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Debrief: Belize Island Case
Date of Scene: 16 May 2020
Location: Security: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daisy, Jessica Drew and Techno gather up for a debrief report with Alexander about the Elis Society and was discovered on that island in Belize. Some secrets are uncovered and apparently Happy Harbor has a lot of SHIELD people there. Go figure.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Samuel Morgan, Jessica Drew, Alexander Aaron

Daisy Johnson has posed:
So it was debrief time.

The trip back to the Triskelion had been one of silence. An heavy ambience due to what had been witnessed, most Agents looking somber.. Daisy wasn't in a much better state herself. It was the type of things noone should ever observe. But such was the life of an Agent as well.

It hadn't taken long for the debrief to occur, and while a lot was still being figured out by the techs, computer experts and analysis on site there was enough to go on so Alexander could be debriefed. Having been one of the field agents with her during the mission Daisy had brought in Jessica to assist in the room..

As for the observation room, she had put that onus on Samuel, both to observe but also to use his own skills to check on electronics they had picked up at the island. Everyone had a phone afterall..., and there was much footage to look into as well from within the house..

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It used to be routine when the large black car pulled up in front of the building that contained, among others, Sam's apartment. For the past few weeks, it's been a source of anxiety, and that doesn't get better when the car arrives unscheduled, after a very brief phone call telling the teenaged consultant to expect it. It's not a request.

    Now he sits in the observation room, hurriedly briefed on what has happened, his visitor pass hanging off the breast pocket of his denim jacket, which itself is hanging off the backrest of the swivel chair he's sitting on. Next to him, on his own chair, sits Bear with a visitor pass hanging from his collar, photo and all. He's likely a better judge of emotional states than Sam, but the former assassin is a shrewd observer of body language.

    The analysis work is being done, even as Sam looks out through the mirror into the interrogation room, typing notes without even looking at the screen or the keyboard.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Every time Jessica looked at their newest recruit, she's assuming that there is that possibility, she hears the words: human sacrifice. She swallows and takes a quick short breath like the idea makes the room run out of oxygen.

They are professionals, grownups, and accustomed to the macabre. With an uncomfortable movement of her shoulders, Jessica tells herself she would like to believe that. Head tilted to one side, face arranged to neutral, she waits for the questioning to begin.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The satellite phone and electronics that were recovered from the Belize island give insight into the structure of the organization. There are contact points for some individuals on the main land, an easily established hierarchy once the signals are recovered and decrypted, and some insight into the back and forth of the mercenary units that handled the security detail for the location that has now come under such great scrutiny.
    But the connection that could be solidified to Alexander apparently comes at the latter part of the conflict, likely claimed at the end of whatever fight occurred. For Alexander's voice was only on one transmission, the recorded message to Daisy that was simply,

    'Ms. Johnson. This is Alexander Aaron. I need help. These are my coordinates.' Followed with a longitude and a latitude and then the channel being left open.
    Though with a little digging Samuel could pick up that a text message was sent to none other than his principal, Morrigan Macintyre that contained the words, 'Ms. Macintyre, this is Alexander Aaron. You should perhaps delete my files. I'm sorry.'
    But beyond those two things there are few aspects connected to him directly.
    Though now, he slowly sits in the chair in that debriefing room, hands upon the tabletop and finger interlaced. He wears a sweat shirt and sweat pants as well as laceless sneakers in place of the clothes he was wearing when he was brought in. His eyes wander the room, hazel gaze drifting to the large mirrored glass, then back to Daisy across the way.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The room was just as one could expect on all those cop procedurals. The neutral lights, a window that takes most of a wall on one side. Table, chairs for people to sit. Daisy had been nice enough though and had brought up a couple of water bottles for them to drink up. They might need it afterall.

"Sit down, Alexander." No need for formalities, she gesturing towards the chairs while she walks to an opposite side to settle down as well.

"I wanted you to start from the beginning, tell us how you came to be on that island." she begins with that, sitting down and waiting. Her expression is grave, knowing well the gravity of the issue they are handling right now. To Jessica she says, "Also, any questions feel free to put them." a nod given then a look towards the glass.. She will expect info to be given to her in time once the looking into those people's electronics is done.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There are few things more enjoyable than picking apart a criminal or evil organisation using their own networks and their own comms tech. It's like cracking open a treasure trove of evidence and leads, a glut upon which Intelligence is likely to feast for some time to time. It's straight forward work, until Sam hits the text message. For a moment his fingers falter, but not his mind.

