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A Missing Student Situation
Date of Scene: 13 May 2020
Location: Teacher's Lounge - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Sam informs Morrigan and Daniel on Andi's abscences and they make plans on the next step.
Cast of Characters: Sam Wilson, Daniel Hastings, Morrigan MacIntyre

Sam Wilson has posed:
After getting an absentee notice for the third straight day, Sam did some research and what he found was troubling. Troubling enough that he sent a message to Morrighan to meet with him after school and then to one of the teachers, Daniel Hastings, so that he can get some feedback. Deciding to use the teacher's lounge, he's settled at the table with his laptop and files as he waits for the others to arrive.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Problem children. Say it isn't so. Missing children? That was a little more concerning. Daniel was quick to reply that he'd make it to the meeting and arrives on time with a second hand thermos in hand. "Apologies if I'm late." He offers since it would seem Sam's already here.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan wasn't aware of anyone that was missing on her end, but, she was sure that Sam knew what he was talking about. The redhead enters with a bit of a smile on her face, but, she's not in the chipperist of moods. It's hump day and almost the end of the year. She was tired. She gives a wave to Sam and Daniel, "Gentlemen." she greets them as she crosses over to where Sam is seated and sits down.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Hey, Mo." Sam's smile for the woman is fond, but becomes concerned when he sees her expression. He tries to give her a little more of an encouraging smile. "I saw the weather forecast for Spain, looks like weather is going to be beautiful for the Seinor Trip." he offers, before his attention turns to work. Taking out a folder, he slides over a pair of photos of a young, dark haired girl - very much into goth. "Her name's Andi Benton." he explains. "She hasn't shown up for school since Tuesday. I decided to make a house call to check on her welfare."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel looks down at the photos, picking one of them up to get a better look as he sits on the edge of table. "I'm going to take a wild guess that she wasn't home and that you found something.. alarming." Call it a hunch but SHIELD agents don't hand out a dossier at the beginning of a conversation if it isn't serious.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Hopefully it will still happen if we don't have a missing child on our hands." she states with a smile to Sam. Morrigan goes over the internal data, "Well, she's not a meta or powered, so I wonder where she might have gotten off to." she frowns at that. "What did you find?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
There's a smirk at Daniel. "If it was something alarming, I'd turned this over to SHIELD or the Avengers, and we wouldn't be having this conversation." Sam points out, a shake of his head. "What I got was silence. She lives with her father - neither of them answered the phone or the door when I went to visit. When I texted her, I got a response back this morning." He pulls it up on his phone, then projects it to the wall.

- Ms. Benton, this is Mr. Wilson, Guidance Counselor at Happy Harbor HS. You've been absent the last couple of days and wanted to make sure you were well!

   Family Emergency.
   Don't know when I
     will be back. -

- I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

                No -

"Normally this wouldn't raise a red flag, but Miss Benton... Andi, has not missed a day of school since she started. Her teachers have her marked with being a bit of a loner, but she always did her work and turned in her projects on time. The only course she had any struggles with was Physical Education, where she was constantly being marked off due to refusing to dress out for class." There's a nod to Morrigan. "She's not powered, unless she's a late bloomer as a mutant. I was trying to see if there was any footage I can find about what happened to her or her family to cause her to be absent, but so far? Nothing."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Quaint." Daniel replies to Sam. "But silence in itself can be alarming. Just as you said." He drums his fingers on the table he's leaning on. "I can take a peek inside. See if there's anything amiss in their apartment. Ask around Mutant Town. See if she's been hanging about lately trying to figure things out, proverbially. Otherwise.. she's a truant without a note of some kind from her father, right? Not that I'm keen on getting social services involved but if she needs help there's no shame in getting it."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to the two men and there's a bit of a look to Sam's phone, "Well, if she answered and it's the end of the school year it might just be needing some time off. Have we talked to her father?" she asks. "I could see if I can get ahold of him or see about meeting with Andi if we need. She is a bit of a loner, but never been in any trouble or anything." she admits. "And like Doctor Hastings said, no shame in getting help if she needs it." she smiles to that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
As they talk, there's a chime on his computer. "Finally." Sam says, looking up from his laptop. "Had to go through some red tape, but I got the survelliance footage from a camera set up outside the apartment Andi and her dad live at, for package pickups." he explains. Connecting his phone projector to the laptop, he starts to run it.

The video starts to play. And as it scrolls through at fastforward, it shows the comings and goings of several people. Right until... there's a flash of metallic tendrils, and Doctor Octopus descends on the apartment complex - in paticular Andi's apartment, before going away carrying something.

"Crap." Sam breathes softly.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I think that qualifies as alarming." Daniel profers with a knitted brow. "Was that.. Doctor Octopus?" There was a squint at the screen then he looks to them both confusedly. "What in the world would he be interested in Ms. Benton for? Or her father for that matter." Crossing his arms, he sets to thinking, "Could he have gotten the wrong apartment?" He's still floored that a supervillain would randomly select an otherwise indistinct individual. It made no sense.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I was really hoping for a quiet end to the year after the other situation." Morrigan sighs as she rests her head in her hands. Then she matches the video and there's a bit of a head shake, "Why would Doctor Octopus take Andi?" she asks.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I don't know." Sam responds to them both at once. But he's already running the name through the program to see what comes up. After getting no hits on Andi or her father -- several news stories come up as of late for Doctor Octopus.

