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Following The Cat To Their Home
Date of Scene: 19 May 2020
Location: Thomas Blake's Safehouse
Synopsis: Thomas Blake is rudely awoken by his phone. His morning takes an even stranger turn after hanging up.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Cassandra Cain

Thomas Blake has posed:



it is a fact a hyena taking a piss a half mile off will wake Thomas effortlessly and immediately. The phone does not. He jumps and falls out of bed. Never mind he catches himself , landing on toes and fingertips. He gets up and grabs the phone, listens a moment and snarls, "I do not want to switch to solar power!" before smacking the phone face down on the nightstand.

He stretches languidly and walks to the drapes, opening them to take in the dawn, not wearing a stitch. He yawns again.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
If his senses are good enough to be woken up by a hyena pissing from half a mile away then he should be able to hear it as someone starts to fuss with the door from on the other side of the patio. It is faint. A sound that'd be missed by an average human's ear, along with a click of tumblers as they're manipulated. All that stops after a good five or ten seconds. If he goes to investigate the sound he will find a stranger trying to let theirselves in.

Whomever it is, they're not really making an effort to remain hidden although they are no longer trying to get inside, not wanting to trigger any alarms.

Or bombs.

Bombs would be very, very bad.

Thomas Blake has posed:
No alarms. Thomas looks and then looks again, hoping he's asleep and still dreaming. Nope. Awake. One hand opens the door on his side. The other grabs a belt of knives hanging on a chair and loops it over his arm. As the door opens he affects a sharp, though whispered, "Hey! You want to leave right now and never come back!" That back seems familiar though...

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass looks up and angles her head, turning slightly to look at him from over her shoulder. The weapons are what she first notices, the implied threat causing her to tense but she stands her ground, not the one to flee unless she has no choice. A quick hand gesture is made, inviting Thomas to use one of those knives if he wishes, utterly calm, unflappable. It's his move. Is he going to attack her or is he going to stand down? One option promises to end on a much better note for one, if not both, of them than the other.

Thomas Blake has posed:
This being New York City a baseball bat is more traditional than a collection of Sykes-Fairbarn knives. Thomas can be forgiven as he is an out of towner. When Cass turns he recognizes her. He moves his head cracking the vertebrae in his neck. His eyes narrow, but he sets the knives aside for now. He motions for her to come in. "Get off the patio. Someone will see you. There's this old biddy watches me sunning every morning. What the hell do you want?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Is that a roll of her eyes? Oh yes. That's totally a roll of her eyes. That's paired with a snort of what can be assumed to be amusement. Fine. She'll do as she's told.

Putting her lockpicking toolsback in their pouch, she approaches him, openly scrutinizing him. It isn't an ogling, no, but instead the type of eying one is given when they're being assessed as a potential threat.
Cass bumps her shoulder against his arm as she walks past him unless he moves out of her way, his arm jarred enough to maybe cause him to be jarred some if the collusion occurs. Oh, look. Seems someone's about to have a house guest.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks down at the three roughly crescent shaped scars across his chest where a male lion mauled him to the rest of him. He hardly notices the bump against him from his physical reaction but behind her back he quirks a small smile, "I will take that as a sign of approval. Obviously she's not exactly a vigilante. Or she'd have tried to bust him the other night and tonight and she could probably make a credible effort at it. Testing him? Maybe. Well Catman does not play that game.

He walks into the bathroom to perform a few morning rituals, leaving the door slightly ajar to hear her. He comes out, wearing sweats and says, "This is not for your consideration. I want to fry some bacon and I am not a masochist. So what brings you here? Want a rematch? No. I fight when it suits me. Want me to say yu're better? You're better. I have age and treachery though. Want some eggs?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Blake would probably be surprised to learn that Cass is indeed a vigilante. She just happens to be a vigilante who isn't as much of a hard ass as some of those she works with. She kind of toes the gray area more than Batman does. And as to the quesiton about why she's here? Well, that's a good question. She'd tell him that she was just curious about him, which she is, but words really aren't her strong suit. Verbal or written. Thomas will just have to wonder about that. The only form of communication he gets from her is a nod to the offer of food. She's hungry, damnit, and eggs sounds, even more so since there will be bacon involved.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake fries up some bacon and eggs. He keeps one eye on her the whole time. Then he comes out and sets a plate in front of her that smells wonderful. Eggs, bacon, avocado, tomato. He goes back and returns with a coffee mug and a tea mug. "So, what brings you here, Crusher? just passing by?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass is very happy to eat what's set out before her, a good portion of that made to disappear by the time he returns with the hot drinks. Given an option, she'll go with the tea. Tea is good. Tea is life. Brow knitting, then, she looks down, trying to remember the words... words. Damn it, why do they have to be so confusing? Give her a moment... ah, there it is. The word she was looking for. "Was..." There's another pause as she has to yet again fish for the correct word to use. "... curious?" The last is spoken in the form of a query, her way of asking if she picked the right one to use or not.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake blinks. "Curious? That's a new one. Oh here... " He reaches into his nightstand and returns with a roll of bills. "There's fifty grand here, since you helped me get away fro Alchemax... in your own addled fashion."

He sits too and begins eating.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Money? Really? What would Cass need with that? Shaking her head, she puts her hand out, palm facing him, and she utters, "No." She's all for delving into the darker side of heroics at times, but she is pretty such Batman would not be pleased if she were to take money for helping someone and she'd really rather stay on his best side when possible. Poking the tines of her fork into the eggs, she adds, "Good," that along with her smile conveying her enjoyment of breakfast.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake watches her eat and finally says, "Two questions, What do I call you and ... are you here to make love? No insult no foul but I get that a lot and if so I need a shower. If not by all means enjoy the nbreakfast." He gets up to get more coffee and points to the tea kettle quizzically. "More?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Tea's drank, eggs everything eaten and then she's rising, going to take her dishes to the sink. Thomas lucks out as she actually washes everything and sets them out to dress. His questions are largely ignored although she does give him a name to call her by. "Cass." She moves towards the door and then pauses, her nose wrinkling slightly. "Thank you." She quirks a quick smile his way. "See you later." Poor Blake. She isn't exactly the best conversationalist so there'll be no chatting over a second cuppa. Seems he's just been used for a quick meal at the same time she checked him out.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks down at the money left on the table and the vanishing figure. "What the hell just hapopened?"