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Commissions of the unusual sort
Date of Scene: 05 May 2020
Location: Raatko Arts and Antiquities
Synopsis: Latverian emissaries visit Raatko Arts and Antiquities in search of certain artifacts.
Cast of Characters: Nyssa al Ghul, Zora Vukovic, Samantha Dunbar

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Raatko Arts and Antiquities claims to be a venerable institution. If anyone bothers to research the company, they'll find references as early as the mid 1800s, though certainly not at the level that the organization claims today. Funny how the modern world opens up so much interest in things from the past.

The business is a quiet sort even now, though. Not for them the bustle of Wall Street and the Instagram trendiness of high fashion. Instead, the office is in an older part of the city, well-established and with no real obvious signage intended to draw people off the street. Those who seek their services generally know what they're looking for.

Inside, a young woman sits at a reception desk, framed by dark paneling and Tiffany lamps. Even the phone looks like an antique.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    The door opens, as a tall young woman steps in. Dressed in slacks and a button-up blouse with a comfortable vest in green with gold thread embroidered along the edge and hem while leaving her arms free. Comfortable, low shoes are worn on her feet. Her hair is long and brown, waving and mussed...pulled back in a ponytail that's more efficient than decorative. She might blend with any bohemian section of the city, the embroidered vest standing out just a bit from more mass-produced or designer clothing many wear.

    She steps to the side, unconsciously holding the door open for the woman behind her, before letting it close as she looks around quietly, but with alert eyes. A soldier's eyes.

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
The woman trailing the first is dressed almost her opposite. She is wearing a smart, and expensive looking all-black business suit. A trim of green is seen beneath the coat, and it makes Zora's bohemian garb stand out all the more. It should be noted that she, too, is quite tall. Yet, they clearly are arriving together as Samantha nods to her counterpart and moves to glance around the room, assessing as a soldier would - for ways out, dangers, other persons. It might be missed by someone who isn't aware of what it looks like.

"Mm," she sounds between pressed lips, as if passing on some integral judgement on the place. Or, perhaps, passing some otherwise unspoken message onto her counterpart.

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
The young woman at reception looks up as the other women enter, smiling politely. "Welcome, ladies," she greets them, standing up to open up an old-fashioned appointment book. "Did you have an appointment today?"

Just then, another woman starts down the wood-paneled stairs behind them, steps confident. "Madison, when you get a chance, please look into booking a flight to Amsterdam for Michael for next week's appraisal," she says, her voice a rich, low tone. There's a slight accent when she speaks, though it's difficult to gauge where from.

In close-fitting black pants, a white silk blouse, and a neatly tailored black jacket, she has an air of certainty about her that suggests she's highly placed here. "My apologies," she smiles faintly. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    The first woman, with the long brown hair and vest, nods slightly. "No interruption. We do not have an appointment, but I hoped that we might speak to someone associated with unusual acquisitions....beyond art or normal antiquities." She walks over towards the front desk, her heels clicking softly as she does. "My superior prefers that such discussions be very private." She reaches into her vest, then pulls out a card with two fingers, setting it on the desk. Green, and gold. The Latverian crest on it. "Would it be possible to speak with someone with that authority?"

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    The second woman follows in wake of the first, though the air about her is anything but that of an assistant. She adds to what was already said, "We have it on good authority that your establishment may be able to meet the select needs of the person whom we repesent." As to why they did not make an appointment, she does not offer any further insight into that particular matter.

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Nyssa arches a dark brow, reaching out to take the card from the reception desk and waving off the receptionist as she inspects it. "As it happens, you seem to have arrived at precisely the right time for that sort of discussion," she says with a small smile, holding the card between two fingers as she offers it back to Zora. Best not to leave evidence of private discussions lying around, after all.

"Please, come with me," she invites, stepping past them to a parlor to the left, decorated in antique furnishings. She waits by the pocket doors, nodding once to the receptionist to indicate that they are not to be interrupted.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora takes the card back, tucking it away, nodding simply as she goes to follow Nyssa into the room, stepping in to look around and turning to follow Nyssa as she steps backwards to make room for Samantha again. Used to moving with her to keep an eye on the room around them, apparently.

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    Samantha does indeed sweep the room, and at least by her countenance she seems satisfied enough as they make their way into the secluded parlor. "Thank you," she states with a measure of sincerity. "I am Samantha. My collegue is Zora. We understand your time is valuable. I assure you, we shall not waste it."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
Once the others are inside, Nyssa pulls the sliding doors closed, gesturing them toward a seating area while stepping over to a sideboard where a metal kettle sits on an induction plate - an odd conjunction of old and new, but a functional one all the same.

