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Latest revision as of 03:29, 15 May 2020

Straight to the Moon
Date of Scene: 13 May 2020
Location: Luna, Sol System.
Synopsis: M'gann and Xiomara take a picnic trip to the moon.
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Xiomara Rojas

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     It was a saturday morning, no homework, nothing in particular to do... M'gann sighs, letting the book hovering over her where she lies sprawled on her bed drop onto her face. "...Hey Xio, I had an idea... Wanna go to the moon?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "The Moon?" Xiomara wonders over to M'gann. "Uh..sure, I guess. Can't say I've ever been to the moon." she admits, "I mean.. how we gunna get there?" she wonders, as she stretches from her own bed, shifting to sit upright.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann rolls onto her side, lifting up and hovering over to her girlfriend. "We fly there. You're dating a martian who owns her own spaceship that pretends to be a car, remember?" Grinning, she drifts over a bit more to lean against Xio's shoulder. "We could make a whole thing of it. Go have a picnic... I mean, in the ship. We don't have any spacesuits and I think you need one..."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah. I'm a pretty big fan of breathable atmosphere." Xio offers with a bit of a grin. "Okay, sure. I mean.. sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon." she says with a nod of her head. "Yeah, let's go to the moon."

    "We should bring a picnic with us or something, though. You got anything you'd like?" she wonders back towards M'gann, "I mean, it don't gotta be fancy or nothin'. Like... just sandwiches or somethin'. Maybe somethin' to drink."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Hmmm. BLTs? I can get the soda if you do the sandwiches. Plus I should make sure Ship is ready to go..."

     An hour later, the pair were strapped into their seats in Ship, which had decided five point harnesses were appropriate, and leaving the atmosphere behind. "It's beautiful up here, isn't it? There's so many stars. There's so much light pollution on Earth that you can't really see anything like it." The martian teen leans back in her seat a little bit, reaching out to run one hand across the dash.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xio, of course, had never been to Space- red eyes quite wide as the blue of the sky gives way to darkness and the pair are soon facing a vast ocean of stars from a position only a precious few human beings had ever truly seen.

    For a long moment she's quiet after M'gann asks her question. "It's amazing." Xiomara offers after that quiet moment of reverence in staring out into the cosmos.

    "I need to take you to the desert. Out in New Mexico, where they have the Burning Man festival. Not when they have the festival, obviously." she says as she reaches back behind them to grab a pair of drinks- Cola. She opens one and offers it over to M'gann. "Me and my parents used to Burning Man every couple of years. The sky out there is just amazing... but I'd be lying if I said it was quite like this. It isn't. This is... so clear... I feel like I can see forever."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:

     "Well... It's n ot too hard. We can go anywhere. Together." M'gann's straps retract back into her seat, and she leans over to rest her head on Xio's. Sipping her drink, she gazes out at the stars, smiling. "This... is really nice. And I'm really glad I get to do it with you. Shouldn't take us too long to get to the moon, maybe an hour or so?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara just smiles quietly. So far from everyone else- here alone with M'gann. It's just very nice. It's all so different from the life she was living not so long ago.

    A much lonelier life.

    She lets an arm slide around M'gann's shoulders and she just sits back and looks at the moon as it grows ever closer.

    "Yeah. It is." she agrees, before taking a sip of her drink. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do with school, though." she admits quietly. "Like.. It feels weird to me." she admits quietly. "I feel like I don't fit in, and most of them kids don't know nothin' about living free or what it's like to really struggle. It's weird. I dunno... I mean, you get it, but most of them don't."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann sips her drink, snuggling into Xio's side. "I'm always nervous that I'm going to mess up somehow. Like... I thought I'd be ready after watching all that TV, but real school's only a little like I thought it was. ...Which is good, I mean less bullying is always good. Especially with you keeping people in line." Her fingers intertwine with Xio's, and she squeezes gently. "I'm really glad they had us room together."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah, I ain't never been to school before now." Xiomara says, "I know it make my parents happy. I mean, a fancy school like this costs a lotta money." she admits, "And I been learnin' stuff, but.. It feels weird to me. Just like I don't belong or somethin'. I mean, I guess that's normal. Seems like all them shows on TV and stuff are all about how peoples feel like they don't belong..." Xiomara gives a quiet sigh as she squeezes M'gann's hand gently.