    The message is duly recorded, but tagged with a flag for consideration lvl 8 and above. They might kick it back down, but until then it'll be out of the prying eyes that might glance at this report, inaccessible to the casual browser.

    Harbor Seals stick together.

    "He's as relaxed as he always appears. No fidgeting, no tells that are unusual of his general disposition. But his presentation is always immaculate. Confirming an accurate base state at the start of the interview." Sam mentions for the benefit of the audio log and anyone who might be observing the observation.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Listening to the analysis of Alexander's base state, Jessica has to make an effort to not show surprise, one side of her mouth tugs down sardonically. The boy's uncle is Dionysus, of course, he appears calm, she wants to say aloud. She guards her commentary for herself, and instead, fixes him with an interested look that invites him to go ahead.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Adjusting the seat, Alexander settles in and considers the table, noting small aspects of it as if taking subtle insight as to the realities of things as opposed to what cultural mores have presented to him as how things are done. A nod is given to Daisy and Jessica, his gaze drifting between the two visible SHIELD agents.
    "My family has rules." He starts off with, perhaps having thought of how to present this for the time he was held quietly, but comfortably by the agents. "To survive the flow of time. They used to be at each other tooth and nail. My grandfather implemented rules of conduct to allow subdued interaction. Dionysus and Hades have had a feud for a long time and they still maintain it despite those rules. To injure Hades, Dionysus created a celebration to supposedly 'honor' Hades. One hundred or so years ago, created a group of people called the Elis Society. They worshiped Hades once a year. But Hades did not care for how they worshiped him."
    A pause as his brow furrows, then he looks over at Jessica for some reason, as if some aspect of her might remind him of something to do with the past, but then he continues. "Hades sought to gain my attention and my help to act as an arbiter between them. For Zeus had ruled that this was a gift Dionysus was giving, and Hades should not spurn the gift. That is how I came into the middle of things."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The assessment out of Samuel makes Daisy press her lips to a thin line. Expected? Mmm, maybe.. Considering what is known of Phobos so far. She leans forward on her chair when Alexander begins to speak, resting her elbows on the table. A few times her brows furrow. The mention of the Elis Society, and that this group was created by Dionysus. It makes her frown grow deeper. Yes, she certainly was beginning to dislike Gods.

"So your Uncles have been feuding and decided to use us as their playground.." she is not surprised, then nodding faintly. "And you came into this celebration how? Being invited to it? Also, what did you find at the place?" they already some reports from forensics, but this was about listening to the whole story..

A glance to the window and she says. "Look into the Elis Society, please."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Mister Aaron appears relaxed and confident in what he's relating. No current tells." 'Whurrf' "Consultant Bear concurs, for the moment."

    While he's offering running commentary, Sam is digging deeper into what he's finding in the files, the emails, the invoices, the footage... it's a whole database for him to explore, and there are already things coming out that seem pertinent. "Standby for information on the Elis Society."

    "Confirming that the island was used by the society, although neither owned nor rented. There is a reference to payments made... large payments... to a Mister DeLacroix, first secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, for services rendered. Construction invoices, notices of clearance... The society was there illegally, but with full knowledge of some in the Belize government, tagging for follow up."

    "I'm also seeing references to previous gatherings ... Cambodia, Myanmar, Congo-Brazzaville... They certainly get around..."

    Dammit, Alex, what did you get yourself involved in....

Jessica Drew has posed:
Without looking at Daisy, they present a united front, parents having a serious talk with their child, Jessica sits forward slightly.

"Let me ask if this was your first experience at this sort of celebration, or did you go into it expecting it to be less than salubrious, Mr. Aaron?" Jessica pitches the question with just an edge to her voice that she will leave the boy to read. With a nod to Daisy, she holds out her hand, palm up, to Alex in an invitation to continue.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The youth frowns, his brow furrowing as he looks down, then back up. "My father had told me to stay away from my uncles. So I had. But Hades pursued a meeting. Apparently with my closed off way of living I have not been... co-opted by giving loyalties to one patron or another. My father and I are sort of a branch on the family tree unto ourselves."
    He unfolds his hands and rests the palms upon the table as if trying to get everything nice and ordered in his thoughts as he presents the facts as he knows them. "Hades tricked me into a meeting. Asked for my aid. I said I would. During that time Dionysus tried to dissuade me to not interfere which..."
    His lips purse, knowing that this is likely a character flaw but he includes it all the same, "Which just solidified my desire to go to be contrary."
    But then he turns his attention to Jessica and meets her gaze. "I've... been to celebrations for my family before, Agent Drew. They have been similar but not to this extent." He likely knows how that sounds, but again does not hedge.
    He then straightens up a little after taking a breath, "It was several days after that I received the invitation which was waiting in my apartment. Several days after that a vehicle came and picked me up. It took me to a private air strip in upstate I believe, but I didn't have visibility."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Did you do it simply just to be contrary though?" Daisy furrows one brow, her gaze staying fully on Alexander now, thoughtful, considering his posture, the words being spoken. And also the info being given. It makes Daisy exhale slowly. They would need to dig deeper into this, but the info they were getting was good.

