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Trying to Trap a Catwoman
Date of Scene: 12 May 2020
Location: A NYC Subway Station
Synopsis: Catwoman's suspicions are proven accurate when an ambush is attempted on her at a meetup. Potential assistance comes in the form of a strange faerie.
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Selina Kyle

Glamour has posed:
It was all going so well.

Just enough money to draw Catwoman's attention, offered through her usual sources of information. They didn't have a whole lot of provenance to go with them, so one would be wise to go into it with eyes wide open. Catwoman, of all people, is wise in these things.

...so it came as no surprise to her that the meeting in the stopped subway car in an older, less used portion of New York's large subway system did not go according to plan, that the money-man and his goons were not a money-man and his goons, but rather, all goons all the way through. The briefcases that were meant to be her's simply contained foldable automatic rifles and rebreathers for the gas they intend to use on her.

To be fair, they did give her the chance to surrender first, but it all it really did was give her her chance to escape in the sort of acrobatics and violence that Catowman is best known for. A body shield, a gun, a shattered window, and the chase was on.

They're on her tail, hot on it. There are men ahead of her, laying in wait. With these, this means there's around a dozen total, split beteen the car behind her and the men ahead of her. Nothing that the Catwoman can not handle. Enough danger to worth the trip to New York, even if she's not getting paid. They're hiding behind the subway columns, laser sights dancing in the dark.

Selina Kyle has posed:
By the simple nature alone of walking into a meeting like this, Catwoman came prepared. She didn't trust people like this any more than she had to, knowing a double-cross is only a moment away. She's wronged a lot of rich people over the years, made a lot of people angry. They should have been upset at themselves for presenting such targets for her.

Part of her preparations included picking out a catsuit that was reinforced a little more in certain areas to account for potential attacks. It might not stop everything, but it is designed to limit enough that if it went tits up, so to speak, she could at least get out in one piece. Things like this, you don't exactly go into with traditional backup, but she did bring a few toys of her own.

Sure enough, as soon as she met up with the group in the subway car, she'd known the trap was waiting to be sprung. The ones there surely weren't the only people around, and by the time things fell apart, she had her item still in her shoulder bag, but a couple goons had already been dropped like a bad habit in the train, creating a little chaos underground.

With the night vision activated in her goggles, it gave the thief a better opportunity to pick out the positions of others set up to ambush her, and while they might take aim at her, she didn't take after cats for nothing. Gymnastics and acrobatics coming into play, she slides this way, rolls that way, never giving them a clear shot to lock on to. A zig here, a zag there, a roundhouse kick to the jaw, a sweep of the leg, the whip cracking as it lashes across someone's gun hand.

"I'm flattered you all rolled out the welcome mat for me like this, boys, but I don't feel like staying for the after-party. You understand," she chides them as she works.

Glamour has posed:
No one wants to be caught in a crossfire, of course, in the dark.

And while they too have nightvision, it has its limits. Some of the men ahead of her come at her with stunguns, a taser, but the only result is one of them getting tased by mistake, but soon enough more bullets are flying her way.

There's a flicker, a dim blue light that seems to bright suddenly from one of the tunnel. A figure stands in the mout o the subway tunnel, now, a blue glow eminating now more brightly from her, enoughg to render the night vision no longer especially useful.

Flexible dragonfly wings carry her forward into the fray as she throws herself into the battle with a hard nough punch to send one right int othe side of a subway car and leaving him out of comission with a broken collarbone and one hell of a headchhe. Her equally blue and black uniform marks her, as well... a superhero of some kind. Most people don't wear spandex like that unless they're in the crowd, and if that didn't give it away, the grlow and the wings and the domino mask would.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Suddenly, a source of light from elsewhere in the subway station as a couple more thugs are sent packing. Catwoman doesn't allow them to get close enough to use those stun weapons, but cover is taken once the bullets are whizzing past once more.

It gives her a moment to pick out that glow, her eyes narrowing in confusion at what's going on. Wings? Someone slammed into the side of the train, all crumpled up? That's quite a punch. And, a costume of a sort. That tells here a whole lot, enough that she scowls and mutters under her breath, "Juuuust what I needed."

Glamour has posed:
She's quite quick with those wings of her's and highly manueverable. She's able to avoid most of the gunfire that's turned on her, but it's also evident she only has a basic idea of how to fight with them. A quick grab to an arm dislocates a shoulder and forces one to drop a gun while other sare now aiming her way. She's highly distracting, after all, and also a bit more flashy than Catwoman is, what, with all the blue-glow and... she's... leaving a trail of... glitter behind her? Poofs of it off her wings, a plume of it erupting where a bullet impacsts her and causes her to crash into the side of the train that ongoing fight is going near. So. Much. Glitter. Fairy Dust be like that.

Still, she isn't worse for the wear from it for long, recovering quickly. Superheroes. What can you do?

Selina Kyle has posed:
This is not quite like anything they have in Gotham City, especially the glitter. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are very special in their own ways, but again - not like this.

"Shouldn't have had that glass of milk earlier," Catwoman tells herself, suspecting it may have gone bad somehow without her being aware of it. That could explain these hallucinations, which of course are as real as the rest of what's down here. With a shake of the head, she buckles the last two shooters in her area with a deft placement of the bullwhip along with a handful of marbles tossed beneath the feet of another trying to run toward a better position. He flips nearly in a full 360 but comes up short enough that he lands with a painful thump.

That leaves her to face the one with the glitter and dust. Her voice cuts through the station. "Are you done yet?"

Glamour has posed:
They weren't paid enough to tangle with the spandex crowd that can actually take bullets, that's for sure, which is why the rest of them are on their feet and running away. Shit's gone pear shaped bad enough that they're out, out, out.

