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Return to normalacy, Evening edition
Date of Scene: 17 May 2020
Location: Lois Lane's Apartment
Synopsis: Lois and Clark have Kara over for introgation.. dinner.. Kara's over for dinnergation.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Kara Danvers

Lois Lane has posed:
It has been a really busy week.

Of course the various news media out there are reporting breathlessly about Superman's return. Pundits are arguing back and forth about what it means. Is it really him. Is it alien clones. Is it earth clones. Is it a robot. Is it a Superman from another Dimension. Is it an illusion. Lois doesn't even want to think about what Luthor must be saying at this point.

Of course it is none of those things. Tthe fact is Superman is back and the Planet has been running with it.

Which leaves Lois and Clark working on the big story. The article about Superman Returns including an exclusive interview. Which has of course had some hiccups as Clark has been out saving the day a lot now that he doesn't have to pretend Superman is dead.

Very long week.

Lois sips some exceptionally good coffee as she sits curled up on the couch with her laptop. "How does this sound." a pause "In Metropolis's hour of need, when the day seemed darkest, Superman came to our rescue once more." she stares at the screen. "Is that hacky. I mean shadow monster."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark hasn't had much time to just relax since coming back on the scene. Going out of his way to be visible, no matter how small the circumstance, there's even pictures of him saving kittens from trees. A great deal of public opinion is skewed when one dies for three years only to return out of, presumably, nowhere.

The public conscious still remembers Doomsday, they also remember the notable lack of Superman during the battle of New York and there's been detractors who claim he abandoned Earth in its time of need, though the earth itself was well taken care of by the likes of the Avengers.

Now, finally, Clark is dressed down from his costume. Wearing a simple blue t-shirt and sweat pants, he pads around Lois' apartment sans glasses. Toling away in the kitchen within view of her on the couch, "It definitely has word play. I wouldn't call it hacky, at all. You're trying to embody the mental image of the conflict... I'd say it fits perfectly." A text had been sent out to Kara as well, letting her know she could come by for dinner, should she be free to do so.

It's soup, though.

And Clark is no Ma Kent.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The Danvers like to cook. For secret agents defending the United States from alien menaces, they also get a real kick out of Taco Night. Still, they'd been understanding when Kara and said she was going 'out' for a meal, though she tried not to mention where exactly. The D.E.O. had their fair share of questions for the risen Superman, and she wasn't about to do their legwork for them. They could fall off a skyscraper and force him to catch them like everyone else who wants to interview the Man of Steel.

Before long, there's a buzzing at the door. When she's let into the building, Kara takes the stairs in bullet-time and knocks on the door to Lois' apartment. She's carrying several bags of takeout in her arms, and her smiling eyes drift from Lois, to Clark, and then the Soup before her expression sinks a little.

"For dinner ... not bring dinner. I have misread."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois doesn't look completely convinced but she does go back to typing for a little while there. Honestly she is probably her own worst critic when it comes to getting the articles perfect. Which is why she is an award winning reporter for the Planet after all. "mm... okay it will stay for now but we will revisit it later to make sure the wordplay to serious content ratio doesn't just creep right out of control."

There is definitely the occasional glance up as Lois works, to watch Clark working it in the kitchen. She also may be a little unsure about this cooking soup thing going on, since Clark isn't Ma Kent, not that Lois has gotten time to go have home cooking from the Kent's of course, but still. There are risks here right.

The chime from the door system "That must be our young intern your cousin from Sweden." a coy smile. Not that she looks up from working on her laptop while she states that. Honestly she doesn't look up until.. Kara is very quickly coming in the front door.

Take out may not be a curse actually is what crosses her mind, but out loud she notes. "You really should take notes from Terry." it is the mildest teasing. "Seriously though Kara it will be fine, more food for all and probably leftovers. Win win right."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark knew he'd made a grave error the moment he turned on the stove, if he's being absolutely honest. It seemed like a genuinely good, almost romantic, kind of spur of the moment apology for being distant for the last few days. There'd been texts, of course he'd seen her at work, but actually spending time with Lois?

So soup... who could mess up soup?


Clark can and has definitely messed up soup.

The doorbell, Clark glances back over his shoulder and smirks at Lois, only for the knock to follow shortly after. Making his way over so the lady of the manor need no upend her laptop, "Kara! Come in... and you brought food! Precisely my intentions all along!" It wasn't, he's very bad at lying, but...