"Or because you knew what you would find? For Hades to be displeased I am going to guess you were aware that it could have some other types of celebration." she states. It seems to be an important distinction for her. The why he'd be there.

But then she goes on towards the event itself. "So you were flown there." she says, "And brought in to experience the .., party. Did you saw all those people partaking on the celebrations?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Data. More data! Sam was starting to enjoy himself, allowing a hint of a smile to appear on his lips while watching the interview, going through the evidence as fast as Alexander was making statement, offering his commentary for the agents in the room.

    "Confirm. Flight departed Randall Airport near West Hills country club, north of New Hampton. Lear Jet, tail number Lima-Tango-Lima Six Six Niner, callsign Wineglass Six-Nine. Cleared for flight, IFR, to ... Peru. Huh. Lima did report a flight landing with that callsign, but the tail number was Lima-Tango-Lima Six Niner Six. ... no current flightplan for that flight, flagging for further inquiry. Both flights chartered and operated by Amphora Air."

    Bear tilts his head and whuffs softly, causing Sam to look a bit more closely. Very, very closely...

Jessica Drew has posed:
Clearing her throat, Jessica takes a short exasperated breath; she guards the eye roll to herself, though the set of her mouth is less than impressed.

"Of course, he knew what he was flying into, I doubt that Mr. Aaron is as innocent as he would like us to believe. So, he had some ulterior motive or was it the sacrifices that shocked you enough to call for help. Not the local police but SHIELD, Mr. Aaron?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A deep breath was drawn and it's then that Alexander lowers his eyes as Daisy asks a fairly telling question that forces him to look inward. His brow knits together, consternation marring his features. Only then does he look away and he murmurs, "I know some of the things that Hades has allowed to be done for him. He has this... he feels he is the god of Peace, of Respite. But to get there it often means a transition from life to death. So he is not innocent."
    But then he looks back up towards Jessica Drew and perhaps gauges how she looks back at him before he answers. "But I knew that if it was something that offended him... it would be something telling. He told me that it was a celebration that indulged in the worst taboos."
    A pause, "And it was."
    There's a tilt of his head sidelong toward Jess as he looks again to her expression, a slow steady blink given thoughtfully then he murmurs. "It was the slavery, ma'am. And the... yes the sacrifices. And the cannibalism. It was... seeing some of that. Yes ma'am. I just called the first person I thought I knew who could... have the scope to deal with this."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
So far all seemed to check out as Daisy took in the info being fed towards her and JD on the earpieces. Daisy's gaze never flinches away from Alexander though, watching him with intensity. Yes, it had been a terrible ordeal. But this was not the time for kindness. It was one for answers. There was quite a few guilty people still needing to answer for what they had done. And oh..., she had been taking names.. Oh yes.

"Tell us more about the fight. There were at least two people with powers there, along with security. You took them all out? Including the planes and assorted boats?" then a glance to Jessica.

"Does it seem too much for a person to do alone as much as it does me?" a brow quirks up.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Hmmm. If it's a tell, Sam wouldn't have risked his cards on it, there's nothing too overtly there... and he knows Alex. They've had lunch together so many times, and something seems off. Slightly. Minutely. Bear considers his own opinion, turns his head and licks Sam across the cheek. Hmm. Inconclusive.

    So it's back to the data, the soft data. Footage put up on different screens, watched as the technopath swivels his chair. And there it is. Dammit Alex.

    "Anomalous data point. There was someone with him. Female. Checking the footage for further identification, but... definitely powered. Flight capable... and I'm seeing energy blasts from the hands. They're clearly working together."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"He would have to have a lot of power under that mild exterior, wouldn't you say?" Jessica returns Daisy's question deadpan.

