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Latest revision as of 06:19, 16 May 2020

You Again
Date of Scene: 10 May 2020
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Artemis and Robbie reunite and get to know each other better.
Cast of Characters: Robbie Reyes, Artemis

Robbie Reyes has posed:
New York City. Roughly about 2pm.

Robbie had just parked the Hellcharger near one of the parks in Queens. The black and white colored beast of mechanical ingenuity waiting until its Rider mighth ave need of it as Robbie gets out of the car, taking off his leather driving gloves in the process. As he was simply leaning against his vehicle, he seems to be sipping on a bottle of alcohol, with another five just waiting to be opened, likely not until he got home.

He sighs lightly.

The real question is, what did he just finish doing that allows such rest? Well, if any interested parties were investigating, Robbie had just finished purging a demonic spirit from a human host, though the human is now in the hospital for a physical checkup.

All the same, the Avenger seems to just be minding his own at the moment, but who knows who he might come across today?

Artemis has posed:
A bus is what awaits him. Not just any bus. A bus that came from Manhattan to Queens. Dramatic music! Not really though. The bus is relatively normal as far as NYC busses go. This one is just dropping off the usual people except for one. Artemis is stepping off of it and looking around with a frown. She isn't sure about any of the stuff happening around here but some had stated that she might find affordable lodging here and so here is where she is.

Now that she is here though, she's not entirely sure which direction to go and all she has is a flip phone. She probably ought to get one of those smartphones but then she'd have to learn that, too. Either way, she is just about to walk down the street in a direction and start asking questions when she spots Robbie's car and blinks at teh familiarity of it. It's not on fire, no but it does look like a certain car...

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie continued to sip from his drink before he noticed the bus coming along and the stunning redhead who emerged from it. Considering that she towered over literally everyone else on the bus and its not like she wears anything to conceal her face when she's crime-fighting, his brow lifts just a tad.

"Wait a second...do I know you?"

Robbie says pointedly to Artemis, especially when he catches her staring at the car. He can't seem to put a finger on it, but its not like Artemis is forgettable. "Oooohhh I remember you. Heh, good to see you haven't gotten yourself in too much trouble quite yet." he seems friendly, though whether Artemis can difference Robbie (who's even wearing the same distinct articles of clothing that carries into the Ghost Rider, namely (well, ONLY besides the flaming skull) the jacket. She might remember, she might not.

Artemis has posed:
A blink as she looks over at Robbie and then at the car before she looks at him again, "You seem familiar." She looks at him carefully and steps up closer to him before tilting her head, "You seem to know me so I must question. Do you sometimes set your head on fire?" She asks of him and then she leans in closer, "And if you do, why do you do that?" She asks and tilts her head a little.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie tilts his head at her when she steps closer. "Know you? Nah. I just remember working with you."

Then she asks the most obvious and most pertinent question: The skull on fire. Robbie sighs a little bit before he looks her right in the eyes. "Yeah. Not exactly my best moments when I go carrot-top. But yeah, thats me." he tells Artemis then with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Lets just say I made a deal a long time ago and its stuck with me a while. Care to explain where the axe thats bigger than you went?"

As if to offer perhaps some encouragement, he reaches into his car and offers her a beer.

Artemis has posed:
"Ah I see." She states and nods her head even thoguh she's not really fully understanding, she knows about deals. She then looks at him with a blink and then she smiles, "It's a magical gift from the gods." She nods her head, "It comes when I need it and goes when I do not." She then blinks and takes the offered beer. She then ahs as she sees it, "The strange water that your people call alcohol." She nods her head, "Thank you." She then simply removes the top rather easily with a hand and takes a sip.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie smirks ever so softly at Artemis when she seems to understand. "Yeah." he claims, before he tilts his head at Artemis's claim that her battleaxe is a gift from the gods. "Is it weird that it doesn't surprise me? That thing is massive and you can carry it one-handed. Either your really strong, its magical, or its both." Robbie says with a smirk.

"And what do you mean by need, Chica? When you're in grave danger or just whenever a fight's going down?"

Though he's not going to push questions on Artemis, especially because that one's kind of personal. He remains leaning against the car and he smirks a tad. "You like it?"

