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Familia Testimonii
Date of Scene: 13 May 2020
Location: Westside - Queensland Park
Synopsis: Clark invites Kara and Karen to meet for dinner. The tale of two Kara's begins! Kara sees how good milk is for a body. Context.
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Kara Danvers, Karen Starr

Clark Kent has posed:
With Superman suddenly returned, the Planet's been a flurry of activity. Lois is taking front line on the story, of course, but Clark had to work with Jimmy getting photos for the web edition, nevermind his own editorial submission.

It's been an all hands on deck kind of week.

And people say the News is dead.

Just leaving the planet at 04:24 he sent out a pair of texts to Kara and Karen, individually.. He is 'definitely' going to say it was an accident, that even he's capable of being forgetful and making a little mistake when the both of them meet up with him.

Standing outside a relatively upscale diner with his cellphone clutched between his ear and his shoulder, he's just finishing up a call, "Jimmy upload the photos to the cloud drive-" Jerking his wrist forward to look at the watch beneath his white button down shirt, "-an hour and a half ago. I laid out the cover for you and everything.. No... No, I'm not patronizing you..." The good natured banter comes equipped with a bemused grin, reaching to adjust his black framed glasses.

"Sure, I can pick you up a coffee. Righ-.. N- Lois, I have to go... Yes- no- okay, I will. Bye." Disconnecting, the phone is dropped into the pocket of his suitcoat hanging over her right arm.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The internship at the Daily Planet does not pay a great deal beyond a cost of living allowance, but given that Kara lives with her 'parents' (read: secret agents), she has the luxury of saving that sum up for various other uses. One such use is a visit to the technological wonderland that is the Avenue of Tomorrow, which when she first arrived seemed quaint and backwards but has grown on her with its neon lights and colorful displays.

That's her excuse for running late, anyway. In truth, it was a landslide in Ecuador but she's learned to always have a handy excuse when she needs it.

With paper bags draped over each arm and dressed in her usual, unremarkable casual digs, Kara hurries down from the rail whale station. Anyone paying close attention to her won't actually have seen her get off the train, but she did come out through the ticket gate. Oh well, it's probably nothing.

Spotting Clark, she calls out in a singsong voice over the milling crowd and waves a bag-ensnared hand over her head.

"Hello! I am late!" Not so much apologizing as just cheerily stating a fact.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Well above Metropolis, a lone figure cuts an almost-impossible to see silhouette. Cape fluttering in the wind, the visage of Power Girl is temporarily lost in thought. More accurately, she is lost in -hesitation.-

    The voice is so very familiar, of course, and there's a momentary pause. "Is she... Is she faking an accent?" Then, another moment of silence. "That's... Not how I sounded." You can lie to yourself all you like, Karen. English was hard.

    A deep, steadying breath is what comes next, before altogether randomly, Power Girl's voice picks up. It's nothing above speaking, but it's just that small bit louder than the muttering from just a moment ago.

    "Clark." She begins, "I'm... I'm ready. Not sure I can go to that diner, though. Starr is a minor celebrity, and I don't want that to get in the way. Think you two could come up here?"

    If anyone were to fly past her in the air well above the Daily Planet, they might think she's just talking to herself.

    Kryptonians cheat.

Clark Kent has posed:
Just stepping inside, Kara's greeting draws Clark's attention, even over the sound of an otherwise busy crowds congregating. He pauses in entering, but does hold the door open for a couple who were just behind him. Arm extended, he smiles at Kara and waves his hand upwards holding his jacket. "No, it's fine. I just... excuse me." Stepping around someone else trying to go inside the small bristo, turning his shoulder to the side to slide past them.

"I just got done at the Planet myself. Thought we could grab an early dinner or late lunch." Peeking around as he leans in to give his cousin a hug, all grins from the boyscout. "Actually, there's a third I was expecting already." Funny how the fastest people on Earth are always the ones last to the party, right?

"Come on, we can gra-" Suddenly cutting himself short, Clark adjusts his glasses and glances up towards the sky above them.. He nods once to Karen, whom he knows can see them regardless of the distance. "Change of plans." Said with a different kind of smile to Kara.