"Slavery is something new to you, Mr. Aaron? Masters and submissive? Sacrifices new to you though the child of gods? Suddenly, it was all too much. So you call us." Shaking her head in disbelief, she leans into the boy.

"It doesn't quite hold together."

The expression on her face goes blank a moment and she puts a finger to her ear, "Agent Johnson, you'll have to excuse me. I'm being called out of the interrogation on another matter." She rises with a scrape of her chair, then scrutinizes, Alex with a rueful purse to her lips, "Tell us what motivates this sudden change of heart, Mr. Aaron." With a deep nod to Daisy, she leaves the room.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A breath is taken, held, then released slowly as Alexander maintains his gaze on the two women before him. "The conflict began in the ballroom. A woman said something I did not care for. I struck her, she fell, security responded. We battled. There was one powered individual who could project flame."
    A pause then he says, "Eventually I defeated them there were..." He looks to the side and then back as he murmurs, "Twenty four, perhaps twenty-five operatives and the two powered individuals. The other one with powers was the injured winged bat person that was recovered at the scene."
    He looks between them and at the way he's questioned then says, "I am able to handle myself in most situations." As if that would explain how he had handled those men and the powered beings.
    Watching Jessica leave, he considers the door as it swings slowly shut behind her, then he looks back toward Daisy and addresses the questions before him. "I didn't want to call you at first." He says simply, and then he adds as if on his own offensive, to try and shock them off whatever trail they might have as he tells Daisy. "I wanted to kill them. But I changed my mind. That is when I called you."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"There is a willingness for us to consider this self-defense. Considering the dead have only been the security officers, it can be taken as self-defense." When Alexander mentions killing them all it makes Daisy let out a breath. "There is one big difference between self-defense and murder. What made you change your mind?"

She will let Alexander those questions while she briefly glances down at her tablet. A few taptaps on her tablet and then she turns it. Showing it to Alexander. There is footage of a flying being, energy bolts.

"You had someone helping you. And there's still something which is eluding us. Even if I do understand -why- you'd call us instead of any local police. They would not have the power to handle this. Specially considering this secular Elis Security."

But she is still expecting for more, waiting for the truth. She was patient though.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A lot of power? Sam's looking at the footage, blinking slowly. There's little that shocks him, and the carnage on the screen barely scratches the surface of his own recollections, but the sheer prowess there... He had no idea his school friend had that kind of skill in him. That level of... ruthlessness. So far he's identified fifteen different fighting styles. "Mister Aaron is clearly a skilled combatant. Very skilled. I would not want to meet him in a dark alley." Considering that's a comment from someone considered to be supremely lethal in his own right, that's probably telling.

    But it's a comment that's made that makes Sam turn back to the mirror, frown, and then scrub through the footage quickly. To the moment it all starts.

    "Priority, false statement. The fight was initiated by Mister Aaron's mystery companion, striking a guest in the ballroom. He knows he's lying. He's covering for her."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a steady gaze, unblinking as Alexander's eyes narrow upon Daisy and for a moment the room seems to subtly feel a little darker as if that room was shrinking around them, drawing in, shadows growing long in the corners. But he lowers his eyes and his jaw clenches, tendons bunching as he grinds his teeth. And as quick as it came, that feeling is gone.
    Looking up he murmurs, "I didn't think I'd get away with it." He says, about the execution of those masters that held the whip. He blinks again slowly but then looks upon that footage showing the flying being that was there, blasting about and lancing energy blasts with such precise mayhem. He looks back towards Daisy and answers her quietly, "Perhaps she was a fellow concerned citizen. Who had enough of the situation." He says that slowly, but then takes a deep breath.
    "After I had the security forces under control, I had some of the servants free the prisoners, and gathered them on the runway. Then I called you. And..."
    Another breath exhaled, something that might almost be a sardonic laugh though more aimed at himself as he murmurs, "And texted my principal."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
That coming from Techno makes Daisy cast a brief look towards the glass window. Not wanting to meet him in a dark alley. She thought Techno was all about that! Well, in the past maybe. But it was indeed telling.

"You wouldn't." Yes, that much she can confirm. Murder is simply one of those crimes that one cannot get past. "Both with us but also within. Killing should never come easy." she tells with a stern look at Alexander.

"She was also the one that began hostilities. Not you." She adds, letting the footage continue to run on the tablet for Alexander to watch. Or not..

