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Latest revision as of 15:36, 8 May 2020

Date of Scene: 06 May 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Spider-Man goes on the Ninja version of a vision quest.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Peter Parker

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It's a diffuse network, with poor organization. Not like the uniform crystaline networks she dove into when attacking corporate foes, the criminal element was less orderly. Every single phone she added into her captured network was just as likely to have entirely new branches, as it was to reinforce others she had already established. It's -sloppy- is what it is, and it leaves our favorite Ninja with a seemingly endless amount of numbers and addresses she needs to actually just go investigate herself.

    A major portion of the work of course required passive observation, and she did have a student(s) now. So she settles down on a lovely rooftop and pings Spiderman on the downlow. Then well she settles into a nice dark corner to enmesh herself in the network for the time being.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is actually in the area. He is chowing down on some good food at the White Dragon, and money is no object. Cash only of course, because who would give HIM a card?

Spider-Comm picks up the transmission, checks it against the library, then approves it and sends the ping through. A response comes back to Chizue from an unknown network running in passive mode, so no idea it was even operating until the message appeared. <Hey there, Sensei. Currently enjoying noodles at the White Dragon. Want me to bring you some beef chow mein? We can sing Zevon lyrics.>

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Not actually a big fan of chinese food, too much stuff going on."Comes the immediate reply, and already she's digging. Casually mind you, splaying out the full waterfall for a study as she continues. "You have training to complete, and in the future I may not be able to provide such instruction so freely." Casually peeling back the majority of the radio spectrum as she sinks her claws into previously compromised cellular towers, of which there are a great many.

    "There are individuals far above my station in the city, and they do have the authority to re-task me when they like. So I may not be on my own schedule for much longer, which could make future teaching opportunities more difficult. Especially considering the depth of your next lesson."

Peter Parker has posed:
Wow...she was in Intense mode again. Must be serious stuff she's working on. The next transmission even SOUNDS a little chastened, even though it's just text.

<...Yes, Sensei. Is...now a bad time? I was going to update you on a few things during our lesson, but if you're busy...>

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    <<It is not a bad time.>>Which means it's probably at least a little bit of a bad time. <<I'll send you my location, I do not believe I'm far away based upon signal strength triangulation. We'll need to work on your transmission security another time, incidentally.>>She rises slowly, giving her helmet a little shake to dismiss the veritable sea of waterfall displays. Instead she scans the horizon casually, she hasn't taught the kid stealth -yet- afterall. <<I am eager to hear of all you do, student. Also just call me teacher, Sensei inserted into an english sentence feels wierd to me.>>

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiled wryly to himself. Maybe he could have a LITTLE fun.

<Understood.> He finishes the last of the bowl of noodles, then pays for the meal and jumps up to the roof.

A couple of minutes later, Spider-Man lands on the roof of the building, looking around for Teacher. He takes his time, looking thoughtful as he searches for Chizue.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Well hello Spiderman, tell me do they drug test you at your occupation?"Which is, you know probably a pretty good indication things might be kind of wild tonight. Anywho our favorite Ninja slowly brings up the illumination on that polygonal Shibe mask, and seemingly the mask just materializes out of thin air in the middle of the roof. Followed by the vague outline of the Ninja wearing it, as she finally moves around at least a little bit. "It is good that you have eaten, as it will help put you into the right frame of mind and potentially make it less likely you will vomit"
    There is a reason nobody wants to do the -real- Ninja training, of course. "Before I forget, never transmit twice with the same amount of transmit power. Always modulate both finite frequency offset and transmit power, or anyone with a radio network will be able to locate you every time you transmit."Spoken like the hacker Ninja she is, of course. Casually lifting a gloved hand to turn her cloak off with a simple gesture, before letting that mask grow dim oncemore.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods politely. "Of course. I did want to let you know that I completed my Spider-Comm project. I have the network up and running right now, and I wanted to ask if you still wanted to get access to it. I can have you designated as an 'Honorary Spider,' and give you guest access to it. It will give you access to comms and read-access to the database."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I would be honored, permitting you understand I cannot reciprocate network access. Not that you'd get actual ninja memes anyway."Because of course they have memes. "I will provide you with some study of network security, as I do not expect you handle wireless networks as frequently as I do."She gives her forearm a familar flick, to produce that holographic keyboard for data entry. "I suppose I could set up a remote virtual access point over the wires rig, so you could get limited Datacom to my own network but I doubt it would be of any utility."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man shook his head. "That's okay. The accesss device I will be providing will be using a heuristic overlay. It will provide one-way accesss - you can access our network, but we will be unable to accesss yours. This device will function as your only point of connection, so security will not be a problem. Especially when the connection protocol is proprietary to the Spider-Comm system. It is unidentifiable to network probing because no other computer in existence can understand or detect the protocol. Especially since the protocol didn't even exist before two months ago. The device also provides our proprietary security algorithm...unless you have a device on you that can hack a 8,192-bit encryption system that runs at the speed of a 128-bit system, let alone detect it."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    And a casual change of masks, because of course she has a polygonal shiba with one eyebrow raised. Of -course- she does. "Is that a challenge?"She gives the wave off anyway. "You should endeavor to get your ham radio license, incidentally. I think you may find the hobby of "Fox hunting" to be of interest, especially once you learn how to compromise commercial networks and hijack them. It's an American predisposition to focus on the content of a message, and thus encryption. Generally I would note I find it more helpful to be able to differentiate the location or direction of travel, and get the information the old fashioned way. Thus signal strength modulation is very important, Spider-Man."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man reaches into his backpack. "It piggybacks the cell-tower network. Which doesn't block it, because to their systems it is background noise. It uses a 5G system while still remaining totally covert. So no loss of signal strength for voice or data. So, it functions at max speed anywhere in the city."

