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Latest revision as of 15:55, 6 May 2020

Fear of Missing Out
Date of Scene: 04 May 2020
Location: Sally's Brownstone, New York
Synopsis: Heidi takes Sally flying... only it's not Sally. It's other Sally. Oops.
Cast of Characters: Heidi Ingerdottir, Sally Houki

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Not everyone got to ride a pegasus. Even fewer got to ride a pegasus from Asgard. Heidi, however, was tasked with training them and that meant she could take liberties with the steed she was training for herself, Eira. That meant Sally got a ride, mostly because had seemed so enamored of the idea. That and Heidi was feeling nicer than usual.

The flight was majestic--her skill in guiding the horse's course through the air rivaled the best of equestrians who only had to deal with the ground and not the air. While there were times that they were above the clouds, there were a few times where they dipped just a touch lower to be able to point out areas in New York. Heidi, of course, didn't know the city entirely but pointed out the places she'd been before (and, more importantly, listing all the people she'd met there and things she'd done).

Eira had been ditched on a rooftop, Heidi giving a particular whistle to send her off home before returning to the sidewalk with Sally. Heading in towards the house, the Asgardian is rambling about pizza. "It is strange how creative different cultures get with the same general concept. Truly it is one of the most universal pieces of cuisine. I do not understand why some have been so angry about pineapple..."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally greeted the Pegasus ride with the excitement and enthusiasm one expected of her, actually. She was happy to go along with it when Heidi approached anmd pretty much spent the whole time with her hands in the air and screaming. She LOVED it.

It was the best thing ever.

As they drift closer to her Brooklyn home, Sally just sort of enthuses at her the whole way. "I don't get it either! Pineapple is awesome!" She's a little distracted, and with this long close to her, Heidi might begun to notice just the... subtly unsettling sense of her. Like there's just something off. Then again, maybe she's missed it. It's not impossible.

She was defintiely THRILLED with the ride, though, and she clings to Heidi's side on the way home, laughing. "I know the BEST pizza places. I can take you there later!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi, while often perceptive in some ways, is a little less so in others. While there is something strange, she's not going to point it out. Wouldn't be polite. She instead is cheerful as ever as the two of the make their way towards the house.

"I would like to eat an entire pizza, but I want every slice to have different toppings." She says this with confidence--it's a life goal. "We should certainly try this, I think."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally nods towards Heidi,, though. "We should definitely do the thing! Anyway, I'm gonna duck inside here and you can go ahead and get yourself some pizza from the fridge because I'm pretty sure I have pizza in the fridge." A pause. "I always have pizza in the fridge." Another pause.

"...unless I ate it all?" She shrugs, then heads inside upon reaching the brownstone, clearly fine with Heidi following her in while she's heading for the stairs up to another floor.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Given the go-ahead, Heidi heads inside. The lure of pizza is strong, and given that the suggestion was made, the Asgardian retreats in the direction of the kitchen. And, more importantly, the fridge. She's heard tell that pizza is good cold, so she's looking forward to trying.

Also she doesn't know how to use a microwave yet. She's eaten all her leftovers cold. For months.

Sally Houki has posed:
That's when Sally... comes into the kitchen from the living room. She blinks at Heidi.

"Heidi?" she asks, confused. A little surprised. "What are you doing here?" She blinks several more times. She's in her nightgown, actually, and looks like she just woke up from a nap. Her hair is sticking up in places.

She yawns.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Did you get whatever it was you needed, friend Sally? You look a little tired." Heidi gestures towards Sally, then makes a motion on her own hair to try and indicate her hair is standing up. "I'm here because we just got back, of course. Unless you didn't want me to come in? I thought when you said I could get pizza..."

She looks puzzled, for a moment, trying to remember exactly how it was phrased to see how she could have misinterpreted. "Should I not eat the pizza?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"...no, no eat the pizza, when did you even get here, th--" Sally pauses when she hears a thump from upstairs. Where Heidi saw Sally go mere seconds ago.

Then she looks at Heidi. Then back up again. Then at Heidi again.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Alright, but I hope you remember in thirty seconds that you told me to eat the pizza," Heidi says. She clearly thinks Sally's suffering from some kind of memory loss. She moves for the fridge to try and see if there actually is pizza. It could have been eaten.

"Does it have pineapple?"

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally looks so confused.

