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Latest revision as of 18:05, 11 May 2020

It's a Gremlin!
Date of Scene: 09 May 2020
Location: Another Dang Alley in New York
Synopsis: Yami kills a gremlin in front of Glamour, who... isn't sure what to make of tha
Cast of Characters: Yami Kuroki, Glamour

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    Amid the chatter and hustle and bustle of the streets of New York City, with cars beeping their horns and construction buzzing loudly in the distance, walks a teenager from Japan. Having now been in the city for a few weeks, Yami's understanding of the city layout and where various landmarks are is at least 'reasonable'. He doesn't have to look at his phone //all// the time. Just, uh, sometimes.
    Tonight however? He's not wandering the streets as a tourist. Nope, he's moving through them for work. Dressed in his normal sweats with matching hoodie, one thing different about Yami tonight is that he wears what looks to be a white, kitsune shaped mask over his face. The feline curvature shapes his features quite well, with narrow eye-slits likely obstructing his vision, but not enough to cause worry. The other thing different about him? The teenager has a sword. Strapped about his shoulder in a sheath is the blade, ready to be withdrawn from the back of his shoulder whenever he needs it.
    Standing in a narrow alleyway, largely abandoned save for a few rats and rubbish bags, Yami surveys the landscape with a narrow glare. "Where are you..." He murmurs to himself, hands clenching and relaxing in anticipation.
    Funnily enough, no-one has really noticed him. The people of New York are all just so focussed - so much so that they don't even notice him standing on his own in the alleyway. Granted he's pretty far in - nearly at the end in fact - but he's definitely still in view should anyone at least look down that way.

Glamour has posed:
Something, perhaps the same something that had drawn Yami's attention, had drwan Glitter here. She's not strictly awarfe of it, of course, but she's here all the same. In fact, she had stopped to rest on a fire escape, sitting on a rung of the ladder, legs dangling over it, a tiny blue orb that pulses and glitters softly as her wings continue to casually beat.

She'd be easy to miss, of course, were it not for that light. All the same, Yami is nearly impossible to miss. It takes her a moment to size him up, but... is that guy wearing a mask? And carrying a sword? What the hell?

She leans forward slowly, tryingf to get a better view, but everything is a bit distorted when you're as tiny as she is.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    As it so happens, that tiny blue orb which hovers above him does manage to catch his eye! It's dark in this grimy alleyway after all, so much so that the shimmering of the faerie is enough to catch just on the edge of his periphery. "...hm?" Out of instinct he looks up, squinting at the source of it. Was it the creature he was hunting? No... it looked... like a light. Looking harder, a thunderous force will suddenly strike him in the gut. Not even looking forward anymore, the creature he was looking for had noticed Yami looking away, and used that moment to attack.
    "HURK--!" Yami gurgles, falling onto his knees as the wind escapes his lungs. While he didn't see what struck him, Glamour definitely would have. Moving out from the shadows of a dumpster was a four foot tall ... creature. A gremlin or goblin, for a lack of a better term. It has long pointed back ears, big eyes, a square mouth over a hardened body. Long nails protrude from craggly looking fingers. Wearing a sack around its person and sandals on its feet, the goblin chitters in glee before streaking towards the alleyway exit! Looks like it's making a getaway and heading for the street.
    "Chikushooo," Yami mutters in his native tongue, before getting up and taking off after it! Limping a bit given his still-winded status, but giving a hearty chase all the same.

Glamour has posed:
Oh hey. That looks like a job for a superhero! That's what Glamour's trying to be, right? Right?

She starts to clambber back to her feet, wings lifting her off the ground as she straightens. She prepares her magic to charge in and... wait. She JUST failed spectacularly earlier in assessing what was going on in a different situation and while she's impulsive, she isn't completely incapable of learning!

...so she hesitates. Entirely too much. She heistates to assess which is *actually* the bad guy, even when it should be fairly obvious.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    The gremlin powers its little legs as hard as it can, pounding on the pavement and leaping over the rubbish bags that lay idle. It actually moves pretty quick and with dexterity, bringing it right to the cusp of the alleyway exit! ...but it's then cut off.
    Yami had performed an extremely //abnormal// action for such a normal looking teenager. After running a few steps he had pushed off with his right leg and JUMPED into the air! Sailing through the sky with a neat spin, he was able to not only close the distance to the creature that struck him, but overtake it. As he lands right in front of the goblin, he draws his sword. Notably, an eight-ball from some billiard table can be seen hanging from the hilt. "Creature of the dark," Yami starts. "You have been judged by the Council and will pay for your actions."
    The goblin squeaks, about faces and flees back into the alleyway with a panicked breath. "...damnit. Hold still!" Yami gives chase again, this time on foot. With the wind back in his lungs he closes in on the creature, and in doing so lifts his sword up above his head - ready to strike the smaller creature down with one swoosh of his blade.

Glamour has posed:
HA! That move means maybe she was right not to intervene, but then there's 'judged by the council' and 'creature of dark'. That doesn't sound good. Maybe he DOES need help? But then there he is, about to *kill* the creature. With a sword. She's not so sure. Maybe she just needs to ask him? Size changing magic, go! This will be followed by...

