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Latest revision as of 03:43, 21 May 2020

The Vision Returns
Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Front Yard
Synopsis: Power Girl welcomes a 'Victor Shade' to the Mansion.
Cast of Characters: Vision, Karen Starr

Vision has posed:
The setting sun casts it's red glow across the city with a peaceful feeling that the time to rest is near. The crowds walk around from one place to another and have yet to diminish in size. While most of the crowd moves in front of the mansion, one white man makes his way up towards the mansion. He's dressed in a light blue button up and pressed pants. He holds no bag and his expression is lacking in much emotion. He holds no bag and looks simply like he's been out for a walk around the block.

Karen Starr has posed:
    The mansion is, overall, having a quiet day. The crowds outside do as they do, and there are plenty of people waiting in the wings at the fringes of the property to take pictures of any Avengers that might be exiting or entering the mansion proper. They're public enough that there are always something akin to citizenry paparazzi, looking to sneak or just brazenly take what they can- it isn't, necessarily, a problem.

    However, they get what they wish- despite that they were ignoring the pale man making his way to the door, as soon as the door opens, the cameras are out and ready- stepping free, the only Avenger as yet whose identity isn't public steps out into the courtyard of the mansion, making her way forward. She raises a brow as she spots the approaching man, with whom she's unfamiliar. In a few strides, the caped heroine Power Girl is standing in front of this approaching erstwhile citizen.

    "Hey there. What brings you to the mansion?"

Vision has posed:
Stopping at the voice coming out and towards Vision, he makes a half step more directly to face her and gives a slight dip of his head, "A pleasure to meet you miss. My name is Victor, Victor Shade." His hands remain still at his side and his focus seems utterly locked on hers. The slightest smile, some slight warmth that comes out of him in limited measure, "I had been planning to stay a few days in the city and anticipated seeing at least a few friends at the residence." His voice is slightly stilted in its general tone throughout his conversation.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen pauses for a moment, setting her hands on her hips. There's sort of an unspoken understanding from her- years of heroing in not one, but two universes have given her this sixth sense, to a degree. She doesn't know who Victor is, but she has an idea of why he's here. Nodding along, she half-turns back towards the mansion.

    "I see. Who were you planning to meet? Not sure if they're here right now. I go by Power Girl." she states, offering one hand to shake, firmly. "Why don't you come inside? At the very least you can wait for them there."

Vision has posed:
Vision looks towards the mansion before returning his focus back on the woman, "I suppose there are several of them but if Mr. Stark or Mr. Rogers were about, that might help. Of course I suspect Mr. Stark is more likely to be absent." He tilts his head to the side as he seems to take in the woman for a moment, "I don't believe you were here at the last opportunity I had to be in town, is it fair to assume that you're a recent arrival?" He does, at this point move beside her and offers out his arm to her if she wishes to take it, "You are quite correct, the mansion would be a more desirable place to wait for them."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl had offered her hand to shake, but when Victor doesn't take it she looks, momentarily, perplexed- but not offended. Still, she's nobody's arm candy, and despite that it likely wasn't his intent, that's the reason she doesn't take his arm. Instead, she lets her arm sit at her side for a moment, before turning fully towards the door. Taking those few steps, she opens the door back up for the both of them, before stepping aside to let the man enter first.

    "I wasn't. I'm newish here, myself. As for Stark and the Captain, they're not here at the moment, but they're usually not far away. Wait long enough, and they're sure to come by." Noting this, hopefully Vision has made his way inside, because she'll insist he goes first, before following him in, and closing the door.

Vision has posed:
No offense appears to have been taken by Vision and with the door held open, he makes his way into the mansion. The clicking of his shoes against the ground can be heard until he's on one of the rugs. Along the way in, he looks to her as she speaks, nodding his head at the mention of the pair being gone, "I expect that they are seldom at the mansion for long then but it is good to know that, regardless, they do still return." A momentary pause in his words allows the shift in topics, "It's good to see the Avengers continuing to expand, how did you happen upon them, if I can inquire."

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's a nod or two from Karen, who folds her arms and makes her way over to a chair in the foyer, setting herself down. Once she does, she hooks one leg over the other, and gives this little shrug. "Yeah, they'll be here eventually, probably won't have to wait long." she offers, one brow raising. She's still slightly suspicious of the person she's let into the mansion, but she's also confident enough that even if there's ill intent, she can handle it.

    "Well, the Avengers are famous enough. Came down, threw my hat in the ring. They accepted it, after a time. That's really all there is to it."

Vision has posed:
After a moment of standing near the chairs, Vision sits down with a slow movement, a touch stiff, and rests his hands on his knees initially as he sits there, "Tony does have a certain ability to find the right people from what I've observed." At this he moves his leg to cross over the other, not exactly as she had done although the end result is somewhat similar. With his leg crossed over the other, he folds his hands in his lap and keeps focused on her, "A varied set of instruments in the right situation can often fix any problem. Undoubtedly, your skillset has proved move invaluable at various opportunities and will continue to prove so." There's a moment, a pause where he seems to be considering with some hesitation, "Has there been any loss from the Avengers of late?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's a mild hiss that she lets out at that, offering a shake of her head. "Eh, can't really go into detail, don't think it'd be wise, but aside from some bumps here and there, everyone's still around and kicking." she notes, offering another shrug to punctuate. "I tend to find my skillset is pretty invaluable, yeah." Pushing planets around, making a mockery of the speed of sound, these are all things that can definitely be seen as particularly handy.

    "But, really, what brings you to the Avengers? I don't wager you've got an emergency for us, but I don't wager on a lot of things. Any business we need to take care of?"

Vision has posed:
There remains that rather serious and studied expression on Visions face as he listens to her, "I see, I do hope nothing too severe with regards to the others." And there does seem concern in his voice but it's rather masked as well, holding back if there is emotion trying to creep out.

Then, at the question about his own business, he seems to hesitate. His mind seems to be grappling with some point or another, "No emergency." And then he seems to consider further, "I had, at one point been an Avenger myself but I find that I am not quite certain of my own current status." The moment of confusion passes and his sheltered smile returns, "There's always something on the edge to learn about and that is a delight itself."

Karen Starr has posed:
    There is a thrumming noise, as Power Girl considers the words of this man she's just met. "Nothing too severe, especially in the context of what we do. Still, there's plenty in the news about it." she offers, rolling her head to the side for a moment.

    "Well, if you're an Avenger, former or otherwise, let me be the first to welcome you back. The others will handle the particulars, but unless your absence happened to be a criminal spree of robberies and murders, I'm sure that there's no formerly about it. Stark and the Captain will handle the rest. I'm sure everything'll be fine."

Vision has posed:
Vision does not even hesitate to shake his head at Power Girl's comment of criminal spree, "No, I've not been a participant of any unlawful activities." This is met with a momentary pause and then a smile gradually forms on his face, seeming as though he is now catching onto something." He uncrosses his legs and says, "I wonder if you might excuse me for one moment to take care of a matter for a brief moment." He moves to slowly stand to his feet.