"I'm... gonna go take a shower. You eat the pizza. I'll be back in like... a little bit?" She says, scratching her head. Did she invite Heidi over and forget about it? Maybe. That could be a thing that happened unless... unless.

She picks up her phone from her pocket and proceeds to flick through it, standing right there in her robe.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi peeks at Sally for a long moment, not immediately moving. "Alright," she says slowly. "If you are not feeling well, perhaps you should lie down as well?" She does seem concerned, but pries herself away to go get the pizza. Even as she opens the fridge, she craning her neck as she peeks back behind the door to see if she can see Sally still. Hopefully she won't, as Sally seeing her like this would probably rather embarrassing.

Sally Houki has posed:
"No, no. I'm okay. I just woke up when I thought I heard someone which I did. Were you... were you out with my sister?" she asks, carefully. Because she's starting to piece together what *might* have happened.

Her alternate selves not being under her DIRECT control can prove quarrelsome at times. She is still looking at her phone. Trying to see if she has messages from Heidi on it. Then she slaps a hand over her face.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"What do you mean out with your sister?" Heidi has now backed away from the fridge, shutting the door and moving back in Sally's direction. "We just went for a ride, remember? Flying over New York?" She looks skeptical. "It couldn't have been your sister, she was just like you and responded when I said 'friend Sally' and never said anything about things..."

She tilts her head to the side. "Wait, which are you now? Wait, what's your sister's name? Wait, is her name Sally?" There's a long pause. "Are you Loki playing a trick, because I didn't think I was interesting enough to play a trick on and I'm sure there are better things to do like /anything/ with Sif..."

Sally Houki has posed:
".. a ride? You mean.. the pegasus ride?" Sally's eyes narrow. The ride. The ride she had been looking forward to. THAT RIDE. /That one!/. She thros her hands up in the air.

Up above, the shower turns on.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Yes, we rode Eira across the city and I told you about all of the interesting people in the city and I pointed out what I knew and..." Heidi tilts her head to the side. "You are sure it was not you and it was your sister? It seems an awfully cruel game for her to play if that is what this is."

There's also the part of her that isn't sure if Sally's ill. Heidi reaches a hand towards her forehead to test for fever but stops quickly when she realizes how rude that'd be. "... I mean I would hope it was not forgettable."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally holds a finger up. Just her pointer finger. "ONe moment," she turns and she heads for the stairs.

She goes up the stairs, leaving Heidi with her pizza. Her cold pizza.

A door is slammed.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The ziplock bag of pizza is opened, and Heidi pulls out a piece. She bites into it and nods, satisfied that pizza is just as good cold, though she misses the stringiness of hot cheese. She chews in silence, her gaze tilting upwards towards the ceiling.

Yeah, she is absolutely going to try and listen for whatever she can hear from down there.

Sally Houki has posed:
There's words being exchanged in Japanese that Heidi, can, of course hear. Her hearing is good, isn't it?

"That was supposed to be my trip!"

"You were asleep! I was doing you a favor! I thought that's what you wanted!"


"It was fun, okay! I AM TRYING TO SHOWER!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's another bite of pizza. It's good. Crust isn't as soft, but the toppings all stay on which is a nice touch. Heidi chews thoughtfully, looking around the room for a moment before she wanders to sit on the couch, still listening in. She's definitely feeling a little awkward that there was a mix up.

With her free hand, she checks her phone. Yep, no messages.

Sally Houki has posed:
"That's it, DONE WITH YOU today." The shower then continues running for a while. Of course, what Sally did was get rid of this particular clone pettily before it could tell her... anything about the pegasus ride. At all.

Oh well.

She showers instead and briefly forgets what she's mad about before returning in a fresh bathroobe, hair done up.

"Heeey, Heidiiii," she says, moving over towards her for a hug once she's down here.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi has finished the pizza by the time Sally has returned. She's actually finished the whole bag of leftover pizza, which she hadn't intended to do, but she didn't really have anything else to occupy herself with so it just /happened/. She also couldn't figure out where to put the ziplock bag... so it ended up neatly folded (as much as it could stay folded) on the kitchen counter. She gets up from her seated position on the couch when Sally reappears.

She hugs gently, offering a very warm smile. "So did everything turn out alright? I assume it was a joke from your sister?" She pauses. "I do feel bad that I didn't know. I am not sure how to tell you two apart, though I thought something might be off."