Yet her focus also seems to be something else. And she repeats a question. "Why didn't you kill them?" did she make a mixup on her questioning? No, she seems to know what she is doing. She leans back on her chair, folding her arms together.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Hard confirm on the text. He apologised to Doctor MacIntyre and advised her that it would be best to make his files disappear. His concern for the school appears genuine, and I've classified the contents of the text level eight or above. Linking Mister Aaron with Happy Harbor is above my pay grade." Or, in short, Sam covered their asses.

    "Discrepancy in the narrative. The mystery woman who assisted Mister Aaron seemed more intent on keeping everyone on the island. Her attacks appear to focus mostly on modes of transport. From a tactical point of view, that makes no sense unless there was a consideration to inflict total casualties. Preliminary analysis is that Mister Aaron's story is omitting pertinent details."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She can likely see the gleam behind those hazel irises, coming from him as he listens to her questions, her observations. His full attention on Daisy for now knowing full well that damage could be done in this moment to not just him but others, injuring their future.
    There's another long slow controlled exhalation of breath and then he murmurs in response, "She talked me out of that course of action." There, at least an admission that this woman exists and that he spoke with her. But he seems loathe to go further, at least for now.
    His eyebrows rise as he slides one hand to the side, as if brushing everything before the away as he says, "Because of who I am, Agent Johnson, I... don't feel fear." He looks up at her and frowns, "I know how that sounds. And like, I know some people say they live that way. But I mean it in a very literal sense. So I have a hard time relating to people. And when I'm presented with something like this..."
    He pauses and swallows, then murmurs. "She saved their lives. And if you find out who she was, and what she did. That's good. But I, no matter what, have to get past this. And I cannot betray my... obligation to make your case easier in this regard. I can only tell you right now that I am not trying to injure your case or your efforts by speaking this way."
    He looks up at her as if trying to gauge how she might well be receiving these words from him. But as far as micro-tells or manner, it seems he does speak rather honestly as he seems to think he can.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Yes, Daisy very well knew Alexander did not feel fear. Did she believe it to be an advantage? Not really. At least in this. There is silence after Alexander speaks up something more resembling the truth. And she seems to accept that, offering a slow nod at the man. "Very well, that is more resembling to what actually happened. And we do not need to speak of this person." she says. "For now at least."

"But so, the destruction of their modes of transport. It was initially for a motive but then it changed. Keeping them there to be arrested." a nod, as if he had confirmed it for her already. "I believe I have heard enough for now. At least on what happened there."

She brings the tablet back to her, turning the screen off. "Where do you expect to go from here, Alexander?" she then asks, not in the tone of an interrogator but the tone she used back at Happy Harbor when they spoke there.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "We've got a preliminary ident on the mystery woman..." Sam mentions as soon as the facial recognition software pings, swiveling his chair again to fully observe the match. This is the kind of analysis that requires his eyes as well as his senses. "Coming back as... Moonstone. Not entirely helpful, but that's what we have in the database, I'll keep digging..."

    Then he's back to watching Alexander, pointing something out to Bear, who looks back and whuffs gently. As he figured... "Can confirm that Moonstone spoke with Mister Aaron after the opposition had been subdued and taken captive. Please be advised that Mister Aaron's sword didn't seem to be concealed on his person when he was first observed on the camera, and that he may be able to summon a lethal weapon at will."

    There his narrative will tail off, breathing a sigh of relief that everything seems to be resolving itself.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Watching her as she speaks, Alexander stays calm and quiet until she asks that last question, about where to go from here. He answers almost instantly. "Home?"
    But then his lip curls up a little as his eyes widen as if taking in the entirety of the situation. "A few days left in school but..." He shakes his head and looks away, then back toward her. "Sort of don't think I should go back." He chews on his lower lip as his eyes drop to more look beyond Daisy as he murmurs quietly.
    "College? I don't know. All of it seems like..." His eyebrows lift again then return, almost like a small shrug. "I don't know. Nonsense?"
    Then he lifts a hand to his brow and says exasperatedly in a tone that would be familiar with anyone who has talked to a teenager for any length of time, "My dad is going to /kill/ me."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"There is no nonsense in having a life." Daisy replies without losing a beat, continuing with her eyes upon Alexander. She seems to forgive that first quip with the 'home', even if she does give him a -look-. A Daisy -look-. Very menacing. But the situation brings the seriousness out of her. "Even if sometimes it may feel hopeless, or without a purpose. Maybe I can help you with an example of someone that has been working to get through their past."

