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It's just a small favor!
Date of Scene: 10 April 2020
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy comes bearing bribes for Fitz & Simmons for favors.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Leopold Fitz

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had been a good enough week for Daisy, out on a successful raid, catching up on her new duties over at Happy Harbor... But now that she had a little time off it was also time to catch up with old friends. And so here she was making her down the hall towards R and D. Because where else would she find her favorite pair? Or even one half of it.. She would settle with just one, not being the picky type.

And so a uniform-clad Daisy is arriving near the door, dressed in that black and blue that is now her standard on base, the gauntlets being worn. Because one never knows when SHIELD may get under attack and some heavy duty quaking needed to be done. Though ICERs do help in case they get another rogue agent case on the loose ....

The door opens a bit, Daisy's head popping in. "Helllooo. Anyone here?" one hand popping up with chinese takeout. "I brought offerings." which normally also means she wants a favor!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Well, it is a good bet that there will be someone at the labs, regardless of the time. And...as Daisy fully knows, there is at least a 50/50 chance that at least one of the two will be in. Needless to say, it is a pretty safe bet.

    And...this time, it is Jemma who is in the labs. Currently hovering over a rather complex looking setup, she is carefully taking measurements as a flask is being warmed with a bunsen burner. There might be a murmur, as if she is talking to herself...though it becomes apparent that she is taking audio notes. Notes...that stop when she glances up and sees her visitor. A bright smile overtakes her features as Jemma holds up a finger, turning off the recorder and the burner, then removes her gloves to walk over.

    "Why hello Daisy! I certainly didn't expect to see you today!" The distinct wafting of chinese takeout is detected...to which that smile shifts into a sly smirk. "And...you brought a bribe, I take it?" Seems Jemma might know this little ploy...

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A beaming smile is offered in return when she notes Jemma is in, that head that was showing through the opening in the door apparently attached to the rest of her body as Daisy makes her way in. "Hey, Jemma!" she greets her old friend, then a glance over at her experience, a quirked brow. But she knows better than to ask about it. Not a computer, no code. Nope, she wouldn't get it!

"A bribe? You wound me deeply.." She says as if affronted but then a grin creeps back up to her features. "I am that transparent, uh? But maybe..." she confesses. "About my gloves, but it can wait.. Lunch and talk first." she suggests. "Though will you take much longer with that?" she questions. She seems good either way.

She approaches, and in truth, she is always happy about visiting Jemma and Fitz whenever she can. Bribes or no bribes!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    A wave of the hand towards the mad scientist kit in the corner is enough to signify that there's no need to worry. "As long as the heat is removed from the flask, we don't have to worry about any unstable compounds and potential explosions." Wow...so manner of fact as Jemma says that, with that smile ever present. "And really, Daisy, it is a simple matter of pattern recognition. Your usual method is to ply Fitz with food. I have to admit, I do the same as well. It is very effective." With a wink, Jemma chuckles softly. "So, you are here with food present. I made a hypothesis."

    "Then again....I am a little peckish." With that, Jemma actually blushes a little, then offers an empty table, with a couple of stools. "Lunch and talking sounds fabulous. And then you can ask about your gauntlets and I can see about asking Leo with whatever modifications we need for you. As long as we save some for him."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Of course..., potential explosions.." Daisy eyes the experiment again, more wary, but then again she knows that Jemma is always careful. So she squints her eyes. "Wait, you are messing with me right now, aren't you?" some suspicion there on her expression. She is supposed to be the spy here! And then when Jemma goes on analyzing her it makes her laugh softly. "It is, isn't it? How's Fitz, anyway?" She questions, making her way over to the table.

And indeed it's chinese food, with chopsticks too! Because there are no barbarians here that eat chinese with fork and knife. "Chicken chow mien." she announces of what she got for them. "And I was bringing up three meals so...., we can set one aside for him already." a grin.

"How have you been doing?" She then asks.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Oh no. I am being perfectly honest. The compound becomes unstable at a certain temperature point. The trick is to warm it just to under that point to unlock the...." Jemma realizes she is being a little too honest (and wordy) and ends up shaking her head. "Oh, but nevermind that nonsense. We were supposed to be lunching, yes?"

    The question about Fitz receives an answer. "Oh, he is well. Off on one of his excursions for materials. You really just missed him, but it is his loss. He will just have to employ the wonders of a microwave for his lunch." A grin is given that widens as the chopsticks are produced. "Ah, yes...a proper meal, I see."

    Then, the question bounces to Jemma herself. "Oh, I have been doing well. I had fun going to the high school science fair recently. Entirely on my own volition, mind you. That proved to be more exciting than normal science fairs would be, what with the accidental coilgun and erupting volcanos..." No explanation given yet, but the mention of a coilgun does give Jemma a bit of a sour expression.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No, no. It's fine. I like to be aware of the danger we are in, Jemma. Really..." But Daisy is grinning when she says that, knowing how sincere her friend can often be. To a fault even! With the food being distributed she picks up her own, chopsticks drawn and then it's time to dig in.