Artemis has posed:
Looking at him she blinks, "When I call, it comes. It comes when I need it." She considers a demonstration but then there's really no point to that. Then he is leaning against that car and asks that question and...she has no idea he's talking about the car. She instead assumes what is already being talked about, "I do." She states simply enough, "It is a great axe. Very powerful and very large. It has seen me through many battles. It'd be strange not to like it." She shrugs.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
He was talking about the alcohol, actually. But all the same, Robbie chuckles. "Fair enough, fair enough." He tilts his head at her though. "You know, I never did end up getting your name. Feel like sharing?" He asks her curiously, though not demandingly.

Just a friendly question.

Artemis has posed:
"If you are willing to share yours." She nods her head and takes another drink of the beer. If the taste or the alcohol bothers her, it doesn't show. "I am Artemis." She states simply enough and then gestures to him, "What do you call yourself? I assume it has something to do with flaming skulls but I could be wrong."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Fair enough, I guess."

When Artemis reveals her name to be Artemis, Robbie nods. "Robbie. Robbie Reyes." He states to her and extends his hand to her for a handshake. Though whether or not this is acceptable in amazonian culture is up to her.

When asked what he calls himself when his head is on fire, Robbie sighs lightly, knowing she might mock him. "Ghost Rider."

Artemis has posed:
A hmm and she reaches out for his hand, but then takes his forearm instead of his hand. She has a solid grip with she does so and then pulls back and hmms, "It is good to meet you, Robbie. You fight well." She nods her head, "If a little madly." She nods her head, "I have been known to lose it every once in a while, too, though. No big deal." She shakes her head as she looks over at the car briefly and then back at him, "How is your car back to normal then?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie nods softly, though looks to be admittedly surprised when Artemis grasps his forearm instead. But be a warrior thing or something. All the same, Robbie shakes lightly with a squeeze before he pulls back. A firm handshake indeed. "So do you." probably the best compliment he's gonna get in a while. All the same, he smirks. "Good to know."

Stash that info in the back pocket, most like.

"The transformative effects of Hellfire are convenient indeed. When I transform, the car does too. When I turn back to normal, so does the car."

Artemis has posed:
A nod as she looks over at the car and hmms as she looks it over, "It also fixes the car? That large man we fought was made of some incredibly tough stuff." She nods her head, "I was surprised that he took a hit from my axe and didn't fall." She nods her head, "Your car had to have been damaged, transformation or not?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie smirks just a tad. "It does. THe car gets dented, but the mystical mumbo jumbo that allows me to do what I do also has an effect on the car. It self-repairs, basically. That way, I never have to worry about paying for such a task." he smirks a little bit.

"Should try and follow-up on that. We made him retreat and he was scared shitless of your weapon, but I'm curious what specifically he was after."

Artemis has posed:
"That is very efficient." Artemis nods her head as she looks over hte car before looking over to Robbie and nodding to him, "He did escape. What do you know of that man? I know of few who can take my axe straight on like that and simply run away. He barely seemed hurt. He seemed more cautious than anything."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie nods lightly to Artemis. "Well, thanks warrior glamazon lady." He chuckles as he sips his drink.

"All I know for sure is that he's called the Juggernaut. Guy's literally a walking tank. When he gets moving, apparently nothing can stop him. I have no clue what the source of his strength is, but he's a monster pure and simple." Robbie shrugs a little bit. "We're lucky he didn't stick around, or a lot of shit would've been annihilated."

Artemis has posed:
A blink at him and she stares, "I am an Amazon. It's pronounced without a g or l." She eyes him carefully before looking back in the direction of that fight and nodding, "I imagine a fight between him and I would not have been pretty had it gone on." She nods her head, "It might have been fun though."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"That was a joke."

Robbie smirks at her. "It wouldn't hurt you to lighten up some, ya know. Not everything needs to be with a fighter's mindset. Like now for example." he gestures in front of him. "Its a nice relaxing day where - so far - nothing remarkably crazy or infuriating has happened. Its nice to just sit and smell the roses, you know?"

He does chuckle. "Perhaps it would've been. But how many would've been injured or killed during the fight?"