Reaching up to her comms she taps on it. "Mind getting in here, T?" though that tone seems to leave it open to the young man whether to join in or not. His decision.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Be right there."

    Making sure everything is shut down, locked and secured, Sam picks up his jacket from the back of the chair, triple checks that nothing has been left, and then leaves the observation room, makes the short walk to the interrogation room and perfunctorily knocks on the door before letting himself in. Flanked by Bear, of course, who seems torn about heading over to Alexander straight away, but is eventually enticed to follow his human. This human, or at least this mutant that appears so very human, gives Alexander a nod.

    "Hell of a situation you got yourself in, isn't it?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Glancing over towards the door, Alexander cocks an eyebrow curiously. But when he sees who it is emerging through the door the blond youth exhales sharply with an /exasperated/ chuff of air as he shakes his head and snorts a little when he says with a slight sour smirk, "You bastard."
    He starts to gain his feet, but pauses and bites his lower lip, holding back for a moment as he likely takes in this flow of information, knowing likely what he must know now, and the avenues of information, possible vectors of what is known being shared, how things might overlap and how things might change considering.
    But once those thoughts flit through his mind he shakes his head again. "You know, I'm tempted to go back to school just to slug Alton, and then leave. Not say a word. No idea why."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Samuel here has been through hell and back. But he is shaping himself up. Here with us and at Happy Harbor." Daisy explains, gesturing to the newcomer. A grin is offered to Bear of course, but no more than that. She knows better than to call on the dog's attention unless they interact first. "He could be a good person for you to talk with about all that went through. And it doesn't have to be here."

A brow quirks up briefly. "Is this Alton the school bully?" she doesn't know every student by name, ok?!

But a moment later she adds, "Perhaps you can find some meaning, maybe even with us if you are so willing." she offers, getting up to her feet.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    With deliberate movements, Sam sits. Not even the comfortable way of turning the chair backwards which is perhaps a bit more expected of his age, but a simple occupation of the empty chair at the table, to be on Alexander's level. He gives Daisy a grateful smile, and then turns his attention to his school mate.

    "Alton would deserve it too, but we can punch him later. First things first, no matter what you're thinking right now, your life isn't over. Like Agent Johnson said, I've got some skeletons in my closet as well. But this organisation believes in genuine second chances. Yes, I've seen the footage. No, I'm not thinking anything less of you right now."

    And so he takes a deep breath, putting his arms on the table, leaning forwards in his seat. "Doctor MacIntyre knows, I've seen the text. We both know. Far as I'm concerned, nobody else at the school needs to know. Or at your college, if that's where you want to go. Your life isn't over, Alex."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young Olympian tilts his head and looks at Sam with a subtly off-set gaze, as if pondering matters. Though he does listen to Daisy, turning his head just so to hear her a little better. His lips twist up a little as he murmurs, "No, actually to be fair we kinda bullied him." He looks to Samuel as if for collaboration, "A little. Maybe like a smidge. Behavioral correction."
    But he doesn't elaborate about that too much more. He does nod to what Daisy says and he murmurs quietly. "M'not exactly a talkative sort. But, mebbe."
    A small smile is given to Sam then after he listens to what is said and he uncurls a hand. "I know, Sam. And really..." He looks between them, gaze flitting from one to the other. "I'll be alright. It's... I did Happy Harbor in part because my father wanted me to. And I don't... mind people knowing about me, right? I'm not going to call attention to it, but too many weird things happen around me to hide for too long."
    A breath is taken, "If one thing this whole thing has shown me, it is that... I was forced to realize I do sort of have a conscience. I do have morality. So that is good."
    But then he frowns, "I'm rambling. Just. I think I just need some time and I'll be alright."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, as I said. Think about it. Specially about coming and joining with us. I can get you a meet with someone to interview if you want." Daisy says. Because she isn't the type to do the recruitment! Though she can put in her commendations for it. The mention of the boy having morality makes her inclines her head. "Yes, I knew you did. Maybe you just had to discover it by yourself. It's a good first step."

She gets up to her feet, letting out a slow exhale. And now there was paperwork to get through. Oh joy...

"We can have you taken back home if you so want. Or feel free to remain around for a while with Samuel if you want."

Dark eyes then go to Samuel. "We will do some follow up on the Elis Society later on, Sam." a nod. "Good work in there." and then she begins to walk towards the exit.