"Of course it's a proper one. My bribes are always top notch." She says with a brief nod, but then she is a bit busy getting food into her mouth, listening to Jemma.

"Happy Harbor?" Oh right, she missed that one. "Did you know I have been giving some classes there as of late?" Daisy, doing classes. Ah! Then a raised brow at the mention of coilguns an volcanos. "Ok, there's a story there. Mind sharing?" now she's thinking she should had been there!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Jemma sighs as the remembrance comes to her. "Well, Samuel had some of his engineering feats on display. One of which was a maglev track sending a metal ball bearing around the rather complicated course. It was relatively safe, but Samuel forgot to waterproof the inhibitor casing that was stepping down the power to the track. Another student decided to go for a more realistic demonstration of a volcano and used Mentos and red soda for her reactants. She used a little too much and caused a rather spectacular surge, causing some of the liquid to hit the transformer....and fried the inhibitors." Another sigh. "The track increased power dramatically, causing the ball bearing to accellerate and break free, embedding itself into the gymnasium wall. I was standing next to it at the time...so you can imagine the shock I had to see this occur." Then, with a shrug, Jemma breaks into a smile. "Samuel got 3rd place...and the volcano received second. So, karmic reward, perhaps."R
    Then the chopsticks pop out...and dip into the takeout container, extracting a bit of chicken. "Still, it was a good demonstration, before it became less safe. Fitz is going to talk to Samuel." Meaning that Jemma is going to have Fitz talk to Samuel, whether they like it or not.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The more it's being described the more Daisy's eyebrows shoot up, blinking a few times at the various happenings that went over that fair. "Ok...., definitely needs a talking to." she says of Samuel, no matter how much he also bribed her by fixing up her van!

"But yea, Sam needs to go a bit more easy on his experiments. Being at Happy Harbor I think is helping him. Heck, I even saw him inviting someone to go to the prom with him so.., that's a lot of improvement considering what we can read of his file." she notes, thoughtful. Yet she also appears to be making a mental note to have a word with the boy soon.

"Good going with getting Fitz to have a word in though." she picks on a bit of chicken too.

"Who got first place anyway?" because now she is curious.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Oh, a delightful display of extra-terrestial farming! A young girl name Megan, I believe. She questioned if growing potatoes in Martian soil would truly produce something edible for human consumption." Jemma smiles brightly, as this is right up her alley, so to speak. "Of course, as you know, Martian soil would produce potatoes with enough chromium to kill a human, so she effectively proven that it certainly was not feasible. But then she offered some alternative solutions for detoxifying the soil first using sunflowers as a means to concentrate the chromium into the plant roots and therefore removing it from the soil itself. It was a very brillant display for one of her age."

    Jemma pokes in with the chopsticks, stirring her lunch as she continues. "Oh, and a rather safe experiment, too, I might add. Really, the only thing that could have caused an issue was the grow lamps getting wet, but Megan responded rather quickly to that, if I recall. Unplugged them." A piece of chicken is skewered, then used as a pointing device towards Daisy. "An effective use of lateral thinking, I might add." The chicken piece dances in the air for a little more, before being consumed.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Megan, mmmm. That makes Daisy ponder. "Think I have seen her, but she hasn't been in one of my classes as of yet.." but then she listens on about potato growing in Mars, her lips pressing together and she leaning forward, elbow on the table, her nod as if she was truly understanding all about it. She does! Maybe... Or at least most of it. "Sounds like she has a good head on those shoulders."

She also digs into her food, but offers Jemma a wary eye when she points a chopstick in her direction, specially since it has a piece of chicken on the tip. "Quick thinking .., mmm." she actually waits until that piece of chicken is consumed before continuing. "Have you actually thought about teaching sometime?" she questions her friend, popping some more food into her mouth.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Now, the thought of teaching causes Jemma to take a moment's pause, the chopsticks remaining upright in the box as she ponders Daisy's question. "Me? Teach? Oh, surely you must be joking." There even is a short laugh, more of a chuckle really, as Jemma reaches up to brush a lock of hair from her eyes. "Could you imagine it? Trying to explain recombinant DNA sequencing to teenagers? Well...I mean I perfectly understood it when I was their age, but, then again...I'm me."