Artemis has posed:
A hmm and she nods, "I suppose." She states, "What we used to do for fun though was to fight." She nods her head and then she seems to think for a moment. Looking off to the side before saying, "However, perhaps I should just enjoy the moment. I have been after something for a long time and that's what I have been focusing on.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie chuckles a bit. "Right, Amazons." he seems to smirk at her a little bit before he listens closely to what she's saying. She's been looking for something? Interesting. "Well, what are you looking for that brings you all the way here? I imagine the...uh, amazonian homeland is quite a ways." he says with a smirk.

"But I fully agree. Take a breather, enjoy the fine company, and just take a sip of the fine nectar of life."

Artemis has posed:
"That is something that is personal." She states to him, "And there are more than just one Amazonian homeland. I am from Bana-Mighdal." She nods her head, "Either way, you may be right." She hmms softly to herself, "I have not truly relaxed in some time."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie tilts his head. "Looking for something is personal? Well, alright then. You're the one with the giant battleax." Robbie lifts a hand then in surrender before he hears where she's from. "Bana-Mighal? Whats a Bana-Mighdal?" Robbie tilts his head. It doesn't sound Greek like he thought Amazons were.

What? he paid at least a -little- attention in school.

"And what do you do for, not fun, but -relaxation-?"

Artemis has posed:
"Where I am from." She states simply enough and nods her head before she smirks, "I believe I just said that. As for what I do? I suppose I tend to just bath, read, and or speak with friends but that is not somethign I have a great deal of here." She nods her head.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie chuckles just a tad. "I got that. But what does the name mean?" He asks her. Surely it must mean something in her native tongue! Or maybe he's just thinking about this the wrong way. "Well, you satisfy at least one of the requirements: chatting with friends. At least, am I right in assuming we are friends, Artemis?" he asks her with a lift of his bottle and a wry smirk on his face.

An offer of friendship from the Ghost Rider? Very curious. "and what do you like to read?"

Artemis has posed:
"An aquaintenance at least." She smirks and nods her head before Artemis shrugs, "It is a name." She nods her head, "I don't know that it has any specific meaning other than its name and place. Perhaps it was named after someone long since forgotten." She shrugs and then she considers, "As for reading? I often read books about battles and by great generals."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie chuckles. "Just an acquaintance? Man, talk about getting thrown under the bus." yes, he's playfully trying to make Artemis feel bad. Though he doesn't seem upset or disappointed by the lack of name origin, he does smirk a little bit.

"Is everything in your life about fighting?"

Its an honest question, not meant to be derogatory or insulting.

Artemis has posed:
"Not everything but that is what I was raised for." She states simply enough, "I was training to be the defender of my people. That is what I was about." She nods her head and then shrugs as she tilts her head, "What were you raised for?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie chuckles just a little bit. "Was?" He asks, picking up on that one word that may suggest that its past-tense. Either way, when she asks Robbie the -complicated- yet ultimately simple question of what he was raised for, he answers easily. "To be a fixer-upper, probably."

Artemis has posed:
A blink and then she shakes her head before letting out a sigh, "That is something I have noticed a lot in this world." She states, "None of you seem to know what you are here for. You don't have a purpose." She shakes her head, "I knew my purpose right from the start. Only things that happened along the way have hurt my purpose but I came back to it, went back to it and worked my way back toward it." She nods her head, "Now, I seek to return to it. At least, that is part of why I am here." She looks to Robbie and smiles, "You need to find your purpose."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie smirks just a little bit. "Yeah, well, most of us weren't born into a society of female warriors." He sips his beer then. "I was born in motor oil and mechanic tools. Many of us have this thing called free will, where we can choose what makes our passion. Unfortunately, half of us regular folk never find it." He sighs softly. "Maybe one day I'll find it. But for now? Being a hero as best as I can is purpose enough."

Artemis has posed:
"Just because you are born somewhere else doesn't mean you can't have a purpose. You say you were born in motor oil. Perhaps that is something to do with what you are meant to do." She shrugs and then consideres him, "Either way, I cannot stand around here all day. It was nice speaking with you, Robbie." She nods her head, "I will see you another time." And with that, she turns and gives him a small wave before leaping, with seeming ease, to the top of a nearby building before simply leaping to the next.