side of things is generally enough for me to get by. I guess that is dating me, age-wise, though?" She grins softly. "Nine hundred years old, but still willing to try new technology! I should be given more credit, I say." She's teasing of course, saying that out of good humored fun.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks. After a moment, his mouth opens, and since his mind is locked up with the idea of a 900-year-old person, his mouth (which frequently works independently of his mind) says, "...You don't look a day over 400."