    Jemma leans back, flashing a smile...before that smile turns inquisitive as she leans towards Daisy. "Oh, you're being serious, aren't you? You really think I should teach? I mean, *really*? I'm afraid that I would talk quite above their heads." With that, Jemma reaches for her chopsticks once more, repeating her last phrase with hard emphasis on certain words. "...*Quite* above their heads."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Now, it's not like you *have* to start by talking about DNA sequencing..., maybe go with the more basic things first, like, I don't know.. Basic biochemistry? Who knows, maybe you can find the next Simmons." Though would the world be prepared for TWO Simmons? But well, it does make Daisy think, because all she can remember are lengthy explanations of SCIENCE, and how certain experiments must be maintained at a certain temperature so as to not explode. It makes her give a wary look over Jemma's shoulder to where she found her working when she came in with the food.

"It's just an idea, consider it." And now it's her time to wave the chopsticks about. "Because hey, maybe you will come to love it. I am enjoying my time out there, even if I know it's not my life call." she already has one! SHIELD!

Though yes, there is quite the waft coming from the chicken chow mien that the two have been consuming so far by the lab, "This takeout is definitely approved. Is it an acceptable bribe?" she then asks, waggling her brows in that teasing manner of hers.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Even after a few years at the Triskelion there are times that Leo Fitz can hardly believe that he is actually here, still times when he is almost intimidated by his surroundings, by the sheer assemblege of talent gathered in on place. By just what SHIELD is capable of. That all tends to disappear when he is in the lab though, and by extension anything to do with the lab. In his comfort zone he is more then comfortable enough, confident to put his opinion, his talents up against anyone. Even more so when he is working with his partner of course. So while he may hold back some in other circumstances, may let that reserve keep him quiet, content to fade into the background, if it involves the lab and his work he can be the scrappy little dog who's bite matches his bite.

As some unfortunate agent likely just discovered. The Fitz who reappears in the lab, pushing a gurney full of equipment looks like a stormcloud might spontaneously manifest around his head, a scowl curving his mouth and shaking his head, muttering to himself in fairly animated fashion. "...of all the incompetent, brainless, worthless..." he grumbles, drawing the cart to a stop just shy of one of the workstations. "Do you know that they had our requisition scattered across half the corridor because some neadrathal couldn't figure out how to push one of the gurneys without sending everything spilling all over the bloody place the first time he took a corner. If anything's broken I'm going to..." he says in agitated fashion before he rounds the corner, stopping short at the sight of Jemma and Daisy there. "Oh, hello. I didn't know we had company. It's good to see you Daisy," he says, the agitation seeming to vanish as quickly as it no doubt appeared. "...is that takeout?" Right to the important stuff.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There might have been a response incoming about a bribe....or maybe even to the teaching question. The chopstick was in the air, sans chicken this time, as Jemma was just about to say....something. But, whatever it is dissipates into the aether as Fitz makes his appearance, in typical fashion. Jemma's face lights up as she exclaims. "Fitz! You're just in time! It seems that Daisy has a favor to ask and is trying to ply us with exquisite chicken chow mein." There's that grin as Jemma returns the chopstick to the takeout box, fetching some more. "I mean, really, she could have asked, but I am sure you won't mind a bribe like this." She even tips a wink to Daisy....she was going to do whatever Daisy asked for, anyways. At least, within reason.

    Even the fact that Leo stormed in nearly cursing doesn't even phase Jemma. It is as if she is rather used to it. Which, of course, is completely true.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Watching hurricane Fitz come in with a temper isn't new for Daisy, she knows this is Fitz-Simmons domains, where they rule with their iron fist! Still, doesn't stop her from teasing her friend, a grin upon her expression. "Maybe we could requisition for them to change sharp corners here at the Trisk for round ones. Neanderthal safe zone?" she suggests, then reaching into the nearby bag to take out the last takeout box she had brought. One just for Fitz!

"There is indeed and --" a look to Jemma. "Hey. My reputation! Do you think I just go around offering bribes left and right?" but she is grinning when she says that, and she did indeed admit to it just moments ago.

"Mostly to give another revision to my gloves actually, and it was a good excuse to come visit you guys too. How have you been Fitz?" she gestures for the man to come join them. And yes, only chopsticks are available!

Leopold Fitz has posed:
With others he might be just a little self-conscious about his little meltdown but no one knows him like Jemma and he has long since gotten comfortable enough around Daisy to not be as twitchy and nervous as he sometimes is around those he is quite so familiar with. It is almost possible to see his eyes light up when the offered carton of chicken chow mein is held up -- in part because he is probably hungry... or possibly hangry, and in part just that he was included.

"Let it be known that I am entirely susceptible to bribery. Particularly food bribery. Or at least food bribery that does not come from the mess," Fitz he agrees at once, smiling briefly as he reaches for the offered carton with a nod of thanks, moving to perch himself on the corner of one of the desks.

About to dig in when the purpose of the bribe is brought up it is almost like magic, just how quickly Fitz can be distracted. Even from takeout. "Me? I'm good. But your gloves? They're working okay right? I'm positive we locked down that little glitch with that last revision so if there is anything wrong..."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
     Now, Jemma certainly does know that Leo is perfectly willing to take food bribery, having used it on occasion herself. Still, she laughs brightly as Fitz admits it outright. "I told you that you should have eaten an hour ago, Fitz. Lord knows how you get when you are hungry." The hangry is real, no doubt.