He does finally permit himself a smile.

"You said something about working on my stealth, Teacher?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Actually I was going to show you the void, which does require the usage of some mind altering substances to permit your mortal brain to perceive it."She lets that one just float out there, like no big deal. "It's closer to how the altered neuro-chemistry of Shinobi, but such a thing can wait if need be. I suppose we could instead work on your more conventional shadow-work, and infiltrate a secured location."Theres a glance over her shoulder, followed by a vague motion. "Though I hadn't really planned to take you on a bank robbery so soon."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks thoughtful. "The former would be...educational. It would be something to see how my hyper-spatial awareness would react to it."

He takes something out of the backpack, a small box with TIFFANY'S written on it. He opens it to reveal a black object in the shape of a fat-bellied spider. "Here you go, before I forget. You should be able to choose your handle at startup. Just put this within two feet of your primary network hardware."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "It's important to make peace with the void, and contextualize your place in the universe at large."Never the less she produces her swords, the scabbards of which appear at least somewhat transparent. So yes, she's changed swords yet again. She points that scabbard itself over towards the spider, and reaches out with her free hand to gesture at goodness knows what within her AR-rig. Then all the sudden the signals black hole that is Owari, just comes into existance and begins the full spectrum interrogation of that spider. Sword sheathes are antennas, clever yeah?

    "Please tell me I do not need to select a spider themed name, because that would be totally off brand for me. I'm supposed to be a Raccoon dog you know."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles slightly. "No, no...the term 'Honorary Spider' is a guest-access designation. And if it's good enough for Wonder Woman, then it's DEFINITELY good enough for you."

The analysis is...interesting. There is an encrypted Bluetooth protocol to connect to her hardware, a 4096-bit wide bus, and no penetration software, so the one-way access is verified. She can look in, but it can't look out.

There are three modules - SCP, CPU, and SEP. All of them can be penetrated, but they are booby-trapped - any intrusion melts the modules and renders the unit inoperative. Even trying to read the chips past the posted module boundary will melt them.

Use...but don't dig.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Interrogation complete for now, she swings those sheathed swords back into place before stepping in to take the unit herself. Free hand sliding back to pluck first that largely transparent folded SMG free, before producing her own mysterious little wireless CPU. Theres a moment spent sliding her fingertips over the corners in a sequence, before slowly the whole thing unfolds to offer a rare glimpse of the wonders inside. That thing isn't just a CPU, it's a technological marvel by any standard of the day. The packaging, the raw density of -stuff- in there nevermind the mysterious wireless power systems?

    Haga tech isn't just powerful it would seem, it's as much a marvel of power density as it in terms of layout and phsyical packaging. Not everything in there is even identifiable,but off to one side there is a tiny empty spot where a series of what look like metal balls reside alongside a fair amount of some sort of printed matrix of plastic explosive. It's there she delicately sets the spider, before the whole brick snaps shut oncemore. Her cloak snapping into a dull navy blue, as it presumably reboots and automatically integrates things.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a momentary pause, and then the messages come in.

New hardware detected (Spider-Comm).
New hardware installed.
New network found (SCOMM).
Connected, Secured (8192-bit).

A new icon appeared in her A/R system, a thin-bodied spider. ( https://i.pinimg.com/600x315/0c/4e/2a/0c4e2a27d2be863dad176720f8c8433d.jpg ) Selecting it provides a few new options: Internet, Comms, IM, Database, Navigation.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    A moment of silence, before she gives a slow nod. "Alright, we're set up. Thank you."She gives her shoulders a roll, her cloak flashing a series of Kanji characters before it dissolves into the background oncemore. "I will explore the database at another time, I've already got a fair bit of clutter going. In anycase, you should be made aware of some things happening behind the scenes."