The edible nature of that soup is in question.

"Let me help you with those.. I'll get plates set out, have a seat. Come in, come in."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I have been taking notes from Terry," Kara tells Lois with her best and most friendly smile, "He took me to a recording of his podcast. I met Wonder Woman, Troia, and ... well, Doctor Fairchild does not have a special other name yet, but she is still very impressive to meet."

Not accounting for the fact that she'd met all three of them before as Supergirl. Wonder Woman, she's sure, saw right through her disguise. The others - maybe? Either way, Terry definitely hadn't figured it out so she had to make sure to keep the difference between Kara Danvers and Supergirl as many and varied as possible.

She suddenly remembers to feign struggling with the heavy bags, and breathes a sigh of relief when Clark takes them off her. Once she's free, she perches on the back of the sofa and sniffs the air a couple of times.

"It smells ... good?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois glances back down at her laptop and saves her work, backing it up, and then closes the laptop lid. Now that company is here and Clark won't be fighting what seems to be a losing battle in the kitchen it is time to focus on the other people and not work. That laptop gets set safely on an end table for the couch.

"I imagine that podcast recording was pretty exciting. Terry is definitely leveraging his connection to Beast Boy to the max to get his foot in the door with all these Superheros for his project." she doesn't sound jealous, seriously, she has connections too just much less public. "I had no idea Beast Boy had so many favors to cash in, then again he does seem really wholesome and like a green ray of sunshine." pause "Okay, wordplay and metaphors are fired for the night."

Lois watches Kara suddenly struggle with the bags and then asks chipperly. "So how was it meeting all those heroes and did he record this before or after the Shadow Monster incursion? I hope he asked them all about their thoughts on Superman if it was after. Otherwise big missed opportunity I will have to chide him on later."

Then oh so innocently. "Where your parents back in Sweden worried about you being here in the middle of ground zero for all that danger Kara?" okay Lois is maybe taking a bit of pleasure in all this. It is the clever reporter side of her that likes making politicians and corporate spokespeople squirm a bit.

Clark Kent has posed:
A bit of pleasure that Clark picks up on instantly!

Slugging along with those bags relieved from Kara's hands, he shoots Lois a playfully dangerous look on his way to the kitchen. One that bleeds don't poke the bear, even as he knows, without any shadow of doubt, that she's definitely going to keep poking the bear.

"Kara, I'm glad you were able to make it." Using clever subject turns to keep the conversation away from things that might lead to his cousin having to lie or, baring that, outright tell Lois the truth. Neither of which being particularly good thoughts in his opinion.

Setting the bags down, he takes the pot he'd been working on and turns it over the disposal to let the slop what should hvae been chicken noodles slap down into the growling death hole where food goes to die.

"I think what you're smelling is this take away, though... because I lacked the proper ingrediants for what I was making." That has to be it. "Ma, would be cross with me if I served you ladies up slop masquerading as food! So you really saved my bacon here!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"My parents live in Metropolis with me," Kara says with just a twinge of nervousness in her voice, "But they were in Boston for a conference, so they did not see the shadow ... thing. I was hiding under my bed the whole time."

A pause, and then she points a finger at Clark before adding: "Waiting for this one to save the day, right?"

A shake of her head, and then she springs to her feet to move towards the takeout bags and do her best in trying to help dish it up. Anything to get out of that particular conversational thread, it seems.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois just blinks at Clark, not even the over the top blink of mock innocence. Much too subtle for over the top. She turns her full attention back to Kara now though after Clark's look to hear how she responds.

Also why not go on a bear baiting expedition. I mean yes Clark has promised Lois all the truth, barring truths that would expose other parties secrets. Which is good and ethical. Still Lois is a very good interogator.. I mean reporter... and this is like some sort of past time really for her.

"We really need to get out to Smallville so I can try some of this famous Ma' Kent cooking Clark." she notes when he talks about the saving of the bacon.

"I didn't realize they moved here with you. They must have been really worried about you." yeah Lois isn't buying it. Though she pauses a moment when Kara calls out Clark as the one coming to save the day. Which is enough time for Kara to retreat to unpacking the bags.

Because Kara throwing clark under the bus, sort of, but running from the other thread of conversation was not at all what Lois really expected.