     Jemma then turns to Daisy. "We would have adjusted the gauntlets without food, but of course you knew that already." Still, Daisy now has the attention of FitzSimmons. "So, what sort of issues have you been having? Surely it isn't anything catastrophic, yes?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy just laughs as Fitz goes from 80 to 8 in one beat. From angry to hangry. A good change. She slips in the carton to Fitz, chopsticks included, then leans back on her own seat to dig into her own food for a moment in silence. And she chews everything before replying. "No, nothing catastrophic.." a mutter, she knew how her powers could be if she didn't have a good reign on them. "They took a knock on the last mission I went through so I felt I should be safe rather than sorry, just in case.."

"I know they are made to take an impact though, so it probably won't even be needed but ..." and she gestures to the food. "Still a good time with friends."

"And yes, before you ask, I can give you the phone number of where I ordered this." because of course she expected that to be a question! "We were just talking about Jemma teaching. What's your opinion about it, mmm?" her tone curious.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Is he a little posessive -- someone generous might say concerned for those who use what he builds, or helps build? Of course he is. And as soon as Daisy assures them that there is nothing really wrong that 'letmeseethemandfixthemrightnow' rush that seem to overtake Fitz eases back too and he lets out a slow breath as he eases back onto the desk once more. "Oh. Okay, yes, that makes sense. They're engineered to take a big of a beating 'course, but it doesn't hurt to give them the once over. Better safe then sorry," he agrees at once.

Glancing over at Jemma as he reclaims that carton and the chopsticks, he finally cracks it open, handling it with enough practiced ease that suggests takeout food is something of a staple. "Maybe," he conceeds. "But then I wouldn't have been hungry and the bribe wouldn't have been nearly as timely. So I guess things worked out for the best," he counters.

With Daisy's question, he arches a brow, glancing between the two of them. "Teaching?" he asks with some small note of confusion, sounding suspiciously like he was just asked if Jemma should run off and join the circus, or perhaps abandon science for a career as an Olympic Ice Dancer. "Jemma should stay in the lab of course. Teachers get all caught up with... you know, teaching. Not nearly as much time for science," he says, brow furrowing. "Why? I mean, did you want to teach Simmons?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    it's now Jemma that is on the defensive. Her hands flutter up, waving somewhat frantically as if she is trying to shoo away the very notion of teaching. "No! No....no...." Each negative grows weaker and weaker, while that far-away stare grows on Jemma's expression. Fitz would know that stare all too well. Jemma is considering the options.

    "Oh, I don't know. Maybe?" And, with that uncertainly, the barriers shatter, as Jemma allows herself to truely weigh the options. "I mean, really, would it be so bad? We could..." No...not we. Jemma quickly corrects herself. "I mean, I could instill a love of science for the younger generation. That wouldn't be so bad at all, right?" She doesn't dare mention getting out of the lab as an option. That...was the first reason Leo gave for her to not teach. That wouldn't do at all.

    Perhaps as a distraction, Jemma turns to the takeout box and takes a big bite. Maybe she wouldn't be expected to answer with a full mouth. Of course, it is a momentary distraction as she prepares herself for the myriad of perfectly valid arguments from Fitz as to why she is positivity insane for even entertaining the thought of teaching *gasp* high school students.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
When they dirst arrived here from the Academy a few years ago the idea of being anywhere but the lab was something that Fitz could barely process. Or at the very least something that he had no interest in processing. Which perhaps is much the same thing. A state of the art lab? All the interesting scientific questions and technological challenges they could want, delivered to them in relative safety and with a distinct lack of messiness? Who could want anything more then that? Why would anyone want more then that?

The past couple of years may have broadened the young man's horizon's a little -- enough so that he actually looks forward to the occasional foray into the field -- but the lab is still home. And their work together within it clearly the center of attention. He tilts his head ever so slightly as he listens to her, brow still furrowed as if confused. He never looks that way when working on a scientific or technological problem, but people? That's another story.

"You're really considering it?" he asks, his tone slightly incredulous, half expecting some sort of joke, some punchline to explain it all, and perhaps some fear that she is serious. More and more he seems to come to the conclusion that she is though, expression clouding slightly. "Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you'd be good at it," he says slowly, clearly trying to avoid dismissing the entire notion out of hand. Though the slightly strained tone suggests that is not something easy to resist. "But think of all the things you'd be giving up. The questions you won't have a chance to explore because your babysitting a bunch of students, most of whom will never have the slightest appreciation for all the things you're truly interested in," he points out, unable to hold back any longer. "And the work," he adds, his voice starting to creep up just a little. "Our work."