Glamour, breathing heavily, swings around to face the Catwoman. "Oi," she breathes, giving herself a shake that produces a full blody cloud of sparkly dust from around her. % r
"Are you okay, ma'am?" she asks, peering at her, "You're..." A pause, glancing down at the injured men, all a groaning or unsconscious, "...what's all this about?" she asks.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman makes a show of wiping her gloved hands together, as if cleaning away what they've just been in contact with. The whip is coiled up at one side, and the way she strides over toward the human-sized fairy 'thing' shows her walking as if she owns the whole place.

There's a pause as some of that dust spreads. No telling what it might do if it reached her. She hadn't seen any direct effects from the goons. "I'm fine, but some questions are better left unasked. Best you don't know except that this was a setup by some very bad people." No need for her to be completely honest, and in fact, that wasn't even a lie.

Glamour has posed:
She eyes Catwoman a moment, uncertainly. Then she kneels down beside one of the injured guards and pokes him in the side. He's injured, and thus, sort of groans as his ribcage aches fiercely, "Hey. Is she telling the truth? You're bad people, who were hired to hurt her? If you're lying to me, I'll cover you in spiders." She holds out her empty hand to him.

The goon, conscious as he is, suddenly blanches even paler. For some reason, he appears *way* more scared of her than he should be right now.

"..y-yeah! Just... just keep it away from me."

"Sure thing, friend. Just as long as you wait here and turn yourself over to the authorities when you arrive." She crushes his nearby gun with her foot, rendering it uttelry inoperable. She's moving to the next ones to do the same to them. She doesn't much like them.

"Seems you're telling the truth, whoever you are."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman's hands settle at her hips as this..person, or whatever she really is, goes through her version of interrogations with those who are still responsive. "Uh, did you just threaten to cover him in spiders? I want to make sure my hearing isn't going bad," she remarks when an opening is given, before the guns are simply /stepped/ on, and that's enough to smash them. "Nice trick. The name is Catwoman, but I'm not thinking I'm going to be sticking around here very long. There could be more trouble on the way."

It will leave the one opposite her with a choice to make, most likely.

Glamour has posed:
"...y-yes?" says Glamour, confused. She did threaten to cover him in spiders. What's the problem? She's moving on to break the rest of the guns, applying considerable pressure to do just that. Filthy things. When you c an bench press ten tons for real, you get something other than older and deeper in debt. When she's finished, she turns towards her, "Cat...woman. Okay. Well, Catwoman, sorry if I ruined your fun, but I thought maybe you needed help." A once over before she shrugs her shoulders. "Come on. Let's get out of here and I'll make sure there's no more waiting for you before I get the authorities down here." Her wings continue to twitch from time to time, sending up little plumes of sparkly dust.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"That's oddly specific," Catwoman explains, giving her opinion of the spider threat. Yes, that red and blue guy /does/ operate out of New York City, doesn't he? But this has nothing to do with him the she can see.

She adds, "Funny you should say that. I was just thinking I've had enough fun for the night, and I don't do the whole 'talk to cops' thing if I can help it." Which means she's making for the stairs back up. "Just so you know, I had everything under control."

Glamour has posed:
"Who likes spiders?" says Glamour, giving Catwoman a slightly confused look, "Who likes the thought of being covered in them? I mean, aside from the Spider-Man, I guess," she's musing now. "Maybe I should have threatened him with something else." She doesn't seem bothered, anyway. "Oh, of course. Everything under control with a bunch of guys with guns. Nothing could have gone wrong *there*," she adds, a note of rryness in her tone.

"Yeah, sure. I think I got it covered from here." She leans down and plucks a phone from one of the injured men. They have their burners, after all, and she's already heading for the exit from the subway.

"They need medical attention. And arrest, of course."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman eyes the dusty stuff coming from the woman, the pixie, the fairy, whatever she really is. "Usually I threaten them with claws, or the whip," she remarks, though a smirk turns to a distasteful look. "The worst are the ones who /ask/ for that."

She pauses with a foot on the stairs back up, eyes sweeping the area one more time. "Whatever they need, they aren't getting it from me. They're the ones who thought they could catch me in a trap, so whatever happens to them from here, I don't care." In this, she does not seem inclined to lend a helping hand of any kind. "And what's with the dust?"

Glamour has posed:
"Isn't it spectacular?" says Glamour, giving her wings a shake. Glitter goes everywhere.

"Goes with the rest of me, right?" More wing shaking. She doesn't seem to hink anyone's going to mind, least of all the groaning men on the ground getting hit with glitter that leaves them nice and sparkly.

"Anyway, I better go. This was a trap for you?" She glances over her shoulder at her. She looks pensive.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Catwoman doesn't know about that, but she has the courtesy not to say that. Instead, she deadpans, "Impressive. Does it /do/ anything besides..well, that?" She gestures toward the sparkling going on.

Another step up. "Let's just say I may have been a bad kitty at some point, and they didn't like that. But, they deserved it because they were worse." She always has a way of spinning things.

Glamour has posed:
Glamour pauses. She eyes her some more. She isn't quite sure how to respond to that. "Right. I probably shouldn't ask more questions. And.. it's pretty?" she adds, giving her big blue eyes. She beg8ins to pick up her pace.

Selina Kyle has posed:
"Yes. Less questions means less chance of being caught up in things that are bigger than you," Catwoman all but purrs her response, giving the woman, or whatever she truly is, a fleeting wave before she ducks into the shadows and beyond. She's still got what she came here with, if nothing else, but it dawns upon her that at least Gotham City has things she's used to. No human-sized pixies there.