Sally Houki has posed:
"My sister?" blinks Sally.

"OH yeah! My sister, Ahahahahah! Yeah, we sorted it out. It was, uh. Well. We'll just have to go for another Pegasus ride later!" Shje beams at her, wanting to move past. "WAs it good pizza?" She asks after a moment. Throat clear.

She smiiles up at Heidi.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is suspicious. It's hard to tell what she thinks is actually happening, but she's giving Sally a careful look as if somehow she could visually assess whatever the problem was. It's a skeptical and concerned look, but when she can't find anything... it quickly returns to her calm-yet-excited and chipper demeanor.

"Well then, I shall have to show you everything and I will better remember all of the stories I should tell. It was all just practice!" She's at least put a positive spin to it. "The pizza was delightful. It is nice cold but I do like hot cheese better... a softer crust as well. Ha! Listen to me, talking like I am a true judge of Midgardian cuisine."

Sally Houki has posed:
"...why didn't you microwave it then?" asks Sally, confused. THE QUESTION IS ARISEN. "Hey, you don't have to be all knowing. You just have to know what appeals to you!" She's grateful for the change of conversational topics, and anyway, she'll get c arried along with it. "I can totally a whole bunch of different pizzas for you to try!" She seems to miss that Heidi was ever concenred at all, and it's not like she asked why she was talking about Loki. Then again, she might've just forgotten.

She scratches her head, takes her phgone in hand, and adds, "Yes! We'll do the things." DISTRACTIONWS!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Why didn't I... what?" Heidi looks confused as to exactly what's being referred to. "I do find food tends to be a uniting factor here. It is very easy to get someone to talk about something they like. Poetry and philosophy and history seem to be somewhat less liked. I shall have to do more reading so that I can talk about more current events."

She looks around the room. "How is it you earned the money for your home, friend Sally? I have found it is very... interesting trying to earn Midgardian currency. Have you a trade?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh, Heidi. We have *got* to teach you about the wonders if kitchens. I'll make us some hot chocolate instead," she goes on, heading over to the cabinets and opening them up. "Have you ever had hot chocolate before?" she queries, "And I think you just have to know your audience. Anyway, I own a bunch of stocks..." A pause, "... investments in like busineses and stuff and I provide a few services to the right people who like them. It's nothing big but it affords me a comfortable lifestyle." She smiles, then places two cups in the microwave to heat them before pouring the chocolate powder into them. With marshmellows.

"Behold, the micro-wave! It heats things. You can have hot cheese whenever you like with one of these!"

Blah blah blah try to get past the awkward questions!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I am not exactly used to /this/ sort of a kitchen," Heidi admits. "But no, I am not sure that I have had hot chocolate. It does sound pleasant though. Is it sweet or savory?" Uh oh. The key thing to realize here is /she's not had chocolate/. "It sounds very professional. I suppose I am merely used to earning money with a trade rather than..." She's more blue collar, less white collar.

She takes a moment to be distracted by the microwave, peering at it for a moment. "There's no fire that I can see... is it powered by some kind of magic? It is an electronic, I can see, but I do not see how that makes enough heat to heat cheese."

Sally Houki has posed:
It's definitely the thing that Sally keys in on. Heidi does not seem to know that cocoa is sweet. This can only mean one thing.

"Oh my gooooood. You're in for SUCH a treat." Sally proceeds to wait for the bepp and then pulls the glases out and proceeds to mix the cocoa powder in and stir, stir, stir.

She holds it out to Heidi. "Savor it," she tells her. "Savor it so much. And yeah, I try to be professional, even if I don't always like my clients. Still, I get to help the people I *do* like often enough."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Working with horses sounds like the better option," Heidi says with a grin. She takes the mug, though she's careful as it does seem to be quite hot. Amazing how such things work. "I do find that it is much harder to use that skill here. People do not use horses as often nor do they need someone to train them."

She scowls just a bit. "I should pick up more Midgardian skills. Even my prowess in battle isn't something I could earn money off of." Money was not exactly the first thing on her mind about coming to Midgard. She distracts herself, however, by taking a sip. It's hot, that strikes her, but it's not enough to make her not drink it.

Then she simply looks /delighted/.