- A joint NASA/Interior task force was attacked last night by the supervillain known as Doctor Octopus, who stole three meteorites recovered from the recent meteor shower on public land. (bbread 4/90)

- Three meteorites from the recent Pleiades meteor shower were recovered from a warehouse in the Garment District of New York City. The thief, Dr. Otto Octavius (known to many as "Dr. Octopus), was taken into custody after an anonymous tip led police to the location. A New York citizen, being held hostage, was rescued and taken to a local hospital for injuries acquired as a result of their imprisonment. The NYPD is withholding some information out of respect for the family involved and to avoid compromising an ongoing investigation. (bbread 4/103)

"That reads that they only recovered one. Witch Octavius in custody, it could be a good time to get SHIELD involved to investigate those very questions. And the meteorites themselves." Sam offers to the pair. And there's an apologetic look to Mo. "Sorry hon." he says without thinking on it. He knows she wanted the end of the year to be quiet.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Alright, so he stole some meteorites. And.. if Andi replied.. do you think the injured person was her father?" Daniel is purely speculating on this point now. "Sadly, that rules me out of play. No more flashing of badges for me. Not that I couldn't find out some answers if you didn't want the help?" It was a question for Sam.. but then a small raise of the brow at the 'hon' and he glances over at Morrigan with a curious eye.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan sits back and listens to things, processing all of this. "Do we think that he took them both or that he took her father and she's being told to text that everything is alright?" she asks. The 'hon' getting said just makes her smile, but she doesn't make a big fuss, "It's alright. We need to focus on finding Andi and helping where we can." she nods to Sam. Then she looks to Daniel, "No longer doing fieldwork?" she asks.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"We'll need to find someone to locate her father. Maybe get the rundown on that. If he's in a hospital..." There's a look to Morrigan. "If you want to pull some strings? We're not sure what the NYPD might have missed or not released to the public." he explains. "So. Do you think we should wait, or do you want to bump this up to SHIELD to look at?" he asks Morrigan.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"All things being equal, I'm not planning on waiting either way." Daniel offers to the pair. "If the girl has a family crisis, well, I've got plenty of time on my hands to help. If she's being held prisoner by Octopus?" Doctor. Feh. "Then you know I've got the skills to find out without being noticed and can sound the alarm. Now if you wanted to make that inquiry with NYPD? I think you can find a nexus between Octopus and SHIELD easily enough to get that answer. Divide and conquer." He smiles.. and then it fades as he looks back to Morrigan, "I've retired, Doctor. Looking for a life of science now that I've a second life to live. Not that I won't be heroic when the time comes but I've already done my service to Queen and Country."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a look to Sam and there's a bit of a nod, "I can look through the hospitals." she tells him. "Is Doctor Octopus a school threat? Either way, we should probably let SHIELD know given things. Whether I'm an agent or not I'm sure they'd like to know what's going on. "We'll still do our jobs as her teachers." she states. Then she looks to Daniel, "Well, that is sad to here, but, I am glad you are staying with us." she smiles. They'd already lost Tony today, so another leaving wasn't on her agenda.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I think I read that Octopus is in custody, so he's not a threat. But with Andi's father possibly in the hospital, she's probably alone and scared at the moment." Sam points out to the other two and blows out his breath. "We can look into what we can, but until we know for sure she's in danger? I'd recommend just reaching out to her to let her know we're here if we need her." he offers to the two.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"That's a given." Maybe it isn't necessarily but it seems to be for Daniel. "As I say, I've got more time on my hands now and I'd be happy to reach out. I.. don't know what sort of support funds the school has for kids in need but I've got a retirement check I'm doing nothing with so I can help her with medical bills and the like if that comes up." His forehead knits as he thinks about Andi being alone and fending for herself. He snaps out of it with a glance towards Morrigan, "So long as you're on board with it, Doctor. SHIELD was the one that got me the appointment after all. I'm not trying to disturb the hand that feeds you."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Well, we can do that, yes." Morrigan nods to that. "I will go and see about looking up hospital things. It won't be a problem. I'm glad that Doctor Octopus is in custody and that we won't have to deal with him." she admits. Because that was a little above her paygrade. "If she isn't answering your texts really who do we want to check in on her?" she asks.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Do you know of any students she may be friends with or close to?" Sam asks with a slight frown. "That might be a place to start. Have a peer reach out to her."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel seems to be thinking.. hard. Like he's really cranking the memory banks. "So.. I saw her talking with Alexander and Heidi.. and.. she seemed to like Sam's assistance dog, Bear." He gives a shake of his head as he straightens. "That's all I really remember of her and Prom. Otherwise, she's been pretty quiet. Kept to herself."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I...maybe Xiomara?" Morrigan looks between them. She feels odd for a moment, "I mean, I've not really seen her with others, so you guys probably know more than I do." she admits. She felt like a bad adult for not paying more attention really. "I could just text her as well." she offers.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"That's a good idea, Mo. Send her a text and see if she responds to you." Sam says and turns off the phone to shut down the computer. "That's all I reall have on this. Just wanted to make you aware." He grins at Mo, trying to encourage her. "I should consider getting some dinner."