    "A member of the Jade Court is in New York, and for obvious reasons their wishes supercede my immediate tasking. I would strongly advise you to keep clear, lest you risk being put into a position you will not enjoy."She sinks down casually to stow that SMG oncemore. "The will of Heaven is not always merciful, especially when it has been angered."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks thoughtful. "Being in a dangerous position I won't enjoy? Is it Thursday already?" He sighs. "I'll be careful. But I have to warn you in advance, I'm a trouble magnet. I'm in over my head a LOT. In this line of work, you will ALWAYS be outnumbered and outgunned."

He pauses. "...Unless you're Wonder Woman."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "None who oppose the old gods survive, and in current matters their anger is both understandable and entirely just. It is their right to seek the justice of heaven, and I suspect this will result in punishment far in excess of anything you are comfortable with. You can not murder a holy man, on holy ground, infront of a literal old god and expect them to brush it off."She lets that just sort've float out there. "I'm to resolve the situation as swiftly as I am able, by all means available to me. As such, stay out of such things and let the gods decide things."

    "I'll go back to killing Enemy Ninja in a way you disaprove of soon enough, but for now I would prefer if you kept some distance from Little Tokyo."She sighs finally, pulling those swords across to rest in her lap as she leans back against an A/C unit. "Please do not get in front of me on this, for my desires have nothing to do with my actions."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks at her for a long moment, then sighed. "Just don't let me catch you at it, Owari. I probably don't have to tell you that, but you know I have to say it out loud."

He doesn't have to like her world, but he'll be damned if he is asked to accept it without comment or complaint.

"I'll avoid it...but if there is ANY kind of collateral damage, I won't be able to ignore that."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "If I slay an innocent man, I will not be alive long enough to come into conflict with you."Theres a little shrug there, it's not as if any of this is new to her. "I appreciate the space, I would ask you not to judge me when I act in accordance with those I cannot deny. To be frank, I at least understand this edict. If I die Another more capable Ninja shall replace me, if I fail I will dishonor my entire clan."

    "Anyway, the void should be investigated so we can more effectively contextualize things. Once we understand the stakes and the mechanisms at play more accurately, we can then focus on strict combat training. First however, comes a familiarity with what lies beyond."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods and looks around. "All right. I'm willing to take the next step. Let me know what I have to do, and what I should be aware of. Uhm...are we going to do this here, or is there another place that would be more suitable?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Sit down, and drink "Tea of ten thousand wolves". Know that your perceptions will be opened beyond mortal understanding, and brace yourself to see truth beyond what mundane mortals know."The Tea with the heavy metal band name is produced in a simple test tube like container, which she offers over. "Know and brace for the fact that I will no longer appear human, and remember that this effect shall only endure for at most about fifteen minutes."

    A canteen is produced and offered over, before she lets her shoulders slump. "I will remain with you for the entire time, and I will request you remain seated. We don't want you falling off a roof. Otherwise it's nothing terribly dangerous or anything, but it may be alarming."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, sitting down cross-legged, taking a deep breath. He takes the test tube, looking at the contents for a moment.

Ah, well. Do it the Spider-Man Way. In for a penny, in for a pounding.

He lifts the mask to drink the vial, downing it while trying not to taste it. He swallows, then pulls the mask down. If he feels nauseous, he can pull it back up again.

He starts a count in the HUD, a stopwatch counting off seconds. Relax. Treat it like an experiment...

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    At first theres nothing, for long seconds nothing happens at all. Then it hits with the blink of an eye, Owari is gone. In her place sits a Raccoon Dogwith a knife in it's mouth and a bright green leaf set carefully between it's ears. The rooftop is gone already, replaced with a brilliant jade platform seemingly hovering above the city. Not that the Raccon dog seems to mind. "Breathe in deeply, feel the air in your lungs. Feel the beating of your heart, the surge of blood racing oxygen to your brain. Become aware of the mundanity of your own mechanical workings, and take comfort in your own existance. Reaffirm your own existance, with awareness of it's construction."

    In the distance the stars swing about the sky wildly, clouds race through the sky. The moon is replaced by the brilliant white glow of a curled up rabbit, and off in the distance to one side? Well seated upon a broomstick sits a witch, and cat in her lap as she watches on indifferently. "Dig deeper, open your eyes for the first time in your mortal life. Take stock of the world beyond mortal perception, and look deeply into my eyes. Search them for the void that lies beyond the mortal plane."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man takes a deep breath, breathing in a cloud from the sky. It feels damp, like rain in his mouth. Easy...easy...mundane. Focus on the mundane, and...

And then the stars seem to multiply around him. He breathed in and out, using the exercises Owari had taught.