Sally Houki has posed:
"There are people, rich people, who would *love* to pay you for your horse expertise. I don't think you should waste your time on them, though," answers Sally, warmly. Then she waits for it. The sip is coming... and then it's there. The delight she takes in *Heidi's* delight is obvious. "Right? Right? And that's just hot water mixed with chocolate. There are chocolate bars, chocolate milkshakes, dark chocolates, white chocolates. We are now embarking on a grand adventure to taste ALL the chocolates!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I like chocolate," Heidi agrees. How she'd managed to not try chocolate so far is surprising. Somehow, though, she'd survived. "So it sounds as if you will have to show me chocolate and pizza. Not together." She pauses. "And I do recall mention of sushi before." So they're back to food again!

"I find that a lot of times people will give me things for free, especially if I take a picture with them. Midgardians seem so fond of doing it. Are they afraid they'll forget the moment?"

Sally Houki has posed:
Of course they are. Sally would much rather talk about /anything/ than herself. It's her least favorite subject.

The girl moves closer and links arms with Hedii thereafter.

"There are alot of things to show you! And you can tell me all about history and poetry too. I don't get to talk to someone from Asgard every day. Well, you know, I didn't USED to. but now that we're friends it's totally cool."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Prince Thor would talk your ear off if you let him. He's very... jovial, I'd say. Prince Loki is a bit intimidating so I doubt he'd be very chatty. Lady Sif is one of my dearest friends but she can seem a bit cold if you don't know her well." Heidi seems to slowly be thinking of all the Asgardians that might be around the vicinity of Midgard that could reasonably be talked to.

"But you are very right. I am always available to talk. Spending time with people is one of my favorite things, and I enjoy experiencing Midgard. Things are different and new and exciting and so many people are delightfully strange." Including the one she's talking to.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Me too! I love people!" Sally beams at Heidi. "That's probably why we get along so well. We both like all the things and people," she nods. It's true, right? "People /are/ strangey." She reaches up to ruffle Heidi's hair and then has a drink of her cocoa. Mmmn. Cocoa. "I hope I never meet Loki," she adds. "He seems, you know... like... kinda dangerous, I guess?" But he COULD make a good client. NO. THAT WAYS LIES PROBLEMS.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi makes a face at the ruffle. Not because she doesn't like it but because it messes with the carefully braided look she's got going on. And darn does she have a /lot/ of hair. Hard to tell how long with the braids and the way they're wound around her head.

"Oh no, it would probably be bad to meet Prince Loki. He is not, from what I've seen, terribly fond of being nice to Midgardians. He can be very funny, he's also very clever and very mischivous. However he is very dangerous and I would not want to be his enemy." She pauses. "Which is why I'm not his enemy."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Yeaaaah, you hear the stories in the news. This world is crazytowns," says Sally, looking up towards the ceiling in thought. "Super crazytowns," she adds a moment later, playing with Heidi's hair absently becasue that's just the sort of thing you do when you're not paying attention anyore.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The braid comes undone from where it's pinned at the top of her head, leaving it hanging. It stretches at least down to her waist. "Every realm has its own unique troubles, certainly," Heidi admits. "And I did come here because I expected there to be trouble. I can't become a Valkyrie without a great battle." Something big is bound to happen, she's sure of it.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally is still doing it, of course, because Heidi hasn't even pointed it out. Hair. It's cute and it's there and she's got her hand reached up to do it. Her mind has wandered completely off the topic. "Yeah, why do you want to be a Valkyrie anyway?" she asks. "I mean, it's cool, but there's more to it than that? I mean, most people don't *want* to be in great battles. I don't. Is this just like a ... asgardian cultural thing?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Valkyries are the most elite. They are the strongest women warriors, the only ones allowed to ride the pegasi, they help to ferry the souls of the dead to Valhalla. If I can become a Valkyrie, it is the proof that I am /someone/. I am the strongest Asgard has to offer." Heidi looks over, unconcerned about the hair. Probably because it's nice--and no one, honestly, ever touches her hair.

"Wouldn't you want to be the best at something if you could be? To prove to others your worthiness?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"...I mean, I guess? But I don't really *need* to be the best either," admits Sally, thoughtfully, "Sometimes, it's just enough to see what tomorrow can bring." Her eyes lose focus. Her mind starts to wander. She's still playing with the air, of course, but you know. She's thinking about the future.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi shakes her head a little bit. "Don't you want something? Something other than living another day? Life seems so meaningless to me without something to look forward to. Food, friends, battle, it's all something I can throw myself into, that I can wake up excited for. And if I strive hard enough and achieve a high enough position, then perhaps I'll truly be someone."