    So far from everything as they drift towards the moon. Somehow it was comforting to be at least fifty thousand miles away from any other human being and zooming ever further.

    "And I just do what feels right. I dun like seein' them kids pickin' on other kids just cuz they like shit. So.. I deals with it like I like." That means a punch to the lip. A split lip seems to keep most bullies in line- and luckily no one is stupid enough to sue the minority orphan girl who's there on scholarship.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "We can help eachother. And I definitely know how you feel. I wish... I wish sometimes I could just let the bullies feel how much pain they cause. Make them have some empathy. I don't know /why/ they do it and I don't know if I'll ever understand." There's a soft chime from the console, and the martian looks into the distance for a second. "...We should probably figure out where we want to land. Well... Not actually land. That'd leave marks. But where we want to hover? I mean, we /could/ go see where they first landed. Or do you want some place nobody'se ever been?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah. Let's go to the far side." Xiomara says, "Let's get as far away from all that bullshit as we can and just be alone together."

    "Let's find a place for us. Our place on the moon." Xiomara continues after a moment. "That way.. it's just you and me and all them stars."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "So we're going to the dark side of the moon. Got it!" if M'gann was familiar with classic rock, she'd have cued the album of the same name right about now. Unfortunately, she is not, so Ship just smoothly swings around the moon, landscape traced out in smooth aqua blue lines as the light disappears. "Just tell me if you see a good spot!"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "It's not about the place. It's about the company." Xio offers over with an easy smile. "Maybe there? On that sorta hill?" she wonders, pointing towards a bit of shadowed geography that is only half lit by the sun. After all, the dark side of the moon isn't actually all that dark.

    "Looks good to me, what do you think?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Works for me!" Ship smoothly settles into position, and the upper half fades into total transparency. No more roof, just the interior lit by dim red lights, and the stars around them. "Better than a convertible, huh?" M'gann reaches over for another hand squeeze. "I can't wait to try your sandwiches."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "They're just BLTs." Xio says with a smile as she reaches over to turn off her image inducer- no need to hide who she is on the far-side of the moon. She leans back to grab the bag of individually wrapped sandwiches- pretty standard BLTs: Bacon (both crispy AND tender), tomatoes (beefsteak, of course.), and Iceburg lettuce for some satisfying crunch, all of it on toast with a light mayo layer.

    "It's not like they're special or nothin'. Just.. you know, Bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes. Goes good with cola. Goes good with beer." she gives another little shrug, "I do like how you think all my cooking is fantastic, though. It ain't, not really."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Yeah, but everything you make is special. because you made it." Meg accepts hers, skin color having reverted as soon as they were climbing for altitude, and takes a bite. Her eyelids droop halfway closed, and the martian teen takes a moment to savor the tastes and textures. "Mmmmf. I'll never... get used to how /good/ Earth food is."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "I'm sure Martian food is good, too." Xiomara notes, "I mean... Martians gotta have their own food. Ain't your Uncle helped you with any of that?" Xiomara wonders over as she smiles at the joy Meg gets from just a simple BLT. It's nice.

    "There's a lot of good food though, yeah. I want to try some stuff from other planets. I think about that a lot- what's food like somewhere in space." She just sits with Meg- looking between her girlfriend and the sky above.

    "I'm happy I met you."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "It's... definitely different. The plants are a lot sturdier, since they have to survive sandstorms and extreme cold, so they're really fibrous. Our natural teeth are a lot sharper to help cut through them. I never got to eat real meat until Earth, though. Not really a lot of space for livestock when you're in a bunker. And meat's amazing." She trails of for a moment, eyes meeting Xio's, and a smile on her lips with a little fleck of mayo at one corner. "I'm happy I met you too." She opens the empathic link again, letting her girlfriend feel just how much she cares, every bit of adoration and comfort and happiness she's feeling irght now.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    It's all very new to Xiomara- this feeling. This person. The sight of the universe laid out before them with trillions of twinkling stars. She can feel the empathic link- and it's a two-way street. Xiomara's emotions, as always, hold the edge of anger. It's always there- she can't help it. Maybe it's part of being half-Czarnian. Maybe it's just Lobo's genes.

    But right now- in this very moment everything seems okay. She's with someone she genuinely loves. Someone who does, genuinely make her happier. A friend and more.
    She slides all the closer as they recline together, looking at the stars. She's got nothing to say- not now. It just... feels right.