"We're going to meet them upstairs." Pointing upwards, nooooodding, as he then reaches to remove his glasses on the way through the crowds. Dipping sideways into a small junction between two buildings- Clark is gone in a flash, and just as suddenly Power Girl isn't alone.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara glances upwards also when she hears the voice. Though not specifically listening out for it, the obvious shift in her cousin's attention draws her to follow the focus to its source. She peers upwards herself for a moment, tilting the glasses she wears down her nose as she does so. Still, she's not quite connected all the dots and Clark's mysterious wording prompts her to furrow her brow.

"I remember a time when the only mystery was if you would eat your mushed oregus or wear it on your little face!"

She's calling out, but he's already disappearing into the alleyway to head skywards. Kara is a little slower about it, ducking in and settling her purchases behind a stack of cardboard boxes and layering some unfolded newspapers over them. Satisfied, her glasses come off and the technological illusion that renders her hair brown begins to drain away - replaced with golden blonde. In a flash, she is clad once more in red and blue and rocketing skywards.

She comes to a stop, looking from Power Girl, to Superman, and then back.


Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl gets this very, very precious little time to muse over what she's hearing. Idly, she mutters again to herself. "I never -did- get to give him shit for-" Then, Clark is there. She's smiling right then and there. "Ah, you're here. She's..." The phrase Karen might be seeking is On Her Way, but Kara is already there before the thought is finished.

    Her attention goes to Supergirl, and there's this moment of awe. Karen wore something slightly different, but it's all coming back- as if there really was a dam to break, despite that there are all these... Minuscule differences, the differences aren't really what she notices. Just how similar they are- that's what hits the former Kara Zor-L more than anything.

    Still, there's steel in her blood, and Karen isn't about to let Clark take the lead.

    "Kara," she begins, unsure momentarily how to proceed. "My name is... Kara Zor-L." The pronunciation is ever so slightly off- but it's still the same name.

Clark Kent has posed:
Nor would Clark take the lead even if left to do so. Sure, he may have set in motion this meeting, but it was above his paygrade to force Power Girl to come clean of her relation to Kara.. So, like a good neighbor, he hovers there quietly with his arms crossed over his chest and cape fluttering out behind him in the breeze above the level of the buildings beneath them.

It isn't until Kara Zor-L has introduced herself that he finally speaks up, "I did get better at eating." For the sake of both of them, who share that commonality as well. Having fed him when he was a babe, his easy smile attempts to apply ample broken ice to an otherwise awkward situation. It's a tiny sliver of a moment in what is no doubt a glaringly obtuse situation, but there he is... attempting to make them both smile regardless.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"<Your Kryptonian is okay,>" Kara tells her apparent doppelganger with a tight frown, a critique on the pronunciation of her name, "<But not perfect. It sounds off.>"

But, of course, it would. The subtle differences between their universes make the languages mutually intelligible, save for the faintest phonological variances.

There's another wary glance given towards her cousin. This is the sort of surprise she may well have reacted aggressively to, but the fact of his presence renders her more curious than defensive. He wouldn't be arranging this if there were something wrong, would he?

"I also am spotting some subtle but noteworthy differences," Kara adds in English, pointing at certain elements of Power Girl's physique and turning once more to Superman, "Kal, what is this?

Karen Starr has posed:
    To Clark, Karen turns for a moment. Raising a single gloved finger, she comments, "Eventually." Before her attention is fully back on Kara. There's a short inhale, followed by a slow, and deliberate exhale.

    "<My Kryptonian is perfect. It's just not -your- Kryptonian.>" she responds, not missing a beat of the celestial wingdings that is their collective mother tongue- or tongues, as the case may be. "<This is going to be a lot to handle, but our names aren't so similar by coincidence. It's just that- That back in my home universe, things started earlier.>"

    She's not at all sure how that's going to go over, but she continues in Kryptonian just the same. "<In my universe, I went by Kara Kent. I was... Supergirl, just a little while after landing. My Kal was... Older, when I arrived, than yours is. I'm... I'm you. You're me.>"

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal turns from one Kara to the other, smirking at Karen-Kara's correction of his time table with both hands flared out from his biceps. His thumbs remain hooked and the fingers settle as they both shift into Kryptonian. The subtle differences in their kryptonian... or specifically, Karen's differences in theirs.. doesn't prevent him following in the slightest.