Sally Houki has posed:
"A lot of people don't *get* another day. Sometimes, another day is all you can ask for." Sally muses, thoughtfully. "I mean, of course I *want* things. To scale that mountain, meet that superhero, get myself the milkshake. I've got plenty of things I want and I've got most of what I need, I guess. I mean, look at where I live." A pause. She looks around. Oh yeah. This IS her home.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I have had a lot of days, friend Sally." Heidi says, glancing over. "I suppose when your life is fragile and your days slowly counting down you worry that your life may end." She looks around. "But you have a lovely house and you can stop and admire it any time you want and go 'I worked hard for this'. You accomplished something and deserve to be lauded for it."

She nods slowly. "Ah, something I remember talking about with a friend... Asgard and Midgard are different. When someone accomplishes something, on Midgard if they are to proudly announce and show off what they have done, people look down on them. Bragging seems rude here. In Asgard, we are the opposite. If you were to tell me that you had gotten this beautiful house, I would celebrate with you. I would tell all my friends how you had accomplished something great. That way, we can all enjoy what you have done and be happy for you."

Sally Houki has posed:
"How old are you, anyway?" says Sally, a bit caught off guard by the way she says that. She'd assumed she was... younger, but then, this IS an Asgardian and who knows how those things work that aren't ASgardian? She does nod, "Yeah, I guess. Boasting isn't all that appropriate where I'm from," she adds. That, and she's a fugitive, but she's not going to share that.

Yet. HEr eyes finally focus on her hand and she drops it from Heidi's hair.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi pauses for a moment. She has to calculate out the exact year. "Twelve hundred and fourty-seven," she somehow counts off of her fingers. "The other Asgardians here are older, though within a couple of hundred years or so. Sif and I were friends as children, so the age gap wasn't terribly extreme." She offers a bright smile. "So now we shall have to celebrate your accomplishments when you next have one."

With the hand gone from her hair, she reaches up to check her braid--most certainly too mussed to keep braided. No salvaging that! So, instead, she pulls the tie from the end of it and starts to undo the braid entirely.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally Houki takes a moment to squee at her hair. "Oh my gosh you have the BEST hair." She flicks the ends of her own, which is presntly dyed red at the tips. She seems like she changes it *constantly*... which is probably not all that surprising.

"Yes! You can totally celebrate... something for me! I'm sure we'll do that! Maybe my first pegasus ride!"

Wait, that again?

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The Asgardian's hair is certainly impressive. Once it's all unbraided, it's clear that it's well-maintained and waist-length. Heidi seems pleased by the compliment. "Thank you!" She replies with a chipper tone. "But if celebrating the ride is what you would like, we can certainly do that."

There's a long pause. "Usually it's for having done something hard, though."

Sally Houki has posed:
"You have such pretty haaaair," enthuses Sally all over again. "Well, I mean, that IS hard. Most midgardians don't make friends with ASgardians who give them pegasi rides!" She teases her, of course, then ads, "I mean, we c an celebratge with a ride! But I mostly don't have any idea right now." She blinks her eyes at her. "I guess I've just sort of been..." She throws her hands up and gesticulates vaguely in the air.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi grins after a moment. "Then, friend Sally, you are celebrating our friendship." That certainly doesn't need to be something she questions. "I appreciate your passionate gesture, but I can't say I entirely understand what you mean." She looks over at Sally. "Do you mean you don't know about what to celebrate?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"I don't! I'm not even sure where to start with it." Sally pulls up her smart phone, though, and proceeds to put a song on!

"CELEBRATE GOOOD TIMES COME ON," starts playing loudly over its speaker. She sets it aside and starts to bop to it because, well, why not.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi blinks at the phone, then narrows her eyes suspiciously at the dodge. She's not dumb, it's a pretty obvious attempt at distraction. "Friend Sally, are you feeling bad about your life?" It's an honest question, and she tilts her head to the side and looks on with a concerned expression.