"I have no doubt," she replies to Samantha with a ghost of a smile. "Already you've been interesting enough to merit at least a cup of tea." A brush of her thumb, and the current is on, heating the water.

"Zora, Samantha. I am Nyssa Raatko. This is my establishment. And I am //most// curious as to what would bring agents of Latveria to someone else's door." Leaning back against the sideboard, she follows their gazes around the room. "I assure you, this is a secure location."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora takes a seat, crossing her legs as she does as she shifts in the chair. "Excellent." she says, her Latverian accent obvious now. "To put things plainly, then - we are here quietly to avoid attention. Hidden from the eyes, out from the heart..." She tilts her head. "Our lord is interesting in items of an arcane nature. Do you deal in such things? He may also be interested in certain rare scientific equipment."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    Samantha, too, takes a seat. "Tea would be lovely," she agrees, and notes as an aside, "We are, as you likely have already guessed, in a position to barter on behalf of our Lord. We are not concerned with identities, if you have clients who wish to remain anonymous. Only the quality."

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"I have come across such items in the past," Nyssa inclines her head. "They are...a delicate matter. Not to speak ill of your master, but all too often those who purchase such items find they do not work as expected, and have a tendency to blame the provider for the failure." Her smile is sharp as a knife's edge. "To be honest, I have never appreciated such accusations."

Crossing her arms loosely over her chest, she taps one finger against a bicep. "Is there a particular artifact for which you are searching? Or is it only a...right of first refusal on those located? Or are you checking the local inventory?"

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "Doom does not blame the hand that brings him such things for such flaws, unless they are concealed deliberately from him." Zora says steadily. "Some flaws are even those that a mind such as his can find ways to exploit in new experiments." She taps her fingers against the arm of the chair absently. "It is more a class of artifact we seek. Those dealing with bridging dimensional spaces. Artifacts of summoning. Or those of a...hellish nature that are connected to such things."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    "Flaws are a fundamental means to knowledge," agrees Samantha to Zora's assurance. "Doom often does things which men have failed at before him." Like creating their own Heralds, among the many others. "He rewards those, rather, that provide him with what he requires," she says, looking Nyssa in the eye.
    There is a brief pause, and she exchanges a look with Zora, then looks back to Nyssa. "Or, those that deal with anything, really, in manipulating, or accessing dimensional spaces. We understand such things are rare. That is why we've come here. We understand you're able to - occasionally - procure rare things for select clientele."
    And who could be more 'select' than Victor Von Doom?

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"Interesting." Before Nyssa can offer any further observations, the kettle starts to whistle. She turns away from the others to pour two cups, setting them on a tray with a quiet, ritual sort of smoothness. Bringing the tray over to them, she sets it down on the coffee table, inviting them to partake with a wave of her hand.

"I can't say that I'm currently away of anything truly interdimensional, but I've a few leads on artifacts of hellish summoning I could look into. With the caveat, of course, that such things are dangerous and not to be taken lightly, though I imagine your lord is well aware of such cautions."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    Zora selects one of the cups, blowing over it, then sipping from it carefully. More for taste...the heat doesn't seem to bother her, as she take sa second drink almost immediately when it's to her liking. "Of course. You are an expert in this; we would expect you to understand the dangers...as well as the rewards, involved." the Herald of Doom says steadily. "We would not approach you in his name if you were not respect for many years of operation and satisfied customers."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    "Consider it a standing offer. First refusal would be something He would enjoy, certainly. He would like to maintain privacy on this offer, however. Some may - misunderstand - misinterpret - his desires for this type of knowledge." She then takes up her cup of tea, blows lightly on it and sips, delicately. She smiles. "Do we have an accord then?"

Nyssa al Ghul has posed:
"I believe that I may be of assistance, yes," Nyssa dips her chin to Samantha. "I will look into those artifacts of which I am already aware and will keep my ears open for anything else that might be of interest." She pours herself a cup of tea as well, adding just a splash of milk before lifting the cup to her lips.

"Should I locate something beyond the reach of our usual acquisition abilities, I assume you would like to hear of it, so that you can seek it our yourselves?" she asks, arching a brow between them.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
    "That would be acceptable. It may be that my Lord will consider alternate payments, as well, beyond simple currency, depending what you require in trade." Zora notes, sipping sedately from her tea. "But information on these items is equally useful, in its own way."

Samantha Dunbar has posed:
    "Excellent. When you have something, you can simply call the Latverian Embassy and ask for either myself, or Zora. If we are not in, then we will be certain to get back with you quite quickly as our schedule allows," Samantha instructs, her tone quite pleased with how this visit has gone.
    She looks to Zora, "And, as that sums this up, I have some other matters to attend to." She finishes off her tea, "Thank you, again, Nyssa. I - we - look forward to working with you. If you will both excuse me."