"Well..." Karen has, more or less, beat him to the explanation and he nods as much to what the older Kara has said, "She's from a different universe.. But what she's saying 'is' true." As far as he's able to tell anyways, "She's you and you're her." Motioning back and forth between them, speaking predominantly to Kara.

"I've felt like the two of you should meet, but I also know this wasn't my revelation to reveal. But after speaking with her last night, and with everything going on recently-" His own return from death included, "-I encouraged her to meet you."

His hand extends then, reaching out for Kara's shoulder. "I wanted to be here for you when she met you. This might seem awkward, I can't imagine how it wouldn't, but..." He shakes his head so that Kara can sort through her thoughts on it without him clouding the sky with his hot air.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara remains silent for a moment. She digests the revelation with a furrowed brow and pursed lips. Her arms cross over the S-shield at her chest, her golden hair and cape flutter idly in the breeze behind her.

Finally, after letting silence fill the air for a long moment, she says: "<That's really weird.>"

There's another long silence, her arms still folder. Slowly, she extends one index finger to point it at Karen before speaking aloud.

"I have several questions.>"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen nods along with Superman for a time, but then... Then IT starts. The mirroring. When Kara folds her arms, so does Power Girl, but there's... Dear god, it's not fair.

    Karen rolls her eyes at that, shaking her head. "It's not weird." she replies, in English. "I didn't -ask- to be here, but... Here I am. It's awkward, but this was going to happen eventually, us meeting. I thought- and I think Kal thought- that it was best to do it on our own terms, right?"

    Then, there's another nod. A short exhale. "Well. Ask away."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Earth isn't big enough to keep you two seperated forever." He agrees with a solumn nod, but Kal doesn't look troubled, even in the face of what could world changing news for his cousin. His presence was one specifically to be there for his cousin, both of them in a way, but mostly so that kara didn't immediately respond violently.

That might not be out to pasture yet, but he's confident now that it wont devolve immediately into thrown fists and harsh words. "I think you both have a great deal to talk about and you don't need me hovering nearby awkwardly during this private conversation. My work, as they say, is done..." another easy grin to accompany his lame joke, releasing Kara's shoulder in favor of crossing it back over his own S shield.

"I need to get back to the Planet before Lois skins my hide. Obviously, I'm around if either of you need me." Wiggling pinky and thumb up near his ear. Turning where he's hovering after giving both an earnest nod of farewell, remaining long enough for farewells, then he's gone as quickly as he appeared.

Fixing the last few buttons of his shirt back in the alley where he'd left his clothes. The black framed glasses are slid up on the bridge of his nose after combing back his black hair with spread fingers and he's walking back out into the street with the rest of the evening crowd.

Heading back in the direction of the Planet with a cheesy, entirely too happy, smile on his face.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, it is weird," Kara adds with no small amount of teenage indignance - she may be trying to be like Superman, but she's not there yet, "Just because you are telling me it is not does not make it so. That said, if Kal-El says you are you ... me ...then I will accept that it is a weird fact of life."

"My question is - " there's a pause, an exasperated look to Clark, and then she looks pointedly down at the city below and colors a little. Then, he's speaking and then he's gone. It's just her and the strange her from another universe.

"<I was pretty sure I was done growing ... >"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen takes a moment to bid Clark farewell. "Yeah. We're -supposed- to be invincible, but I'm pretty sure that's one conflict you're not coming back from." Too soon? Maybe, maybe not. But, all the same, the levity is there.

    "Listen. It's... The point is that we... We now know. And while I'm not- I'm not sure what I can offer, what advice I can give, but I'm... Older. Which means that maybe if you've got questions, or need help- I'm here for you. Alright? Does that make it... Any less weird?"

    There's a sort of rosiness to her cheeks for a moment. She clears her throat. The lie is deep when it comes out. "Hey, yeah, you're probably going to keep going. Don't... Worry about it."