Sally Houki has posed:
"..mmmnoooo?" She blinks at Heidi, confusedly. "My life is pretty great, actually. I'm alive, I'm fairly well to do. I.." She lets out a sigh and looks away from her. "Well, I mean. I do have *some* problems," she acknowledges. No, really, Sally? You have some problems? You only don't seem to know what's going on half the time./

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The Asgardian gives a small smile. "Sally, I hope you know that I am not just here to celebrate things or charge into battle or learn things. I am genuinely here to be a friend." Heidi nods her head. "You cannot be a poet without having a deep knowledge of the heart and the mind. You may tell me your troubles, if you wish."

Sally Houki has posed:
Aw. Sally looks like she appreciates that. She throws her arms around Heidi and HUGS her.

"You. You're a good person. Really. I can tell. I can see that there's a good chacne you'll accomplish you goals." A beat. "Well, there's also a good chance you'll wind up being ground beneath the boot of someone also, but you have a good chance of the other one too! You're a good person who deserves good things. I'm gonna focus on *that* possibility." She beams.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi laughs, hugging back. "I am much stronger than my enemies. If I were to die, I'll certainly die a warrior's death and I hope that someone would remember me for it. It would certainly be a battle, that's for sure." She shakes her head. "But you are also kind to think of me and very much not talking about yourself or your problems." There's a chiding tone to that.

Sally Houki has posed:
Also, Sally couldn't lie about her problems if she wanted to: she'd forget what she said. Unless it's about her sister.

She has a lot of sisters.

Anyway, Sally leans on her and makes a happy sound. "Well, no dying for you. I'd be very upset." She squints up at her. "You're pretty cool, Heidi. Not everyone cares about other people's problems so much." Most people just let her skate through life.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I do not plan on dying any time in your lifetime, Sally." Heidi does sound very convinced of this. "I would not want to make the people who care about me sad. I value their happiness." She squeezes Sally and proceeds to ruffle her hair after a moment. "Perhaps not everyone cares about other people's problems because they do not truly care about other people. I enjoy learning about what people are like and reveling in the differences of the people around me."

Sally Houki has posed:
"You're very sweet," says Sally to Heidi, warmly. She means it, too. She looks up at her. Then there's teh ruffling. She flails, of course, even though she obviously takes pleasure in the gesture of affection.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi grins. "I am glad you think so. I try to be. I appreciate seeing people happy and if I can help in that, I will. People deserve to be appreciated and if no one will appreciate them, I will." She laughs. "It is very taxing at times. There are a great deal of people who are a little more than sad when they should be rejoicing with the fellowship of others."

Sally Houki has posed:
Poke poke poke poke. "Am I being rude? Should we drink more chocolate? Or milkshakes. I could make milkshakes..." She muses, then adds, "I'm glad you're here, Heidi. Really. You're a lovely person." She smiles up at her. BIG SMILE.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's a sigh from Heidi. She still looks concerned. "Friend Sally, I must tell you. Hiding from your problems can often cause more problems. It is only a matter of time before you realize that you cannot always pretend that things are alright. To be kind, to be generous, they mask what you are feeling."

There is a long pause. "I am, of course, speaking of myself. None of us are perfect, we all have problems behind our smiles and chocolate." She nods wisely. "Especially the nice ones."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Who's hiding! Ha! I'm not *hiding*. What do I have to hide from? Haha," says Sally, warmly, to Heidi. "And if I did have to hide, I totally know who to turn to if I need someone booted in the bum!" She reaches up to boop Heidi's nose becasue it seems like a good idea at the time. "I promise I'll tell you if I need you. Okay?" Boop!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi gets booped. She looks surprised, apparently not having expected it. "I have found that feelings are complicated and there are a lot of things that can further complicate those things until it's a big ball of... complicated. But I appreciate that you will consider letting me help you, if you need. I hope that you will trust me."

Sally Houki has posed:
"Of /course/ I'd do that. And I will definitely do that! Trust you, I mean. What else would I do? You're kind and sweet and wonderful, Heidi. You deserve *all* the friends." She nods firmly. Then Sally's phone beeps and she glances down at it. "Oh hey," she adds. She tilts her head at the message.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I have many things I am working on but I am working on making sure to trust others and not be afraid to be vulnerable about feelings." Heidi nods slowly. It's a serious conversation. Then there's the phone and she stops to blink at it. "Everything okay?"

Sally Houki has posed:
"Uh huh! Just work calling! You wanna go gambling?" asks Sally, beaming at Heidi.

Oh no.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi tilts her head to the side, looking curious. "Alright. I cannot say I have a lot to gamble with, but it may be enjoyable."