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Into the Forbidden Zone
Date of Scene: 14 May 2020
Location: Director's Office: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daniel Hastings resigns from SHIELD, and is called in by Fury.
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Daniel Hastings

Nick Fury has posed:
"Come in." The Director's voice is crisp and clipped, but there is no aggression in it. Unreadable in tone as well as visually as always, Director Fury is not located behind his desk, but is instead on the side of the office, facing the inward-facing windows. The windows reveal down into one of the large operations rooms, a sea of computers and moving agents, not to the exterior.

Fury waits a long moment, hands neatly folded against his back, allowing Daniel to enter without the steely eye of the Directior on him ... yet.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
When one is summoned to the Director's Office, one goes. Sure, he'd submitted his resignation letter. No doubt that's why he was called. Truth be told, he was impressed that he was called to the office rather than just ignored as one of the many cogs in the wheel that come and go through SHIELD's employ over a year. "Sir." Daniel offers curtly as he steps in to stand 'at ease' with his palms overlapped behind him. Call it a throwback to a military upbringing that's at war with his scientific one.

Nick Fury has posed:
"I understand you're leaving us," Fury begins, turning now, to rest his analytic eye on Daniel. While it is a statement, it also opens the floor to anything that Daniel might want to bring forward. On the desk sits Daniel's resignation.

Fury crosses to that paperwork, drawing his fingers under the edge of the folder, and starting to close it. His expression eases some: there's no threat to be had here, just a quiet study of Daniel.

"Leaving us here does not require you terminate your time with Happy Harbor, should you want to continue to teach there," Fury states.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Yes, sir." Daniel confirms with a nod. "I.." He takes a deep breath then relaxes his arms with a shake of his head. "Truth be told, I don't know that I should have ever re-upped. I guess.. it was the only thing I knew." He tilts his head as if thinking on that topic. "It's been a long time coming if I'm to be honest. It's not that I can't do the job. Or that I think SHIELD is an evil necessarily. It's that.. I'm a scientist, Director. That's what brought me to Oxford. The Germans are what made me fight. Because.. it was fight or die knowing that the most horrific regime to ever live on the face of the Earth would rule if you didn't. When the stakes are that high.. you fight whether you want to or not." A beat. "Then it was the Cold War and.." The rest was Andromeda.

"Now I'm not saying that we don't have enemies now. That would be naive of me. Hell, we have someone trying to revive Nazi fervor now with their..balloon beings." He gestures vaguely at a wall. "And I'm happy to oppose them. But.. I don't sleep nights anymore. All I see are dead bodies. Holocaust or casualties of war, it doesn't matter. Every briefing we have, I have flashbacks. Life.. was almost easier on Kirit." He shakes his head. "I will tell you this though. Never in my scientific or military life have I ever had a superior chew the subject matter expert a new ass over a point that had nothing to do with the matter at hand other than being an introduction. That.. was my wakeup call. Where I realized that spending six years on the run from Kree security forces had changed me. I've.. grown to be too.. comfortable with speaking truth to power." He snorts a faint laugh then looks back to Fury. "Thank you for that. I think it'll be good for me to have something simple to keep me going until I know where I'll land. I was thinking STAR labs.. or work for Richards. Though that has complications." Dating the boss' daughter always does.

Nick Fury has posed:
Fury listens alertly, though it may feel as if explaining events to someone that already knows the story. Nick Fury gives that vibe to everyone, though. As if he's had the briefing. Then again, he does have the resignation letter - and a full organization of spies under his control. There IS that.

Fury entirely closes the folder and picks it up, resting to sit on the corner of his desk near Daniel. He lifts and flexes the folder towards the other man in a motion that suggests 'at ease'. As much as Daniel is able, anyway, given the situation of where he is.

"No, the life isn't for everyone, or even most. Fortunately, this isn't like joining the mafia, your knees will not be broken if you try to run," Fury teases with a smirk. He taps the folder's edge against his thigh once. "I'm not going to coax you on any of this, though if I do send an agent to consult on a matter, I'm hopeful you'll be open to consultation." Fury lifts his eyebrow, then continues, "Should you need an employment recommendation for any of those companies - from Richards to Luthor's to Stark, you'll get it from our R&D." In return for consulting down the line, is the small print. But maybe not: Fury isn't giving a death glare about it. He's difficult to read.

"Otherwise, I have assigned Agent Galin to assist your moveout," Fury says. Galin is a level one science intern. "Try not to take her with you."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel nods at the mention of recommendations. "That's appreciated, sir. And I certainly have no objections to consultations. SHIELD's purpose is the planet and I do rather live here. Just.. do me a favor? Find the HYDRA sympathizers? I already fought one war with them.. and I'm sure Rogers feels the same way about having to fight them again. Or the Nazis for that matter." His brow knits in thought then he shrugs. "It's for the best anyway. Especially now that Director Carter is back to us." Whatever he means by that. "Oh! Don't worry about Agent Galin. I've already got myself moved into a flat over in Mutant Town. I'll be sure to file my report on the Sentinel that was disabled in an attack there before I turn in my security badge." Otherwise he can't well submit the AAR now can he.

Nick Fury has posed:
"I'll expect it," Fury agrees, in regard to the report. It also has a farewell in the tone, the curt dismissal common from the hard Director.

He moves, then, behind his desk, opening a side filing cabinet and putting Daniel's file into it. With that, the meeting, and Daniel's employment under SHIELD, has certainly come to a close.