"Also it sounds like you will be a good balance for working with Terry then since he seems to have gotten the whole run into danger thing from me... where as I guess you take after reporting from Clark who always seems to be ducking and running away from danger." a pause there. "Did you know I've seen him faint at the sight of blood?"

Clark Kent has posed:
"You literally have never seen me faint at the sight of blood..." Clark says from the kitchen, the santuary where he and Kara are safe from Lois' scrutiny! The Kitchen of Solitude, turning to regard his cousin with wide blue eyes. "I warned you... all you had to do was say, no thanks.." All very good natured. He's finishing up dishing plates, speaking in that hushed tone reserved just for two solitary kryptonians hiding from the dangers of one over eager reporter.

"I tell you what, Lois.. we'll head down to Smallville next weekend, hm? She'd be delighted to meet you.. and Lord help me if I keep dodging her requests to do so.. I swear, that woman could strip bark off an oak when she gets cross with you." Nudging Kara with his shoulder, he picks up two plates, hands one off to her, and grabs Lois' before heading back towards the living room.

"And I don't duck away from danger... I advance in the other direction. There is a very particular difference, I assure you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara gives a very pointed look in Clark's direction. She was led to believe one thing, and now she's getting the impression that it's a different thing entirely. The best strategy in this case, she decides, is to just try and change the subject.

"I would like to come visit them, too," Kara adds, shrugging her shoulders a little, "We have not seen each other in ... almost a year, I think."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois pretends to think about it. "Okay it wasn't fainting due to blood, but that time the first week you were in Metropolis when I was showing you around and we got mugged. When I kicked the mugger and his gone went off harmlessly you definitely fainted. It was one of my first memories of you so don't deny it Smallville."

She levers up from the couch and heads over to the dining table now. "So what kind of takeout do we have here?"

Of course then the conversation just shifts to Smallville and the Kents. There will likely be more opportunities to bait the bear on this one later Lois figures. "Well I can't wait to meet them Clark. It was really too bad she had a cold and we had to postpone the trip about a month ago out there. I wager they really are wanting to get us rescheduled too so not surprised about the requests. I look forward to the legendary cooking and just hope they both like me."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Of course they'll like you." Clark assures Lois, handing one of the plates he's toting down to her over the back of the couch. Initially not dignifying her barb about him fainting with a response! Or rising to the challenge apparent in Kara's glare.. He tries not to imagine her burning a hole through him.

Truly, he didn't expect things to go this direction!

He should have, probably.

"You'll get the four course, I'm sure.. Ma sure does love serving up her country cooking for guests. And pa, will likely embarrass me something fierce with all manner of stories I'd rather left in the past." Walking around the couch to sit at the oposite end to Lois. Plenty of extra seating for Kara, to whom he nods. "Ma was asking after you just the other day, actually. So you should come along with us. We'll make it a family trip."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"That sounds like fun!" Kara breathes a sigh of relief, grateful to be off the topic, "Mom and dad still have their conference, but I'm sure they won't mind if I come with you." Not that they should, really. Kara turned eighteen last year (well, technically she turned fifty-one but that's a complicated subject for another time).

"I bought Thai," she tells Lois, looking into the bags, "A bunch of different things. The coconut rice is mine, though!"

Lois Lane has posed:
Indeed. Unless Kara opens up a door .. well... Lois will be letting it go for this fun mini-takeout family dinner tonight.

Also yes indeed, Clark really should have expected it to go this way. Honestly it will probably go this way along the trip to Smallville. Kara, no offense to her trying, has not been the best actress or liar about these sort of things yet.

Right now though peace.

Lois accepts the passed down plate and utensils and looks it over. "Wonderful. I like Thai." she looks over what Clark plated up for her out of the variety of options. At this point in their partnership and lives he knows mosst of what she likes from pretty much any style of takeout. He came through once more. "This looks delicious. Thank you Kara and for the masterful plating Clark." a thoughtful noise "Did you get any mango sticky rice for dessert?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark isn't any better at deception. His form of covering his identity is changing the subject, since out and out lying just sits poorly with him. It's only through his own mismanagement of how revealing his identity would affect others that Kara's in this position in the first place, so... He shoots her an apologetic look.

One that flicks over to Lois in turn, "I slaved over those plates for an entire four minutes, I'm glad you appreciate it." Teaisng, eating a few bits of curry in the process. "oh, gosh, mango rick sounds delightful." Sipping at his water set down on a side table.