He looked down and he was on a web. But calling it a web was like calling the Tsar Bomba an "explosion." It spread outward, weblines expanding. A hundred weblines...a thousand...ten thousand...

They reach outward into infinity.
"I'm...I can see the web. it reaches out to...other places. Other..." A phrase from an old book came to him. "...other worlds than these..."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "There are more worlds than there are stars in the sky, more planes than we have numbers for. All of them connected with infinite complexity, beyond what any mortal mind could ever hope to comprehend. Now look beyond it, through it. Look beyond to the void that lies at the edge of creation, in every direction. Don't focus on the stars, focus on the space between them. Focus yourself on the great yawning gulf."

    "The void is not "Nothing", its unknowable. Just as you could not perceive the truth of the world around you before now, no mortal can comprehend the void. It is the manifestation of that which is beyond your comprehension, think of it as a book in a foreign language. Just because you cannot understand it, does not mean there isn't something there."She lets that float out there for a moment, literally infact.

    "It is human nature to fear that which you cannot understand, which is why death terrifies so many."She cocks her head off to one side. "Are you ready to meet the void, Spider-man?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man got to his feet slowly. There was no sense of vertigo, even though it seemed everything had disappeared around him.

Except the Web. It connected to other worlds...

No...not the worlds. People WITHIN those worlds. But what did it mean?

He heard Owari's voice, and he took a deep breath. He looked at the HUD and it said he had been here for 175353 minutes and 397 seconds. So much for the experiment concept.

Was he ready to meet the void? He'd heard about 'The Call of the Void,' how it made people step off high bridges or into traffic. But this was...

He knew those words. He knew that voice. Uncle Ben, here, now.

His body stood straight and tall.
"Do it. God hates a coward."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It's there the moment the decision is made, right there over owari's shoulder. Looming darkness beyond any description, whisps of unknowable darkness faintly straying from it's vaguely humanoid figure. The eyes though, dear god you can see the eyes. Darkness within darkness, black amongst the black. You can sense the tickle of unknowable infinities beyond, feel the coarse pattern grate against your very being. You can feel those enormous eyes boring holes clean through you.

    "Do not fear the void, remember it is only beyond your understanding. We fear it still, as man once feared fire. Remember that it can never harm you."There are other Raccoon dogs now, lined up abreast their mouths filled with large keys, scrolls, sheathes of rice, all of them seemingly distracted. Behind them a rank twice as large of foxes, carrying a mixture of similar tools. Behind foxes lie dogs. Beyond the dogs, shadowy semi-transparent men and women in more conventional ninja garb. "See through the void, see the lines of your people stretching back to infinity. See that you are unbroken, undiminished. See that it has not taken anything, merely concealed."

Peter Parker has posed:
He can see them now. Other worlds, and the Spiders inhabiting those worlds. The lines were bright silver. They were connected...

He looked down again.

He was the Center of the Web. They were all connected to him. But knowing that, what did it mean?

He looked out and heard a voice, the voice of a boxer from a movie.
"It ain't how hard you HIT...it's how hard you GET hit...AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD."

That was the truth about him. He would never give up. Keep trying, keep failing, but never give up. Giving up is the only way you fail. It's not what happens to you, it is how you react, how you respond.

And when you think you have nothing left? FIGHT ANYWAY.

The other Spiders, they stand or fall with him. If he fails, they fail. But what does that mean for him?

He realized that it changed nothing. He would continue to try, continue to fight, no matter of a hundred thousand Spiders lived or died by it, or if he was alone.

"...I know who I am."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Then you know that life or death will not change that, as long as you are true to what you truly are. Self deception is the only true destruction, the rest is merely a change of phase."Theres a brilliant golden flash in the distance and for a split second you can -feel- the heat. You can feel the texture of it's truth, just barely out of reach. Then nothing.

Herwari sits casually at the base of that A/C unit, her mask half flipped up as she works after her little bento box with a pair of chopsticks. Just as casual as can be. "Well look who's back a few minutes early, did you have a good trip?"She snags her little canteen, before tossing it yonder.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks around. The presence of New York City is a little jarring, but he is able to come back to the here and now.

"It...I don't really know if it was good or bad. But I survived it...I wasn't sure if I would." He shook his head. "I think I'm going to need a little time to process it all."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I would expect as such, take some time and consider things deeply. If you need somebody to decipher what you experienced, unfortunately I am a poor choice for this. I'll be around to talk never the less."She snaps that bento shut, before rising to her tabi with a bit of a bounce. That face plate is snapped down into place, and mask replaced. "As such things go, you'll usually feel better after a shower and a coffee though. The caffiene has some sort've effect."Theres a little shrug there.

    "We'll discuss this more deeply in the coming days never the less, for now you need to unravel what you witnessed for certain."