SUPERHERO LANDING! It works in the movies, right? Glamour streaks down to the ground, slamming into it impressively from above with a little help from her wings. Her costume is all blue spandex with a domino mask. It does have some shading and subtle patterns of glitter. "Now, what's going on here?" she asks, bluntly. This is just what Yami needed, of course. A distraction.

She perhaps could have picked her time better.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    At this point the creature is pinned against a dumpster, backing up against it in a foolhardy attempt to get clear. It shrills a desperate cry in some strange language, before turning its head sharply when Glamour lands so dramatically next to the pair. For what it's worth? Yami also turns, staring at the spandex-covered figure with an incredulous expression.
    The gremlin chitters something in response to Glamour. It then turns back to look at the kitsune-masked figure with a look of horror... only to face cold steel. Yami had recovered from the distraction first, and in doing so had found ample opportunity to swing at his targets head. Which he does. With a blink-and-you-will-miss-it movement, the sword slices down and //through// the neck of the creature! And... plop. The goblin's head rolls off his shoulders and onto the ground. The body slumps onto the ground. Purple blood drips from the end of Yami's sword as he holds it in his 'finishing position'.
    "Who are you?" The question posed by Yami is done so as he turns to look up at her. He's not exactly tall. In fact he's several inches smaller than Glamour in this form. The sword is shaken once downward so that any blood remains is shaken off, before it is re-sheathed. "And... you might want to step back. This body is about to catch fire."

Glamour has posed:
"...AUGH! What the hell?!" says Glamour when he just cleanly decapitates the monster. She stares at Yami cross-eyed like he's some kind of obvious MONSTER. "You just killed that... whatever that is! That's not okay!" She points at the gremlin! Killing is bad! Of that, she's relatively sure. Usually.

Okay, so she takes kind of a hard line on these things from the expression on her face.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    "Sure did." Yami confirms, reaching into the right pocket of his sweatpants. He pulls out a vial that contains a maroon liquid, before casually tossing it to the corpse. Upon breaking, the vial //explodes// into a small fireball, catching the body and head alight! The fire is fierce at first, clearly enhanced by some strange chemicals as it positively roasts the corpse into naught but ash.
    "What are you talking about? That was a creature of darkness. They feed off of all sorts of metals underground and cause accidents. They are deemed unnecessary. I'm like... I don't know - a Bounty Hunter for these sorts of things." As the fire starts to quieten down, a hand goes to his hip. "...speaking of, what exactly //are// you? You look like a giant fairy." Pause. "Wait - were you that blue light I saw before? That made me get punched in the stomach?"

Glamour has posed:
"...I'm fairy THEMED," replies Glamour, putting her hands on her hips and straightening up further. "What are you even talking about? And 'creature of darkness'? 'Deemed unnecessary'? By who? Who decide what life is unnecessary?" She squints at him. Hey, that sounds dangerously possibly bad to her! Also, he is TOTALLY not blaming her for his getting punched! That was not her fault! She looks marginally irritated by this! Still, the fire is being observed warily out of the corner of her eye. He wasn't kidding about that part, it seems, anmd her step back further from it is an indication she's not sure what to make of that.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    "Uh...huh." The reply given to Glamour about being 'fairy themed' earns a long side-eye, though it's hard to tell given the mask he wears. "And I really can't tell you much more than that. It's against the rules. But I've been sent here to work the tri-city area, getting rid of the monsters in the area. Vampires, ghosts, gremlins, werewolves, things of the occult that stir up trouble." He didn't say fairies, but it's entirely plausible that Glamour //might// fall into that category! Should she start being mischievous. "So are you a fairy themed superhero, then? I don't think I've heard of you or seen you around before." Not that he knew a lot about superheroes, but he liked to think he knew the main ones. "Hey," He starts, as if what just transpired didn't even happen at all. "Do you have a superhero name?"
     Yami pauses. "Fairy Queen?" Another pause. "Queen Fairy?"

Glamour has posed:
"I don't know. That seems kind of... racist," points out Glamour to Yami, warily. She can't be sure, but it's too late to do anything about it now. She just points at her eyes, points at him, and then flutters up a few feet into the sky. "I've not been around long so that's not surprising. I'm Glamour, totally new to the scene!" And not very good at her job yet. She's like the golden retriever sitting at a keyboard with NO IDEA what she's doing. She doesn't have long to doddle before her magic runs out and shows she's not JUST a fairy-themed superhero for sure.

Yami Kuroki has posed:
    "Only if you don't know much about it." Yami admits with a shrug. "Well, Glamour, huh? I'll keep an eye out on the news for you. Just, uh, please don't distract me next time. If that goblin got away I would've been in big trouble!" Yep, he's totally blaming her for getting struck in the guts. "Have a good evening, Glamour! And watch out for gremlins. They like to chew through brakes." With a small wave, Yami is off! He's actually jogging as he makes his leave, rounding the corner of the alleyway and making his exit beyond.